<br />NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower arxt Lender further covenant and agree zs totlows:
<br />1R AcceMrabwr, RemWha Except as provided inparagraph 27 hereof, upon 8orrpwer's bfeacn of any covanantwagre~ment of BOrrowerinthis Mwtgage,
<br />irtpi Wing the covenants to Day when due any soma secured by this Mortgage. Lenr!er prior to acceierahon shall maa nwice to earrawer as provttlad in
<br />paragrapa 14 hereof spacityirtg: {i} the breach;,2) the action requirod to wre such bream: f3} a date, nM rasa than 30 days from the date the notice is rrrailed to
<br />BFlrrdurar, Dy wF.ich-such tue~n moat be cured; amt (A} (hei faf Wre to cure such breaan on w before thedata specitia6 in the notice may result in accaieration
<br />of tae cams aecure6 by this Mwtgage, lorectosure by judicial proca@dieg and sale of [rim Property. The notice shah further inform Borrdwel of the right to
<br />reinstate after acceleration and the right [o asaertin tae foreclosure proceeding She nonexistence of a default or any otfierdefenae of borrower to acdMeratian
<br />arw foreclosure. tf 1M breach is not cured on w tietore the Oate specified In tae notice, !@ncter at Lender's option may decfare ah of tae sums secured by thin
<br />Mrxtage to be lmmedia[efy due and payable without further demand and may foraeipae by jutlteial proceeding. LarMer shall be ant?lied to collect In such pre
<br />cee'diM ail expenses of fwaclosurs, including, but not limited to, costs of tlocumentary evidence, abstracts and title repwta.
<br />to BareLyaf•s Rigirt f0 RNnstata. Notwi?hstanding LrmtleYS acpeleration of the sums secwetl by Ihla Mortgage, Borrower shall have tae right to have arty j
<br />proceedings begun by tender to enforce this Mortgage discontinued at any time prior to entry of a )utlpmant enforcing this tfioRgage if: (a} Bwrower pays !
<br />Lender &! sums which woultl bs teen due under this mortgage, tM Note and notes s@cwing Future Advances, ifany, had no acceleration occurretf; (b) Borrower
<br />cures ell Oreachea of arty other covenants or agreements of Borrower contained In this Mortgage: (c) 8orrowerpays alt reasonable expanses incumad Dy Lender
<br />in enforcing tM covenants and agreements et Borrower contained in this Mortgage and in enforcing Lender's remedies as providetl In paragraph 18 hereol, iM1
<br />Uuding,bu[nd limltetlro, reasonable attorney's taes:antl(dl Borrower takesauch action as LeWer may reasonably require toasaure tflaf tae liennt flits Mw-
<br />tgsgD, lencteYa interest in the Property and borrower's obligation to pay the soma secured by tais Mortgage shall continue unimpaired. Upon such payment
<br />and pure by borrower, tale Mortgage and tae obhgatlons secured hereby wall remain in full forge and effect as If no accaleratian haA occurreA. -
<br />2D. Aaa1g11maM W Renh; Appolnlmaot of Ractlnr: Lander In Poeaaaalon. As adtlhlanal security hereunder, Borrower hereby aaalgns to lender Ne rams of
<br />tae Property, provided thafBarrower shalt, prior to accelerehon antler Darapmph 78 hereof or abentlonmant of the Property, save *.he right to collect artd retain
<br />sate rents as they become due antl payable.
<br />Uparr acceiaratiort under paragraph 16 hereof or af>entlonment of Ne Properly, lender, in person, by agent or by judieiagy appointed rerxiver, wall be antit4
<br />ad to enter upon, take possession of aM manage the Property and to collect the rents of the Property, inducting those past doe. Ail rents cohepte0 by Lender or
<br />the !epatvar shaf! be applied firer to paYrr!^-rat of Ina cosgs of managamenf M rna Proparry an6 coLachon of rants, ?ncl!~dMg, b!~t rat !!mifed ta, re~fv~'s fees,
<br />premitoms an receiver's bonds end IeeSOnaDle attpmey's fees, and then to the soma aepurad by this Morlgege. Lentler end the roceiver shah be Bade to as
<br />GOVOL only OOt those r8nt5 ddUally feCelved. €
<br />)
<br />2t. Futuia AdYanpae. Upon request of Borrower, Lentler, at Lender's option Drior to release of this Mortgage, may make Future Adrancee [o bwrowar. Such
<br />Future Advances, with Interest thereon, shell ae secured by Mis Mortgage when evidenced by prdmissnry notes stating that said pates are secured hereby._AC j
<br />nottm@ sha71 the principal amount of the intlebtetlness secured by this Mortgage, not including sums advanced in accordance herawiia to protect tae security
<br />of tail Mortgage, axceetl the original amount o! the Note plus USS
<br />7L. Miaaaa. Upon payment of ag sums secured by this Mortgage. lender snaN discharge tais Mortgage without charge to Borrow@r. borrower shall pay all
<br />Ca619 Of'.r@CwdatlOn, it any.
<br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, BORROWER nos executetl this Mortgage
<br />t G. ARNDLD Borrgw@r
<br />~~~F, 7
<br />1~ t - ~ ~ ~~~ Borrower
<br />MANILA a. ARNOI,n
<br />On th{g ~~tigy of ~~( 19~, before me. the untleratgned, a Notary Public duly commissiPned anq qualitled for sam county,
<br />peraonelty came 'K~ARNDLD and MANILA D. AIL^IOI,D, husband and wLfe,
<br />to me known to be the identical person(s) whose neme{s) are aubscnbed to ine iorago~ng inalNmenl an6 eckawletlgetl the execution Ihareoi to he
<br />Che it vp'.unfary act anq dead
<br />Witness my nand errs notarial seal at flASTZNG5 in said county, the date
<br />atwesaW.
<br />r'"a~p"~~`~jrlN fission expose'. ~J/((
<br />tytgr~~ tlgfaM I ~~~~._
<br />_.
<br />~IltaWaa~1{•l __._ _.__..
<br />Nqury Public
<br />i5pas@ 6atdp TMa LiM (taaarvad Far 4udar arW Retarded
<br />Wn@n R@coraea Return to
<br />STAiF. rE6E NAt $Ai'iNGc aNt} IGAN AS~C>:wiAi'%ON
<br />t3yn 23q
<br />ceainc~a, Naora~a i>g.3ui
<br />