<br />LFNIFOlUi COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender covenam and agree as follpws:
<br />I. Payment of Principal and In[ettst. Borrower shall prompt)}• pay when due the principal of and interest on the
<br />indebtedness evidenced by the Note, prepayment and late charges as provided in the Note, and the principal of and interest
<br />on any Future Advances sectued by this Mortgage.
<br />2. Funds for Tortes and Inastraace. Subject to applicable law or to a written waiver by Lender, Borrower shall pay
<br />to Lender on the day monthly installments of principal and interest are payable under the Note, until the No[e is paid in foil,
<br />a stun (herein "Funds") equal to one-twelfth of the yearly taxes and assessments which may attain priority over this
<br />Mortgage, and ground rents on the Property, if any, plus one-twelfth of yearly premium installments for hazard insurance,.
<br />plus cite-twelfth of yearly premium installments for mortgage insurance, if any, all as reasonably estimated initially and from
<br />time to time by Lender on the basis of asstssments and bills and reasonable estimates thereof.
<br />Tht Funds shall be held in an institution the depnsits or accounts of which are insured or guaranteed by a Federal pr
<br />state agency (including Lender if Lender is such an institution). Lender shall apply the Funds to pay said taxes, assessments,
<br />insurance premiums and ground rents. Lender may not charge for sp holding and applying the Funds, analyzing said accnunt,
<br />or verifying and compiling said assssmenu and bills, unless Lender pays Borrower ineerest on the Funds and applicable law
<br />permits Linder to make such a charge. Borrower and Lender may agree in writing at the time of execution of this
<br />Mortgage that interest pn the Funds shall be paid to Borrower, and unless such agreement is made pr applirable law
<br />requires such interest to be paid, Lender shalt not he required to pay Borrower any interest or earnings on the Funds. Linder
<br />shalt give to Borrower, without charge, an annual accounting of the Funds showing credits and debits to the Funds and the
<br />purpose for which each debit to the Funds was made. The Funds are pledged as additional security fpr the sums ucurtd
<br />by this Alongaga.
<br />If the amount pt the Funds held by Lender, together with the future monthly installments o[ Funds payable prior to
<br />the due dares of taxes, assessments, insurance premiums and ground rents. shall exceed the amount required to pay said rasa,
<br />assetsmenu, insurance ptwniutrrs and ground rents as they fall due, such excess shall be, at Borrowers pption, tither
<br />promptly repaid to Borrower or credited to Borrower on monthly installments of Funds. If the amount of the Funds
<br />ixid `oy Lender shall not be sttfiicien[ to pay taxes, assessments. insurance premiums and ground rents as they fall due,
<br />Bottowcr shall pay to hevrder any amount ntcessarc tp make up the deficiency within 30 days from the daft notice is mailed
<br />by Leodtr to Borrower requesting payment rherepf.
<br />Upon parmem in full pf all sums secumd 6y thx Mor[ga¢e. Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower any Funds
<br />held by' Lender. If under paragraph 16 hereof the Property rs sold or the Properky is ptherwist acquired by Lender, Lender
<br />shall apply, no later than immediate!}' prior m the sate of the Prpperty or ils acquisaion t.r}• Lender. any Funds held by
<br />Lender al the time of application as a credit agains[ the sums secured by this Mpngage.
<br />3. AppBeatien of Payments. Unless applicable law provides otherwise. alt paytncros r€~cticed 6v Lender under the
<br />Npte acrd paragraphs 1 and 2 hrrcof shall be applied by Lender first m pa~.ymtnt crf amounts payahte ern Lender by Borrower
<br />under paragraph ? herept, then to mteres[ pavablc on the Note, then to the principaf of the Nore, and then to interest and
<br />principal on any Future Advances.
<br />d. Charges; Lieas Bprrower shall pay all taxes. assessments and other ~harees, fines and rmppsivons attributable to
<br />the Propem• which tray attain a priority ever this Mprtgage. and leas€ho?d paymenv or ground trots, if a,ty, in the manner
<br />pmvidtd under paragraph 2 hcrri or. rf not yard m such manner. by Borrpwer making pay~»ent, when du€, duectly to the
<br />payee thereof. Borrpwer shall promptly furnish w L€ndu all nooses of amounts due under thu paragraph. and in the event
<br />$ormwer xhal7 make payment +Lrectly, Borrower shall promptly turnrah to Lender receipts evrdencrne such payments.
<br />Borrpwer shalt promptly dixbazge any 3ien which has pnpntp over this Mprtgage; pn vrdrd, that Borrower shall not he
<br />rtquved tp diachargt any at:r~ tier, Sp fang as Barrc.>rer shalt agree in wrnmg tp tk:t payment of the rbirgatipn sit-urzd by
<br /><acla lien rn a manner acceptable tp t-ender. ur ±hakt in arnpd fatiF .ont~sr ~u.h ii~n hv. +~,r dcttr+-_ nr,_,rsemtnt n[ sr~ch tiro in,
<br />Irgal pr tceedings which operate €a prevent the rnforcemcnt of the hart pr Iprfeaure of the Property or eny part thereof.
<br />5. Hrusrd Irraaraece. Bprrpwcr shaft kcep the rmptpv€menr, ttn•,r rrn~ring ,ar htrtaftcr ercered cut the Prpperty ensured
<br />ag=ass: loss hg• fi2, haz° ...-".~'+td v<iihtr, erm ' ~xttrtd,.....r5. --a gr'~ and spch :w`rex ha~aru> -- Ltrtltr ~-iqurre
<br />and rr, such amounts and f _ucfr per€~,ds _ ixend€r may rer.;_t-- er_k*w~is'=Et3. that ientier ells)) rot require lost _.c anr~unt =:i
<br />_'_p_ _ _° - L ..,: ,t .a t'rw - ri2n' Y rr~,f. fit. ar a r.ti
<br />.,.. may.. ac icy i 4. i€}aa +£rl'.urty*al[r.
<br />The insuttwcc carntr prpviding the inzu, arise shall ht chr~stn by Br+rtt9twcr subt+~t p? +epprpvai by L€nd€r; pro+rded,
<br />tY/at siren appr>?val ;half oat ix r;nreaatY) b?y :vi.lrntisi~ ..-~6- petrut:,,m'S rt~n insurance ~Gliexs ,na}l br paid ~. ~a€incr
<br />:-rp,•d~- u~r pa. _~ ~~ 7 .3 - _ - c:- rte
<br />-~ m :.....rem : ze€, ;(~ ~ ~~J tfi a.:kiirr,arrr~r: ray €~.:r ~,u`er rrratrs7r payment.:{-'.rcrr dvz. Div t t
<br />inanr8 ['q:t caClltt.
<br />AU insurance poficiu and renewals :ntrepf shall fr m iprm ucctptebfe to ! ender arxi shall rndutle .+ a:aldu+f nnatgagc
<br />daunt rn favor pf and rn form arceptah3e rp Lxuder. Lutdtr shall have the right tp twld the polrcres and renswaks thereof,
<br />and Borrower shall prurrsptiy furnrsh to Lender ail renewal no~::ts and ail recerprs csi paid prcmeums. to the t+~ent t,l lass.
<br />Bprrower shall gave prompt rtcrtret rp ttu +psurance earner and Ltndtr. Lender may make pr-c --4 et km sf not nwde pramptfy
<br />!!}' Borrpwer.
<br />Unless I.cnder and Borrpwer atherwtse agrtc ut wntmg, rnsurance prsra olds shaft tee applied to reaurrauc>rr ,>r repau •,t
<br />the Prc:perty damaycd, prnvrci&d Guth r€sturatn;n err report rs tcvnp€nrcally ttaabfe ass! the seturrtY sat than Mprtgagt :>
<br />nut thcraby i.tapatred- if such rcatprauon ar repau rr oar e.."onaroivaliy feasib?c pr +f the etc urrt}• of thrs M.+rtgagc would
<br />be tmparrtd, fix insuratxc prods shall ~ applred tp efts sums srt-¢ueu ty !his Mortgage, unh the s>aa-ss, r[ an}, ps,d
<br />vi Boor+wer, ff the Property r, arr`u3otx.1 by tiarrrrwtr, i,r rt Borrpwer tvr?s to rospund pt I,rnder w€thrn ~U da}~s from th€
<br />Batt npti+:t a marled b} l,tndtt ro Bornrwcr that the tuzutauit zarrter r^liers tp sills a alarm for rn>utauce t+tnrhts, I ender
<br />is authcmze<i tp cpilcet and ,pyly the +ncuearace pr+n~ais at Lcndrr-s rrpnun trtha~ to reuorauon .,r repau .>t the 1'r*,,f>rny
<br />ar tp the surtu see"until ray th+s Msxtyagr.
<br />t~rrksa. Lcrxler slut Aarrs++var attwrwtvc akret m wtrung, any such apphcatK;n of pAxr+ids rp prerkipai shall oat ratted
<br />~ i~me the out date of ties mpnthly tnstailmcnu rtftf red tU .n paragraphs 1 sod ? hetast ur change the amount i
<br />sut:h tnstrl[nseou. ll uvdlq' para;p.€ap6 f6 herwf th€ F€operty is acquired by Lttui€€, ail ngitt, ode arul ,merest +d lsorrawct
<br />in slid to sup rrwursutca p~w~ epd rn :uk'7 to ttx fx+ueads thereat ra>ulung Irorn dar~a){x :p the Ptupnrtt pear tr.+ th¢ o.4e
<br />at as;gtnsttton shall Pats to larder tp tot extrut pf L'tt aunts aecumd u} thm Aiangagt +mrutdtatety prior to >uch ealc as
<br />6. Pteaa3zatian creed ~€ai~[Ewari.s aE Nras~+cit}. i.c+wettvlrts: t~ur.3umin:ur.++i ~ 41rtu 13ta"tiap+neutq. Isptrrrw::t
<br />shall kc~p the Prapcr[v is gazed t€pa:e arsd sFtal3 opt epmatit v.aatt a;-r pttnut rmpatrment pr dtittecrsaft,rn .,f th€ I'rc,4zert>
<br />acrd shidl tumply wish the prpvr~ptw crf ap3 tease r[ tilts Mungayc as an a lesthpld_ if thrr. Atvrtgage s au+ a amt to ;,
<br />epa+iontinuttn <tr a pianr€ed tn7tt des~e„{ppnssat, fee rp+tr shall ptrfot err a(f c,f fspreov,css phl:gauaurs yodel the deslarat ern
<br />yr Gpvattant3 ctralitrg pr gpYlrnrng the <pndonttnttun pr f*Ianncl rust deve?upmerrt, the Fy-laws and reyufatuirts ,wf the
<br />cpndwmmtttn ar pl}patd ut€it devt{ppnwnt, and cunxtitutnt dpcurrunu_ U a arndowurium or planned .out devclupmmut
<br />racier is txtcutrd ray Bprrpa~cr and rctpsded ttygcth€r atilt t}us Mortgage, th€ epvrnants ,end agrsrmcnh rat >uch rrJrr
<br />shall be inco€'y:•Creattd into snot shall atntr~ aril sapplern€nt the covenants and agrttmcnia at th:a kfnr:gagt :ts .t the rider
<br />>stxe a part harcot.
<br />7. protsetiort of twadtr's .FeetuBy, It Bxstrpwtr fails tp p€riprm tba cpvrnants au«! agxetneenta cpntaure€! rn thrs
<br />4iprega~e, or if taY aciioa w proccding rs comnnttnced which naatanalfy afle+.-[s I.errdat c toter€st to the i't„ttcrty,
<br />tncluding^ lint opt limlad tn, €atlntnt ttWnain, Btspivcirty, c.xtt entorttrne~tt, ar an-ang,ctnents or ptrxetdings ,n>ohrng a
<br />beuskrapt rat ills€dtat, thto Lttukr at {.xnder"s optipn, upon rtpuce to Burrpwt:, eta} atnLe such art,cnratxu, anuwbe s+:..Fr
<br />sotto and take such aa:ti+2n at is ne~eaacry tp ru_atsct t.cndti s uiisrtxt- ^,,.--ludr>kg, hue .r,,t .nod ta, siren., ~t,rt€„t „{
<br />rtaadnab}t alt€im€Y s frr5 arsd entry uppn *.he Prootrty in make rrrpatrs. ?? Isrsiet cy„i: ~rtga«~e r t ,ran.r ~_ -
<br />ct'#sdit,t+=.e of ntatr~ the !®pr .recuttra! by this MprY~P$e. Hpt'rcH er s?:all pas flit pretru+aas r~°gntrei tr, ararniurn w.S,
<br />rz'cr3r afic.c in esitai era€€i ruin trrdc 9a ins r~u€c#€kii Fv. to rasa c ,crmara -s ,.r .n ~,.r3at-i:e a.,n Ft.t. rt+w6t's err...
<br />