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<br />klt~lt T~ <br />r~t~~tze~.t RAZE t~RTGASE <br />In cannecLion with the Renegotiable Rate Pbrtgage executed by the <br />undersigned tiorrower and of eMen date herewith, Borrower and Lender <br />hereby agree tcs the fallowing add#Nona1 provisions: <br />transfer of Property; Assuegtian. !.ender shall waive <br />its option flo accelerate under paragraph i7 hereof if {1) prfor to <br />such sae or trasts:er Barr+~es nati`ies Lender of the propassd <br />tratssact#on and sees that Lender is given any #nfbrmation it ~y <br />request in order m evaluate the person to whom the peroperty is being. <br />sold ar transferred, ~(Z} Lender ~tet^~nines, in its sole discretion, <br />that assu~ttlon of trite loan 6y the Proposed purchaser or transferee <br />will neat standards of crP~titworthiness and security which are acceptable <br />to it, which standards shall, insofar as +~ey be practical, be Lhe sane <br />tr*+et'iti~t4 5t~tdards as are Lit applied by Lenc~r in canrtection with <br />m~aicinQ a new loan, (3) the person to wltaai the property i5 to be Bald ar <br />tr~~'~d exarcutes a wri !ten a5su~tian agr+aenNant acca~pt~d i n wri ti rtg <br />by i-3` BtYd d~~&a~t tti p+ay CBns~r'5 rtor~n~t11 canv~entfonal Toatn ass~tpti4n <br />. a [~) ?~ aver ~i~-ui ~.3 exist under *_he ~lartgage or the 'ate <br />:'~ <br />ses,red „feer~y. _ <br />~"' Ci)!lll:i~~0. ft:t3ERAL SAYIN65 & LOAM i.; .~ „„F~"'''ie u. ''r_'c;~ <br />} ~ ;cn r~ ' F;.~h~ <br />~t t. <br />T'r,a~~;r~ua Ref:( <br />~~~~ <br /> <br /> <br />t <br />