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V' :.~~A <br />prier to entry o€ a Judgtnemenforcing ihsa Mortgage if ta) Borrower pays Lender all sums which would be then due under <br />this Mttttgage, tire-Nara-ar€ii notes-seturittg Futim Advances, if env. feed tto acctktrarion occurred: ta) Bonown -.area a!3 <br />bmadxs of any athtr covttrartts or agrettratits of Bonawer caniained in !Iris Mortgage: (cT Borrower pays ale rtasttaabk <br />expenses incurred by finder in enforcing the covenams and agreemtnis of Borcower contained in this Mortgage and in <br />enforcing fxntkPs remedies as }rravidtd in paragraph 1 R hereof, ierefuding, but not Limited to, reasonable attortrty's fees; and <br />(d3 B6rrowror sakes such eerier as !.ender may reasonably regain! [a assure that the tiers of this Mortgage, Ler[der's interest <br />in ilia Property attd Barratvtr's obligation to pay the stems secured by this Mortgage chalk continue unimpaired. Upon sock <br />payment and curt by-f3orrowcr, this Mortgage and-the obligationx secured hereby shall retrain in fake force and effeU as if <br />era atse#'trstion had occurred. <br />~ Aatetst of Rests; Appakatmpst of Reeehror. i,eeder m Paden. As additional security hereunder. Borrower <br />hatE6y assigt>_s to Lender the rents of the Property, provided that 8arrawer Shall, prier to acceieration -under paragraph t g <br />hereof or abandonment of six Property, haze the right to ceilect and retain such rents as they }aecarnt due and payabk. <br />Upon aeceieraiian uadtr paragraph €N hereof ar abandonment of tht *tapeny, fender, m person, by agent or by <br />judicially appo€nred receiver, shat! be zntidcd to enter nprnt, take pnsussion of and manage the Property and to cokkeet [fie <br />rents of the Property, inchtding [base past dbe. .4€! rents collected by f.endar or the txctiver shalt Fx applied firsx to payment <br />of ?ire costs of management of the Praptrxy and collertkon of rents, inckuding. but nm kimited [n, reetiver s fens. premium; on <br />r.,eciver's-bands and raawnabk attartxy's fete. and thin to [he Sucre secured by this Martgags. [.ender and the receiver <br />shakk ere kiafrk io amount ordy far share rents acttiaUy rerxivtd. <br />2I. Fatutr Fidvaseee. Upon request of Borrower. Lender, at k.emier's nptian prier to rcleax at this Mortgage, may <br />snake Future Advances in Bamrwer. Such Ftrum Advances, with emcees! therein, shalt be secured by [his Mertgage when <br />tvidenct^d by promissory notes stating sire! case! !rates are secured ktereby. .At no ume shat! the principal amount of the <br />irfdebtedtuss secured Uy this Mortgage, imx it[cittding sums advanced in amerdanxe herewith to protect ttre stttrrity of this <br />Mnrta~s trued tlp crigitt~k at~tsnx of the 1•#yt mess :otSv. ("'. ~.? ~i. ~{' . <br />22: Rtdaaas. Upwt payment of akk sums secured by this Maitgage: lender shale discharge this Mortgage without <br />,char. to. Biatrowtt. Borrower shake pay akl cesams of rstordatinn, i; any, <br />fnt Li'7 ~ ~ E+oP, Sarrawer Tits !secured this [~iartgagc. <br />~.~ ^.^"'~\ /I•! :<st~ed- sth k;tks€ititas <br />U, Rnzhe e gartraer atiTtnwk u'". `i:€a Ci:, ,;[ patrt:nei ~~ ~~_aorroaer <br />5. tutees, a ~:~rtner itwciot.k A. F.:eEe, <br />$iATE OP NE81tA&KA....::•?i:,t- ..................... . . . . .. . .... . .. CLtlllttY sS: <br />CA¢ eh~.... ~.~~....... ° .day crf..'vcte~,er „ . , . - .. tet~~° - -. k+~tsa€t net, t1~ undtrsigtrtxL a Nist~ry Pukkit: <br />duke camtttisskurxxl and gttalif~ for said coumy, tscrs,madke 'amt. ,T+a~=e.~ ~;ri .r +~xzaa[r.-~tat,.uoax[:~ ~t'k, <br />a rax°Zitk~..3zaci,,~Etgtq.° ,S,.tar~tk.,..a.;rrskzl'tax.+.3.aL..,.,k^€t~,w;.+tt~k ak.s,w .a.;arU.~>:`;'tatik)ttlk~Fnbt'`tl"_'. <br />ikii'8! pxrxtrntt+! w%; nau~{r,} arc suk±sctibxd to ilex fsire~~ndng„nttsttument aua €tcLnawktdgtd the eattcutian <br />s~t~rC5n~3ir ~ ~ _ .r~%tt i.s~. _ .. _ ...vaktFrtt-33rd ~C# S'ttM ~~°5.,~ t: a~~ ~.a c. us.., ear ~ ~r~. t. pu .i el;7 ~:"_tr -S r~r~ ~_ ~•_~~:~- <br />ik,(tt.esa my ?ttttns errs at~anak sea~k at- ~'~otiaa..>,~.~.~._ .............. .. ... rs ,~s~~stirix~_g'~j~, T <br />~tt€ afc3.said;. <br />i~»r <br />,~-~ <br />tpvtary runt,c <br />+~ 1 <br />4%DKCe aa*ae t3at:.~n! MsNf.1At eve !screen ins k4cur.~nr, -~-.•~w <br />