<br />E~HTS ~f€}~~`tGA~xE is made tFtia... 9th da3 of Oe ~ obnr
<br />t9....,betwesnfhe~ortga~~, E~tDG4fi.J,..~SSlrtK r;P~i7.~Fr~$vG"f,+~, EdS4~K,.htasbsr,~, ar,¢,{vire ,
<br />_.
<br />..............................{het~hz "8armwer"), anal the it'2otA.~agee, H€ame Fetiera4
<br />Savings i.~ts Assosiatian, a corporation or~attized and esistin~ under the Taws of The United States of
<br />xttrrericat whoso address is Z2I South. I.octtst Street, Grand (stand, Nebraska Ehere~ "lender"!.
<br />-_ it'Ytexens, 33orrower is indebted to (.ender in the principal sum of . E I.CgEs'T`;' TH4i7SRtd~, fi,FiQ Npl i QG------
<br />........ ~, fQb~r-g~ Y QSD~~---'-F--"~ ~_~'-_.'Do23ars. which indebtedness is evidenced by Barrowtr's note
<br />d~~ ........................... (herein "Nate"j, providing €as ntonihty instaltmettts of trrircipai and interest,
<br />wlth the h~alance of the indebtedness. if not sooner paid, due and payable att... r;av~trbGr, I,, 200,9
<br />Tai Sgcvaa to Lender (a) th, repayment of t}ie indebtedness evitfeneed by the Note, with interest thereon, the
<br />payment of a;2 other sums, with interest thereon, advanced in arardance Issrewitit to {irotect the security of this
<br />Aelott~ege, and the pzrfor3aan:.e of the covenants and agreements o: 13vrrawer herein cvn?ained, and tb) the repayment
<br />a`a,.y fs: u a~.ra~rcxs; vsizn inierest titeeean, made tv ~arr~~er by Ltttdcr p:rruani io paragraph 2I nereaf herein
<br />f
<br />"Fxitztt>e Advauces" ), A~rarraw~er dotes hereby rnartgage, grant and ccuns~y to [.,ender the following described property
<br />Ettcated Im the Couttt*j af ..............Fe,AR_I:......................., State o€ Nebraska.
<br />A TRRCT CiF LA'FWD I",&'F~Tt',et51M1k. 'll~bE <~}U'1k{E_i2tY TE€PJ=F I-R11".OE1'ED ~EYEart, F:IP1€ fiidD ~i1E~E TEidT9-iS
<br />f 379. °) FEET OF "i}fE NO22THERL7 FOUR HiJfiiDRED Tt~ENTY FGi iR ~??D N I ~dE T~nr; H,c, f ~S2G. i 7
<br />TWE NORTHlYEST QilRRTER (Pic4Ntty) OF SECTION TH 1 RTY F ! VE (35) , T04Yhs` H I P ELE'!EN (I I )
<br />NOftTii, f2/tR'fiE Nt«VE t97 YtEST Of THE 6TH P.'~i., ;:N HA;.'_ CC(,5'lTY, 'dEBRA~;P.A,
<br />tsc:.,gv teat
<br />..... =k:tl;ro~,7;a... ."~dO2... (tit 3 t' =t c€.{x;r€y A~€°dsss" l:
<br />tea +,"~ t3
<br />~3t't~a w~h w:2 t?:~ aa, ~t;e;.ts c3z:w cr h3:reaiicr e€c~t€u a~z t8t_ grapcrty. ;~sut .:ll ct~etttrnts, t2slrts.
<br />a.t.ettarxt"s, rrttts, *rr..riti4s:, n_ita2ra;, cal) aeui kas rigpts and pr r: s- tv`i ~.aicr ng't s 3nu watea .tcxic..snci loll
<br />€n,Ytttr`~ t~~t>& ae hcn.alter tltts:€tatt tee ttte psvg.rty. al: to-l s~htr-Ia. tzt•-1tr~t t_ cs*ntec.rstrnti a~s1 a~..€ian; tsecrto, ct~.,t2{ se
<br />c3~ ~1+Yd tv Inc mspej trstsa,{.~ ss ~ ECe at th.- prs;l.:-e - «c rti h~ th .ier ~a c- s,rd u!t nt the e<arc~sst+r, tvgcehcr x•rh saki
<br />€3~~ty gctr tea: k~~u.'Ixad s=5:;~t::. if t~ ~fcrri,,t1, t tst? a €,.«rtt~Id 1 a.rc r~rrin re!'~°zre~.i tts .za tht: "~ruperty°~.
<br />t~n.rrc?'4ver ecxvezagrrts t2ra6 t~xrt -~? -e is la xtul-} -s~~ *~ of I~. ~~ et' rsi^rr'~v .t:r.:v:ytd anti 3~ th - n -ht t -_ -;
<br />gta~a ~,~?T-fi#+~^u tk,~ ~tYae_xart-_~, tlta,.t fIs F '~-,.Er_ ,_ s~..~~..rl~s_t3. ~:a., ~~ ~:s ~..{t _ ..tea x
<br />t t ''- - i
<br />S~.ik:°alsy ttt~titie t+~ ttse fKcar:y a~.x2 st ati ixlztps <.;<,: t~ttEF,na.,, aubfcct to a, ~ u:..,:§arWtx, ti- _;~,er~4 is 1z•rw.3n
<br />3#?"E~~ 4i"I ~ ~Y't~~e..._ ~. e?~ .E'i.~?;i.°.:Er 4Y?ti9F.°.~ in ,..:i. t3; :ra+..e.cn.,. _ [:;rz -' f ~ ni3 - y9 ~-
<br />ea8 -t tg . R~tFE~,,.....t57 F3<--i~€4lEf~ 4~6Sk'.9`A~t i~$~#37T
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