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8Q-_~i~54~~ <br />LOAN NUMBER Z1OS3OZZfi fCONTlNUATION OP RENEWABLE RATE MOATGAG£I <br />Unless Lander and Borrower wtre+wt3e agree in writing, insurance proceBtls snail DB apDhed t0 restoration pr repar of the Prapen.Y damaged, proritled auLn <br />restwatiBn wrepair is e0ononil0atlY teasrtNa aM the sBCUrgy at this Mortgage is nOl2tuveDy impeifed. It sucn rBstoation w repair is -Hat Bcortomicahy teasb <br />blewtttne Security of this Mortgage Wpuld baimpairBd. the insurance Droceeds shat) beappfed fo mesums sriLUretl by this Mortgage. with;naezcess: if any, i <br />paid to Borrower. if the Property is abantlonetl by Borrower, Ar if eorrowsr fails to respond :o tender witmn 30 Cays from the date notice is matted by Lender to I <br />BOR6Wefthat the insuranceF:arrier offers to settle aclaim for insurance Derxtits, Lender tsauthorizetl to LalBCt and apply the insurance proceeds at terWer's <br />option elthet t0 reStOFation or repair of ins Property or to the some SeCUretl Dy this Mortgage. <br />Unless LendB* and Borrower CthBtwlSe agree in writing, any such app(icetlon of proceeds 10 principal shall not extend Or COStporte the due 9818 of the mOn- <br />tnlyinstallments-referretl tb inparagraphs land 2 Hereof or Change the amount of such installments. It under paragraph 78 hereof the Property is acgviretl by i <br />Leader, aH right, title end Interest of BOnowerin antl many insurance poficles antl in end to the prOGt;8p4 thereof resulting from damage totne Property pnwio 4 <br />tna salb er acquisMion snail pass to Lender t0 the extent of the sums secured by this Mortgage immetliately prior to such sale pr acgWSiUOn. <br />& PnaanaHat alM MaMtenMCa o! Properly; Leaseholds; Condomhtluma: Planned Unit Dawlopmanla. eo:rowar snarl keep the Property in good repair arW <br />snail Mit Cbmmit waste or permit ImpeinnBnt of deterioration of the Property and shall comply with the previsions Ot any lease if this Mortgage is on a -• <br />IBasehoitl. if this Mortgage is on a unit in a condominium or a planned Unit tlBrelapment, Borrower shaft perform all of BUrrOWBYS oWlgations antler the- <br />tlectarafionorcpvenantacreatingorgoverningmecondominiumorplannetlunitdevelopment. 2hB Dy-iawe and regulations of the contlommlum orplannrM Unit ~ <br />devebpmaM, and consUtueni tlixuments, it a condominium or planned unit development ritle+ is executed by Borrower antl recprtled together with-this Mor• j <br />+igaga.the COVendnt88nd 8graBmentS Of Birch ritler shalt be incarparatetl Mto and shallamen0 and supplement the LOVenanls and agreements o/tMS Mortgage t4 <br />as it the rider were a part hereof. ~ <br />7. PNlaotloo M l,andsfs $aLWity.If Borrawar falls to Derlorm the Covenants and agreements Contained in this Mortgage, or if airy action D! proceetling Is <br />COminBTCed WDith mafertaily affect3 Lenders IntBfe31 in Inc PrupBrfy, IUCIUAIng, bllt not IImIIBtl to, eminent domain. InaAlYB+1Ly, Code enforcement, w af- <br />rang_ement9 or prOCA@61ngg involving a bankrupt er gecedenL than Lentler at LBntler's option, upon notice to Borrower, may make 9uLft dppeerancee, tlisburbe <br />such Bums and tape such action as is neceasery (p prOta0t Lentlers interest. including, buf Hat limifa0 to. tlisbursamant pf reasonable attorney's fees and an <br />try upon the P+Aperiy to make repairs. 11 Lender requiretl mortgage insurance as s canditipn o1 making the Ivan secured Dy this Mortgage. Borrower shall pay <br />inB promlum3. - - - AY4$ipptYAflg¢, m etieCt until StILn time a3 the tequltements for sucn Insurance terminates in aLCONante whh BorroweYS <br />and Lender's Ki9fl4itt6gta6mBett w applicable law, Borrower snap Day the amount of ail tnortgage Insurance premium3 in the manner provided under paragraph <br />znerept. <br />Arty emounis disbursed fly Lender pursuant 10 IMS paragraph 7, with interest [hereon. shalt DCCOma atltlnional IndeblatlresS of Borrbwar BBOUretl by tni9 i <br />Mortgage. UnlBSS Borrower and Lender agree to other terms of payment, suAh amounts shall be payable upon nolkcB from Lender to Bonower requesting pay- <br />ment CfterBOf. artd shall beer interest from the data of disbureement ai the rate'paYabia~irpm time 1o hma on ou[suanding principal under the Note urtleSS Aay- I <br />merit of interest at sucn rata wOVld be conttdry to applicable taw. in which eWSnt sucn amounts sheik bear interBal at the Highest rata permissible antler aP i <br />p11caDYe taw. Notning contained in this paragraph Y shau requve Lender to meat any expense or take any action hereuntler. 1 <br />& IrtepaeUOn. Lender may make or Deuce Io be made re88onab[e entries upon and inspectmn5 of (tie Pro t prowaetl Inat Lender shall - j <br />per y, give Borrower <br />Mtige poor to any such inapBCtlon %peGftying reaeprreOle pav8e fhwetor related to Lender's interest In the Property. <br />k <br />9. CotMSmnaUon. The proceeds Ot any award or claim Iw damegES. direct er cpnsequenual.:n Crnnechor, with any condemnation cr other taking of the Pro <br />potty, pr part thereof, ar tOr conveyance :n I:eu Ot COntlemnaUOn. are Hereby assigned enA snail be Ua!d to Lendef. <br />I <br />In the event o18 total tahrng Of (he Property, the pt9Caeps shall bo applied to the sums secured by finis Mortgage. with the excess. rt any, Aaitl to Borrower. In <br />tneeVant ofeDafira![aking et the Property, unless Borrower antl Lentler olnerwiS?dgree=n wrrting,[hera sneh ba applied tP lne sUmg aaCUred Dy this Mortgage <br />sucn propartiAn of the Aroceeda as eY equal to that proportion which me ambunt el me sums seCUreo DY Inra Mortgeg0 Immediately prior to the Data of taking <br />Derarb 20 tna fair matkat Yafue it ih8 Pr9perCY tmP.tedtet8iy phGr PG ma aaia Gi taking, wiin iha balance Gi me Ar9CaedS 6aitl 19 Bpr!OW ar. <br />it tfMa WPperiY rs abandonatl by BWtower. Dr ii, attar nDllce by Lender to BOlIOWar thaE iha ¢undemrtU.r oilats W make en award or settle a claim tar damage3. <br />-. rs-a. w.. ? pa:_ z _L_. .a r- meriflr : en i ~...: a~ .y ,n„ .^ <br />tbn, effner to rBatwatrCY.t or raA81r tit the Prop@rty or fU the sums Sacuted Dy this Mort9aga. <br />I <br />Uniea3 Ledger antl BCrfp'NBr ctnarw'sa a^yra8 m wr:lmq, am Sm:n appilLatlrn^,t pn~C.aa:l° I" IirYnC:Vtl: Shari r,ci r~ai~nU .,e VCSf:• aria rryy tl,~¢..: _~..., :fit r:,a mU.^.- <br />n. s,--std, .rs;;Y ;~ .:....., ,~ - vara&mp`s ; o,-,., .. h.,-av; :, ~„ rge me am„~,., c, ,~Urr i„ataamsnts. " <br />fig: iiWrowaf him i3snaaaa `txtBnslwt ut the time tc: payment nr m!mdicatmn of amon::ation of inb sums Sacul C.t Gy tn,3 MPrigage grante0 bV Lentler t^, <br />afly SUCA638w m interest O' H4r(OWBr enHii not operate t0 +elea3e, in any manner. (hB IIaDUIty of ma ollgindl Bcrrowa+ anA BOrrnw¢r s BUCLesscrs rn interest <br />Lander shall Hat bs raquireo t0 commence pruceedmgs agalnsf sucn succaasor or refuse ro aztentl nine iur payment Or ntnerwr%s m W:ty amnrt:zahcn Pt me , <br />sums secured Dy iMS Mortgage by reason Pt any esman9 maAB by Ina original Borrower and Borrower s soccassors m nnerest ', <br />77, forMalaeme o1r Lsrgat NW aWaiyar. Any forbearance oY Lender In exercising am rlgnt Or remCpy hereunder. c~ ott+¢rx:atl alfOrdW or aAUlrCable taw, ~i <br />Snali !Wt bB a W aIV810l Or precmda the exB(CIYe Ot any eUCn nghl Or femedy TnC A(ocG,alr:¢nt Ct :n SUranLa CT 1 tie Vdym¢nt C. taz65 !;r elhP.r lie. n3 Pr Charges py <br />tAtlde( sna]I not D6 a waiver 0i Lentlers right 10 accelerate Ina maturely cf the :ndebteones3 BBC VreA Dy tins Mo:l gaga ' <br />i2 NateaMaa CWO[datha. Ati rsM1+ea+es WawaN m tors MPrtgaga era ciscnct an9 cumu:alr'•n to a^. r:,v.... ....... r., nner nu Moridau¢ Pr a!ieraed <br />M law or equsty, and may be exarcrse6 Lorvcurrontiy. mdepantlemiy or sucpesaiv¢iy - <br />7& Buowsaa arM Aaalpna Beta W: JWnI and SawrN liab111tYp GDDona. Tna covanems and agrae»:anls n :: n rnau anali DmA. aroma ngnls ' <br />t~yrW:.iMr Snaikai.n.ede to, tttr feepELttye S!:UL^Sw,3 a:tA asS:gn3 U! LCnAer a:tc BCt+pa'er. SUUjaCI IU IhC i.:UVr S~ ;.^, 84i Aa'ag[ap!: 1 ] .^,CrCL`t. 7:1 i!FVVn2Ytt:: Snd 'i <br />agraemanta Dlluytrowel shell DB lOUyf end several. iha C3AtIPrl3 al'Id Headings ot(n¢::atagidGn9•.!It»s MUrlgaga orb lU•CCnvrhrtlnCa JhlY anU arN nUl ltr'va us- <br />Bd t0 mlerpfel 9l define EhB prbvlBlpnS hereof- ~~ <br />7{. NQi1p{. ~x~Capt tJ+enY ntStrCd tygUrrgo Unddt apDliCabiE I[ef~W IP UB gtvan rn ynU(1tBr :nannar.:d1 dlty nUUf:e !O BbrrLWNr VrUV:ANd f!yi m this MUrigaue Uf.alr <br />D@giYarl by maihtq avLh I.ohLtl DY Cartrhed mini adaTaSBBd (O aaV+rOWaf di iha Property Adarasa G: dl SUGn e]ihar address aS UpnOwar InaY des:gnalN by n9Vve <br />Ip I.eMlBF aB provides herein. and lD} 9UY npttpa t9 Lander Shalt pe glVen by Caiimetl Mali, ratPfn rSCB:pI raqua%tag, ip lenders dlldteaa 51aiW Harem 0' iP SUCH <br />Ata@! #dtlraa8 a8 L$ndar hlay deslgnata 1Yy nutYCe tP BUr(PWBI a8 wpwtled hB/Bin. Any n9hfa pryvraeA ivf :n role MU(tgage shalt be dNama9 !O here U2eft g=v¢n <br />to tkxtawet or Lender when gwsn fn tee manner t]BSlgnaled Herein. <br />75. Uit:larm tdorigsga; t2arramktp t.ayr; SaaaraLitiN• Tnfs ;rxty of mm~gaga cprhon:as un, c»n,. ~„ a:,ls ru: r,ali+.:a! u « aria m:r, nn9 rn r:v=t:,ar,is w~ . <br />IimAteg vartaispna i}) ivrigakyGOn l0 4UnktitUtB a uniform Beuulty :n3frvmani ~ ring .mar ^ +<: a t . s rdortgage ,er,al ,e r' a aY (ire >dv, i 1 r.,e I,..:.:r•.r <br />[iqn inwrticnltie Prope[ly isloLaiva, In th~aventtnat any Ptoviswn er clause Gr this M9:iga .w r!,fa _a -. is w,tn P.. cabu ~ ,.-.rru,:y :. ,. n.rt <br />adapt o{hgr pfoyleio!la gtihia Mortgage or th$NOte wnicn coo De grv-an..•!les;{w.tnGNt in«cunDrci:np:r, ens me prG'+: s!yn:, »r the MrnUgaUa ' <br />af§j IEW idpte afII dBStar!dd 20 ~ 38xtXat4e. <br />70. Bmaraafa Ceipy. Bgrower shall Ua fumrBN.a a confarmBd copy of iha NPie ono PI Into Murmaga a: the t•rne PI exc..vv.rr: u' oiler e..iP:•lulr:;r~ harBUf <br />t7. Tirpatar of iha PWparlr,AalWatpgBn. R sit wavy pea of ton Picpauy nr an interact mare:n l~ sous :rr n a:,e l«rrea tr, Brn,nwe, wanou::.*'notl: s r:,a w.,, <br />tar, Cbn&Brtt, axL4udittg fej the C/valien c! g ha.^. a: a ..Jinn: art4w cutY;rtl:nsty) tC, :hie N:ori!7age, ISI I'r0 y:aat;o^ ::. ~ mpnr:y i:..., .. ... ~ ,,r <br />nous@hpi4 app=r?rtLBa-{r.S a irBnafee DY davtaa, daacant 6r 4Y U1krroUPn Pf :aw upon tba daa{h ut a iu: rq iBnanl ur !elf iha eia:r: of any laaoeno.:i irna+:e:l in„r !hrNu <br />yaara fid IeaB riot LMe{atnjrvg an oplson ip 6uiGnaaB. Lander :nay. di LC(idatB 9Pt+oU, L"ei:111!V aU the ~Jn1S a6~_Urtld be t"I] ht!!rigaga lU'vE :?:n.«ard:B:'v •]:.:i+ a!:a <br />payaDaa. tAltgat spa4! R,aYe w${vtsd aue>t ,>Ailcp tv a.(-Caietat@ :i. piiPi tP tr,i? 8846 Ur zran9l«x. tender a u tam L•oryvvr i,> wnorn ton F~r_„c•rtu ,~, -, ,.. .~ -,f r~ <br />t1LYa1ltt$d 6aaGlY agr$$matse'rn writing ityii iha cladel pf 5+3r:n ABrtxre. l'r :S iali::factorv f •S iaa-,iB! A. rl tna[ the rmaia±t pYY'rJl« r:u ;.,e• 6.;:r,s `. ,. u, ~J is r t!vs ktU+ <br />tgat7aatwlt2sei auchF3te a8LSndsr anati LCeMer hag wd:vaB ihB V+41321 iG,at: wieiale pr9v.~,t'<i- Vd!i+graUi•1',!nJ '13 ,, .. -.::: "'~ <br />SP+tiada: t~,n aeCGV:ed & wRtiBB aaauttty:itGn agfaetr,art ac0apa wr.iir;g by LBrWp,;, Land rc. ,n-~W r,._ar~ w <,wa. i U a r .:b-:I;a .u , ,., vx, t :, yaNP ' <br />aRd ii,~ sta. <br />it ~isaµr ax$rclasa YtiAt i+(EtaVrr 3•a dt'4a!Na{B. Lbr stb+ .Hal: 'F . LbitswUr np7,cE . :. r.1 . dt-u.. r ,+... rv,. . , a;l.n ~ , ,. .,.r ~ - <br />+ar.Ta ry vFr ins ti*CA ~I ffe._.h pa ,,.arm ~iifrc, Jt e.-_.yt_r -_...:.-~, .. .,..:. , .... ~. , ,: ~, r '. <br />