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$(CP(~5$12 MCO~iTiGAGE <br />T`€[dS ?r3L3F2"I'z°s.~{}£ is tnade this.......... `,~` of...OcYP .................. <br />i9.@4., ,'tetwecn rite Mortgtcgnc,Reed-Roth,Eguttfeat.~. Fa34:ttershiP ......... ........... ..... <br />..... . ................................ therein "HOrrower"). and the Mart Ccstsrt~ia2 >aederal <br />gages ................... <br />.'bt1$~. ;3. A,stsgcia~ion . . . . . . . ....... . ........ ..., 2 ccsrporrtion atganized and existing <br />undet'thc laws u#. M~~ka ................................ zvhase addr~c is.4501. ~od~e ,Street.... . <br />.~#~s- ~tl~.~}t#k4...68132 ............................................ (herein "Lender"). <br />Ws€Re~cs. $urrtrwer istndehted to Lender in the princiiZat cam of..S~?~Y. t~+~~ ~f1©q---_---- <br />___.._.._~>____... -'_'~Y6e7i0~U,ot}~ _ „ _ Dollars, vrlrich indc6tedness is rviderteeti by Bo: rower's note <br />dated..4t:~i~~?r.../~... _f 9t}Q ... (herein "Ycrtc"j. prnvidirtp for monthly inxta}iments c>f principal seed interest, <br />with the balattre of the indehtedne~u, ii rH±t s<xtnes paid, etas end payable on..'Etsrch . i. _ 2D~6 ............ . <br />To S€cus~ in finder (at the repayment of the indebtedness evidenced by the Nate. with inteaESt thereon, the <br />paytttent of sit other sums, wins interest rltereon, advanced in accordan:c herewith to protect the secttritu of this <br />Mt9rt-#tYC_. 2nd the performance: of the ca+ru"nants and a~regrttemc of Ltnsrcw~_r hn:n~in ~•~t4;, tea, a;vr (!,, .r._ ,~~~ „~° <br />of.any future advtntces, wi[It in[ereat thereon„ aerate trz f3crrrstwax by Lcttderc pmmrtmm~t ttn paragraph'?1~heraof (heneitt <br />""'Prmrre Audvattrces"). Httrtawer does hereby mortgage, grant canucy tr7 Lender tlhe fstlicawinig described 'prapeniy <br />hxscted in the Catmtjr oC. tf~~ t .................................... . State of Nebraska: <br />Ldt P,ttta D:pviwle ft Secgttd Stth~d.ivzsiatx in t3rte Ci°Ly of Gmattd TB.LatHd, Hall Ccstttttg, it~eRtraska. <br />whit has tke address of.. 91~-.es12. If~f'. F,et;st .Ii3t:r`k ........... . ... . Gz't+stit .d+ic~t=iv, <br />t~tr~rs ~,:,! <br />:tte&a ...h8~¢3. , ....... (herein ""furups:riy Adtitek "); , <br />teats ar+d Zip cagsl <br />`ps'is"+-~-:Fiett with 2fl tI~tmpro~c+antnts two ..r h:•reattt°r crrctrd on thr en>lx!t~. aa,l ::.1 i:r_•an:c`nt^,, rzght,, <br />;iypurtC€tdt~cs, rents, royalties, rrtittrtal, csil uud ras rigftis an~i !?r<afits, w2ter, wa!ez r:~,hts, ~ziJ wst.t .i.,:k.:v;t:i ai! <br />fixtur~.°s now or heteefiCt aths;d to thv ; roLsrtg, at! c+f which, ittelustinr t~plxe; :ur:aa~ asi', aucSiz,iett< tl:rr,tc,_ ~h:c1i <br />ctectt~~,l tt, ~a anti retnaltt a part of tttr iztsapcriy 4uvcrr~ by this Mort~a~~, :tnJ a;: ,,. ,lt, [~>:k> „enF, tz,t;r.tizt z wtth .a:,i <br />prF?y (o; sxsehc~d ss".2n if !h[~ AA.~t~! i,,,a a l,.^x„l:a~l1) ere hbrc;n zt~;;c,i n, s tt~; ~'r~r„t,n~tf: <br />&artu~rz;r ccs,eenatttx Iltgt Fiosn*wca' ,s ?ztrs:uilr seixal a:l the k.,t2t:. t*ers€,~~ E,,,,<<4,.1 .; r.J ..._t ;±r< <, i ~-. r+.n~- - ut*c <br />,grant attsi etayvcy the Pt~.pettp, ghat the Praper?r_ is stncaesatttt~:retl, :t;zu that 13eus,±tcce :a;ii w:,rr~ni ..!z~ ,Iafend <br />?ertrraify tfx this: t=z irtr progcety agai*ist aii e?sin:, ar.1;t r u:;~: kFe.t,,:za„or:-.:...~,,,: nfs ,=r .ttr<:t;,3n: <br />!i<+t~d itt a Sclie~e-lUl:; iz" cis=Ypiienx fz, t`ssref~~,~~ ua any i , ifi.ut:t . ` h.-. ~t:., , , _, ,.~ ~ z:~r..~ ., the PrarYa,~ <br />~~ - ._ a yr -. -.. r-_€~&; €Yu. ?~ Erat=uR:~i <br />