~(]1 i
<br />AdYar1CBS"j,BGrr4wCr tloes hereby mrntgaga, grant and conreyto Lender the fahpwing CesGFit~d propertylGafed,rt the Cow:ty of HAIL
<br />State of Nebraska:
<br />Lot FLfty-fSve (5~), to 8awtharne Place, being a subdivistaa of part of the Northwest
<br />Quarter (NW tj4} of Section Twenty-two (22}, Township Eleven (11), North, Range Nlre (9},
<br />blast of the 6th P.M:, Ln the Ctty of Grand Island, Aall County, Nebraskay
<br />address ot._- 826 S__KIMHAZ,L ST__._.
<br />(Street)
<br />(harem "Property Atldress' j:
<br />GttA~2.1SL?1?!D,_. . _._.__N~bF~1SA__-__--- _5$$91_
<br />ICityl {State) ITiO GOde)
<br />TOGETHER with alt the rmprpvements now or nereaHer erepterl on the propertN. anq all r?asempnIR. rtght5, appurtenances, rpnlg, royalties. mineral. oit and
<br />gd8 righl3 aril pr4td5.'Nater, W31er [,grits. 3n4 water 520Gk, and alM hziures now+'i ne(8d'CCr attaGhOtl IO ina property, all of WniGh, inolUCing fepl9Gem8nl3 arM.
<br />atltlilion5 Hereto. shall be tleemetl to b^ antl remarn a part at M@ property cevereo by this Mortgage: and all of tn2 foregoing, together with 5aitl proDerty(or iftE
<br />!easenotq estate if tots Mortgage is on a leasenoltl) are nerem referred to as the "Pmpeny'
<br />Borrower GovenarStS that Borrower Is lawfully 5Br5eC bt Ina est3ie noreby cpmeyed and na5'.he right to mortgage, grant antl convey ina Prppetty, coat ttie
<br />Property is UneRCUmber@tl, antl Coat 80rfOWe! will warrant antl defend Generally Ih£ id:p pine Prop£rty against alt Clalma and dementl5, subject 10 any tleGfa[a~
<br />tins, easements or re5brphpn5 listed in a SGheCUle of exceptions t4 coverage in any title ,nsurance ponCy insuring lendel'6 ,ntereSt in the P/Operty.
<br />UNIFORM GOV ENANTS. Borrower and Lender !:ov¢nant an!] agree as ~p!~n rrs
<br />1. Paymmtoi Prtrtafpel elitl tn1ar861. BGrrOWBr Snail promptly pay WnBn pl'9 inn prrnGillgl tit ~:rid 4ntpf¢si Gn the rndpClednps9 ¢YrdenGed by ina Note. pr@pdy-
<br />ment enq :ate charges e5 prcvideC in ihp Nate, and t^.e prinG:pai G? anC :nten?st o^. a^:y i~;nure kdvanCas s@CUron by tots Mortgage.
<br />2 Fantlg itx Ta)tes 821tl tmurattpa. SUDICC[ 10 appilGa6le iaW Or tG a wrnien'wa1Y¢r ny Lender. Bprf4'N¢r :nail U9y ip L@Itde! on Ina tlay mOntnly in5lallmenis
<br />. principa - n iErE51 are payaGla u, mar tha Nova ~,~,,, ha Nete :- ,. ,... -, m ,„ar ,-.. ,..~ : -, ,- pn-. aiith c rr~s .p-riy to-e an-
<br />9SgCS5mCCis WniGn may 91t9in prlOr,iY Over ihi3 Mortgage and Around - t -1 the P ty_ [ 9ny~ p1u54. ~ayN -_ ye8 i. Ate r ,n4 .i.:mvn15 tar na'.drq
<br />:hSOratce,Pi.~S Crta-irstY.i:ot,aahy p2mi„Y. :e~ta,iment"O•morgep n:'_. 5=n, r. 5:m .- 1...:._. _._Y!=i!3er
<br />f1Yd ba5r5 at a55E55m8M5 drip Cr:15 and reasGnaC18 a5lim3t85 theraGt
<br />The funds snaH be nerd in an institution the deppsrt5 or accUUnls or wnech ate :nsurOU p+ guaranleeo ny a federal or State apenGy Including Lender II
<br />Lender is-such an inatitutiont. Langer snail apply trip Funds to pay sa,tl tarps, assessments_ ~nsuran.:@ premnrms anU ground r@nts. Lender may nGt Gharg@ for
<br />so bolding and applying ina Funtls. analyzing sa,tl accGUnt. or yetityu+g and complirnp 5ald as5essment5 and b1i15, unless Lender Rays Borrcwer mlprest on ina
<br />Fonds end eDPliga6le law permits Lender to mske Such a charge. Borrower antl Lender may ag(pD ,n writing at the r,me of pxeCUhpn ul this Mortgage Ihai in~
<br />tCFest pn the Furttls shalt C>P peltl la BOrFower, antl unless such agreement r5 matle Ur appucabl¢ law requires Such interest to C9 pare, L¢ntler Snail not be re~
<br />quired to pay eorrpwer any in19rp52 or earnings on :n¢ funds, Lender snai; g ve f4 6orrawar. w,:hpui cnargr;, an annual accounting of the funtls snowing
<br />GredtlS and tlgbils CO ihp funds and the purpos@ for whmh earn Uebd ,p ina Fends was made. Thp Funds are pletlgpd as addd,onel security for the Sums
<br />secued by [his Mortgage.
<br />It the amount OI tnP. Fl'ntlg /raid Gy LerMBr, tagetner Wfifi me luture monthly msiehrnents of funds paya0lp pr,or to the due dates o/ taxes. assessments. rrv
<br />gurdnGe lxemtums aM groutM r@nts, sna11 exc00U the amount repo, red to paY saro eaxes, asseSSmems, insurance premiums anU pruunn rents a9 they tell Uud.
<br />Sltgh 6xGpge Rtlat! be, at BoR4Wpr'S 6phpn, either ptUmptly /epartl ip BatraW@r O! v're(IIICd t4 BGIroWCr On ntor?ih ly InSlatlmenis OI Funds. 11 Ihp aR10Unt el th¢
<br />Fundg nfl{0 Gy LeMBr shat'. nDi be SuihGlel`t to pay taxes, as§d§Sment9, 'mSU(anCe prprnlun!5 and yrpund [Rots a9 they tall Cup. BgrroW¢r shall pay in L¢nd¢r
<br />any amount neGBSSary (o mak£ Up ina dehcl¢nGy Wllnrn 3V days from Ina Ca:e npiiGG- IS rnail¢d by LendP.r t0 Bprrowpl rCggpSting pey'men( thpreUf,
<br />Upon Daymenl in lull p/ all Rums s@GUfRd Uy tmg Mortgage. Lentler Shall prU?nptly rpiund I4 BoripwUr any Funds rapid py LpndE! It and¢r Garagrapn 7H nerepl
<br />lhC Prgpefty IS SGid Or ilia PiOp@riy i& O7hprWlsE 2aQUllBtl try L¢ntlef, Lpnper snail apply, n0later Ihan ,mmNdf a(£Iy pri0! 10 m@ sal£ pl fnC Property Or Rs acqulsi~
<br />hen Gy Lender, ary FUn4s ne!d by LpnUer at (n8 rime pt appllia(lan as a c!eUlt ag:onsl the SumB SCGUrCd by tltr5 Morlgag¢.
<br />$. AypilcailDe CF Paymafltf. UntC55 appllcapfC lbw prGUtdes OmpfW,SN. a!i payments r¢G¢,yUp Oy L¢n4pr untlgr ina N43a and pa(agra GhS .and 2 ne:eal Shalt
<br />be aDDUed by Lander first in peyrnent or arttGUnis payable to Lender by Bprrawer undar patagtaRn 2 h¢r@oL Ihpn iq Intere5l pxyabie on the Nate, inert to ina
<br />principal 41 inp NGta. antl than io ime[esl and pnrtcipai bra any Futute Advances
<br />d. C/larjtes_ UOna. Bomower shah pay a{i tarps, assessments anti ottwr i.narees tins antl Impos,hpne atrnnu{aGIC IG Inp P[pper ty wrack rosy ]!thin a pr,Or~
<br />Ip over this Mortgage, and IaaSphald G9Yments pr grpurq rents, .l any, ,r ±ne ,mam)¢F provitled untlel paraglapr, 2 nprepl Gr. ~i nrt paiU Ir. .such Mannar, by BU:-
<br />raWBF nlakln9 G9Ympnt. when dua. dtraG[t'y lplnff payee I'nerpGi_ B41rGWH'tinall wpniptly tUlmsh id Lender alt nn1,GFl,w tit ampnntz doe .,rider Ihrs puagraoM1. arld
<br />In ina ay9n[ Bc((GWer shall make Payment duaCiiy. 9orpwer shalt promptly tunri5i; Ip Langer receipts ev~aenc,ny sucn paymanis BOrfGWp( shah PrprtlGily
<br />disbhaigfl any lien WNGFy ;ta5 priority avar ihrS MGrtyage:, pravrCeU, lost Borrower Shalt npi be +ayuned to Ulscnerya any such lion so ipny as Borrower shall
<br />ag(aC in wFltinp tG the paYmant at the Ubirgatian 5ecureC by 5tch Ilan .n a rna^.ner acGpp!bp{p tr. Lender, pr snail !n yexatl larch Cpnies: Such I,er: by.. r deter::
<br />anlorcarhanl of such hRn in, Iaga7 praGeedings wnrcn ptierafe 3u prevent 1n8 aniorUernent of Ina Iron trv fm lprturtl OC ftlp Property pr any part S~arBUl
<br />8,- Haabrtl irr>lara~ 8arraw2F sna{l kEap the improyr±ments row es_st,n, at n¢rea!a€, .,tgeletl 4n tna Prpa¢rry m~ ,nU egamst [ass py b e. hat- rtls ~nco~ded
<br />r
<br />wrihln the term ^pxtendsd r ,verag@'-, antl cn other naz .d, as L€poe a, - -~_!re ~ ,~ , -,.,~^ an-c~.-,s a-c 1.,: I. Ee..~ ~s ~ L vusr m.,) ,toyi~
<br />ad, thgi Lender Sn9n riot require chef tna ulnaunt of sucn <oyeragp exceed that amount pt cu+erage rwqulred !p :ae t'+e .ums 't_uvrpd by tn.s Mp:'Igagp
<br />-Trig m5pr9rtce caYFiBt prpveding tiya rnsurancp Snag bs cnpsal^ by HGrrOW et sun)pc1 I4 apYr Guar Ay term[,,, provr6eLL 1'uu soak approval shall net he
<br />arm@aSUnebfy withFreL- ail ¢ p ,lams Oa .nsprsnre Warr es sns: n_a paro rn rip m.a^..e. lad ~.,<Ut „.x 8grap0 :. mom... . ,.a ,. .., .u na, r. r. 1*~.
<br />BOrrflwe<=•aksng paY!n<rfte, Wifeh Wt§. U,reCtly iu the Irsota,;.-c carrier
<br />k{cif:SUrSnz:e pG!i£(aF andfene'was?fit[e4f scottl tumfarr:r.a'LCaptabee ic~ie!nbHr.l:4n'3.^.a!':nL!,r!tf?a Silt:fb a}mr:r(payt.:;:.iu'.W ~. ro: C. 3nU:n lnrnr.tri.aC.
<br />favtC ti tandCC.L4L.~!p. shao ^aYE:^e:fg;:t t'J""'-"`^C •• ~ `r+1:; .ro '„%„ ... Uv. W -~., ,..~ ... m . r. .~ a ., ~..
<br />w NJ
<br />rrxs,pts of paid Yrem,crr,~... ,•i !tie tvrcv :: -x.. Br u'W€ to u:.. it F_ re'; s - ,,,_a.. .-~., - 1 , n_,- . n -b.. ~_„~ _ _ r. _,
<br />rc;adg peGmprfy nY H4`rto W@r.
<br />