80-. ti ~ 5 81I
<br />Uet[FOHat Cavt:rv:+Mts. Barrau~er an[I I.err3er rnvenant and egret as follows:
<br />i. 3`rrprntm a9 Priat aad tatctast. Borrower she}E promptly pay when due the principal of and intertxY on the
<br />indebYSaditess evidtnead bF the Note, prepayment and late charges ax provided ir, [he Mots. and the principaE of and intetes±
<br />::n any Picture Advances secured by this Mo. €gage.
<br />2: Rigs tsar Taws utd Itsavraaee> Subject to applicable Eaw or to a wri[ren waiver by i.rnder, Burrower shah gay
<br />ro Lttfrter sari the day inanthty insiaCEnYttNS cif principal and in[crest are payable under ttce Note, untiE the Kota is paid in fait.
<br />a also (htrcin "I=utsds"} acpnai to an~tvtifth aE the yearly razes and assessnunts which may attain pttarity over this
<br />+9nrtgagt, and grxrtind rents on the t?ttsperty, if env, plus aoe.[wcifth of yearly premium installments far hazard insurance.
<br />plus oaa-iwetflh of yearly premium instafimtnts tvr mortgage inavrartcc, it any, aEl as reasanahly estimated initial}y and Crom
<br />time to timo 6y Lattdet on the bass of assrhrsmtnts and t>dtls anG reasemabte estimstrs thereat.
<br />TIC Fnrtds shag 1q httd in an institution the dtpnsitr; ar a;.counts cf which err insured nr guaranteed try a Federal or
<br />erase agency (itsettxling Ixruier if Itnde-r is such an invitvrion}. t.rndrr ,halt apply the Funds to pay said rases, assessments,
<br />inwrnnet prtmitttrts and goutsd tans. txttder may not charge tar so haldina and aaptym¢ the Funds, analvting said aecounF.
<br />or vtrify`ing and compiling ::aid assessments and hills, unlaxs Lender C+a}'s Barmu°er snterest r+n the Funds and applicabte taw
<br />permits LctWer to make such a charge. t3arrawrr and Ea~nder may agree +n venting at the time of execution of this
<br />Mprtgagc that interest on the Funds shall he pasd to Borrower. and unless such agreement is made ar applicable taw
<br />tttttuires stteh interest to €se paid, Lender shaft oat t+e reyuired to ;r::y B xr+rwer any intrresi ar earnings on the Funds. Lender
<br />strati glut to Burtnw'tr, wiihont charge, an utnnaal acaeus73sng a{ the FtmeBs sh.~wwg .redits and debits [n the Funds and the
<br />`stuposc for which easels deh~it hr the Funds wan made. Fitt Funds :arc pMtdgcd as additsottai security-tar the sums ssxstred
<br />by ttY:s tl4art$age.
<br />Yf ahe amount of the ':Futtris bald Frv }:,ender. tayethrur a^ifh the futvaa monthh' msiatiments of Funds payable prior to
<br />the dtx dates of taxes, axscsYttatnts. ntwrana~e premtums and g:raund rents. shall exceed fhr. amount required to pay said taxes.
<br />assastYYents, tttsurance premiums and gmtand rents as t.Eury }all due. rn;.'h rxctcs shall he. at Barmwer's option, rather
<br />prtsapily repeat to t3nrrowrt or wrtditad to Borrower a,,n ntonthty rnstipldmcros of Funds. If the amaun[ of the Funds
<br />held h9` Lender xhsB scot hp: svEl'h,~nt to pay taxes. axsrflxsrnents. pnnunsae:e premaSms and gnaund rents as they fall due,
<br />HmrrCWes xhall pay to !~„~ttttr anq an=.c trot recxssan' ro :rRe.ke erp ahe. def?cr_ncy within ?6 days tram the date nonce is mai3ed
<br />by Leader to BEarraaret rcgvasnng paymens thcrr'wni'-
<br />Upnn payment in full of aB nrsms sccared la}i thss Ptangauc. !.ender shat! {+romptfy rc,fumi to F3urrowtr xny F"undx
<br />bald' Iry. L:e.nt3er. If reader parss$raph lR hcrro[ rt:e Pnropeny 3c aaald :+r the E'ropx.rtr' =s otherwd;e utquired by I_rnder, Linder
<br />steals appty, no later than tmtttadiattty pricer to the wilt :,f rhx: Fropenv or sr autlu sruan my 1_cnder. any Funds head by
<br />!.Grader' at the tlrne tsf applica:tlan as a crr!ii agaseast the sums rPeturrd by tors Aiongagc-
<br />3. Ada vi ~rtaaw[x. LfnEGSS apnfica3s6e lave- pnwudrn arhencirx. ;dl paymenur rerei+~^c'I hp Lender under the
<br />'tdx~tta aeuk'.}aatagpr.}shs 3 a:tbri ' lurreof steal's tic applarnd by t.errter frt~t ,rt pa yTnerrt ¢a astrrxrrts puya€a!e 'to !..ender by Bora'nvcrr
<br />ussds:r psragnasPh~ 2 }rEreof, than av :neert:;t pavalelm:~..>tr the 4d;te„ thin r+a the prrncipa! of the h+'osa:, anti Then Yu interest arzd
<br />prtrectptsl an any Fvturt Advancts--
<br />4. E'~nt E.ie~. YEt¢ra'owrr roes! ;t:a~} .elf ;., ce,, awat ~uncros m+d ,+rber .berg,',, h;as nrd unposmm~s :atnbutahle to
<br />iha t?rupeny wEtieh may attain a priearny cevrr thrx Hong:agc, .r rid leasehold p.symcnis ,,r ground rents. if any, to the manner
<br />ptxsvic4ed under paragraph 2 P€cruwP or_ :C nw,rt gaud en wcla rruc rarer. h} &nrrow-rr mukme payment when due. dsrtctty to the
<br />payee therraf. Bx~rr=?wnr shtuiE prx'rmptip' Er,r,~n:sh to t.emlrr aft rrc,taccv of ainr.e+trntn ckrr undts Ihrc paragraph. and in the sutra
<br />Borrawat shall make paym~etn drrec~tfs~. B~urnpwer ,hafts. irrdryrtls 'urtv!uha ro Lc-ndrr rerctpts cv!drucrng verb payments.
<br />Burrower s}taE,t prompt!}' dtschas'ge nay I)RGr9, wNucn has N+n~rrrdtp ,.n~rr [hsw M1k•rtgaga. pnrruicd. rh:u flax rawer Thal( riot (x
<br />rtqusrtd to ;L+scha~t any tla~ur.',h 14;"rr so 6nng^.ss };urrcwrr ,h.atf .,pr!•c n ,o~m erut¢ o, the pavrztcnt ,,t the ohheauurr .ecarcd nv
<br />std l~sY i , a awa.~..w, act'«Est-a: t.z I.~c:rdtt. .•, -..a,. ,:: ,~.a !': ,a.th :., .. ~ . rate:,, s., r., _..t: tend ens€-. r.en:vn.:,t ~~-._ n :rep us.
<br />!treat pica atds+kats which apeTa~:te ttlr pr~veni the are¢.rrrer:'urrs ;,,e stir #nrn =;. =art<sunee nt the property ~,r unb part therecrl',
<br />g- lilaram'd I>uansa+tc. M4r2r¢r.'~urt shterl! ;`gip, tlta vat m=earacasr :se:+r c r,~i±r.,g ru' ;?erzat to etdxaed .+n the R"rr,pcrtq insured
<br />a~atmat lcr€c ttv firs„ :hazards a'nra'luasttd sa{ilsa; shsY ;erm u. duRd xt Mst2 , pis trkr ,.this oar«ttds as l ~i*dc+ may rrRirrru
<br />,,, ..r
<br />~~ in ~ ~ ~:rY. -n.~; ,.d _.- =~.>i ~r=.t~ls :. .._retelr. _ _~ .:.. r. , - _.__.. t ~ -! , l -- .t ". ,•... ,t, >. ,r ..a......
<br />stet ti'z_c=-~r [x~ tt!:lu ae3Ax"nst7 r f t.a+ws ,:~...~t„t ,..~.- p.~y, ,f -.:*n? ,t - 4 ~9-„ 1t~_ t,aAry=.
<br />"'~ - .. - '
<br />t,rr¢vnl;r ,.:... a. .~t = _;, .. , e,r ;. .,,~,?d.
<br />rr~ r=.T=.sratt;e ~a.;arr ~ .hx ..._.,a..c ,....I _ 1 , .._,:. '+
<br />tlhyit ~:NUCh upt7ruxr a,l chat! neat ?nN::i:ghp'eauY€XS-rn. ,warfucrcdu, .iii p,;ax~ntnr~pr,, ~ n .~ r; - r P;.nuu .n ds p+a i~J :~, ohc nnunrci
<br />fir=7i r~n'.~-t: ~z'€~'i x Et~3rr<i _. ,.. , a:os! :. .s_ s~ €r;c i . -... _c r ~a -F , kn!- •- ,_ , v,.~.. -. .- c-..,
<br />~.>It ansuraikr {aahsa<n an.l reswwrEv the?u.;l chats to z,~.: t.rrm ,kept atH,• t„ I ::,.ice anal xESaii nr,Fru:e- , ,ta,:,i.aa mongsgr
<br />clarast to favor of sad .ts f,.rnt a .eptahk i,s truster l...reek..= ,ir,,li t.,,.c the right nr h.,ld :Its E,.,Ir.:i,:s and ! rtw a4. thccrr=f.
<br />still BSrfra w€r shat! prranpsfy fvrmsh t.> I-coder rill trraru«ai arrure* ,crd alt rrcrspu ,rt E~:ud i,n•m krus., In ihv c.em u! loo.
<br />BiNrr..EVCr .bait ~t=t prorrtpt rosiics t[. rise +uinc.:.kr ~,.r.tre; nnJ E er>xler r rn,5;~r r, r+takr° nr,,,,t ;•f :;+ss :i ;.,t ;rrmlc pr.,rnE=xlr
<br />Ely l~tPt'YISYekr
<br />CurtMSS La`ra.k_r amt linr[owet vth[rn!~t age e;o m ..rurvg. ar,utnu.'e trr.a+'cr,ts xhail i ~- a,.t+lrrd is srrtor atant ~,t rrpatr ,+t
<br />[he 1'xt'j~rtr .ianm~d. fu.wrdcd pacts rc;toaafa,n .u rc,+lc,e „ .,,-a„rnaaHr a~ilrte ,,:rd :hc ,. nosy ,:1 Rrr. ttangr,gr ,
<br />xwt st±53'9b} iurtrl_ is srtrh -cat.rran..[t ug tepee: rs "=e ,,c.a+>•ti ,.rp 'ravhrc ,- - ,h _ura..,t this Siertga¢x wuuid
<br />l!e :tsspa:re-1 elce ;ns,Jta,a.d~ {z¢rw,:e'arta ;!cart! Err ,.p@'r#+s,i ,i.. a~a,utSS r...;rtr..{ stn, '«f.,t,hamc. ..h he cx.c;x. eE „s,s, l,u+d
<br />to ~.xevnv~r- Et t~ }yrtaptl'!{u a± al'~rn.?orVtd h: &a`.:;ess, ,a ,II it<:;;;,;°krt Ladh~e: ,.wt's>r;d to CenJ.r wdhr., il? dals tronr ;hc
<br />dlxtr ncst~e cs Yna:ried 'ay L.>frnulaa to Bgrtraxrur~era tfildr7 sE*e .r +usatm e~: t. rcr ~ 41 a'ri.. r ulr : ,.inn lu, .rervrnsae nrr aht, f irises
<br />~ aWiiw, rr. sa" «v a~iicee ;anv~ Erfaf ny errse .ns:ws an.:r- pnrcceeus :et Erl: ~rtrJvr-r ,En ia~m .uu.ur , r4s,~.ao rr = r ,us3arr c i the ?r.+tsrr:.
<br />>rr Vu rlw uatuu: s~,uaq~ed' t>} Jiktla; !N&'r;:rlt,gl~r,
<br />LfnLa~sv Inin3er apd B6'M:tiu'aup~y~:r ,eM1d+rf~~+~nnc• ~.IIA Na; .:. ni+uurx, I6d} +,,.Itn ,~,EnOr~a n,~a ~,t {,r.~,.aed., to pr,napai ,hall riot c.ren.l
<br />sdd' f?*: itC^:rr~ t!~ c:n~. dYnc n:i5 I~`Mlh ii1.5AtiiP: ~, n. 7.:N,air~r„-, , .~rr<~...:. tr a.r'~~F:#3 ,i, .... .. t ., ., sr,r~ ~. ..sir. ,.,
<br />sluc$rtimdiuts. Et eraede9Y kN~tLrtkCr:•upikt bES. t:~rer,rt ?hc i`t,?r.~.rty ro s_ r.r:,_t.,Jl Int. 3 z.i.,~,- „ art, ss a _ t . rtx rc^^-i -t 4sci.ro,>•a
<br />tn~ sx~d to xr.t r:bu- 3s~,u (:*.-n.,4Jrs ds ':rv ;.t :;tent, ;.. IJy; ia~n.~s..,t, ,I€s::tc .. ,.,,. , r,.F . ,.-,. ... ., .. ,. .'€.; . ,
<br />ref aG#3rtutSan snalE psslF t4h L:erWl~t .. tree iu n,~,t+-; ~,_, - :; ....~, ,. u. -.I.., - , I E* t _.,. x w.,..r.. ... e. ,-r..
<br />~_ '>~~y-`~ "_>~~_ 't~!#~t:~ =1, I'au~ ~f}: t y~.t,.=#~: -__`';rA.=`"~ r'tQ~~d t.':3it tlistt.,=..,..~.. _
<br />~I k ¢rn pr.~s ¢ri iEf's~`c! ''k; si-~= 4.nW), ? wp ,wt r y.vNa?n „~ u. ,_ iRailn t _ , ~_ r _ .tea-r, .1A,~a_ ut t ~ E . optrrzi
<br />sty share ccnxipiy stub t~ ll~walir r,rwn an lu~4rt ivy r^ .u 6i9:ucaA iglu -~- ern _, _+~- t, ,, „- _ „ .~, ,... -
<br />cPSttteitriztn i*6 a fllsktlu'ar;d: ulltr3 dA. ~ r,z+Ewttl irv,. €sora:_i: -.Ir..!: ~ t r i ... a~Li . ; s3 ,.,..~., ,-7;~,a.,..r.. ._ ,~r ., ..... ..
<br />1=p =.,^-t~aar is ~re,:c"~ i:r tftl'~r°xeeirdaxg tF-a-. .sn:dtr.,,; ..... , € ., .I ---5 ;- ,.... _ ..,~. .a -- -~
<br />crf~sitmk vt p9aaY~leG t,gnl~ stnii<~e5~rh~:de'tltt1 -irr>° ., , ,Ile rr. J;ac,.cr 1.-, ~ I~ ..,-=a,r rte. , - r s..v ,.,,_ .. - ~ • `
<br />rtdar is eAt+"utercl~b}~ Bbttua~cr an,! ,c..rrciesi r,rgc°ther ..,, ~. 43nn5agc, ... ,,., ut, ur,.t aurcent~n:>. .,. - ..+t:~v
<br />f Ete is#-rte osr~> ~.€i >»h,f:, . ,a~;-.sl z. ,. ; tn-.,.r....y`, .. ..~... .. ... ,,..< . , ,. 4i- _- ., ..,~ r
<br />~rw x part ts5r>~tf--.
<br />7a p"r1efRY.'4~R of f.+tlsllit'x 4ecaufly, tt ElrNae•.acr '_:.-, ~ 4'vr r,rvn rise .=~-Sxnann ,<ua ,rgrCrns-:,ss ,,ant a,acri n. .. u.
<br />$'t(ba> or if anj rct:Un ,a4' pract¢~tfsng ;s .r+.nr ..~ [.~h- n RS.,r; e:aiii -.,1te,:. E.en.te-~• •,r -ti :• :.~ :,c E ,E,. r`.,
<br />=arcs*atl ?±trt surf htYUted iv. ~:mvr_o:tM+t dos sa. - -'rxi,i.e;, „rc __ ~-r_.nn,-r-, - :;i. _r.~ - - - .- - -
<br />!%yntaxtpt c*f s,4,~xtlefif, ($~ E.awer at i.,<~sdpr a .:rxa:•n -n „ ..+u,,, i.-... ,.... - ,: nc ,.., ,,.{.-a..,,., r+ .. , ur , ,.~ h
<br />48t1Ftl F1#d t,wi[e sn6h ir;ZEa n d .~ rx^•.~ =',. } , + ~[a6. ~- - ..uer ~ .x»ist ~ ,.Il,i A, ~ d ,.<, ... .. - „ n. n. ~ t
<br />Keastc.*~AI~ A3YFrYrm„F-s rcxa re?si _mry ~s;xzre .nc Per,+{ze.. ,<E.t ,.. a: i c`3uc:a s,,. r.. .. ~,.y.rg. ,. ,.. ... ..
<br />~-rcadstsrai .~xE aasaktnt€ ti3r kzrr: *c.SSS ec h« th.. 'r#t•a.a,,rr,,.- t#.t.., a ..,.... - r ,.< ;,:,, ,,.,. .. „,u.,,,, ,,....
<br />i-d~ra~iificE i.. ;tk~ t w.:A3 ;.act: daiY~. .cs esz .-.y:3rvu~-rr§ a.,. _a ., rt.. i+...r , r ,,.,..... -- ,,;-rxda~-._ ~ , , S.} . ,.:r . .,.,,
<br />