~(~-® t3 f3 ~ ~ ~ ~
<br />prier to eatry of a judgment enforcing e2»s Mortgage if: (a} Borrower trays Lender al} sums which would be then due under
<br />this Mortgage, the Nate and antes sacureng Future Advances, if any. had no acweration occurred; ft,} Harrower cures all
<br />breaches of any attter covenants ar agreements of Borrower contained in this Mortgage; (c} Borrower pays alt reasonabk
<br />expenses incurred by [,caller in enforcing the coxenants and agreements of Borrower contained in this Mortgage and in
<br />ettfarcing Lender's remetties as provided in paragraph tR hereof. including, bat not limited xv, reasonable attorney's fees; and
<br />{d; Borrower takes svth action as LetMer may reasonably-require to assure that the lien of this Mortgage. Lender's in%erest
<br />in the Prapeny and $armwer's obligation to-pay the sums secured by this Mart¢age shall continue unimpaired. Upon such
<br />payment and crtr+e by Borrower, this Mortgage-and the ebtegations secured hereby shalt remain in full fame and effect as if
<br />rte aceelcrateon had occurred.
<br />2B, Assi~umeat of $;»~ Appainttmnt of Receiver, Lender is Posussion..4s additional security hereunder. Borrower
<br />hereby assigns to Lender the reins of the Property, provided that Borrower shall. prior u. acceiertion under paragraph 1S
<br />hereof or abandonrnen% of the Property, have the right to collect and retain such rents as they txcome due and payable.
<br />Upon accelttatior: under paragraph 18 hereof yr abandonment of the Prnpertp. ixnder, in person, by agem or by
<br />judicially appointed receiver, shat! he emitted to enter upon, take possession of and manage the Property and to collect the
<br />rents of the Property, including these past due. Aii rents collected by Lender ar the receiver shall be apoieed first to payment
<br />of the costs of management of the Property and collection ui rents, including. but not limited tn. receivers fees. premiums on
<br />receiver's bonds and reasarabte attorney s Fees, and then to the sums soured by this Mortgage. Lender and the receiver
<br />shall be liable to account only for those rents actaaHy received.
<br />21. Fhtture Advaares. Upon request of Burrower. Tender. at Lcndci c option pear to release of this Mortgage. may
<br />make Futum Advances to Borrower. Such Future Advances. with interest thereon, shall be secured by this Mortgage when
<br />evedetteed-by promissory notes stating that said nntes~ are scarred hero$y. At nn ume shall the principal amount of the
<br />indab[edness secured by this Mnrcgage. oar including sums advanced in accnraanec herewith [v protect the security of this
<br />Mortgage, exceed the oriflinai amoum of the Nntc aloe L'SS.. ~,aaa,oo ...-....
<br />23. riehttue. Upon paymem of ail sums secured by this lldartgage, lender skafl ~3ischarge this Mortgage without
<br />shat°~;e ie &isrowsr. Hvlrrnws<r aha1E pay ati ~zstc of recvrd;uion. ~; :rtry^.
<br />ix t~trrt€s~ ~lt%gaz:d€, HatTOxter bas executed this 49ortgagc.
<br />^"'~^., ,,~ Reed-Rdti7:Sdttities
<br />tt. Risth, a nartn~r I)d¢tif~F. Rdth, a
<br />S, Reed, a partner T'recious A. Reed, a partner -'"c"~`
<br />STATE OR NEPRASBA......HEuL ......................... ... Gotmty SS:
<br />t]n thee.... /.`.........day a#~.. t7ctdber..... tt) 84... Ir_•fare tae. the uotiersigned, a Notary Public
<br />dtri}° cesmrtteasiurncT atrci quatlifted far said county, (zersnnall} .amt:. ,Tama~.s ll, ttaxn. -a .e~rt apd. i>o~ .F, Roth,
<br />a txaf~°txnatt:.asd..i153aet; .a , . Raer€. a .pa~nsr.,. and . Precians . A .. S,~cz .a i>atr%.ttc.TM of ~m'i~f~ e~tit4~t{'~i~i'a .
<br />6dentis~E i`trss±a{s1 ,.vTtc~e natn:•tsi ;ire su}xscretxd ;. the G~rcgtzenE; :;ttrutncnt ansf :rckcn>w?;t3ged tht exeeurion
<br />n„~ z;}i te; ,.: ..`_`.~... _ . ~s,.tar. at~; ° - -~:i. - c. "b~ :.~a.rn'::t.~- ... nd d~~ ~,a :..~. ~ R~d~
<br />~iir=~~~ g5 ~.,d err: .E ..m,~i ~~ai a, .. -fi'~:'~ , .~,r 4. . _ .. ............. ru ,.at ci,unec, ti;~
<br />Garr,€t :tit;..-s=ai-d~ - ~ L ga*.^.^. ECttiti~~
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<br />-. i~ILftwttAati~W yoterv nvoi~c
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<br />~swec ae.aw rn,s r~;,n r~aartrau rr, ~,-~*~e~ rsn~ txr._u~us,;
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