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so- s~~4as <br />~. <br />LOAN NUMBER 210530225 "RENEWABLE RATE MORTGAGE" <br />g <br />THis MORTGAGE CONTa1NS RENEGOTIABLE INTEREST RATE AND AUTOMRTIC RENEWAL PROVISIONS. THE INTEREST RATE ANO MONTHLY <br />PAYMENTS AP.E SUBJECT TO ADJUSTMENT. <br />rats MORTGAGE is made tots 22ND day of SEPTEMBER . is $0 ,between the Mortgagor <br />KTBK G. ARNOLD and ?fANILA D. ARNOLD, husband and wife, ittarein"rxurower'7.andirteMort- <br />ge9ae. STATE FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCfATION, Home Office, Beatrice, Nebraska, a corporation organized arq existing under the taws of the <br />United Stales ai America whose address is 201 North Sixth Street. Beatrice, Nebraska therein '-Lertdsr"). / <br />WHEREAS. Borrower is indebted to Lender in the principal sum of ~ - <br />NINETEEN THOUSAND TiFO HUNDRED AND NO/100th douarstsy`lg2.~gg.,.gg__J. <br />which indebtedrtass is arM shah be evidenced by BorroweYS Renewable Rate Mortgage Note antl renewals ihereo! dated Sgp(EMBEI~ 22 tg BO <br />therein "Nate'1. prwidirtg for monthly installments or principal and lrtere5t, wftn the balance of the indebtedness ii not Sooner para. due arts payable irutiatty <br />on OCTOBER O1 19$3 ;The Note wilt be automatically renewed at equal Renewal intervaib unfit the entire inetebts6 <br />rasa evtdertced Oy the Note is wily paid on OCTOBER O 1 2010 :oath Reneteai Loan Term shall be lM same tength as [rte initial Lmn <br />jean rase arty Extended Period. !f tM Initial Loan Term has an Extended P¢rbd, then the final Renewal Loan term is ratluted by the tengtn of the Extendetl <br />Period. <br />DEFINRIONS: ~ ' <br />ittlBN Lean 7afm-That paned of timefrpm and including the tlate of flits Nate to and including the day 35 calendar mgntns 7rom;he date of this Nate. <br />F.xtstgsd Period N initial lwn Tmm-That period of time n0 ipnyer than six (6y GaLndar months wnicn, .nr bookNe¢P+ng purposes, precedes the day on which <br />~, Ilia Original trMez Rata is tletarmined thereby making such Initial Loan Term mature with oilier such loans on ;rte soma day 5 calendar months from <br />[he end of such Exte+tdetl Periotl. It an In ltidl Loan Term has an extentled penotl pursuant to Ihi,s tlafimtipn, then mat:al Loan ~erm means that period of trine <br />firom and inolutling the date of the Note. to antl Including the tlay 3(y calendar months from the tlate Ot tee NCI{e. plus the iengin of any Extentletl <br />?enod. <br />Renewal lntemf-That penotl Of time equal Io the length of the Initial Loan Term :ass any EYtentlad ParlOtl of such Initial Loan Term. <br />'~ TtaMwel Loan Term-That penotl of lime baginning on ma first day next following the antl of the Eninal Loan Term entling 35 calendar months later. <br />For purposes of renewals subsequent to Itte hrst renewal of this loan. Renewal Loan Term !-leans that penotl of trine beginning on inefirst tlay nett following <br />tneendoftheimmetliateiypretetlmgWantermandending ~5 talentlarmonthslater.IithisloanhasanExtendedPenotlO7thelnitialLOanTelm.then <br />a5 to the float 108n term, Renewal Lean Term means that penotl of lime beg!nnmg en the firs! Oay next ivuvwing ilia antl of the immetliately preceding loan <br />tarn and ending on the maturity day of the Mortgage. <br />Nettie Pedgd of Rerrewei-That penotl of time at least ninety (g01 tlay¢ before the lay day of MP. Instal Loan Tarm or Renewal Loan Terms. a%cept tot the final <br />Renewal Loar. Term. <br />Renewat NoNCe-Written notice, acvording to the form presented by federal regutahon ~ t2 C.F.R. 545.6 - aalel(igCSOfJ to be sent by the Association to the Bon <br />rawerys) at least ninety (90) tlays before me last day of the Initial Loan Term cr Renewal Loan Terms. except far the final Renewat Loan term. <br />Inde%-The Monthly National Average Mortgage Rata Index Fvr Ail Motor Lerdgrs This Index rctleCis Ilia contract interest rate on f he Vurchasa o! previoosiy <br />OCEUpled homes a5 GOmpUied by the Fedarai HCme LOdn dank BoarC anC pUCi.`h¢d mvnih[V !n i!IB Fbtlarc:i Hpma Labn Bank Board Joumel 1Tatlle ~ <br />Original lrtdsx Rale-The Index rate aS tlet¢rmmed on irlC 11rSi say of Ilia Imhai Loan Tarm. It the intial Loan Term nos an. ExiCnded Period, ?>'r Jriginal Intlax <br />Rate means tY,a inda% refs as dstarmin i vn the first day of tna inlha' Loan Tarm p:Ue the nump8r pt days ;r: ilia Ezte.^.ce,^: P-.._ ... - - _ _= .. = 0n~. - - <br />pe%Rete must be ine 4ndex rats a?!ailetted!n the must recent Index made avdriiabiC by the Faderai HOma Loan Bank Board whgthgr Or nc'.alna most recent In- <br />day na': k ~ r„tW:!a;iy _ :ki9hW ir.:he fgda€8i H3r?a LOsn Bank Baa;d Joe:Yna#. <br />t7t!NRai Inia148t r~bf8-Too inieresH rate !n aifec: canon ilia ih!?rat ipso Term. <br />Rnnewsi Irtde%Aete-The Ingax rata as d¢Sermined ai fns lima ins Renewal NptiGe IS Beni to ln¢ 80rrOwen S) tU! the nazi Renewal Loan Term. The flenewai in. <br />deX Rela must be the IrWex rate as re!ie~.ied in the mast recent index matle avaitable Oy the Federal Hnme loan bank board whether or not the most ie_eni in~ <br />tle% has bean otf!cially publi5hetl in [rte Federal Nome Lwn Benk Board Journal. <br />Renewal Intsrsst Rats-The !merest rata in alieact tlunng a Renewal Loan Tenn, <br />When tnelmtiei loon Term or any Renewal Loan Term Is retuwed, the only provision that may he cnang¢o in the NOTE or in Ilia MORTGAGE is ilia contract <br />int8raat rate, including any change m thq amount of the monthly installmems of printipai 9nd rntere5i neC.essary tv amortize a loan w Iih Ino came principal and <br />M the eame fntefesl rata over t4 remeintng term Of tots MURTGAGE. <br />At laabt ninety (96j tlaYS babre 1M end bi the iniilaf loan Term and any Renewat Loan Terms, except fo! lho Ilnal Renewal loan Term, the Note holder shat I <br />send the BovowerisJ a Renewal NOilte wmm~ states, among other things, the Renewal Inlarast Rata and haw monthly Ins[alimanl for the next Renewal Loan <br />Tarm. <br />ilia Renewat fntereat 8818 for a Renewal Loan Tarm snag be nosed on the mnv¢ment in the Monthy National Average Mortgage Rate Intlex for all malty <br />ientlafS. Tn18 Index r@il¢ctb 1M16 port Vatt interest rata on ins purchase of previ0u51y Occupletl homes a9 computed by Ihq federal Home L tan Bank Board antl <br />publtsned rrmnthiy in tna Fe6bral Roma Lpen Bank Bosh Jewmai iTable S 5.ti, <br />7tie Renewat intgrasl Hata for a Renewat Loan Term Shall im caiCUiattld .n the Yoiivw!ry manner <br />i. Tne rfitfsrsttgs must rte round Oetweon the Renewal Index Rate and me priglnaT Index Rata. <br />~, The 917a4'ESta€ i ~>Lrvt - _ ,_ ,g a'ra,^ •^ _ .. .:~_ - =.- f .- . _.:~ _ I-, v`:y e!a ;':1=:c-t Rai- <br />3 Ttx t~aaa toand in 2 ab.^,ys :s :.hp flansv:a: Intares: Rata io:Ira rsxt RCngwa: Lean TCrm :t ,..- ,,..- nca t,etwc.;rr roar hgurs <br />antl tii9 interebt rate for Ina Current Wan IHIT. tlp¢> not exceed ins intergs( rate nmitahcns staleA belpw. <br />a. it ins ddtbfanta batwa@n foal itgun and ine in}ereSt rata for ins Curren) loan Iemt tlca9 not Ox GOatl Ilia Interest rata Ilmilallons <br />8tata0 bBipw, roan the Ranz,wdi inteeeat Pate to: the next Renewal Loan TCtm Is m9 InterasC rate Wr the current Iofln lend plus <br />tit en InCraASbi o* min!:s jri a tlecrtls5ej the maximum int!eas¢ O! v+ecrease pamtllla0 UolOw. <br />Tt,; (n;xlm:1~. 1hiaSgYl :3.d ingr5as:a rH ::gG:gaSo %3 C+ra~natf pf one porCVni {U 5"et p@r Yr-d• rrufirpirarj yy Ise nurn GVrr of Years In rho loan trrni <br />kt fW fling during ilia term at to+S MORTGAGE may Ina maxrmurn intefe5t rate Increase ur de::=ease Ca yi¢ate= or less roan nog pCi cent t5".:1 tout or umisr ih8 <br />Uftgirwi tnteearmi Rete. <br />--lmereai rata dstroalpaa from ih8 preylous loan term ere mandatary Interest rata me,e+ases nom the p;enocs loan term era Opnor:ai wrtn me. assccmuon <br />TO 3ECifR& TO t.ETiOEA ta; the taPeymaext of fro inotkbtedriass ev:g9nceu by the Nett, verity rn:er¢si tnareo^.. t^.¢ paytran! o' alt a?her Burns. won mteresi <br />t. Yapfi aC---3 n a -.~rdar, x- ha - to - ~ p a,ecr ilia asGUr ty nr t .fo Sag a -- e pe s o v . t .tl g e t B n r <br />o^^ta-n^_rJ, =~.Dt.r;f ~°y_,x.,t _ o.t,r s,..... rya:xen. xitt~ .e e,i , ~,..,. o ,R .. ~, .. ~y ~_.,. ..~ n3n- I_ as-ss a., <. nr..~...,i~ , . stn :. ~ <br />t. 11GA!)('ti)itlli HFM MFta <br />