~~-- 4053E~~
<br />Tinder's written agreement or applicable law. Borrower shall pay the amount of ail mortgage insurance premiums in the
<br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof.
<br />Any amounts disbursed by Lender pursuant to this paragraph 7, with interest thereon. shad becorrre additional
<br />indebtedness of Borrower secured by this Mortgage. Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other terms of payment, such
<br />amounts strait be payable upon notice from Lrnder io Borrower requestin¢ payment thtrcof, and shalt bear interest from the
<br />date of disbursement at the rate payahle from time to time on outstanding principal under the Nate unless pa}mlent of
<br />interest at such-rate would be rnntrary to applicable law, in which event such amounts shall bear interest at the highest rate
<br />permixsibk under applicable law. Nothing contained in this paragraph 7 shat] require Lender to incur an}• expense or take
<br />any action hereunder.
<br />g. TnxpeeHon. Lender may make or cause to oe made reasonable lorries upon and irspections of the Property, provided
<br />that Lender shall give Borrower notice prior to any such inspection specifying reasonable cauu therefor related toLrnder's
<br />intrrest in the Property.
<br />9. Condemnation. The proceeds of am• award or claim far damaees. direct or consequentiah in connection with any
<br />condemnation nr other taking of the Properly, or part thereof, or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation. are hereby assigned
<br />and shall ht paid to Lender.
<br />In the event of a rata) taking of the Properly, the proceeds shall 6t applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage.
<br />with the excess, if any, .paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial taking of the Property, unless Borrower and Lender
<br />otherwise agree in writing, there shall be applied to the sums secured by this Mort¢age such pmponion of the proceeds
<br />as is tquai to that proportion which the amount of the sums secured by this mortgage immediately prior to the date of
<br />taking bears m tht fair m-rktt value of the Property imrnediatcly prior to the date of taking, with the balance of the proceeds
<br />paid to Borrower.
<br />Tf the Propem• is abandoned h} Borrower. or if, after nonce t+v Lender to Borrower that the condemnor offers to make
<br />an award or settle a claim far damages, Borrower fails to respond to Lender within 30 days after the date such noice is
<br />mailed. Lerdtr is authorized to collect and apply the proceeds. at L.en~er's option. either fio rtstaration or repair n€ the
<br />Preptrty nr to the sums .secured by this Mott¢age.
<br />LJnirss L.endtr and Borrou'tr otherwise agree in writing. am' such application of pmcetds to principal shat) oat extend
<br />ar ptxtpCrnt the dot dart of ihr monthly installments referred to in paragraphs 7 and ?hereof or change the amount of
<br />such inxtailmtnts.
<br />tel. 8orrow'er No[ 8eleasrd. Extension of the time far payment od' mcditcatinn of nmottization of the sums stcured
<br />6y this ?s~tongaee granted br Lender to any successor in interest of Bnrrerwtr shall not operate ro rekast. in any manner.
<br />the IiaErifirp of the a:(ginal BO:rOw'tF and Borrower's successors in incprest. Lender shall not he required to commentt
<br />prauedi~~ags against suc}u successor nr rtfust m extrnd time ter pa,~mt~ttt or ntheru'icc modify' amartixation of the sums
<br />secured by this 'startgage by reason of any dtmand made by the originaN Borrower and Bnrrevver's successor in imerest.
<br />_ Il. Ftxbeat-mee b} Irndtc Not a Waiter. Anp forbearance by Lcndtrrn nercising am right ar remedy hereunder, ar
<br />cat[yg'.ttix. aftori-Q~ by' applio-bte t-w, shall nor be a waictr of nr preclude the ecereise of soy such right or remedy.
<br />The pracuremeata~iftsrtran-pt.nr the payment of taxes or other liens ar charges by Lender shall not be a waiver of Ltnder's
<br />right ka-attceiel:te-the m3tusity'afrhe indebtedness stcured b}~ this Moneagt.
<br />" 1Z1 `Remedies CnmuTative. `Ail remedies provided in this Mortgage are distinct and cumulative to am• other right or
<br />remedy under this Mortgage or afforded by lzw' csr tgwty, and map hF e+ercistd concurrently, indtptesdtntlp er s.rcecssivdp.
<br />t3. Successors and Assigns 8aund; .tofM and ;xvrr-I Liahiiih•: CapHnns. `t'he wvenanis and acrcements herein
<br />coma:^ed shall hind, and ihp rights hereunder shall inure t.~. the re<pec:i:'c auccec ore and assiens of Lcndtr and Berrowcr.
<br />sunjert to the previsrens of paragraph I7 hereof. :ytl covenants an<N agrti:mrnrs nt Borrower shall be is•inr and several.
<br />Thp captions and headings at the paragraphs of this Mortgagt arc fr.: ;ainvenience e~nt}• and are not c: bt used to
<br />inttrprat or ~pfint the provisions hutef.
<br />Id. Natitt. F~xctpt for any notice reyuirtd under applicattie Now ro inr given in anethtr manner, fa) any notice to
<br />Borrrsta=re g~rariiltd ,`tee m this ~#nrigaxe sha$ Ht givtrr bp' :rtaiiieg su€h rre4erY~r by cc*. tititd mall a.d+3rtsssd to Florra+tes at
<br />]]s~ fh'~ntriv Address .3r at such ether adattss as Bar[awer to aY dpstg,n~ate~ by rrri.c iu i,tndre as pt~vidtd herein. and
<br />{'b ary r~:vtsze to ixnz'wr aha14 ?+t gr-tn by to :t~r3 coati. etctrct ;acute! rectup.sted ., i tnuwr',: aa+drexs stated t:trtin nr to
<br />sitnn [,t~her - .. ~. a ~i { ~ .,..., _ t:±s,; , q.,, , h::
<br />' - e h. .otirz t 8i3rru 4r a'i :^~u. ,.:_... ... .
<br />?rlnrigagt shall he deemed ter trout lretn~given to Borrower nr Lertrktl' racirpn'gtvrn ur the manntrndtsigneated herein.
<br />14. C-uif star 3fert;sgt: C:+rvrraittg Lawt 5trsrabBifr. 71:is t:rrrr, of m^rt;,aga c„rn3*ines !rorfsnrm cave+±nnL} foi uationni
<br />use -hd rx+n•unifnrm covenants with (imitpi s•ariattons by 7unsdicunn m c+?nshnue a umforn stcuniy instrument covering
<br />real property. 'T'hrs gengage shall tx govtrrred by the t:sw ~+f rht :unsilictrr+n m which the Propett}• is looted. in the
<br />event that any pruvrsiun c?r clause of this Mangagr ur the Nrrre conflicts with apphcahtr. taw, wch cnnt1iet hail oat atTtet
<br />other provisions of this Mortgagt ++r the Nate whrch .an to gwen eflht without the conflicting provision. and ro Ihix
<br />pod the provisions of the '+4ertgagt and the 'vote arc declared tc ht scvtrabit.
<br />16. 8nrrowsrs Cop). Borrower shah be furnishpcl a coutamrtd ropy of the Nnte and of this \{artgage at the time
<br />+>( earccu tun ,u after ranrdation htreeL
<br />17. Traa-fer at tilt Prapirty: Asxur»pFiaF. It al{ or any part of the Proptrn• +!r an rntttesr thtrsrn o sold or te'ansterrtd
<br />try Borrower +vnhout S_tndrr's pout wnuen uroxn[, excluding rsi the ~c matron of a hen ..r tneumbrancc subordmatc to
<br />this Rortgagt, tb} the crtatrnn .'rf a purchase money asttuntp inicrect tot ha'+vxhoid app-home+. Ici a transttr ht devise,
<br />dto-st^.t :+-r by n «tarton ~a! kaw ~,;.+a,n r_ht- ~iz~th t+f a joint tenant or (rig the grant a,( an? Irusahold intrrest of thrtt ytara or kss
<br />not auntuining mr option to pun'hast, Lendr[ ma7, at Lrndtf> option. declare nil the +auts se: nrtd hr this Mungagt to be
<br />irnmtdituelu due and payable lcndrr shah have uai.-rd en,R +rpnirn io aa.clrrme d. poor err the +aic or iranafer, i.erxtrr
<br />gad else per~.e re 'whetit the ]rt€perty rs to k+t xsVd tit aanstrrrad reach .ugrsemct!t ~n :+nting that lieu aa._•du t.t +ush person
<br />s xapsfaetary to la.uitr a!'rd ti;at the imares! payahle ou the -unr-c ~€urnd by this viantgugt shall he et sir 'tr talc= as Ltrulrtr
<br />Sh-li rsytrext. it Lender has watvrd ihr apuun to acctltrett pruvrded rn rises paragraph f'•. ac si tf Ncx r:rwr: s su.:ressi+r ,u
<br />interest has exteutpil a written assumption agrtrmrnt -ectpttil in writing by LtnJnr. Lcndtr shat! rtkast Berrowcr ftorri all
<br />trtaig-tinns under this Mcvigagp and ibt Notp.
<br />if T.tnsipr txpr.isrs such option to acetlprafe, Lend«r +Ftait marl Bur,awtr nuuct of ncrtrrair<xa .n ac;:a+rilan.t with
<br />paragraph is hcttsf. 5uc4e ncfiu. shat( provttlt a prrad cr r3t late 'h n a days trcm the d t r e -,- , -,aim wrthce,
<br />zrk~h l~Frt::..tr rnav iv. rhF xarns .ltetarsd dire- If iiat: i)wct fails io v suih ,im+ : riot tc~ the txpirar ~ sorb f+.~rc *r3.
<br />t~ndtr may. +~'itheut furthc[ nottcp E?t' drmaad an BOri:rw4 rv+°1.t ant rcnrruies per ni~trsai t-y iaragrap 1 ti~ t~treirf.
<br />`:ati~titvrruxai i'ove=<:s*tt's. Ek.rtuwtr and I.rrdtr furt}itr vrw:roan. a;,d aYr.'.< as ter:i;~u-..
<br />18, Atrsltratic*u; Rpmtdtes. Escspt as prvri+ted in paratraph 17 hrrcuf, uywr Burruwer'x i+rrrrta tit an} rnrsnaat ar
<br />agrec»ren! of liarrasrts fe this !Nar4yays, iuc'tadiyt tht ruataauti to pay wkan due an} saga arcurrd h. rtlix !la*tµtgtt.
<br />fs:siler g+trinr to atttltiarikrtr to-q mpil satire to 8ar'ryw~tr as ern+rdrd in paragraph ti htrea( sppciti iuh*: ill the brtaa'h:
<br />f3i Flea atfiaa rrquirrd to cure twh breath; f~l a trots, oat tttix than ~B mays arum rho dair the Warier Is mai1M to 11Mrawtr,
<br />by which wch 6rtach reust bt rurrd; and H) Shat I'ailurs to cure such breach on nr bt(art the dale set<i(ird hl Fits rwticr
<br />aaej resale iu aresipiatiars tit !!rt sarus stcured h} this .~furtRu~t, forviiwurr hr jirdia'ial prucrtding acrd ui{r of lilt }"raprrly.
<br />'t'he nMMitr sh-11 fartlssr iwfarar korrawr* of Ihs right +u rtinsiaft afar acctlrratiau err±t the riylrf Fa asxrrr rte the tartclnwrs
<br />pracctdlnr~ ihr m+b•srisYtasF irf - drfautl nr' PRY alhrr stettmt sf Ban'awrr to accrieratkrx oral furrctwurr, If ihr breach
<br />la a21 rural fSiA ar hftars ihr dip tippCifitd rir tilt nnliC'k, t+endtt at f.<rrdrC i OptMUH trrai dtrlare ail Alt lei! -tVUif rNC'urrd bM
<br />•!;~ if;aetfatot 1,•t tie ta.K~acril~t.tt- d!tt a-ed ~vafit wiFhau! further dtmand acrd may furcckrvt by judicial pracrrrlirs-. l.satlcr
<br />~B ~ s~rit?sd e~ :aB~t 9p su_~h praeptdtxs~ aTi erpetrsrs et inrprirnsrrr. igs-tudirtt, bur ant Ftr»ittd tu, rssta of darurerrntary
<br />tt Wince, atrstrax'it sail tint rapatt-.
<br />is. 13orrawrr's .igiti to tttirmsiait. N.riwitrtiarruin- .~ ..a. ~ ..- ' , _
<br />fl ztn wcr snai~ hart ihr right to h;att an}' pnra-r«r]inRs ),r~ c '+i i c~nai , ... . _ ~ t,•+r- , ..t,..~; -.~ ~. -'r-=
<br />