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~Q- Q05299 <br />Lcnddr's tvriilen agreement-or appticabte law. Borrower shat) pay the amrnurt of all mortgage insurance premiums in the <br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof. <br />Any amrnmts disbursed by Lender pursuant fo [his paragraph ?. with interest thereon, shalt became additional <br />indebtedness of Borrower secured by ibis Mortgage. Unless Borrower and i.encier agree to other terms of payment, such <br />amounts shat( be payable upon notice tram Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof. and shag bear interest from the <br />date of-distiutsemen[aCthe-rate pttyable (ram time io time on outstanding principal under the Note unless payment of <br />interest at suctrra[e would be contrary to applicable taw, in which event such amounts shall bear interest at the highest raft <br />ptrmissiblt ender appticabte taw. Nothing contained m this paragraph 7 shall require I-ender vo incur any expense or take <br />any action hereunder. <br />8: Itrsptcitont Lender may make or cause to be made reasnnahle entries upon and inspcctinns of the Property. provided <br />tfiat. Ltnder shall give Barzower notice prior to any such inspection specifying reasonable cause themfor related to Lender's <br />inttrest in ttte Property. <br />4 Gondetrmefian. The proceeds of any award ar claim for damages, direct or consequential, in connection with any <br />condemnation ar other taking of the Propeny, or part thereof, of for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned <br />and shalt Ac paid to Lcndtr. <br />In the event of a total taking of rite Property, the proceeds shall be applied to the rums secured by this Mortgage. <br />with the excess, if any, paid to Eorrower. In the event of a partial taking of the Prapeny. unicss Borrower and Lender <br />ahenvise agrtx in writir:g, there shall be applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage such proporlion of the proceeds <br />as is equal to that proportion which the amount of the sums secured by this Mortgage immediatet}' prior to the date of <br />tak€ng bearsao the fair marktt value of the Property immediately prior to the dare of taking, with the balance of the proceeds <br />park( to tiorrawer. <br />tE the Property is abandoned by Barrnwcr, or i€. after notiac by Lender to Borrower that the condemner offers to make <br />an aw. rd or setfte a claim for damages, Borrower fails to respond to Lender within 30 days after the date such notice is <br />mai}td. Lender is authorized to rniteci and apply the proceeds. at Lender's eption. either to rexTOration or repair of the <br />Property nr to the sums secured by this Mortgage. <br />Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in svriting. env such application of proceeds to principal shall not extend <br />,~r postpone ihr due elate of [hc mnnthiv installments rctcrrcd to in paragraphs 1 and ? hereof or change the anmunt of <br />such snstaiiments- <br />IQ. Sarrowor Not Released. Extension of the ume far payment :]: mndificauon of amortization of the sums secured <br />!]y this Mortgage gra~ttd by 1,•~r t.~ env :.L r.~~.,r .n :.,,.=r;.st ;,: Flarrowcr st,att :,.a=. .., rcica:.c. .. ._ann?r, <br />the habititY' cf the orratnai Bar:a.rer and Barrow rs uccessors .n htrrest lender shaltrn~i he rrquiredAtoncnmmenec <br />prcx-.cedings agaznst such successor or refuse to extend tome for payment ,=r nrhenvrse modify amortization of the sums <br />secured by this ~Sartgage by peasan of anq demand made tn~ the .nig;nal Bnrrcnvtr ; nd Barrov.•er's succeesors in interest. <br />It. Forbeanace by [ender hot a CYalvfr. ~Yny fertm-cr, n; :: '~-: I ruder :n acrcisin~ env right or remedy hereunder. nr <br />othetise xffarded by applicable taw. shall not he war:, r .~, v prrclnde ;ht csercise nt env ,ucfi right or remedy. <br />Tl:e procurement of insurance ar the pa}'tnert rf to<cs ,=r other 'ens rx charges t+v !ender Khali not he :+ waiver of Lender's <br />right ;o accrlerat-_ the maturity of the :rdebicdnrss ,et::rrd h]~ :h:, '`fartcagc. <br />12. tttmedia Cutnulatise. .M1 ti remedies :, r., =odsd :e; , , `.f,~rt^agc .ire ,±istn:-~t .r n:i .::me,tativc to :mv other riryht nr <br />remee+s under rhos M1#artgagc ar atfarded ^y~ taw r.r cyu:ty..:n<i r±at he c]er,.s~ ~,„ns:urrcn+ly. ~ndepcndcntiy nr s:rc.cssrvcly <br />t3. Stxcessors and Assigns Bound: Ioini and tit; real i.iabilin; t'apdans. r}:r ~ ]rnants .end aucc,nen is herein <br />cama;ntd shall Sind. sod tfie rights herrlir.,ief strati ,once t, . ihr st;eccs~.=*rs and ass+em; ,.t i.cndrr nrd Barrn;ver. <br />snlajcct to site pravisin~•rs of ^aragraph i' hereof. .Ali covrnarts ~ncl :,grremrni.:'~f Borrostcr strati he t,emt .,nd several. <br />:Rst caption and headings of the paragraphs tv t.bis Mortgage err fie. .„nvrr.rcncr ,en i', :r,u ;, re not ;.r t]e nsrd t. <br />+n:rrprct ar define the pravisians htrcof. <br />i0. \oiire, Exsapt fee any txatice regnirc^d under apP;itablc la„ !n he r vr. r. ;n ;mother ntannrr, i t ,my not;.c to <br />Il:arrtrwtr prtYC€dcd .rorrn this titorigafre shot !-c y,s: c:: ~_: n:.; ~:iinc =:::. t, ~:,,t:~c ht' .crt: tied m: ,i :dthcsscd 1:: Fiorrc•]vcr al <br />the PmFm rty Address nr ai ouch ..:her adder, .,x Els~rr:];aer ;:lay dcz,gr+:+tc hY- anti-e to f code( :ry provicird hereto. :rod <br />{bj any :z,°:,cc !n t_tndcf sl:aii t=efftvre 'iy crri,iic:i nta:l.:cturn r:.,, r.yursted. ;o i en,kr'a address stated herein t]r io <br />aw:h aihr addrets as f_rdcr mat :;:"agnate ba nnrrc :.A Borrt=`,vcr`..s nfa,•:cted J:rrr,r. 1, , :,dice provided inr .n this <br />!r4t?rlr~age shall be elttmed ie have been <n"to to i3;]r;c+urs ar I ender .=fi€n g;rcn in ;he marmot c4c,rc^ated taerrin. <br />IS: Ltni[arrAt !110rt;age: fajrrni»R taw: 4evrrst»iitl. i n,s t,,rm „I nu,rreas:e =~c mhincs r:;•,fnrm :.,venantc tar nai,anal <br />use stn! =,on~z_~Fcrm cc»gnantc with rim-itrd •~;+r,at:are hY ~,;u;,t',ctton n~ cs,nsrtute a .; u,±arm srcur;ty istrumeni covering <br />:tal pfalvri5". 17'n5 ~~af t~4~;C ChRi.' :t is,]. Cf nett "t' ff1C I:,N r:t it`f `: .:`.ct[Cit?,ti i: -x"hk'tt It`.C i'fnprflt :t It]C: alyd. In il1C <br />evert rfrat a pr,:visitan v ciausr c: thi> ktongage ;>r :hr tit=tc ,onilicts s£ith tiit±laic :h3c rosy. such cant?ici shalt rat afiecF <br />rrtlKr r:rab'iSt4`n5 t]f tti?S M1ICI4};.4QC i t !hf ~inte '•]iritih rile r.,. _ _ t s'fEx'c; '.: riht:t:t ttiC• ~ ~itt~tc.i,t4 prnr•r57n1Y, and In tie tS <br />tad Yac ptssvreians of t;€e '<#^rtpagr ::n;i t;]r 'a,]tr .err sie>:i:c: rr1 ;.> ti .,cve<3h'.r. <br />iK. borrpwex'e f'upy. Berrv;vtt shad ;~t Tura:+tmd a canfamrru i,^pp :,t the tiote and ,.t this Mortgage .;t the timt <br />exs~r-.motion .z after rr>:•crrdatican h:errui. <br />}3. 'I'xawsier of [ixs PrsyNetty; Assur»pti~ if as : , tir;Y p.,¢t ., rhr Pi,rprny e,r an onterest therein is sold ar trarr,terred <br />by ;Rar'r•ilwcr ssithaui tender's pour •~rittrn a,nccni..•zctaiditrN loll the ._rtat+nn ut :, rite, :-a encumbrance sutxtniinate tr, <br />t>es ?L#pe£~t, the tht cit§t•€?,n a) ,t pore?rase n:anc] ~•eCsrrrit ~ntcrtyt t ~: t;:asrhuid 'pphar..e+, ia1 a transftr by' r!es ise, <br />~c~rt .=r ~ i, cra€ran of Sav,~ crpon the u'eat:, os = ou;r t..»a:v :t. - - <br />- - i_enJrr .na}. .et I-ender,,a n,7, ueela:r xii the sum, ;ci,:frd hY this 4iortgaate to rte <br />,rest~sexliattiy derv end , ayaSs1e. Ixndcr shad ins.. ~.,,._ oirt:c+n ;,, .,<: eFr!:+'r :, pr:.v r« star .a+r a- transfer. !seder <br /> :ht pt+xsn !a wbutn the E*r ;rr~;.~, is - 'zr ~-+.~ .-t , .:... ,e:,_A ..: as;.::~recr:rs. nt s..._ !'eat ttr <br />rs satistmiorY to Ltn+:er slut t'=a ae _ is c t ,,a:.a:,lc ~n rt_ ,:,ns ~'a,rcd i'+a, ' inn>,~ t,:::?,ail :> at s t - tc as [ endc+ <br />st;-air rey:t:s: 3t 's_rader bas aa,scu ,.:s ,,p.n ~ ,.-+ ._.. ,s:.,rte er :situ ; .?tt~..#`tang,apl* : s.]0 3 ~,ttr.t rig,.-er~. ,vice,}or :r, <br />.a:trrst has nxtcutrd a u~titi[n sssttm:rtror, ag:~ec,n:: nt ;e...:a,n>; by t.rn:ier i e;r.ter shsll re Fe:xse: Br~t;.,wer t:r~€n alt <br />:}6l=gai5aus aadar ti~'s4ori~p.vt~¢ aa+: the °V Via. ' <br />If l_endtr est-ctscs such c:,]i~en to a:4eFrr;c:e. E cra,ie: shall ma:. B.trt>wctr r:s+t:ec .>,'" ae,:cicsaiton ;r: .:..crdracr =:,:;h <br />r^ar:igran;=-ir ;« !YC'i Grit. 5{I;.h z}R.sCL' Saaat: y^.: i-r-r.;e r i'srs:?~u c?f t;o: 3ess Iha.n 3:' das4 trvm the dace tt><,. ;z.]itcr ;=.matied ss:th:t? <br />. -° _':^ tc>xex .a. Y~a7 ;bc - -r ei;;rcu drxc i $nr°awer a :s : fifty :.:.xr ~,•rmv #rt tcv iiv ibe csi'rirarrcm A , ,:sh pcnod. <br />1 cts:.°°. sus'. -Fi.3u .it fr:~?~r ncir.:r rsr dsr ;a ,d . n rEsc-conic t •s+ke ~nr ;cencsfies;rrr,,.zeci by parsgrnpt. - ti f,,, err,[ <br />^«:~-U'=2~€ac Cnvxt=etats. Aorttsycr and I.rrxdet `:i¢; ihtr c..+•.e;rapp ant ,,"rpr ~s .::>tierws. <br />ii, Axxelt[at3ati; tZeiweiliec. Eactyt ors. ptavided in paraKxapYi 17 #trty,f, xtpo» Btrtafy€et'x Areacft tnf a€r} cavrnarst ur <br />9:tixeCUft~t cri ~2xrsxwf7 ltf tip ~1Qrtt?<; ir~3rrdit€~ t#ir rasruastia to f;sti-:a.2:R`» dw. atty~-a[:nom srr need l;y €his 4isertgp,e. <br />t.aadex per sa rectMttMainat xis11 tttaif notice to ISrtrrus+er as pruttdxd fn p.r;ajFxaph' 1~ hereof specifying. t l f tlw Areach; <br />t*}tie EI#k#w st~atrtd to eyt» stub-bh:ath: i3t a d~att, nsri tesa than id drgs tre~m tlrt dtte the nutter i maiizd to licrrvx*er, <br />iY wrUitk otter. i[tsci mwr;i Ix ruxei$; artil fdl fhttt failnxe cu cure such lxreac23 x=e ixr tnfurt fbr date sprciiied in ti,e nufirr <br />uttt+J+irFStTt iw turreiextMiaei.uf Ere surasatcurrd. by [;tits i;urtµ~a, fueccW.ure lay jadirfal pa]rredityy acrd n?le ui the Pr»prrtp. <br />Yi-tf: iueelGt stall iortitx ~#rttM~t Ift: xasttt of tit tith# to tcinstatt after arrrteratiur+ anti the tight to a+seri in the fnreclusurr <br />-~xt?tgtj. flip 2Wff°~t~fGRF# of 3st+tf9Wil tie Axi) Ut~rrt tMfe/r~E of ~itrrawer tp arreiYration aad furecttisnrc. If airt bteRSh <br />is- ~t€a~ xtn cu-3rrrigtt ffx dsxt speriiWYitt tbt tmife€. t,rrcelet at iradcr's option rrraa drristrr ati ui €hr sutus secured tx) <br />tteip'+ltq^~,sgp€t trx bt irttnted'rafsiy titer artC p>tyabfe wtttrftai #urtbrt derstarui :xnd cite} furCClvx ht jwtie:a! prucredirtg. t e€tdrr <br />`..ttnff:t~¢ eftt3tled to rrr~tct lq tt:tlt p•ivratd~ nli rxptnsrs ref fnrrclra-.:corr. rt,ciudirtg. Aug nut dinritrd iu, costs ut ducuurrntssry <br />xtrtktasrt nhnlYitxts .aed'tttit xxpext+. <br />if, i~tirx1.~~itlc iN to iTttfat~itNS. 'L,,.;viitrt<:an..,tY~ ° rst#ci . , ,.ai.: *: .::n] .:,s:,.ea ,, hrs `.t,~.:K-,,, <br />,ts.<='3s >b~S •v+t-,~ f~sf r~ ira~t a„y t`,e,;w~-s.# .r, t'~i., x ,,J .,. ,+, r e, , .s.. r: n.,<=i e , .,. <br />