<br />prior : ~ catry of a jud$mest enforcing-this hfat?gage if: {a7 Harrower gays Lender ati wins whirls would be then dus ender
<br />this Ttdc+rtgagr-the iVate-aadttates-securing Future Rdvances, if any, had- rn acceleration occetrred; 4H7 8ormwer cures ail
<br />Hx€ar:he; of any other ciw3:aaacs-or agreemems-ai Borrower contained in fHis Mortgage: (d Hortnwer pays atl reasonable
<br />eX(1tn:r5 ;rc~,rrc i by Lcndsr a rrrforrni~ -the-eov~:wnts and agreements a€ Barrow•er -.antaiited in this Maartgage and"-itt
<br />zgfarc~ng i„e,~ c s_<zrrtedie5 as-p-avidid in paeagraph -FS-Hereof, including, Hut not limited ta; reasonable attorneys ftts; cad -
<br />(d4 Gx>zrmrpr ta.es ,r:cH action as-Lender.a~y i~ascna6fy require in assutm tHnt rite Tien of this Iviortgagt, Lender`s iaoarest
<br />in the pro}~.rty artsl Z~attowet's:ohiigatiott to:gny' the sums secured-hy this Misrtgage..shaft" con6nuc uniiirpaiied. upon sucti-
<br />pntttent artd titre Hy t'klrrasvcr, ti[is. MongaSE and ttte oHfigations secured hereby sHatl remain in full force aad efHxt as if
<br />nc7 arcekrat€oh Had.otcutrtd_
<br />Z~. ~ A _ ~ iieu€x A~tofReceiver;-Lender is @'a~eaesion. ,As additional security heneundor, Potrowar
<br />httelsy a~igtts to.ieuder the-reut4 n€t(re Property, Provided that Bnirower shah. prior m-secekration-under para$rapes l8
<br />hcretif ar ahandontnetst of rHe pmprrty, have the rtgHr to mitect and retain such rents as they Hecotne due artd payahle:
<br />Upon accekratidn nttder paragraph t'3. Hereof or abandtxtmeni a€ the Frnpetty, Lender, in parson, -hy -agent or by
<br />juslSciaBp appointed res~iver, shalF He eruitied to enter tspen, take possession of and manage the pttsperty cad mcalieet-the
<br />rents of the Artaperty, itscludittg those past due. nt( rents co[tr,.xcd by i.ender ar ttre receiuez shall ire applindfitst is paympst-
<br />of the stets of raanagemenGOf tha properly and caikction of rents. including, but not timited to, rtteivef's fees, premiums an'
<br />receiver's-~srnfs- and re~xsanahle as©nrey's €tes. and then to the arms secured Hy tHis Mortgage. Lender and the twseiver
<br />shall 6e l!aHk to arccunt only tar those reins actually rnceiced.
<br />2d. €aisra ~dr.sacxr. Upon rcgtrest cr€ ~rt`ou°er. L~der, at i.endc3's option p:ticrr to release of-this- Mortgage, may
<br />make Future Advaaers to Berrawer. S+uh Future ,gdvarn:es. with rnureu tHerevn, shall he wcttred by this Mortgage- wHen
<br />evie3ens-e3 lip promi~ary notas s[atiag tHn[ said ntnas are secured Herehy. At nn time shah the principnl amnunt of the
<br />sadeistvdrcess ~ccxtrCd Hy this Mortgage, not including suCes advancexi in aczardance Hercwi[h to protect rim stcutity of this
<br />:~e+_fp~ge. C»s Eire nrfgina? atex;u:st o rice 4ote puts GTSS. ---,C3.~..
<br />f ~~.d
<br />~~alis~e. Upon pnvmatst atf all taros secured Hx tx'tis~ Mr~rtgagwn I.e~~ndee sHa!i dlissharge t1Wis 'Jti'Zdsrtg~'gs wifHtw4
<br />tr7titfi~ ~"rHotr'et. ~taarrawne tHal! pay at3' cost, of rnocordanon. iii anv'.
<br />l'~[, ~k~Y1uU^aS Sittsp.Ri~~, Iiixttt'a~r into cc{:cuzed thiss l4frnrtgngc,_
<br />ti,
<br />-~atty«3t1 n. P?3.,`,~i1eT: ~ -Har+awar
<br />5'r-3TF r3r~':ItiS~§nA,. rfi/i;,t, ..€_'atmry ss:
<br />~-~-~. ..~~ ~....-.-~~ts:~..... , .~~.., t~ ,re, `.1se- i;rt;~zi, a's`a;A~° ~'H-
<br />~~it~y'.~, Ak'.?tliy;~ y~ ~~'. €~3i~t . '~~'~, ~.. s,-:s .-1Gif. €~.-<+~. .i.`F"wf`~tw. U1.. .u ~..lCtuyii~i~l~. ~'i3!1.s~~d[iS ~'i,. ~P.Li xa.~.~#Pti' tCttv'~iCi} j6 c~itt~';•
<br />Illd~;dtli.a~ P!=rsatsEs3 whose nameiai are mtdxen~wd tn> the @arrcq~ifhin~g ]etsB:r~u,mcui atxti ac!c'~tga'~svvledgad t!~ eaecuticn
<br />!~~... _; 4 ~.. , sa>~.: .......; ~~ .~ ~ arty did
<br />., -6 ~ - sa _ _ . ,
<br />t'~taa'wn wL ~ ~ ~rauai~ia.
<br />- '' ~
<br />.. .~.e: ... ..r.,... ... ~.~ s .....
<br />~_ t'kM@rr !'a4F ~ „mac ......,~,..
<br />-
<br />ri~Yr'
<br />t3ygc~r, @rrsxe T~:~ 4 w a-n#9 Feu 6.v 2e: aziA zcascaeri
<br />