<br />go-- ~ ~~ ~,~ ~ ~ l~I~RT'~AGE
<br />'1Liri mortsa6s t#ade asd eottxed iam thin dC4'~7" dg of ~Ef''7"~iM€1~~' `^*~.'r
<br />i9 ~~, by and betwcm Benjamin E. Stump, Sr. and Cynthia 2i. Stump, husband and wife„
<br />(hereinafter referred to as taortga6or) and the Adarinvtntor of the Small $rtetiner Adminiertratim, an aaattet of tie
<br />Government of the United Shtax of America (hereinaftcr referred to eu mort6a6ee), who mteintains an oboe-and
<br />pfseedbtstisasat Empire State BuildiiiQ, 19th and Farnam, Omaha, Nebraska 68102: "
<br />wteta~a, that for the coorideratioa het+eiaafter stated, receipt of which is heteiy rxlutwtr~e/ad, the
<br />~*~ des ~t'~f mertEa6e, sell, meant, ami6s+ sod.. convey unto the moetaasee, his soeoessosa'~d nnlpa, all
<br />of the folbwina afesexibed prepsreT soetutaed and LeioR is tie (:rntnq of Hall .
<br />States of Nebraska.
<br />hot Seventeen {17) in Black One (1), in Pleasant View Fourth
<br />Addition to the City of Grand island, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />fioaeaier vriti eeusef imladieyg all huh#dina.., elf fixtae,ee ineJutlin~ but nai limited to all piumafng, heatitt~„ li}tht-
<br />itaR, vraaiiatinF, nfriReenrtiatc, inrirveratirta, air rt,»div.sninR aFFaratu., and elevator; (the mort~aRor hrreh}~
<br />deeLrinie the! it i, intended drat Ehr itrxn~ herein rnumrrxte+i ,hali lee deemed io hne ixen Ferrnanentiy in-
<br />,taife<t a,. part of tie realtx), xtv*3 all img~ruvrmrn#. »ov, or }rreafter ri[,iin~ iherrun; ihr hr.reciitanrents and
<br />appartasancr. and all skier ri~its lherrsrnte 6rlon=3aK, or in an~wix apperisininn, and the reversion and re-
<br />zrr+iew~, rrnraiader and rtrnaiac+krx, all risfrts of rrdemFtion. and the rent:, issuer, and fvrofits of the above
<br />dr~reiisew/ pagred_~ (pawviefrd, ho,.ever, that the myrtaaa,.rr c?,a11 Ire eniitled to the jx+s_,e+si,rn of .aid property
<br />and vacaJiert xa+f.teueiat tier rra4a, itissss:,,, and pt~,fita until defauU hertuader). To hale cold to ho{d the same
<br />o~.~. ~ aanf tht.xasa+ecsrora in itsitsmt of !Lt tnatrtt{agee forever in fee timpfe or such aiher e,tste.
<br />if any, as iar<stata+d be~ei.,
<br />'!1s a~af~y~e<,aaa~awYt:that-lrs is 1a~a~ll}r aairrd sad.pwarad of wd is t4s-ridlrt. M soil and cwvey said
<br />r++sprt7.-tit~t tl»,tatase~;is fats.ft+sw sU slsettnsirana+n:cx>afrt as huainalrove rec+ted; sad cleat hc_ieraii<-binds
<br />iistsnli aatd fiat-sroosargcs u iaicrcat.sta warrant and +iefetid ties title aforesaid ifrereta sad every Fart thereof adainat
<br />t~Its Riewts~sfall ilsap~aarhansesser.
<br />`T'his inrdtuasep is Kivca is neeurr. the papmrot of a pratniswry note dated - s ~• ¢' , =>tr ~ ~' ~. ~ " ~''~
<br />ptrasspsl~til'~,, ;$t;fa8(f;f3Q„±iiby Benlami.n E and Gynthia °~i. Stump, Jr. ,
<br />i^ Iw resit nd thawselves.
<br />w to.n Pzx s;.rit,~.t-t! r~;N.~.... owe....
<br />