80- uU~32~
<br />3, The mortgagor eovenanu and agrees that if Ile shall fail to pay said indebtedness or any part thereof when
<br />date, or shall fail to perform any covenant or agreement of this instrument or the promissory note secured hereby, the
<br />edtiue indebtedness hereby secured shat} immediately beeomc'due, parable, and collectible without notice, at the
<br />onion of the mortgagee or assigns, regardless of maturity, and-the mortgagee or his assigns may before or after entry
<br />ae~;ltai~ progeny without appraiaement {the mortgagor hawing waived and assigned to the mortgagee atFrisliti-o[
<br />ap'}aisetwent)
<br />i t 1 at judicial sale pursuant to the psov-isions of ?$ U.9.C.. 20(ll t a) ; or
<br />(n) at the ttptiaa of the mortgagee, either by anctioa or by eoliciution of aeakd bda,•for the Li~teat anti
<br />ltaot bin complyia6 with the terms o[ rk and manner of payment specified is the petbtished ttatiee of hale. 6iu
<br />.giving four weeks' teolice ai the time, terms, and place of such sale, by advertisement not let than once
<br />dnrietg each of said four weeks is a newspaper published or distributed in the county in which said ptroparty
<br />ir•aitaated, all other notice being hereby waited by the mortgagor (rod rid mongasee, or say- penes ao
<br />behalf o[ rid mortgagee+ may bid with the unpaid indebtedner evidenced by said note). Said wk shalt be
<br />held rt or on the property to be sold ar at the Federal, county, or city rnunhowe for the eoaaty is which the
<br />property v located. The mortgagee is hereby authorised to a:score for and on behalf of the taon6a6or and to
<br />deliver to the p.trehaaer at such uk a snifieient eonveymee of said property, which coeveyaaee shall eoapia
<br />teeitaL r eo the happening of the defautt sport which the executive of the power of rk betels 6raatud
<br />depend.: and the said mortgagor hereby eonatitutea and appbinta the mortgagee or any agent or attorney of tht7
<br />saetSagec, the agent and attorney in fact of said monaagor to make retch reeitab and to c:pcter aaiit
<br />eoaveymoe sad hereby eovettaau and agrees that the recitals so made shall be edeetual to bar all equity or
<br />right of redemption, homestead, dower, and all other exemptions of the mortgagor, all of which ate hereby
<br />expretaly waived and conveyed to the mortgagee; or
<br />hu) take my other appropriate action pu:auant to stale or Federal statute either in state or Federal
<br />Conn or otherwise for the dispwition of the property.
<br />In the event of a rk r hereinaboc- provided, the mortgagor or any person in possession under the mortgagor shall
<br />then became and t~,,,,,,t~,,{~'',,,,++ ortr,}ttd ettall forthwith deliver possession to the purchaser at such rk or be
<br />aetmmarifr die rn aceatd,aatee cloth ~ the provisions of law applicable to tenants holding over. The power
<br />aced ageaer hereby grtdel~~re:,tywpied>witL an intemt and are irrevocable by death or otherwise, and arc granted
<br />r ettmnlative to the remedies for eoikction of said indebtedness provided by law-
<br />L The ptrocoeia a( aT rk of rid property in aeeordartce with the Preceding paragraphs shall be applied tint
<br />a pay the oeau and etcpeiaes of said rk, the espsatr itteorred by the mortgagee for the pnrpoae of protecteag or main•
<br />raining rid property, and nantatabk ulomey% fees: secondly, to pay the indebtedness secured hereby: and thirdly,
<br />to pay my wrplta or eaasr to the perwa ar perwna legally etetitktl !hereto.
<br />5. L the event said peapen7-r arts at a judicial foreekatere rk or purtaart to the power of rk hereiaabove
<br />ftrwted, sad the praeeeds are not aalicieat to pay the toll indebtedness secured by this inettvmeat and evideatxd by
<br />said praaaiatary ante, the mort6alpee will be ratiikd to . deficieoey judgweat for the :tttount of the deJieieacy toit/toat
<br />ra~af to appraiaeetteeH.
<br />6. in the event the mortgagor tali to pay lay Federal, state. or !Deal tax asaessntent, income tar or other to lien,
<br />tiar6e, fee, or other experts eiarped against ibe prat --rtv, the tnangagec is hereby authorised at hn option W pay
<br />tier state, Any sort n paid by the mortgagee shalt be a~,1td to and become a pan of zhe principal amount of the
<br />indebtedness rvidenced by said torte, subject to the same terms and tnatlitiotis. It the martgagar shalt pay sad
<br />discharge thrradebtedaess evidenced by said promissory note, and shall pay such sums sad shalt discharge all fuss
<br />aatd liana and she cape, fees, sad expenses of tnakiag, endorriag, and rxecuting this mortsage, then this mortgage
<br />sMail it nuetelad sad ~-
<br />T. Tie osvaararu lteaea eartairnl slat! bind sad the bear&u and advaetagr shall inure to the arapective sea
<br />eaaara atti aaat~ of ttie partiaa iereu. ~itsever aced, tie aiat6niar aarbet shall iactnde the pbtral, the phtr.l tie
<br />titt~Lrv and ttte errs: ai ary etatitr mall iaeladt all RrrdeR
<br />b. ?tfo waiver at say easrdaat herein o: of the oWigatien teeured hereby shall at my liras Hereafter 6e held
<br />4 1a a waiver ad ttlc tautna hctttnt or of tic note aeeared hereby.
<br />'! ~ atynplanee viii sepias 10i, i S d i of tic Raise sad Rrgttlatiasr of He Small Boaiaar Adtoiaistratitr ~ IS
<br />G.P.it. 1N,1{til ]. dtia ina4wtatrt i• M is eaasatt~ad argil eafasrad in atasardaatee wits appliaaik Federal 4w.
<br />IM A l dae+ae. wader, ar judpneat holdia6 mY provision or portion of thw ir-alrumeat inv1id or an-
<br />eri~aearile attatl rr ~ say way irpair ar ptechtde tie eniereeateat of tie remainiat6 prorisivy or portiaw of
<br />tl~it iattrattarat,
<br />to. v... tar ts-sat ,' ,
<br />