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r <br />~o-~~,~~c~s <br />LOAN NUMBER 2IOS30226 'RENEWABLE RATE MORTGAGE RIDER" <br />THIS RENEWABLE RATE MORT[xABE P'RRM'l RfOER is made iRis 22ND day of SEPTEMBER . 74 $0 . arM is incor- <br />poratedinto artd strait be deemed to amend and supplement a Mortgage, fhere+n "securitf instrumant'~ dated of ewm data her@wtiR, given tn' the unaetsigne0 <br />(henkt "BowoweY) fo secure eonowers Note to STATE FEDERAL SAVfNOS AND LOAN ASSOGATiON, Home ONice, Beatrice, Nebraska, therein "t.erMef') <br />add covertlq the Property deaeribed in tRe security +:tstrument antl Located at <br />82b S KIMBALL ST, GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA 68801 lPrdaertYAddreas) <br />the Popery comprlaes a pf%<cnl at MM improved with a dwelNrp. <br />RenewabM Rate Mortgage Cpvenutn. Borower arM LeMer covenant and agree as tolfows <br />1. Borrower agrees IRat It the LarWar is repaired y disbu:ssamounts as au-tnonzed In paragraph T of the Mortgage. such amounts ehaH be <br />payade ut>ort notice from LerMe+ to Borrower repuestirq payment tnersof anC steal l bear interest Irom the date of dlatwrsement at the <br />rate of SggTEE::-- (1b,000I) <br />h per annum. <br />2 tP the purpose of Ilia loan evidenced by this Mortgage is to provide funds for construction, Borrower agrees that construction of a <br />Gri Wing on the prerrtisas tleacnbed will be cnmmertced immediately upon execution of thin Mortgage and the accompanying Note and <br />wilt ha completed wiMin twelve (121 months of the signing of these documents. <br />3- The BOROWe! wa(yes me benefit of the homeateatl exemption as to This debt, and it the Borrower is a monied woman, she executes this <br />Mortgage and Me accompanying Note wttn tM intention to charge her separate property for payment of the Note. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF. Borrower has axecutetl tots Renewable Rate Mortgage Rider. <br />(/'/ //j <br />K G, ARNOLD BO1""°r <br />`~ ~ . ~~ <br />'~ANZLA 0. ARNOLD <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA ADAMS <br />County ss: <br />Un this Ayd~ dap 41 ~~~~ 1;Y~ b@fote me. the und@rsigned a Nptary' Pablic tluly commisainrled and <br />gWhfied for soi~~ °sCalnty~ persona7l came <br />KIRK G, ARNOi.D and~ANi1.A D. ARNOLA, hnsbsad end wLEe, <br />to me hrwwn tp be tin identical persoMSt wt+use namersi are subscr+tsed to Ina fcregovng Instrument and acsnowiadged the execution thereot to 6e <br />voluntary act atW tleed. <br />Witness my Rand and notar+al s9ai at HAST 1NGS .n said County, the date aiorssa+a. <br />Itt!!e/ <br />~iUSi ~uNmetarm4o ~ /t ~~Yi ,~t ,, j i ~/[ <br />My Ga?m:saion axps:es: - fy Wwat. Er~A~i~~i -.,.._~es"'- -L^'~ :- *G~-z~ <br />F.. ~ ) N@nry PudM <br />1 <br />Winn AbGO(dM1 Agiurr t0 <br />u`A'L €€~;€R :L SAV ;zUS AN'.3 t..r:.t~;.~~~.r.. ~,€J;t <br />Bean~cte_ N@Or as#4 :i3'i.5;' <br />32: 41gpt9;)4 FIRM RitjtiR <br />