<br />~0-- ~~~~~~ MORTGAGE
<br />THfS MORTGAGE is made this........ 25 .................day of..SQpC~X ................,
<br />t9.SQ:, between tee°Mortgagor,.R~lt'tftOAS~ ~..Kxecba. tand.isfaz'Y.D.. xi:cabs,.huab,T+nd.aud.t>iPe,,:.....
<br />3vietJ3r: pAd.e8Cb.3Lt.:6~ttii~ .45r+}. T~Bh~ (herein "Borrower"}. and the Mortgagee,. k'1RST.I~EDERAk.....
<br />SAYENG$:AP~t:LgA~.95SflCZATIQ19.aF. T.TS~ttCQT+Ai°-------.-__------.-.; a corporation organimd and.existing
<br />under the laws of. tl?e .3tate, of tiebraska--.::---------.:-; whose address is... 123 . ".~':. S'~i'i:e~.,... .
<br />.fe#n4P7-p.,. xtebfi6e~@. f~5~----cr-rr-:----c-err.-r.::------rr-----c-cr(herein "i.tntkr").
<br />Wttz:ftEas, t3ormwer is indebted to fender in the principal sum of .FORTY .NINE. THOt>SAN- .A)>ID . NU f lA4 . .
<br />.""'°"'"-'"---°---'---"°-""--'-"':'Dollars, which indebtedness is evidencxd by Borrower's note
<br />dated..4~. egep .d~Q4 _~B~Y~t11 , . (herein "Nate"), providing for monthly installments of principal and interest,
<br />with-the balance of ttre indebtedness, it not sonnet paid, due and payable on...At38U6$. 1,,..2Q10............
<br />Ta Sectmz: to Lender (a) the repayment of the indebtedness evidenced by the Note, with interest thereon, the
<br />payment of art other sums, with interest thereon, advanced in accordance herewith to protect the security of this
<br />Mortgage, and the performance of the covenants and agreements of Borrower herein contained, and (b) the repayment
<br />of anv funtre advances, with interest thereon, made to Borrower by Lender purcuant ro pataa~ph ?t hereof {!:e::;jn
<br />located >In dvanees"}, Bortmver dons hereby mortgage, grant and can+?ey to Lender the following descn"bitd ptapgrty'
<br />>~trture the County of...........~aikl ............ . ...... . .. . ....> State of Nebraska:
<br />Lot. Twent:r-Faux• (2k), N I~ .?'~ flooand SvbdivEsion, He17,
<br />CottnLy, N'r:trrusYsa.
<br />T7rz~ rrtaitye is uivett is catract the Iasi pt3yuit;ni Mate an
<br />araxtgr~,e drited e,ti{;USt t?, 1ettG tarty racardad as doctaaent to.
<br />iiO-~J415'~' of i:trr~rucr~dt: at' III t'au~rty, ^;yt,t~aaNa.
<br />wh3ett has the at#lress ~..... li.Ea f~tat, ~vutiu C . ....... . . ... ..... . . ....:r'~-`lEi _. ~3=':?........ , ,
<br />...~@lJp&iri~ . , . ,vt1..... , (herein "Properrty Address"}:
<br />tatty .au ztp rm.T
<br />`fact8'i'~6a with uf} rite impravr~nta now tit htreaftzr erevted on the property, end ail easerrtenrs, ri~ttis.
<br />appurtetranees, rents, rayattia, tnirgzal, oil and gas rightx end protiu, water, water righu, and want stark, and ail
<br />ftatureb naw at hcreaftar attachtd to the property, all of whiett, including replaeewents and additions thereto, s?iail i+e
<br />daemed ta be and raaaixr a part of the property courted by this Mortgage; and all of tha ftir,~gaing, toyather with said
<br />property {.ar the leas-bald +~tate if tlria Merigag{ ix arty a lc~ehoW) are herein referred to as tier "t'raperty"
<br />Harrower covenants. SMt Horrawar Ls lawfully seised of tAe estate hcrcb}• canvcycd and has the rieht ra ntvrsguar,
<br />grant ~~-ley t~ Ptrty, ihEd tits ptap€rty is utrcnncumL+rre~, and chat fteta,~tiet will warrant ;ind deism
<br />actrcrally il~ title Ea ttie ~'tauta4Y aatrust all c4aitns_ and damatrds, xubiect to ant deClar3tiUns, .^assnrcnta or restti~tiur:s
<br />3i«,,,d 1.. .. .rtoe.lr~le. ni rsr nfio~ i~ m~e3g~ tt any S_ij~ i sir ~n~~ n, l~r - vn~, ~ (s~ii~ler ricrCSt in the f te,l~.crtr,.
<br />a)»~l{~l~-1 to d F,tmOy--b; 75--~raWtFNtYt aNlraaY INiTatiMENf
<br />