~ ~~~~
<br />F~tilcr s ->Frttit?a :~retnent a; avpF,cai;3t la°.v. ~rrrres°+•es sl^,~? Fray Lae ~rno+xit rL ail ..:esfgage in~*ra~ pre:rivms in the
<br />manner ptt'rvic~',d ^ruier paray^xaph Z istrtof.
<br />fins at,rF~-atts d:sbl: ~s3 by L€rdar p:snuaa, to 34ia catagraph 7. with :nttcest tf•.treoa. sha#3 Ott addiiiona?
<br />itttFebttdrr'^~ crf f3csrawer secured by this ~#c;t.gage. FJnle3s 73ar, a•.»ar and Fr==dtr aga-~.e to a£ntr ttrrns of vaYmPn?, such
<br />arras+~3#s :sai1 oe n~tfsa?e npan ro¢iet from i~ader :o sinrrcrwer requesting ga rnsem thereof. a:tti shah hear interase fearer t?re
<br />d~rs rf tF~+hurs.~sts7? a~ its ta`e t-,aira_l;tP frcrn z'=mar->; rr, aunt ore aur~tan~,g pfrc~3g_I ~m.t.- :h.. ;gnst ~ n(_:.s ?zY=..t?tt of
<br />lttterr::t at such sett wo`si[i he cat:trary to appt=.cahPe Faso, in •xhieit tvar:t sus't arrtotmts xhall Ftcar intresi at the h=g tsf rate
<br />rxrr.;is92`~?t e.^sr.'-tr app,?icahIe Pax•. P":atF.ittg csn,aFatd i:t ihi.: pkragra-h ? ska:t coqu:re LcaQer to recur any ezprase ar tike
<br />any actian htrctstt;5xs.
<br />.~. ~. ?.~n+.,'',.-.r may ma3re nr tsu~ to z ;,-ad- :ea~:;av;e enrrt~: o#;arr and in<_rzrtinn> of thf 3'rn#terry. provided
<br />that I.t^sdtr slsa[l give Borrawtr aotic2 pr'trr [o any such inspectnn sptcifysng re.,sorrafsit cause sherefar related to F_endtr's
<br />into, tai in the Prctptrty.
<br />t+, L^eondtmstutDnu 3tte proceeds of any award nr c!arm far datrsak•ts, direct rr cansrqutntia#, in connection with any
<br />cortdt,°nnaiion er ~F.rr taititta of the Property. or vast thtreaf. nr frr cnnvtyance in lieu c £ rartdtmnatinrt. set hereby assigned
<br />and shaPl br paid to $xndtr. ..
<br />$n the ts^erat of x tota# tak, nc of the Pravrrty. tl:t prrx:tec$s al2aS# Fx apylitd to the. crams sec:;ref by this 4#ortgage.
<br />wish sic excess, if anq. paid to FJcrrrou-er In the e+%t°t: ^' a paniai a»xtna of tier eraptny, unless $nrrower and Ltrtder
<br />c~ht~~ ag-rze in w3itirrg, them sha?i ix ¢gphed to the corny sr~:tvd !~• tnis`,$nrigagc such pmpnrtinrt o£ thz proceeds -
<br />as is z~txsl is tlssY proporiizts which r*ct amount n€ the rums secured 3y thrs \#ort2age immediately prier to the date of
<br />t=k;r•.t,= bear; tv its fair market val:;z ~ for Prc>~:,c s^rttrs?;a€:fy vnnr to the date of taking, with tht calanct of the pre•:etds
<br />~~ to Ae.•:vwc:.
<br />Ff t_he Property is aFsandcrxd by Borrower, cr +!. afrer naticr try Lender err Sarrosutr that cite condemner ot£ers to make
<br />an a~srd nr ssfilt a shim fur damages. ~Vrrac cr iai?s €e r~;a:tm ro i.-em:er w;eh;n ifs da}'s a(€zr the dart suet notice is
<br />tataiPtd, Ltnt$tr Es actPxorized to calla. ° ara5 apply the pr•xttdz. at Lender's trttinn. titlttr to restcra[snn nr repair of the
<br />r - - sae srmss s=enses' `- - _crrcrase
<br />$In_r~v finder and' Bnrtnwtr at,htru:vse egrets nn .rntvr-~. 'an: mv,ire'h uu3dpVa~ratuarn rat practrds to principal s4al! not extend
<br />our pastlxsnt the drm dmt~e of tier tT,onth#y rnsta:3rncnty refer. e33 to iiv quuuo~atni,';nitphs t used Z herenf err change t^he amoum of
<br />4ra~tr in#talFmtnt4.
<br />i63, '(le+s?ess+¢s nia2 ~xee$. Eat~taza±n c-% uh€ tarns sc; ~vs: rnm:nt or rnu~eFtcat;en of ;murtizanon .rf the uvms secured
<br />fry tlti: ~A#su'~#ga~ gratnu:d fiy Lead:; to a'n+v wa:.~~nv~er :n iraermst n;rf Flstirrstvv~rr rn:dl rant atJdr7ttn m m#tas~r. in any mantras.
<br />s'lu.^, llabiFetq at t!x ori~d,vai B<:erourr and Farce-~^+a~e~r's c~'icrst:rxc nn nediaxrcrin F_t'nt#er shnil not htr regn#ead to cammenre
<br />proceedings agaimt suselh successrsr ins ref;u°,t in r.:'s~~nd umc d',sr I,rdi yr[raarnr u:r or!ttr~v-+sr mr; dity atnurtizatmn sit the sums
<br />atd:urtd Ery' this 3#attga;o~e F'!y rsasnn ut anu~ r3emarrd muds he tke .nrtg'.riMatl C+~Rnrmus~er and Hermu-e!s ;viceess<rrE in interest.
<br />3 $. ~' laV $.41kx~Er ha,~ 4 W'ajsrr. .4ns~ `;trheararh-t h'u~ !. m'urd~t~.r in rxN2AStrty env right its rerneda• hereunder. or
<br />.>•Y:s;#~'csr= a#'oE«~,$ h°} applica'sle !ate ,hale n-.t tx a war. ar .r, a rr°=lode ti:c ece.rcisc crf env sneh right sir remzdy.
<br />The ftrcc;:rttarrnY of irsuranct er the pigment nF eases ,rr ,tt?;er hem ~ < efrarges by Ltndtr .hail nos tee a weever of Lender's
<br />ri €r- a~~rsrate t#~e r€nar=t qty e{ tr*-.. rxrsfet?eedrzxa cscurec? !+°. ±h+9 hssrrtga„c
<br />#2- $e:..»~~a ~--v:er.._ rL!l rt:tte3:s. yr..,-:.3rd ;.+ th:5 4^.r,•t„a•,32 re .'.,.esn~t and :umv:atrv: ; . . .,.her r; rhr ar
<br />rCmcdy under [his S$artgage or al#ord v; by !a,v nr eyurty and may tst zesrc:c::d :nn<urrrnt!v ,ndrprndentivi~or successivciy
<br />F3~ 5~t`x~~*~~ :4~gxs 'lir~n?td_ ia#ra saw Set-rr~l L;=4.~: t'~:;ct,,..~ .._ --. ~n S __- *enra hrre;n
<br />cctntas;ced xi.€# hnd, an3 tlx riFirts hcaaura9er sha!! rtrure tn, the rrs,.~e;:trvc rnst~'essctx and assignst ,,f 1_encitr• and Far+rmrves.
<br />suFjv~-•i tE t;°:= prr7w:iars ct gsragraph t' herev# >Si ~usensnts anal xyrcements of &+rrow:r shai! trc rennt and several.
<br />7'at cap:€sana = - RAC .~° tt~ ~ -graphs c-: [':.s ~•,rtgaR <xra h:r _,.t;re~crtertcr anfv end are rn+t !:, '*e used to
<br />.E^-=>f~, `+°,' P. °s:e • seta' ~;att'a•~itcr rw<::;zr^d a.?rY-ts apt l:44'._+ir= la+= r, #~ g!,en :n another tai=rnrr. rn; ant a>7tsc t~
<br />Fa,'. rr,~r Fr, ter.-;~cr' i;r m ti3~ ~#ot~e s:.sH ~ gtvv.n by mat'€tnpY aet~ nouts:e 6~v .:zrrrZeei m»+i aticlrr_~s~ed so E'sorrouvrt at
<br />__ i_y, .ei _-___ ~ €_ __ -' e~e~~ .-_'_~ - ' ____m~P r~ryal' '+.ril(u13iT' en: -, ~ ~ c ~ti~vi:i(til n -ef
<br />rL- ~° .~ ~. Rte: ~~: ~ E....-. e - -t -- -!. - - -a,.~ - - ~ ... 1 - ~ f P-x_ 'm°.::«: ~' ...
<br />rah -era - . - any _ .. - - e au Fxr,?t cru, 3 nv ttrtc~o r:,n cued - this
<br />f+$otYS;sBt t;h2iF to t:sr~rnmd tr, have ir.-.en asvrn ti> ?soarerwcr srRE cn+~:r awbszn art<e±n !e~ the maancrrtd3si~nerted h,.roin
<br />e.
<br />v~~s rt>r~-. ~:ri~; €sw'.rt~r>rg i.astr: s~-.tk,.1~`~n-s. r ~ , r~ rnt ai m~rn~rrttavr ~vmnines unriornr acs u~enanrs :., ntaeetai
<br />z:s- _:.. v_.t _ _.__ .. __ ra;.r:tx -:r,. :_.~i+- ..,~:._.. v ....-..-i.,:a•n :c• _~ mature a un:icrre ~°ur:te :ns.n,rr:c- w_r:a„
<br />real prt~rrrty TT;tti ~#crregng+e yh:efl be ~':tvet r:td hp t4r i ctf the: iun+;aiic'tz:>n v: h:ch riax Prafert}• ,> fnsaicd~ in t1€
<br />ea'tet th::t anp' p;'oria:cn err cfaus:. ct thrc tioRg'sge :x the:::4.YC c-.natlr.:tx ~arth apf.l#ratsie ixw, stab <-tm?ict shalt nut aRc.t
<br />tether vrav;siaxa a?f this R#c<€3aa~,v c:s the 'Feu: ah:ch can he .ti r-en rt£rr-t rv'r,ha,ut the aorthr:9rny, {trnvixion. xrtd to this
<br />E't:d th vntvisi,?na of tF•~t ?t-$arrtgagr sod th, 'rxcut sec des.F:trtd to he xrverahie
<br />3 l~r's Ct~=. $a;rrvwcr sr~ai? i== £errttsxlaed a ccn€crme.3 aopV' r,f tP.e Netts and of a xas &3t*ttgeg_ at the ttrre
<br />atf cx~a;~!~xt c~ a'!t, rw.'crdatit~t iz:rtr=:
<br />3T. ~'raex#'es a# i9v Pratre:s'y; ~~tftugt$arn. FS all xtr any par, of ti'n Prc.~:cny ur an :rate; eat tftertavr is sold or rransterrcd
<br />by 7g:?rrsu~;,r •~tt??;.~; Le^,ver'; t;: tar cr. ittcca xva. t;xt, e=cludin~ t3: the x=;atxtn +;-t - anwrrtc~.; an€c rut'-v.=rd:nate
<br />this zisrt~a~, Iz+i ri?,-, er^..~tran of a run rave ri:.tnr4 tec~ur:r. ,ntrre;<t tar hmsstho?J ;p}rlinnc~ 4c; a tramfer hq devise
<br />iK-=~"~._2 s-i c`-.~ c-se.~r, ci €sw :apr:~ fl:~w ~sth o? d _ .t tr;aart cx ;d) the oru3t i>f aai ie~.,tho!si mS.°rrst of ehr~: wars :rr !e<s
<br />not sc;xta;;amg ar, optiata tn. pt:rs?t.acn', Leader may-. at S ~a'<-?cr-c upnC;n. dtmlxtc a!I Ilac runes etau~ed try thm f iurtgat;e to be
<br />initn£viKx:ei;' d+s~ ar-d vayattlc. Lcnt~r chsL; have ~,~aawed r,::ch :rpnan tr, se'st?crate rt. Ptiar to rc ,sic or tnutsftr, ?%ndtr
<br />arMd iz7t pr rs;.+n t.c~ ~A~hu€:t t3xe 'srrefterto n, ttt tr.~ odd ar [r;tnxfea rzd rt;ec~t~i ia};rv*c^rrt~na na w~r,trny 3hnt !hc ~realit ;rt wch nee-:sm
<br />s w~sfaefurv qti i.ender ;ind that the irxt~rext (rayaltFe o: iftt xam< aaP:u; an7 by tt¢c 'A3urt9agx ;i'ta}I be at =seh rats us tcntier
<br />~~*P o: ;.t=£ €i i sss•~.s ^~.t =n asu..,i t ~ :-'t=_rn t atcm!cr:tte pao-~, ~~v? ;., r#t+. F:xrap;ranlt f-' erase ~t ., cas~rc ~- .r >. .,
<br />1,73s:~t ~~a t£QYa€ed ~ 54fet'.atsl ass'trd~'.Sti Y"3n a~5i'ent£'t;F a?:t~vWCtl :n srertnFt ~ 4b LendYr L„£Hte3 4ltali re3435i F3VrrU`-6-zY`t r[Rn all
<br />L~: Fi~Oitfr,'tn3 tuxdtC tite3 l4#StTta{~. ant( the ?t`Ui6,
<br />St Ltd: cttc~ck-~..: s:~.fz ~'*mituz to as.r~s§era€r, Lnndst shnt`i mail 5. nowts naissx at sisritratta,n rn sacan3snce rtth
<br />PntB~raph Pa irrtzs$ Such nCa2Ct' sisa# eit3vtds' :t Fxrrtd crf nut "ass than :tt days F:c:m the date the notice is moiled wtthen
<br />ct~ r4 =.
<br />i~tader cs.sy, as,tg~~vxr €axrtl+ur n u'. r s ~t,_rrf_~ d ... ~sr- --,..~ , _ „~ r t. Y .._.. _ a !,. -~ Yh - _ . ,r
<br />?'v;:awe-~2=ti~21€t=3 :'tai~a ,x.~z~;. F3vara;a~er art:! [..enal.r :u;thrt .,»-esth:,s and .a„rc-- a to€..r.:~
<br />~. ~~~-'..a' ~~,s.^-~'. ~~-~vt L~zr=-~' ~ p~t~€k €7 :€scr>3,;, ~s Frh e:g aa~ ~.-tt vs
<br />~,. ~ w~ ~ Est:,. - a ~ ~. - , €~-4radi €~r r.rse;tkxt» *.c. y:[s Rrr ems sus ~~ rscused 5s s ?rrsr.
<br />F.::;.'•tr tgb sa+-v°c: ~.~t~rn s~xi# owwlzCU 6u Barrrsswts as prnvitkd to lr8ratgruF{t E4 taartctf sPetllyl~: (lF tree dreasla:
<br />e , ...,... - - -. ~ -s~ ~~ t''~"t t ~-; a =.. t .LG= f. €:~ ,,~ °,~ ~~~ za ;x-d st: ~rsrra~~€.
<br />~r~:x9 ~ 4~take, ii t~rt:.~a»s to caa fir .:.peen - F~ daiPags€iacaz- zr€ saa.'~zc
<br />twa± tt a» ' >rr amts <.t43C~r'ts`f t~t+ at,c .waacsc+rl by tbds "+#urig,~e, fnretkrsestc by jttdicrtt@ pnx'oeuittg used za#tc [tf tBrcPu,}+,erty.
<br />?'iti* ~•.,tti.:.,1. _~: #~..,. -: P~$ rwx`ca txf t&r rfsl .v reiaine tafEtr ~a;<~~;arm and aht r~yiat err rt E~ tit €tar€:.Hr..tare
<br />~xtat:tx.~rst ter ~&tt•oa3i.PRaark ~ s tit#xxtad ar wry arhr:r tittr:rasT a€ $arrsnrrtr ra ax-rrlt;ratitru aaad 9r:re-..lwxsn. ?i lire arrr3t
<br />?,- -;! ate' ;ms a'><' ~ 45 Fn tktTS ~aatlcx, €,x• ~3 [ _'a ~n r,~x= ~•3are ~ xht x+a~s ~vrczl #v
<br />air- _ - *~. ~'• e~a`„:.~`s e`~32 t~itlr,7ast $krt!rtr dtn::,~3 :;~ xaa_ EG^:~'K•xvr fay ;tr.'.'.~°dxl ~;~.$#ms. a: ;rdcr
<br />~ ~ ~ . + ~~ c-s-t ~ s~ e-sgvrgses of #urxx#:naare, s~-fad. i'~ w r c#r~ea ru„ etas ns :.fl€n~tatsre
<br />Pii~-tc~- €_ .. ~ tea; €3€~t zs, haxxe ~zA;Y t•°~#ss s f?~.un t+y ~t _,3t5er <. ra. sa. ,tt.~ u _~:.!t - >t,tzn-l - _----
<br />