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<br />~.- <br />'Tc'~3IS ~tlR'TGr~G~ is trade thi.~ ..................' af.... ~ct~b~:.............. - - <br />[~:. Rr: trettr the ii?tartgsgor, . = u r'~>~~ .$~ . la)'tk.E;~ .~trs~. i"~r'i .~t, . ~~,~'iz2?a .h~+; ~t~. ~dzd .Hk#e. 3~.d .u'arl i~,- <br />~Titt utlSata. JL.. x~8.°f~l. iL?ar3C.3H~, H?.~:8 . (herein "23enawer"), and the :44t+rtgagse,.w9~i~S'~.~~.~£t}~#'37.k~. <br />,~S ~5, s3S;tl~.isGul. tnSa~Cti7.~~r4 ................................ a corporation arganized and existing <br />under the flaws ot... ,~•trk+;z3N}~~ .... . ........................whale address is 45t1~.. ~cc}~t:.S;~^g~;l:.... . <br />...f1»its~.e. r?~+#g'~,:k~. , c,,3~,32 . .. ....................................... f hereitt ``f.ettder' }. <br />WtsEaa,as; Aarcaweris indebted tc~ Lender <.-e tae principal suet af..T.stE't#iy. 3i~.;te .ChRttYaFtd .'~~~. ~l}ylcix=ec't <br />~nt~ .~~- ~~. ~t~.t+~t~.~Q--^(~~~a~SG.iis" ~ ....... r)rHtars, ~v#sieh iadchtcdness is evidenced by }3arrower's note <br />dated...~,te~ . ,f.C:.. , J-°.~'.~ .... (hcr.°tn ":'Nate",, pnviding fc"rr tnanthiy instaUmcnts of princtpal and imerect, <br />with t#tc batartc: ttf the inc:ehtednea:s, i€ rtiai stxincr paid. due and psyablc can... t~'GVet;u?z ~Z`. ~,..),~~~# ........ . <br />'Co St:r•rrt;t; to trrtdcr in; the repayt>`~nt ~;# tfze lade#*tadnes evidencsd by the Ntzte. ~~ith interest thcrcan, tht: <br />;~ayttte°tt of att latter sntns, with interest thet~an, advanx:cci in ;+c<:nrdance hct~with to protect the security of this <br />~it_trt;. _3,~ ~ ~rzstantc ex ire ct;ven;!ats anti a;;rc~ments of f3nrrcatver herein, eantained. and (b) the repaytneni <br />t~f,y~tyy f~'uresciv~~>re~s, sd~tl'tbinttrc~t nHwitFVC~tttt, ;a:ade ~~~a Finuu~rtx~cve~r by t atnetw:r gtu~rsuant to taarra~raph ~'3, ltorirzY flkre~auz <br />"W~9s~e~~aA:dvaaxt:~s"}~ Has~ma~w~eor atac~ @'trs~in:b;y nt~xrraalgt ~t,uamt .iaroai cuatxv~ey Rn l,anttcr the P~utiosn~ng c~teszzr9~bad ~,prt>p;~rty <br />ittx.~t 'ttt She f::~tristp ~.. "`.'tom., ..... . S¢ata. asC ifebrt~ka' <br />~S.ak~' Ru~.z~ fb} z~ ~;~sr„m: 'Iuac~a.~ y.1E~e C~e+} at ~~a~sin~~1 1pNra_m~;ILme~~. "u ,I .ryai:itt~ictrt tta C.@lar ~Yity ct+s' <br />~.t{a~usuzntl Aa).attacl. a Crsuatrt:;T,r ?,~Il~r~atr~~k~,. <br />~h ~rzlts ~:¢... . Yrs. ',~~ . : r. , t,..4 ° t[~. ,u~t~ . . . <br />.i~.s;.~~:, . ~iY;$=. ........ d Mein "`Ytia}a riy Fts3ztrz:s~" 9: ` ' -- <br />t~&Wk yi,9' astr dial <br />~~ ___ ._ .< t i~?.4 ~"li. W is{' }.: r_atti:Y t^fS~.'{y[! ~'.k: .#tv. lxF[Y('k`1'i, :eStii :1 r r3ititS. <br />~~UF'rI3~R $fkiR a7; iPSi' !3R ~r c i~; ... '..TL r.i,S. <br />:w}!$tstFt>;rtaru~,, e~a~. reava}t?~~, u39rtcrai, :>t# ~s~ic4 ~~ argFr#=, :a.d p€c,ifv_ ~r~t€r, ~at+.i ~i,„h a.:,,..1 ~atrz .€~:<k, ae~d tltl <br />t+~&~i:~c~cq, sr frxr~?tr~i a{~:,~= ~ `,u flu ~ ";>gn~:e ~. ~ti ~z? sv?*.e:'=z. ;s.u,.u...r , Wya ~t~,, <s.ctr;5 :raze; sa4htz,, ra ,,,. r~,s, ,ha4{ ;,e <br />,k~;1tu ~ .tCS33 k~31 z.i Eta 1-s~~pe m ~ =.3...# ,v. tizx f .~~~~. ,. u; ~tl E ; tt a r ~, a:s, .~~t{ Hr ~t °z ~.3t:1 <br />>'~'~;~°' t.:~ ~.+.~ ~.~i ~.kar -~ ,~kS rt~scg~ i4 urv i .max c~rf €d 0 set; lfiz;at itt .F. ai rr¢Li t~~ d4 ttt<' i`elll*Ct~.. <br />€+~•~ _z,-~t^ tas;. t~~€~~br c~:a~tt a4§m °,,=_~€t ,.a f=,z •s,~ia #~, ~~ , Fa n _ <br />3%#~M~ eit ~".~~srY ' '<'Pctg`~ _# 5~ i'tx~~•rtq :es~ae„a~'a ~sd. =r,~ -sat ,3€is?u~.r ..,, ~.~,et~€zt snil ,t~ticn~. <br />--'"-•" '.«,Y. <4.a .4n it.i ti5_nk: ,~t ,c.iih.!aU:#s <br />{'z~A -. .., -~+e ~,.! .~ ~ .ars „ <Cf:'a~.. ,, ..n,1 t~ _,. ~~ax i=..,., ns -_t ,~ ....,~, ., a rr ..: , :'as tn,t~cra <br /> <br />