8(3.~ ~} f} 5 811
<br />Lender's written agrgetneri or applicable law. Borrower shaft pay the amount of zll mortgage insurance premiums is the
<br />manner provided under paragraph Z hereof.
<br />Any amounts disbursed by !.onset pursnani to this paragraph 'r, with interest thereon. shad become additiarat
<br />indebtedness of Harrower secured by this Mortgage. Unless Harrower and Lender agree ro other terms of payment, such
<br />amounts shat: be payabFe aeon notice from Under to Barrowtr regatesting payment thereof, and shall hear interest frnm the
<br />date of dishursrmenE at the rate payable frnm time to time an atrtstanding prin.,^ipat under the Note unless payment of
<br />imereet a! such ratz wautd be contrary to applicable }aw. in which !vent Bach amounts shall }rear interest at the higtlest rate
<br />pzrmiasibie under appficatste }aw. TFoffiing cantaitred in this paragraph i shall require Lender to incur any expense ar take
<br />any action tezrevttdei.
<br />S. irrapectpwr. Lender may make or cause to be made reasonable znrries upon and inspections of the P,-aperty. provided
<br />that Lender shalt give Barawzr rratice prier to an}' arch inspecEian <petifying rzascrnable cause therzfnr related to Fenders
<br />interest in the Prcperty.
<br />9. Coademwatiow, ilre pratetds of any award nr claim fnr damaees. direct er consequential. in connection with any
<br />condemnation ae erther taking of the Prapert}•, or part thereof, ur far cnnvcyance in lieu of tondemnatian, arc herehy assigned
<br />and shaft }re paid to Lender.
<br />in the erxnt of a tarot taking of the Property. the prex~eeds shall ere applied to the sums secured try this Mortgage.
<br />with She excess, if any. paid in Bormw•er. In the event of a partial taking of the Property. ;mless Borrower and Lender
<br />athMx~isr execs ir: w-ririrn, there <haR to applied to the cum. <rcnred try this Mortgage such pmpartion of the proceeds
<br />ax is equat to that prapnrrian which the amount of the surn< secured tn' thrs ltnrtgage immediate}c prior [n the date of
<br />taking Mars to the"air market value of the Property immediately error to the date of takin¢, with the 6aiance of the proceeds
<br />paid to Hormwer.
<br />if the Prnperty is abandoned by Barrawer, ar if,. after notice by !.ender v: Rrvrower that the condemnor afters to make
<br />an award or szttit a Maim far damages. Burrower faits to respond rn Lender within 30 da}< after the date such notice is
<br />maitzd, Lender rc authariszd to collect and apply tke prc+ceed<. at Lender i option. rittier to restaratiun or repair of the
<br />Property nr m thz sums secured hs~ this Rtorfgage-
<br />Uniess Lender and Harrower atherwtsz aarrz in writing. env nxh appHcatinn of prtxezds to principal shag not extend
<br />err postpenne the dye date of the monthly instattmemtx~ rcfrrnd to in pnraFg,raphs t and 2 he~seaf ~,r change the amount of
<br />such instalments.
<br />IB. Borrower 'Vol Rrkased. f-vtznstnn of the time far parm¢nr ,?r rretatdi&taYit?n of amt: riiration of the sums secured
<br />by this llfatigage grunted by Ltudrr to env successor in torte!-st ++€ Borrowers' shalt oar r+por•atc !ea reirasr, in any manner,
<br />fht'~ Fat>;tity is! the originaE Harrower and~Barnrwtr'v sau:~cssorn En intcresrt- t~r^ndtr <halt nut he teyuireel to commoner
<br />prcrtzedimgs against such sptccessor or ret>r:e to extend tznu far paynscnc urr nvXren<-rr mir9ifx- amarti~ation of the sums
<br />...Sez;ured by Itris Mcuttgagt by mason of any dem:tml made ley •he :nrig;inal FRcrrrawrr artci. R„rr.?wer's <uccessars in interest.
<br />it.. Forlect {g• Gender Yoga Waiver. :3 n+' ftrnc~aranee h,: }..cnrlt^~,r rn cxerersing any rgtrt err remt:rty hereunder: or
<br />~erttirrwiae afforded by apprteahle taw, shall not he a waiver n~~i c+n pmrapazalr thXr r:xercaac a+f env rvuch right nr remedy.
<br />"!`he procurement of imurance ar the paytttem s>f tarts or ether I;eas „r .heroes f+r f ender chat! oat he a waiver of Lender's
<br />-;tight to aetzlerate the mantrity of tare indcbrcdnzs< .there+! t,5~ th+< ~tort¢ace
<br />IL Idame~es C~alat[se. A}t remeduw pray?dzd :r= rhi, hl arigagr am distinct and cumulative w env other right nr
<br />romezt nndtr tfii< Mortgage or atferded by r:rw +,r .ataty. an<S may trc tcerc:<ed :ontrtrrrntiv, independzntly nr sncccssively.
<br />43. Sateeirmss aad :isrdgt~ $:naad; .taint uad Several 1.iatriHtg: Caption. The ,overrarHS and agreements herein
<br />contarned shalt !rind, and the rights hereunder +hall mum n.+. ~hr re<pe: a<c ,ucnunr< and as+igns of fender and Rarrawrr.
<br />subjeza to the pms•isions of paragraph !? trtrcnt Ali cavrn:rnts and .rzrccmenh of Horrower <hai4 !,t jn:nt and cevrraL
<br />lire t~eptiuna atad ht:zditrgs trf the R?ar:u;raph, of tFJs 1t;,rtgaavt^ a,_ .. .,,-rn*~nc:c .•nh' and ae not t„ he n<ed m
<br />inter, ~t ar define the pra:rs.a :; h.-rte€.
<br />t4, NMite. t?acxpt far any rM3tKe re~uieed under appticahir- leis trs err: ¢ivrrr :n ~~arokher manner p.t) env notice to
<br />Rr:rn+uer prrrvided far rn rhf_s Martgagt shalt tx ewcn I+ir marline, ~•tn:h nrnror ht. c'crntltd rr:ut addres~td to Rurrrrwer at
<br />ihc, Pt{pzeiy Adtirec< or at sur;:h rxhsr addtet= as B+'.rt~rovrcr !nay dzwerr,rrvc nv --,lr>c tc? t_erdcr as arcvidad herein. and
<br />fb% env ris?t!ct to t en-:See shalt F~ =.vEn kv _.ertrPtcaY r,.,.a,3 ret•rr„ +.~egtsested. !+, f a d=r',. address states Yrrrcuz ur to
<br />>uckr +:uhrr address a5 Letrtler .raE :iz<agn3ti h: ,:nut:. t;r Borrx e r tree<rdcl 1 «re+.:. Ane rt r.>tt.:e prrvvtdtd for +rr this
<br />_. p _
<br />"~,.erry ,}>~.+, ~ ..~:,,,-.~ ... _ .~~ +.. , ~,,..:,. . , } : o .: h:.: .,. € ..:a -a-... '~_ ,rfi? her
<br />kS~y L;ail~`aem }Hotifaiye; t'ioverniwg t.aw: .ievrratrRlt}. ~ ni, r, fnr +l rra~a,ttga,Rtc ,:+mn~ncs +rifn'rrm :zwtn~sm ~ for naiirrniat
<br />t,`a'. 1 ,,. _.. + s. a... _ ..vr _ ~~:~+t a. ,h. e+ ,,. _ _ _ as _ r. - _ LL _ +~t~f3., .. .,ic.5'L;
<br />,~ n •°[•tY. Y ~s.~~ 5. i! h --~ ~# ,__ h 1 __ __ h~ - _ .__ .:h ..= p._~~ _ _ ~ the
<br />zs'rn[ tell>a»1 pet+rr3rott or thane :H [ht< ll7t±rig;tgts +>r the !~,~tc +n{[r. t, ,+ith appln:ahle law. ,n<h :umfiel <hat! n•rt r'a11rt1
<br />uthtr proerslanv of thz~ Mortgage :,r nc~ flute whrth ,an lx: Er v,-n cfte.,; .+ith,+rn the :.+niu.:t itrtt prno~i<icrar, :+nd to this
<br />tad the pr,>v isiuen of she Mortgage and the w'.uc ., rr declared t+= i,r .everahtr
<br />t3. Ewrrevt+tr r; Copy. Rarer s.+wer -.hart t%' fr;rn:khr,t •e ..;mic,rrncd ,op,+ „l the -'sere an.F .:f th+. Mortgage at the time
<br />+>( =_sc8uti-rir ar a!t>:e arv:urdatian lretxtirf- -
<br />FS. •F~er of the Fyopr;tY: Atasseaptioa. 1f alt c>r an; .r,trt <+€ the Pr«xrty nr mr :ntrrzft thtrzur it xutd t,r transferrzd
<br />by &?rruwet wit}u>rn Le»der'x pow wnuen ,.thrum. r<.Iudmg :3~ ~hc ~reuuen ++t ., 1;err nr ena,rnhraoet ,ehordinatt t„
<br />itiiy >i'.la?zig9&r:. ibi t>rc t - u „ - - . - .,...,, ,,, .,• - +,: - +:IS nt,tzt::u.. r4: ~ o ur.~iac.
<br />distant ;er t'-y uptr atiatr art Raw upor. the -nsENt ...r ,-`- , .•,:t.+..: ,! , .. Kra ., act+#ro}d imc,e,. t , there tears t,r less
<br />itMf tat+laining +n option =_;, pe.relra~'. t_crtrkn tree}. at t ender `, „}?kretr. dt:?arc alt t}re rams <r,,;;+red he i9ns )longage !n ta:
<br />rnrznedfatrly due: am3 ~yabid } tnric•r ~<hx}; ha,e ,.a+ted ^,+::h optnon r„ .r.:<errtratc +1. prior to the +afe ,rr transfer. t cn<kr
<br />and thz per+in. sr- ',:kt;.-r: the P~~,eris -- ,., ~ ,<, - rr e*anstcrrcd rzait, .ogre -- +~ that the <re,i+i - h pcru,r+
<br />iR satisSactary to !ender and that the inttrcvt pa5'ahtt +,n rite wnr> +„rv ured In this !+tortgage +hall tx ut sorb rate as ! znder
<br />Shalt rrgtzcs! If Lttxter has waived tier npUn~.m to accaYeraie providi:d !n Ous paragraph 17 anti a Nor ntwtr'+ +u,:,:essur in
<br />rntert+t }ray zaz~-rsted a •a<rraen zr~t~npttcsr a,ptt~r,'•sr. t ar. retort }n rt: itr;rt; by } zudzr. [ etn}zr ,}ra;t reSeasc Boerrxer from art
<br />oAFigaetonS i5ndzr this .t+ie}tigagr and ets><'vatr.
<br />if t,ettder caeriMrs s:uh option to a~cetztsse_ i e;:.l.-:.halt ru~.t psi r,,..et r.,,t,tc :: . <, r:x+ut,t,.. + ordancc «it}r
<br />paragraph !3 trrrzvt. SSrh natiCC shat! pt`avrdt a (+aru?.i trt nut lca-s !Bran *U day5 (Hurt rht dare the nett«- i>cmuiled wHhin
<br />whiC:r litN-rcrwtt nta} pa9 t!s¢ *.trnrs dzs.tatcd ct,_t. !r tlr, e. .. - u ~: r.a R:r:.s t:. thpr <• , u; r.r.n .•f -:t. It ptrr:+xi.
<br />':
<br />Lrnr~r may, vsi[haart furth$r n t:-.e nr r+- __ +.', a,. l+a :n, i.e i ; to±r- are.. _-rise l < tear .k•-aph t x htre.'<f-
<br />Iti<t.N-R_Itrtk<»t Ra t-ays'c:tdF'tiac llc,rrCrr+'€_ ___~ i ezuFr x- -iu=; _. - _ r,f ,r..s - - e• .,< t, ~±t„v~s
<br />I$. Ae2ektafklttti ~. F.XC•r~ a. pe'ovltir,! tat p><raarntr[a t? hereof. nPrrw Harr»~riv breath of awe rarcaawi +tr
<br />awl of Harrower ~ ! aHe, !~ .-ane~rtatrt-s zu px} eRtea rir~ axf +toncs crcotr~ by ear ~#i„+_gage.
<br />le+r p[1ur He ~ 4{falt teta7g aarica to Iloraessrr as pruvtdrd is paragtagi !# irreut spetitvl t{t tie Arruti;
<br />f1}!Ire ae{{oa rued tw ztaro atrrk biartK t31 a date. woe ket, iteaw Jti da7s !rota tMe date lice watire h tttailest ar Harrower,
<br />raAitlt i tats~t•.h t !~. tad; >~ {;! !'flat faBlue to tmr¢ s hteash era zsr ler[are rite dz~ ~r,3iltd in tLr nottte
<br />ataY t~4w atea~ta!§ttt tYf il~ aa~ srrased #~ t ~IzAtti;.ge, ixxkrle~urs by jz.~lb:la! ~ua~e:33 ~! val€ of tlsx Prttpartp.
<br />I>~r rawa3ett +daRB IutaOrr tafottw Herrowtr o1 fir rlKii ter reitgtatr after a.•crieratiun amt Iir right to asr:trt !w lit fzxetFoaarr,
<br />Irracsaditag tilt aae>tsYtetme+F of a ~ataR ar awl otleer dafeas~t of Hwxower to aetrkratiartt and /arettzxure. t! Itw ietraai
<br />b aai e-a[ad +ra o'r Oelrrra fir dire €Htrisied iw t6a wW3ee. txwdrr at Leader s sppttuw twat decreer a#! st tie szraaa rzcar?-rd it
<br />tiYia art to ire t des acrd pmyatsk witiUlrl Ittrtlltar derrtawd and error furetlztsc iy ~udtcia! ptsutedkeq, f railer
<br />; ors eef~rad to re~Hxtt ~ Streit ~ ~ raget~r of fotcrtldgtt3r, iatia~rry. trot oast It®tiVrd et>k rusts of durarwrwtarr
<br />avFelEaea. ~as~ aad iff3r
<br />• ,:~._.
<br />.,.. ~.-.~._..~-;. ,:.;~. #a .° *.:.,.s,~.tdt-;,~ : ~:•.~ ~::zt.. - - ._ '~ .r,m--, ..sri.r cd by = :r, 9fortgsgc.
<br />rc~.g.yy t`r,:t stn, ~ .~.....7 .. ~ t. f.rcr3C-. 3i?:~. r,~.gar. h; i _....F. t.: t ::, !t: g;~g ct ~.- r-__ uc:; .at a.:m :..+,,.
<br />