~~ -~#~7
<br />irirasoatr ~isvaxnr.•rs. Borrawt:r and L.endu rnvenam and agree as fallaws:
<br />i. Fss'ates:8t at a''r3nc~a! aesf iritercrf. Eorrawer shall promptly pay when due the princigak of and interest on the
<br />indetitet~. evidenced 6y the No#e-, grcpayment and late charges as aravi:ftd in the Note, and the priacipak of and interest
<br />an grip Ftutixa Advatir:es szeuxed by zitis fv4orega~e.
<br />~: p`s.-fsr'laatrs ~-I;=taar~s. Subjeet €o applicabke lag or to a written waiver b}v Laufer. Bomawcr =_hail pay
<br />ta--E.r,nder-air the day manzFtp ins#allmenks of principak-and-interest are payahfe under the Notz, until the Nate is paid in fuki,
<br />a {!texc"sn +SFvnds") equal [ct anraw~elfth cif ik:e gearty taxes and assessments which may affair, gricssiiy over this
<br />Mazt~yc: and grotmd rents on the Property, if anq. pktx axe-twelRh a€ yearly premium instakkments for hazard irsuratua.
<br />plns~osae-twelf#ho: yearly gtemium irts#_aEtme,~ts fur mortgage insur:uxe, if any, ilk as reasonably estimated initiakly attd from'
<br />time to time 6y E.end<r on the tsasis of asscsxmeztts and bilks atxt rcaconaErle estimates thareof.
<br />77sa Furtds sfiall 4ve heM in an institution rite deposit; ar accounts of which arc insured or guaranteed by a Federal or
<br />state agancy firulutiirtg Lender if [.ender is such an institution). !ender shalt apple the Funds to pay said taxes, assessments.
<br />itranranaa premiums and gtottad rents. Lender may not charge for so hafding and applying the Funds, analyzing said account.
<br />at ver'ifyiug and ctuttpiliug said anus.+menu and bikls, unless !.ender pays Banawer intcres. t on the Funds and appkicabte law
<br />perrttdts !...ender +.o tnatce stx:h :t eharge. Borrawes and !.ender may agree in writiag at the time of eaccutian of this
<br />sufor[gag," that interest oft the Funds shall ix paid to 'Borrowtr, and unless such agreeznere is made or applica6te iuw
<br />requires sttch inretxsz 20 be paid, lender shale! oat be rcqukred to pay Rarower any interest or earnings on the-Fonds. IIxttdmr
<br />shall- bra m Borrower, witlwut charge, an annuak accounting, o€ the k^unds showing credkts and debits to the Finds and the
<br />piugaae fax which each detait to the Funds was made.. 7hc Funds aro: pledged as :uiditi<mal security for the sums secured
<br />by tlii.+ 4#attgsge.
<br />If the amatmt a€ the Funds held by Lnndcr, wg<tYser ;vith the. fauna manthly Installments of Funds payable prior to
<br />eFx due flares of tazra, assessments, insurances pretiums and ground rents, s8al1 :.xceea# the amount rzquired to-pay said taxis.
<br />sesesettnertiv, inxursnce premiums and };ruurd rents as they #a[F due, such excess ship be, at &irrower's option, aithtr
<br />nr~~#fy re~'d to tsarrawcr a.• cxe~ited m Bc+rrewer an KtamhkF' n-ta?im4nts -r antis. if rFm mnouat i•.f fhr °itr'><,s
<br />iXeltk':'h~y ILetidcr s?#ali not he. su'B'tcuoat to gay ;axes, astw..+snte:nts, msunatnr.+: 'lire'n'arums and ground rents as "they lull dec.
<br />~1~tnegvorer ~:httali frmty tat Lrneler aaty amcMZOt nxxessa'ry Yo rttaG:~e et:p ihe: cle~iir5utncy 'tso':p%ain ::Q nays #7am t,Ma date tiwaticc is mailod
<br />fay Lenslcr to Bunrrwt'u rc€Nuestkn3 pa}meat tk#err.xst,.
<br />l,J~.5d1KG pavntant En f=tll I}f akl attm5 secured k.~t' rh:A 4fxh1 #g:ag€. lknde'.F 4rt2E11 prornpily [etitnd PL Burfawlx at'fiy Funds
<br />Peald bq L~;wrier_ of u'nr{er ~r~,rag+h 1r= hters^!a~G thr¢ 1'~,dnputnw r.': ,I:nWd M17r the f^rrnpr:r! ; to- r4herwl+~ acqurmd 6y i..end~cr. I'_endar
<br />sNaa£!: a,pplV,'a no Naar than 'pmmicdiatekp priatr to floe +,ai r ,rl' thtr: IPrnupct.x ,re inr +tcyut±rittan by 1_cnrlerr, any l~tmiis Iteitl by
<br />~k~rr gar _ uti2ne rvf app7,e~air.~~ ~s a .ratv[n u~atgist' i)ta `;'taxis, accsrrcd kr} hers "~k~r.,rtgtsuz
<br />1t+ e?h,'ftptkapi~ of Fsnaeeuus. LFnPer'rc syaphr:rblc kaw t*r:rau~irNua aaihr:u'vstls+n. a711 putyrmcnt rricive*d hs• Ledtrfler tmii':er [he
<br />.hkilfC a.-~l paragraphs 1 and '_° heLts~'t Sllaki ffC apf€l#cd (YY t.end'Y•.t' S'IrY'C ;t'{ pia'v vntnt t'?i anY,ltiflt3 pavakJle l'a t. rUld1`y~' by B@Yfd?M"IEC
<br />under pazagraph ~ hereof, tften to interest payable on the L,arc, than m the prinaipa! of thz l+knte, :and then to interest and
<br />pritttipal ors any Future Advances.
<br />~. Est Tae, BatrC+wCC :bast! lsey all taxes, aex•.ssntenta anti ,.thee charge^s, ti n¢.1 .ind :m{?usitrt,ns sttrrts,n3ble ..-+
<br />the Pray~rdy ~i-a~h €15ay attain a pr.ati#y o=ar th,e :",ts?rtbakir. and 1.-:aaehitld na~•mers „r grmrnd rents, if any. an the manner
<br />pLOVideri undstr paragraph ~ hereuf oL.:f nut k.:xnl to cua'h rnannrr. by Borrower tn:ttirng payment, when dife, .ttrecdy to tht
<br />payee thctrx+f. i3orruwer sltali pfomptly tnratsh tv k ender iii nauces c:t ,Imounts .rue under tms paragraph. aid in thz eretst
<br />Borrower shall malsc payment dire.•t[v, BarrowLr ,haler ptnmpt!y runnah ro t,cndrr rc~eipts rx-tdrnemg xucix payment<.
<br />~r~->_~ Wit! ~r~F`E;• ___ - ,.. t a?.nrr ~ _~~. _.vt.•csk. -• 9~. r,,wcr .staJ! nut hr
<br />un~'l to si3x:;11ar guy su+te hst ~, 4+st~ as klut~iuwer dt..lk n$ree wt 'w ruidu)r ==-u We pa}anent drL th:rlr a' btt!¢atamr 7ie¢uV`ud by
<br />isuch ltaRt' an a tttwtamrr ac~cgtabie to irod~':e, c "ale to „.u d rats~i uu:antc.ea ~xenph !.ev.. hl:, .~ dzt>.nd _r.at~ a tz-1 v~t s. ~;t lie n an,
<br />':6~~Wf f2nbsicu.,it wlti&h ,.~:t~at: za`3 prt:;.~cnt ant etalefs:snt,:tu lea itit: lov. I d'rr tiaz:ertucm , f the 1 royxrt:> ,,:r stns tea,rt treedre,at.
<br />'>}`. ~3s...._,_ pxi~- _.~J'• i. - ,:eu ~•a, u: ~. r,r.. °.ur:. h:.r rra..:c:..... -! s..v !u p' -: ~:a'!y rir+.n_Ired
<br />~ --- - - ~ .a ..r,t.+.. . ~.. a..:.~u[ :;nci t<.tM .n~,. _:aerx?-= ~*. .-e~J a'. ',r.~: :el kr:et-c
<br />is #tnsr I:u'hs t=x F7tt -ate. s n-•dct.
<br />a - ~.v,a .~ ~-- ...~ - ~ .,. ,.o .~.. - r .~1 ,a:1, € t ~ r-'.!_ - - -n v-',?k tht _ u ,.-.tat .,;
<br />su4$7 dtrrdrrn age ~lvsw`cai „ro.rtt - .,left .;leaf , t w r.,., ~ .„, ., - •Ir„ ro.. ,a;
<br />a~'Y»'d ,f=-:3t:. .. _"J :~. -- .,. ., ,. .,r. .N-...t ~,6--_ ,.ri s~kt n, r~__-~nm'~s~a.
<br />f~i e : =xt';a; 3'~ ~ ~- ak~<a:3,'=t, ~..h?,.:>m. x .. ,_ __ rr.s.: r?~k t,~• t~. e.f :te~ekerx o'tmnuet
<br />pr :':rues rmeier parrrgralra ~. llcrsnt err, rf net E atci to sr..-rt mangy:. 'rte .c=crin.~ mar .?; €+zrrnr,-,. ;. he;i .,z. ,.,.ztky i;? th:`
<br />inuratac, earr~r.
<br />3l1 snaurancc pclk+~~ attt# rrnew.ais Fhereai shsii tx nl t,?rnF s.. cpt a:,ar iu 1 c:tucr and ,bait neckvd.r a stuaa}:ant morl~ag:
<br />e-t..a-unr, rt;, favss ~3 attst sn €,vru; xe+xpt,ahlg t=~ Lsauirr. t-s^n,:rr ,h3~ p-:,~ rs regkt Lo ta.,iJ rksc n.•tterra dnd «•ncwais thzreor.
<br />ansi f{6Ktaw'tr Shvkt ~ }ty#ptly? tutnaftt to LC#Sifei ,ski ren4sx al n,atnc, .urd all r e:pt3 ,?t ,,nex! prrtnuun, In the aM1Cnt of h»._
<br />flncrsra ar shakk ftii'L prumpi ttiKrCe to t°.b2 tnniLan~e .al7acr ,i;ad t r<e,tr; E_ru,ter n..r. r t,,a. prt>+. of hssa rk oat utasle prcunpuA
<br />Clnkts 1_~ttkr attd No,tow:r.>ihstwrx agxxt u: Carta<,tt, urs:rao-.e~ , x^cJ, .tr-ek! tu: ai'2r!trd t,t ree:oaaW+u ar rep.ru' elk
<br />t_~ ?ri} tta.~:-,i, r(? -5..k1 ~#i t~'t+`tet~ta ~ _r-ti•,ffr ? + .. rbko .,:=a tYlc~ ..~-u;.a} nt the Sturtayc t
<br />i3t'~t {tY~F#b}~ km:~td[.r{i,{- !t 511111 +6-+It,LJII,?it iD7 t'i~t:ttT t3 si E , ..s4,#titi ~tiM1 i ..'a.t C , ! 1i?4' '41ir,f! r'i !bib of t3itg+.it:t w',+tr.kd
<br />!as inipaittl. cite tsxurame pcut^ez:f5 shall ue :ipk>ktr.; ;.= tt:.c vlutla s.,a.ca,..U t~l' .hr Isl.+t€g.a„ -:.It rkt excess, ri- ,tnv pat.k
<br />.~, nRZ ta'f:-~, tt 3s.~, u - - n:.=.;.~•:~ k , . lf~.:;,,.sq. - /1, - ~ »_, - r.: t ~ ,.i„r ,i,1h,., ttt il.t,, , thr~
<br />~t
<br />ISazc nutice^ ~ n~elcck by lntut#ee to that,>wcr rttal the ncy 1.utci c:-,unr >t}era t„~ cula .. ~,,,:ns ¢„t .n=utnrce he kxnta l~re+,*Jer
<br />es tsutha`rtled tc, ia:}},<c# grad apply tine rnsue„~n.e pa +t:rvvs .zt 1xns.x i, .l pt:,,ta eaheT tn, rtarnrsttrm of repair .,t the Fmlutt.
<br />,.~ _~- #tr+? S°~= ~='~3=i' !.v i_~ ~SrszY`s^~
<br />2..',riti~ S.~rd - ,.d ~,rr+=w., ,..l.es s.n grsr .. ~, ~... _. .....~u _.1, !*_. ai, r,.n a~xtertd
<br />s~ p._x'~ny €?~ e..:a€~d cr( rite nWnthtx' rns€ unarms ra=xruv~ t~+ ut k aL ~r3pns u_j-s `t -=x„t ar ah , >m4 . ,., avr.,ant . ,
<br />...ictr:t<>ta,:~x-~sts !£ .sn~r;ttt.e;.,.sg.- :;r beta.:, =ha f-,att-srra4 -, ~~sl,,..rd h+ k c•sl~t.s , . „gn.. -t.s ;...,.i -,ti,r>t >s k3s~tr.:Na
<br />is wnrl ,'t atti ~ititans s_ 1.., hK i• aet~ t.'a htid ., ,u:,- t t ~~h tna_scat ;e„etang [r~.n a..r .etc t , she' !'rikx- , ,~e t. -hc ,.:,
<br />.~+ptr+~ll-;s- ~iE p_ a~ ca L>3ssd- ..a s:~e ,,..ts. file , . ;1,~. .a , s.,a. 4 .,. sh„ ai - _ , r .-.k,a.r ... .,. ,,..h ,.,,~ ..:r
<br />z:+ts:Y+itip~"a,
<br />r may, ~ t!_ ~€ :3: t a-' .: LS as ::-.t t-rt Y3at~1~~9asca?i k;, sr r.ou,_I
<br />.~~~a°.ma'r.:; #t.. a m'1-,m.,.aijt N¢_. .~~~e _ _
<br />-„1.E aw~3 t:ee i3tuprrty In ~:.at?tf twt+.zar ....r ,l:a-.t . c t __°t..:r i, w,is..- r ;;s.:.t.-t -{:,.. n.crt. ,+F ,1,°r,a rl,=r., „-. , , fir' t"r-,{Ir±t;
<br />i i *~ p€y: ,~ tits ~~?;'ts ,per _;i :si. h-~= ,' tit - ste~~.: -, .,, ., zkt+•i.k. lei - tt .:rt„., . ,.,w. . . r~:t .,, ..
<br />a5'~iiSL=~3C=_sts s' g~%t33ti4#, etas! ._a'~- ~~~rss. k€s~c„sscs -r, 1F tv, r'nstu rt!I .,l ~lluat tna rn , , ¢,,a te.lea r:n,}r1 the do i ,tf,,,t
<br />a'H~ t'cst'gi5(klxt~ «'int:ad 'sx p+trednuea ttsa cnut,*rataau;u ,•r t~f.us»ud a s:, clrxela.pnu;r:_ ;hc ny~lau; ,net _ ..,,= nt nc~
<br />acx k=,ai:?`r' _ ~,r ~~,d rrrz, s-~ sk piY~':r<t. 'tat rns;att;rr:a .. ~ ornt.n, #i r•x,6ts,rexausn a r - _ .v ~:r+.~l„ta n.~t;v
<br />~~ ?=.~ T h:` ~ ..._ ~'i s !sL~ I_ =1~L _ ±.- 44 t ~ ih , . ,: 1 , ,. ,e, ~, h =de'
<br />`>`? t?e. tndo,g:nat~k tn,a atsa! ah,-a .izu.-nu ., ~, . t. tau t n, I ,...,_ , ~ , ,,.t,. ayta_nr.,,te , :.{,:, ',u, tt.as~ti ,, r ,t c I,:,.
<br />a*t'FSir~ :~ f<aYL ?sei ef.
<br />'~. rtdkt'i"tura~s id L4udei''rl :ir+:niitY. E! fse-,_c,rr t:,;.r. {n: r,rlei :tee- c. - ~s,.~a*,1 t.. t~,~..: :. :h.
<br />.i
<br />~3~.;~. =r d :may aw~w't c•: P`~d~e>i?ery, '-=ax~~rar~" ~tt,<ro tasrratiF ,tt,{c-, ! e..,,u 3 _ t,,. ,: u, r;te 1'rt.=fx„r_
<br />- a~ - _.- x~,rca. ., n4,' ~ nt _as~<~at. _ . tt3~,~rr,a. t' a ,,.:,let k,rtr. :,: _.,,,
<br />ss:?ttd'E~_ ~ _ _, Fkt:.=_€tl aAkttE'~«t atroa.:.a- - A
<br />$51~. :tii tom'} -':st_. t#ae!~, t.;"tter art zt~iZt'~ ~,iti,r, u~ ,• r;, El:t,,,,u,::. ,.ta, ,.,1as .,:. .,, . p,a; : - .. .
<br />~:,trara ~zi'v .. .,.~.. ~,...> r:•~ .-wry . i.> .,~. .,:~_ , .E,.., . .., - , . I......., .-.-....._.. ~.
<br />., ..:. ~?t.t w.ute~%: 4t. >S+.at,„a : ks, :....». ,c. ,.s`: ..r rii'saa,+,a -,.:t; I... ..,.,:: e ,.
<br />'. a. F ,sa=e. .>:. ,.u ry„a FP+/?-xi: i e. ----~f R- -. .. ,.,,, t..y I r
<br />c--ni,.. :_rtv. s:. t .,.~ssl ., -y. . .. .... ... .... .. .s.,..... .t• ..~s•t tt.'~'.?tC t-..-:. ,,r'.,,,a f: ~ .,:.t
<br />