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<br />!'tom; !`av.:st ::rs. Zit;rmwer acid #er cav~ana and :~aP ; fc??-cv.~s: <br />fl. ~"aytetttt a# PxfarSp~ aad Snterest. Hrsttxswer sttat# promptty pay •whta G.te the prin'~al o£ and inicre=T on the <br />irbt~:.e<;s e:~iwactd by Lt:e `late, pr~aymeat and faze shares as provided m the d=ate. sad ih~ prr.:.ipal of aad intet~* <br />.... any Future fit}:°at:;.ts ~~ar~ by the ?,dotagage. <br />2. Farads €otr T.a~es and 3astrtance. Subjxt to agp!ical>!e Caw or A a written waiver by Lender. Bo[rawer shat' pay <br />tr i.anticr as the day maati:Cy insraC!ments of pt?rtcipa! and imet't~t are payahCe under fire iat~, mr>7ii vte a~"nte is paid in ftve, <br />a s••am fYmrein "Frrnda'ry egtta# to otsc-rze#f[h of the yea:Cy raves anx? a;~.;me: is ~r>;hi:.h :tray attain ptiarty aver this <br />Zviortgagc, and grouaa mars on the #'mpcRy, if any, plus on~[we#h#s of yearly pre.•ntum iastalimcnts £or haaard insurnce. <br />phts sae-txve#fttt cf yrar3;v pretttium iastalh7inats fox mortgage insurance, if any. afl as revsoaahiy estimared i.•ritia?!y amt from <br />titrte to titan by,a#zr as tPte ~s of ass~snzerus s . ; 6ifh a;:G rea_`e,±ab!e estirtrates <br />The Funds sEa## ~ Cteid in as irsiitutian thn depasi€s or arsaunvs of which are insured ar Suaranit~f by a Fedemi or <br />state ar^ency (inctt~iag E endtr if I.erder is such an ices.*,"iutian?. i_eadcr s,'tali apply the Funds tcs pan sand taxes, assescman7s, <br />~5ute rY-remaatns acrd ground rents. Leader may not charge far so hording end applying tht Ftmds, attaCpzing said account, <br />or sari€yietg and u:atepiifnE said assesattsents attd bills, unless Lender pays Borrower mtertsz an thr: Funds and applicable Faw <br />peratiL Lead..r to make such a charge. Borrower and finder may agree in wntmg ar the time a# axecutian of [his <br />t iartgage €4at iaenrrst as the Fonds s6a#! be paid to Bar, oc;zr, rend un:~.,s art is mane ar appiSeahla ?ass <br />ree;trires such interest to be paid, Lender shall not Ise regtrirtxt m pay Borrower any interest or earnings an the Fonds. Lendtx <br />s!tai# ~tve to $arrower, without Marge. an annual accaanting of the Funds showing credits and debirs io the Futu#s aad rite <br />purpose for which each t#6bit to the Funds was made. The Funds arc pledged as additiatta[ su.u.•iiy far the sums secured <br />b7! this?rfar.~a~. <br />i ti5e amaum of the Funds held by Lender, together with the future manihly mstaltmens of Funds payable pricer to <br />Ltte doe dates of taxes, assesnxats. insurance premiums aad ground czars, shall exceed Ehe amount required to pay said taxes, <br />asstssrxenis, insurance pretaiuuts and ground rents as they fail due, such excess shah be, a[ Cksrrower's option, eithu <br />proartpt#y repaid to Borrowea or crudited to Borrower nn monthly ,nstaiitnents of Funds. if the arnotmt of the Funds <br />:,zrtl uy a.~ --,.~,si! o~t `.t~ r..:,k~tc-tt tr. pay races. Fsszsa--.r:?nts. r-- --~cz prz•.rvums and gran,-,d ruts as :. faJ due. <br />£Srwra:axer sha!tx;.ay to Le dtr any arttrstnt necessary to make up ttte d:ei3c.rcnc'y~ sa:!a:htn }rJ don fro:r. the date mace is mailed <br />tvy Leader to $arrowrs rcquesung payment thereof. <br />C,;pan pavmrata m ftdl of a#1 stare secured 6y thrs ;!#ot2gage. Crocker slaalk przsmpt#y refL_d to Borrower any Funds <br />iza8d t}• Lttat#cr. #f arrficu' paragrap#s !8 here,:sf the arnpert~p !*, sold ae t'hat §'rai,'teen+ nm atlrenvrse acyulred by Linder. Lender <br />s#ua!;9 apply, ao later than ttua:tu#iate!y p .ar to t!?e sale of the Proper€y <rr tks acqurst€tcn by Lender. any' Funds held by <br />Lend!rr at the cline of spp#itati:m as a credit agztns: the sums secured hry [hrs 'ittartgage. <br />d. 6.pp~c~aa of Fsq-~erga. UnCess applrcable ;aw prordes a~dse;rwtse. al! pcoYmtrsts recztved by Lender under the <br />ls3~cane ~arud paragraphs E and :hereof stta[i Ly; applied by C_ender @rst to pxtymena at amounts payable m tender by Horrotver <br />fonder pnragrapli 2 hemaf, tf€en [o mreres[ payable as [he .`:ore. then to the princpa! ut r!re Note, and then ra in[trest and <br />anttctpai on any Farrar Advances. <br />S. Chrat~ss: 1,ieffi, Bot?aw~ct 5ha!1 pay a!I taxes, as.'ts+mtnts and <'thcr ,:harg:•s. fines and tmnns-iuans attnbutable to <br />t9te Property wCsich max aeiaiu a prtarity over thrs ~fongage, and leasehold payments ar ground rents, if any, is The manner <br />provided uudtr paragraph 2 F,ereaf or tf not pard m such manner, be- Bormwcr making payment, when due, dtrectiy to the <br />payee thcrtaf. Barrawtr sbaCi prompdv furmsh w Lender all notices of amoursts due under this paragraph, aad in the event <br />Borrowtr sftaCl maC:e payment directly. Borrower shall promptly funrrsh to Louder re~.:e!pts -s,dencmg s,scts paymenes. <br />3nrrawrr shat! pmmptCy disettarge any hen •-+h:ch hss prroruy flits ?r]orrgage. pr¢vtd;tC. !hat Harrou~er shall not be <br />.~y:eu~: €u ; a, - - ..a 3crro=hz-r sh.:.. - ` s .., ,,, r.t.r- - ay:-~ .,, ;ht - .:rzu. <br />stneJ~b Start :n a mz;i=~.r ac-,;eptaftle to tzerd=?rx o shall in gac,9 forth t*rstest such~lten hvE or =.;etcrsd entot'eemcnt of ,sucks lien trs. <br />:ngmt p.'viceedin~s wtatch operate to prevent tkte eafarectntnt at the iten nr forferture of ?he Propert or :m^~ past thereat <br />9. `s'~~~al S~raat:e. ~.-~,swer ~.ali kelp ¢ho tr..presvea:ent.s now v.n a;~aag : , e;gar tr ere=.e+i on .he Frepr: rr :asurrd <br />., ,.,. .t ,. ,~~ <br />..r. <br />~_d r.x ~ ~ _:dun*~ ~.d tar _~ r 3s _. ?~~..__. .. .:t re_t~ _ c!: x~t1... . - _n_,_. ,r. •ru arr^ tt:,., ,,._ 3~Mrt u. <br />n~ .,:.:..~.:~ .. .:.....:.... :a: a: .a;;a: ...:. ~:_. of r.,t..r.... - - ... ,~. tt~" , 7, r,».._, <br />i Lio trrsuraasv caroler prowidSag t!7t insurance shai9 ht <-hasen by EI4v'r!rnmrcr stukgect w appn,,v,t1 t±Y Lender: provided. <br />thdea. ~c^ -~r-=-m ~zFm..~rt _a _...,. _.s.-.;a~e3.• ~.thst;:d. .mil p :^,.u:::n ,.,x: m-:ra;sc.•r ~ rete.vs :.a...._ ,-s~ .. -..~ _ __-_ <br />trtSitr`dAY CaSt10F. <br />,5## ¢psurarat.'e pafiltx'J acrd rr;ntwais thciYai olio+! i±e m tuna .,~ tptabte to ender and sna!1 i,tcludc .i and:rrd !nurtgtae <br />clause ra favor n( and in farm ar-t:spt;ahtt to Letvr Lender .hail hu5e the rtgitt ?<~ hr*iJ the pohr+r', :sad irenev.ats thereat <br />and Bcrraw-er shall promptly furnssh to Lender a!k rcrs:-wal naucts and all re.:eipts .rt paid premium. !n the cent of lass. <br />#3ortvw~.r she[! ~s"t prompt oohs->: to the ~tsurane carrrer and Lender. L coder may make pruut ,st loos !t nt!t msde prr~:natlr <br />by EjprFa"~kr. <br />l'n#ttss L€tttfer rand Borttawtt ot#acrwiGt agrrx rn wnutag, insurartcc F,ractt:da shall LY appkitd to rt„taratton ur repxu of <br />the f'ra}'eaty dar~tagsd. prttveded su.:h r_stnratwn ar r.patr :s eco!xxtatc:d!y !eu.rn#=: aad the s.^::unt• of this R#ortx;age ~+ <br />..a t#tt-relsy iu.parred. ## st~xh a-,.toratr;a ar r=:pais G not rco;axnrcaHy fesseble u; ii the aecunty ,,f thrs Y7artg<.gc a:ndd <br />t~ tmpatred, €hc uts;a,^a;xcx pr..xezds vha~il bt appltcd €a the sunis secured hp !his :L4urtgagc. =.-uh ::-c ss4r>ss, rt ens, pard <br />to F~nrrower- #f t(tt i'tvaperta cs uh-jn$e_tit b-+ F.~rreva~vt. ,•r ~t Borrower Casts to rc.. poau to Lender wtth!n iU days from the <br />fiefs r>ir"ssce va mati±`d frr Larder to unr rower that rfrc tnsur,•ncc ~arncr u!'tier. to crtis:., ..iacm for ~txsurance neaents. i .. <br />cnu-t <br />is auKfttxriZ~9 to tu3iELt StY,+ appSj Ili:. atsueatt.~: pre zzds at t.euder•: uptian et€her to reyeor.Ni,:n •. rcpatr .;t the Nru, vr[v <br />or w the sums secured kty this ,~fasegetge <br />, - , _ „arx>,~sr . e ..z ay cr ::. ., r, ,., n app,,. , zrs-c#. ;a p:,r,i,p n, „ ace! n,., sxtend <br />ur p.~=tp zne xtfsC t!•eac wi trr„ azurt~hi•, u;z;_iir,-vnu :.. _- td t-. i,- ,arr+-}~rapiss~ia ,,nsir'_ hcr,_;~t u: . ar,yc :he .,: <br />~`d tzsai-sL.rt~;,L.. dE u-ar~G. ynss~ at,li .9 ht;Earl !. Frrpi:r-tp ,z acyuu>:c! °y k.~-t'sr!~r. a;l nglu, ut;~ :,tsd rntcrast ot-f3urtusscl <br />in arced to anti ttvzurarlGt paYieies aad to and to the pratc~ais thereat resuhtng Gam datnagt to the Feaperty poor to ;he <br />ar s:~taisia°v f s:`:ti#E pa;<s to txrsc!~. it> tht- _-et,rt ut the .wars ee~ures3 ht th!a titan€>;u`b :mrrits#tstcEy pr u>r t., such saes i;l <br />:-its=rs <br />~ns~R._ <br />6.«e.r~ ~xt 9tai~te.~~c od [+ee~rfy; L'-ac~.M~~*-'. (~t.ndr,m_iui„e~y: t`fwe~si C_!.ut #~s-euxEOmEtrry. Nat ru.s c: <br />w~l ii><><-p the i'ra~rr•{ un s'bw = rrpa,= .,. z scat oat ceresmit w;atc ur y<rm!t :mpa:rmcrt u. detcrta+zuteua t,i the a-rr:pa•n+ <br />i~'tcS sbreil# ctltafrCti wtrh t;~ pr<evisionti o~~3riy teasr rt tills 's'iartgtCte ~r an .: Ieaxe!iuld ti liar. ,y!i,!tguge ::, .. , n:t n .. <br />ca,~„_..~ru -= s -.~-.. .~ir=~.:,~-, $rrr~-.~, sha;.1 r,;:rt._:r sal a=, 1 Seer ru..~rs ,.t:hf;at...„ ,. ,._- ...'lar;ttzs,€i <br />cfss~aap7s c e-3a=am es ~ sv~ it+n~; t~~ i.i€?v-;2?enturts~*,r ylazncd ~ tat ~.fcvetoynrene, tNc by-:as>~ and ~recviaerorn ,;! :ht: <br />CGEdr+[a9[dltrGtr at p#aa7rtd tmt2 :;ere!aptutro-i. sift ~nti4tttxiCnt dti[umen{r. It a .an,taintntual t+r !+lanned ~.,,,, ,: :cis*(>nicr.! <br />r,~r ~~~d -- ~':: ~'_ ~' - - '~..-~=~'^. _ _=i .;th !h:= x2t -fa;:. !Cis ~c>+ ..orris .re:d - `=ra<c..~ ..~_.. .n.- <br />sii~ii ;~ tnLanFxas~ti -G v .,;?.33_ r~-s~Yaa3 .. il .f_}'f :_at,crt: :roc .v.c ~ nt., aril a~t~crnctvcs ..r .-r., :,, , ~vsic -, ..~ ,..-... <br />seCtC,'e U r„3sSi h6~:Xf. <br />7. ~aalSs?eijsu a€ $xta~ar'Sa $cmvrjfy, Ct t`#c,teuwc: ta,is r tir3,_,rtn ilia ;.ovananis and .arcr-nranrs ._, -atncd '.n rh,. <br />tiptss',~1~"t'„ ar if tz.:y actr,,,n ter t5aocc _du'g s .:+s!rrncncc`:,l ~x h,.h +..asrr:a!!, atTc,_t, I r,: ulcr , :nts;r stir nrhG~ N'„c ~r,s <br />aL'Ckt41:%P~, 9}}i Lla>: 1, t?i:7dr'ti tV c'r+71[ieat 4G artdin, :,GalO'i'tiGS'. :VCfiC t^a t~JY,; L`irik',ti .FnitCYei !G ,F ['tt `lC m~tl :. _ r <br />faan€stx~l trr dccts~rcut_ .ac t.c>adYr at i ctaier s apto. n, -,pun nuncw L H: r ~+.. cr'~ ma. • , =urh appca: uaec} .kunurte ,, t <br />sLUars riles serrh aa-rtu•[t s, is nac.-:.a:r,. tc protest 3.<:rsdrr~s inicrcli. ,rc3u.lnae. rut non itm:ted ! ,. ,hsbur~mcne i, , <br />r~-~5E.t7;s#+it3 tr~~ rat-,[i r`,~srw apart rtsc Nrv~:; ty t:. nt:sl:c raPa,r, If [~rdx°a ,eyuerr.i nt„rim ca. ,n.zYCan.c .i <br />nM ,.a ux tesa~., a--~, -,~ .vx>t h ,,.mot hi ,..,. `~..~tigdy ttt..rt.; .._ se.,.e §+ : ......... .... .c.. ,n....,, s. : <br />