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~3~-- 005~~~9 <br />UFVtFOar.t COVer+nN s. rrow'cr and Lttidcr cnvcnanf and agree a, iolk,w,, <br />(, nnpment of f'rinc[pai uml Interest. (larrmvtr shall promptly i,::y ~,hrn due ,i,c prmc,p:d of aad ,merest•on.thc <br />indtbtedncss eviJerud by the Note, prepayment and I:ue chn: gcs as p: o~n!cJ ::, U,c Noic, and the principal o[ and ,merest <br />an any Furore Advances scoured by this Mortgage. <br />2. Funds for T'axcs and lnsarancc. Subject to applicatilc law ur to .. ,.nnat :vaivcr 6y Lcndcr, [3orrowcr shall pay <br />Eo Lcndcr on the fay monthly lost alhncnis of prirrcipat and u2Etrest arc payable rndcr the Nate, until the Note is paid in fulV, <br />a sum fbcttin "Fundi 'j equal to ant-nvelfth ,+t the 7early [aces and :,,,cc,n,evu. which may auxin priority aver this <br />Mortgage, and groundrents on tttr Property, i( any. pica one-twet(Eh of ecn;ly prctn:nm ina:,ilme,:ES for hazarcl insurance, <br />plus oat-twti(th of yearly premium insWltmcnts for m<,ngagt also ranee. ,t rut}. all as reasonably estimated initially and from <br />time to~ lino by Lcndcr on Uic basis of BSSCSSmCaIS nu h,ifs rind «ssunahk c,n,n:au thereof <br />The Funds shall 4t held in an institution the dep<x,n or account. of wiurh arc insured or guaranteed by' a Federal or <br />s[att agency tineluding Lender if Lcndcr is such an insuwuan). Lcndcr ,t•,:.I..:t+,,ly the l~unds to pay said Ewes, assessments, <br />insurance premiums and ground rents. Lcndcr ntay na chargt for ,., hnl:Ln,; :, n,l .,Ey,l y:ng the Funds, analyzing sail account, <br />ar vetify[ng attd rampiling said assesstotents and 6iils, u,i?css Lender pays ifor rower interest on the Panels and applicable law <br />pcrmiu 1_ender to make such. a chargt. Horn:w•cr and 1_ender ns;y :, _e.rct :n :veiling at the tm,c oC txecudan of this <br />Mortgage :hat intcrtst nn the Funds shat! be pa,d to l3arro,acr, and unless xuch agrecn,ent is made or applicable law <br />rct;uitts such interest to bt paid, Lender shall hr :,-yuircd to pay 13orrowcr ::, •; nvcrest ur earnings on the Funds. Lcndcr <br />shall give to l3orra:ver, zvifhou[ charge, an annu_ i art[•vnting , t the i'undc :hnw~ng uedits and debits to the Funds trod the <br />purpose for which each dtitit is the Ponds was :»adc. The Funds are pled red ::. add:t:ona! ::catruy (o[ tJrc sums secured <br />by this Mortgage <br />If the amount of the Funds held by Leader, together with the lamer monthly inst;cRmcnts of Rinds payable prior to <br />iht due dates of :axes, assessments, msuraace pream;ms and ground «nt>, shall czcecd the amount regained to pay said taxes, <br />assessments, insr,ranec premiums and ground rents as !hey tail due, s:,ctr ccccss shall be, at Ifarrowcr'S option, either <br />promptly repaiC to i3orrawtr or crcdncd Eo Bnrroa'tr nn saomhly !nstailmcnES of i'rmds. tf the amount of the Funds <br />held ot• Lender shall not be sulltcient to ply taxes, assessments, :nsurance prcmium<. oriel grourn! rents as they fall dot, <br />Borrower shall pay to LJ :der any amount necessar} to r.,ace up the def;r,cr._v wnh,n 3Q days from the Batt no:iec s maiitd <br />by Lcndcr to i3otrou'tt rcqucsting paymati titcrrnf <br />Upon payment is foil of aiE suers secured Ly th,s h;nngarc. ender ch:2A prao, pt:y :cfuu,i Eo borrower any Fonda <br />heed by Lend. r. 1t '~: rider paragraph iS h: root the Yr.,rern :• :o!d nr ~,!,c 1'rgrcrty :: of he nv:ct .:cttuucd by 1_erc)er, Lcndcr <br />shat! apply, no Eater than ,mmediaEeh' ,^,rior :a ;he axle m ~.yc•. or ns acgmc,uon by Lender. any Funds ,old by <br />Ltndu at the t,mr c+f application at a .refit against ine s'a n,s srrurc•d b~. chn \Eonragr <br />\aEt'a rid. pa7agtapCs Vli and ? tzie«af shall he apphcd by I ender f n.t ^n ;,:ivmc„, o.'amounts pati:,h'cVE O'LcndcrF by !3-nrrowcr <br />under psragraoh '_ hereof. then Eo ,net: cst payable c. r. the vote. ;hen t„ i:,.~ pn ncq,al of the \'oro. ,u,,? then Ea nxeres[ and <br />pru.apaV en any Palate Advances. <br />~. C2u fez; Liens. 3m:owrr :h:,ii ay al! ;: .,~ c,.mcv~:..,„.: , ,. .. _ :, nc, .,rid ~:npos;E,ons an r.butable to <br />the Yro;.rny which may a:[:un a pr:an+y a•+cr ;!t.a t.tor,~at: ::rid :,..r. , ......,,, .., , i•rn riot :,..s, ,t a:,y, n ;he manner <br />n[a:,dtd underparagnpfi 2 hcrcol ar, a oat pa:U -: s.,... :ran'i;. 1 :f„ ,• .,, .-;rt. ;,iron d.,c, .;.rcctiy to tht <br />payer tcc teat. 'ilarrowtr shalt pr. mpr'.v (urnrch ~. , ' ;t'. r.a,cr. ,a ,..,,.,•u:, ,.t,,c unu•a`U,rt :>a: agrapu, acd in the cvtnt <br />'~orro•.crr shah make pay~mrrt d.rerly, ;lorro:rr: +. r, :ii ;,r.-.: +r;':r '.:.: n:,': ',., I co,:cr .. -'c c~. idrnu::r such ^a;. merits. <br />llctm•+=er >:!taft pror[:p;, mss: barge a:. .,cr, .....rn h^s ..: :.... :.... .... :,,. .. rL.., iio, r>.vcr ,... not bt <br />rrqu:rcd is ckschargt any such Eta s:',~: rig .n„•...:gr;:c ~,, ,_-::na~~,,, '~, _ ~„ u;t of '~::c ~oic-auo:: s_aurcd b)' <br />:ooh lien rn s :canner acceptable to Lradt r. or shall :a ga.-~J i ann u~:!ice •: - .. ~. ~ .,. ::. _. ~:nl .:,lore, merit o' snob lien. ,n, <br />'ago: pronetd:ngs >uea operate to pstvent ;he ~rxti,r.-c;r:c;,, .. :... ..-. .,_ ,r,. ~.,. ~ rcr:. .,. .,,.. part Eitertef. <br />S. Hazard fnsurnnct_ ~arrowr. shall krt? trio rnpr:7, cninxs nor= r=, ,, t,,.c ,v ::u c:u to c. .:cud oa tt;c I'ro;oc rty :nsartd <br />::qa[s; less by fire. hazards inc!udcd ~.:::hen [hr term `a tcndr,.i ,.over ir: ..,.,. ..,,., nu,..: hoc, rdc ac !.enact ;; regv,re <br />and m scsl, rnaunas and for s.c^ ;:-era?ds ai L::ndrr m:rr -, ._. , .+, -t;e.: ', n,,.! t~r.,-.,.. ,ha!1 ;..,, :cq;r rc :'rite. thc,.~nx,;u:: of <br />such coverage exctrd !riot ameuni a, ie-:eragr rrymrc2i to `!~e•, :.... ,....., .,. .,,. "•io^c :;_ <br />The insurantt rsf rscr v:du,g ,ht ,nncraacc ... , ' c ... •- . _ ,.,~ by L: ;; av,dtd. <br />:hoe suc;t approves? >'tazi acs rbr .,n re as:~ ;an!y ~-, x:htc - :is: ~,c...:. ,, -.~ . -. .,. .~, .. , _ :°ra +., ..~ -.,a;:nc, <br />i'r avrdcd under pa: ag.apr. 3-arcot or, :f :.... pa.~t , . :.c', ~,,..: , . , !i: ,.. .._ .... ,,t _. .i~kc, wee-ai,, to :;u <br />cnmrancc ::arrtcr. <br />-4li Easurancc pu:e:cs and 'eat„-a!s in:.:co` chair i-~: ;., form .. ,°: :.._ .r. f :. , . .. ...... . .:.. ~t ., ..,.•.rtard :a:?r: Wage <br />e?ausr :•z fAVor ca a:;d ut u[nt acrrf,[at5%t tt. Lender , .,:der .. ..,... ,.,. .~ ... , .,,,i, , rid .,: •,c .., tha,ee: <br />anu 2i,r,[on•er sh.: plc:'rptiy f.:rn;slt ;a ~eaUtr a!; ._„t„„:.-,,aloe. . .... ......... s psid I`^_t•ar,_;,, lit trio .-a,; el :•,. ,. <br />~nY rt,Wet chat, grvc pre=ur: a. .,,: iu the sa..crae_i car.:e:..nn ? c,.,. I . .- ..,. ti : ; t -: ..,, .. , r ,, ,x:,p:~y <br />by d:,trawrr. <br />F.:.}FtSa ~.£ntif-t aad .~QY'f0'ir'CI i"lf::~>rti,ti 3~Y~CC i7 ,~r,,:;,g• ;n5;: [.L,k~~ i= ._. ~ ..~..~: :,. ,~'j,;tC:i 1/, i~=i:,F:tI:J,; tk, `[i>a,r fti <br />in i't::ptrty d:}rssa~eA, prcvcdcd such res: e. at:en er , ~:r .> t.,- . ,,. - ,,.., - ,i ~..,-- ,:+> ~cf ['• s ~.,, r.gags <br />nci :tterelty ,ropes+ted. i9 such rtittrratr.~:: of ., a:r .. - ec.;nc;nkF, Ft.; .~., .:.s , .- i`ac ,t.... ~, c~~f tr„s =f a,Eg.:gc wauEu <br />tit ,mpa<rrd, the :nsararct pr4etrr;s sha?i be app;;t -. ~t,nt -n., ,,..... , ..,., _tt:., :h the r c.,+, ,t any, paid <br />u ,o •~ <br />:a i3Gt[owrr .. the i°YCpet iy is :. andi,a~zf t•s d:==:. +. c:.. .i i3n::. n_. . .., .. :. r w,tiicr. ,it d.its 'ran, ttvc <br />„~.< ne a:r s, tsaatu Ly Let,:iei to _irx•o.c e: ;oat ,he ,r,,.: ra ace re...r. .. ,-. _.... _, ., nsuranu r,cnctit•:, Lt:rdcr <br />,v aetaD,,,riaESt to ce,:lett a:;,: apply '. Yac +asur3ro,: pa•`,,;:eJ> .., ..z na.r •. ,•{ ,,._, -., :., , :,: ,,'set , ? the i'n,>c s'. <br />_, .c.i:e cones so:urtY! ~y. t'ua hiortgaga <br />.,.;less Lt r.Gu rid $c: ux~. ..xr.. sr ag: tt .. v.. ,, •s, .. ..,.. .v- ,.. ,, , ._ •+ ,. ,. ,t t,....._ <br />ar g.:-stpv:u :hc Jet z9at: of r91e [,t. ,...:y rna.a>lrrc,.°s _.r„ , ,. .. _ _ .,. ~•t ae ~~na::w t ,,, ., ar..,r _, <br />ooze; .2staln:aeas. cc ...i'c: pa...g, . _ .=tr..o: ,.. r ,a: ~ .... _..-.. ~ t-= -:,u :•.,c,e--. .. ....... <br />,y i£ Ant '-rts:. S act °"U::i.t$ 3i:,. ''l U iu .':e 2C. i, . .. ..., „ ~ ., .. . r:+t,i', • ..._ <br />,:r scs;,tsrt:or. ehdit pass ,~. ;-.~,.Ctr .. Ehc cv!:r.t :c .i-.-„ ,... _., . , .,. _.- .,. _ .: ,. .- , ~._ <br />..cyurs:t s-- ... <br />44_ Pxtst#s~tioo atsJ }Sii~#taanC9 ci F'rPpertg; Lca~r;,~nF,#s; i<sFnEannur,un-., Pia,astel (iteit 1)t-r etnnn:ents. 3or [aw~~et <br />r,- cp she Ptaptr za goc=ut tt;7air ;;d s'nai7 not Lon3tt ..,.,, , ;,c..,.,, ....._,...,r detcrinrztson ,:. i!u. . rr,,, . <br />.r~ sr:.., r~cnpiv A„g .bt pravs;:was any 2sr ., ,.:: ':s-ns~a~c ., ..,~„ .. .. ... 4v ~,,g.:hc :. -.. ., .n,. .. .. <br />:,>ar~isca ,.._, a _.. _ ,,.a:irsc,.:r i, .,..t::,pnae.:. 'acre, wi. ,r,,,, {,tr,r r.,i .. „ fi,:, ... .. ,..: ...1„ .... .... . .. .. ..;., <br />yi ~;ttuai'..f LLC 1.:.^.~, Gt ~UJ..T.ii..ay' [ht _,..i:: tk.,;i ..,i... . ,-a. .,,,. ;.:-.' t .:.'-, ,:. !: .: is !' .. S :_.,r :b- ., .:.- :._ <br />-,».tdEbr..a.;. : or planncc! zF`=ere ::e~tt^lZ;7tn.. :.~ :..:x-.. r, ~,:a.u.,.. ., -. „.::. :-.,... ..: ,_s- ~.; <br />S N1t't, SS Cittit$td by ff3rrD'.'stt alfl: rC4-Uf..wiS~FRb.-:+,t. ,i.,: ;l.,; If _. ... .. .,,,.,:., a .Ci.'.c: .> .r .. r, .•,:CF <br />Sh:~t3-~, f,fiL-~~"$YC.~ .€l~tt3 4fieL" Shi 31l ~[ ..z,u :. t,3 -„+-.-.. ..a• ~e 4:E;i ._ ... y ,...:3 , ..'ih:ll~~" In .t 4 .,.,<e <br />~~xx ~ ~~7htYt+az= <br />3, Ysattt#=mp o[ Lenders Sccr+riz}`. 1` Fier.,,,,,. 'a:.•~ ~ ,'. ,...."....., .:~+'.; ~~-:n;cc.,a -, ..~ a,:,;.u :. .... <br />l~~at~,agc, Gt , av a;.uan ~,. prrvrc ding v ,:n:c -•~ ,,.,,.., - ., .. <. .,. . _ ,. r s z.zt. ,,. ! , <br />ia::4~^*t.:r:{,. ~s.t ;tszr ,.iszitte: i. ~- t•n,.tn%+.: Car.„itt. in. n,vcn,.; . c a?d , ' [._: ,. ,-. ,.. ... ~;ct:~c .. .. ... ,. -c, t; ;. <br />">szk, x:iZS ~ ,..L'E3='r, i~=, L€.-iii.... '_... f.. 3 Cl~ U . , .-.. .. i`~.-. , .- .,. ._, , .. ....., <br />sssrs assn as1(t tuc4'r a..u~r; as » r~tes,ary is rr.,_c., rlsnu_ ~nru ,.,_..,:r- _, ,,. t .. ._„ . ,. , ... .._. _.. <br />f€=?a4- x,1;ct~ay's feu oriel ttaeYy upu<s r,hc i tal;ten; ts'f r- ._ ., . .. _ +u.a rcy, , .. .: , ~~ ,_..__. u. <br />.a,G: ..,.n ssb ~c~ :r:tg ia`:r 'sa . st,:ur^ ; aY tb:x . iu[:f;,ag:., t ,,. ~, _• i ,....-.. , ., .., ., .- : <br />°r , <br />