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80-- uiJ~~2~ <br />1. Th. saostg~tgac enmaats aced agtaas a. tollsera: <br />a. He will Pram-pt17 W7 '~ iadebtedner e+itfensed by said peamirory note d the times aced is tbs <br />~ therein pe~idd <br />b. He will py all tsetse, artttrassau, water rates, aced other ~et>uteeul or mtaaieipal charges, iios; sr <br />itttpasitioaa; ia~r w4ieh psat.wm has set been made taeeeitsbefore, aced wiL pramptlr tkliver the oieial ttaeeilaY- <br />tberefor to the said mortgagee. <br />c. He will pay such ezpenxs and fees as may be incurred in the protection and maintenance of raid <br />property, iacludittg the Feces of any attorney employed 6y the mortgagee for the collection u[ any or ail of <br />the indebtedaer hereby secured, or for foreclosure by mortgagee a sale, or court proceedings, or in any other <br />litigation or proceeding affeMing said premises. Attorneys fees reasonably incurred in any other way shall be <br />paid by the mortgagor. <br />d. For better security of the iadcbitdntes hereby secured, upon the request of the mortgagee, its sue- <br />eeasore or assigns, he shall e:eevte and deliver a supplemental mortgage or mortgagee covering any additiom, <br />improvements, or bettermrnts made to the property hereinalwve described : nd all properip acquired by <br />it after the date hercoF Ial1 in Form satisfactory to mortgagee). Furthermore, should mortgagor fail to cote <br />any default in the payment aF a prior or inferior encumbrance on the property described ley this ittatrument, <br />mortgagor hereby agrees to permit mortgagee to rare such default, but mortgagee is not obligated to do so; <br />and each advances shall become part of the indebtrdnese secured by this instrument, subject to the same <br />tet~ anti esaditit~ <br />e. The rights creatrd by this conveyance shall remain in full force and effect during any paetpoaement <br />or extension of the time of payment of the indebtedness evidenced be said promiawrv nose or any part thereof <br />essayed hereby. <br />f. Ht will continuously maintain hazard insurance. of such type or types and in such amounts ae the <br />mortgagce may from time to time require an the improcementa new ar hereafter on said property, and <br />;mill p.y promptly when due say premiums therefor. AU inwraace shalt be carried is contpatnie aoreptable <br />to mortgagee rod the policies and rmewais thereof shall be held by mortgagee and have attached thmato <br />for payable clause is favor of sad in Corm atxeptabk to the mortgagee. In srwat of leas, mortgagor will pre <br />imsediate notice fa writing to mortgagee, rod mortgagee may make proof o[ Itsr if not made paoaaPtl7 67 <br />aortgagor, std cash iasoraaoe tompaay coaeeened is hereby authorised and directed to make paymetst for stars <br />lets dneetly to Mortgagee itaread of to mortgagor amf mortgagee jointly. and the iasaraaee prooeads, or say <br />part tbeaeaE, may be appliai by mortgagee at ies optim cithv to the rednetioa of the ittdebttedaer 6eteb7 <br />assayed or to the teateratioa or repair o[ the property dam.gai or destroyed. In event of toeeclosate of this <br />Mortgage, or other traeafer of title to said prepertT io eztingnishment o[ the indebtedness secured herehy, all <br />right, title, sad interest of the mortgagor in sad to any insttrmce policies then in forte shall par to the <br />purchaser or mortgagee or. at the optics of the mortgagee, may be surrendered far a refund. <br />g. He will keep all buildings and other impravcmenta an said property in good repair and condition; <br />will permit, commit. az suffer na want, impairment, deterioration of said property or env part thereof; <br />is the event of failure of the mortgagor to keep the (wilding. on said premises and those erected on s,~id <br />prcrirn, or improvements thereon, in good repair, the mart;ages may malt such repairs as in its dircrttiun it <br />may deem ireceseary far the proper preservation thereof; and the full amount of each and every such payment <br />shall 6e immediately dur and parable and ehaB be secured by the lien of tfiis mortgage. <br />Ft. Ht .viA oat yolunurily create ar permit to be created against the property subject to this mortgage <br />say lice ar lister iaferiar or superior to thr lien of this marrgagt without the w~ritttn consent of the mori- <br />gager: sad further, he will keep and maintain the same free from the claim of al! persona snp}dying labor or <br />mxttriais for roetstruetioa of any and all buildings or improcrnttnts now hying erected or to be erected o0 <br />said premises. <br />+. He will not rrnt ar assign cry parr of the rent of sad moriRagtd property or demolish, or remove, <br />or sultsuatislly alter any building wixhaut the written conser+t of tbt mortgagee. <br />j. All aramda of daasa}tea is rxiauseetioa with any eoodemaation for public use of or injury to any of the <br />property aubjau to this murigage .are hereby assigned and shell be paid to rnyrtgagee, who may apply the <br />cars to paynatMt oi' cite itWillasea{s Iasi this under said note, sad amrigager is hereby authorised, in the <br />name of the martga,6er, to tarcvte sad deliver valid sequittances thereat and to appeal from any such award. <br />fr. 'f'irs tttautgagst rball have the right to inspect the mortgaged premises at any rrssonab{c firers. <br />2. Dcl#pL is say ai the raveaaots or conditiotrr of this iaArtrmeat ar of the Harr or loan agrewmeatt sesaresl <br />heMiT aJrall ter#titrate the morigagor'r right to posreauon, use, and enja.ment of thr prapertr, at the sprints of the <br />or his asaigas {it being agreed that the mortgagor shall ha.e such right until defauh). I'}son any such <br />t~e~salt, flat rortgagee altalf btxonsr the awrur of all of the teats and profits aceruinR after default as security <br />fu the iadtbtcdaras sot-turd leaseby, with Ilm tight !o zatsr ypott said Irsarperty for the puriectse of caltrxting sash <br />recess sad pra6a. This iasttumeot shall aperata as sn rnigomeat oI say rental on wid properly to that rarest. <br />