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80- X05299 <br />MOKTGAGE <br />THJS MORTGAGE is made this...........Z3 of....SEFTEMBER <br />i4 ., between the Mortgagor, .. #20$E2T_ C.., _ WOLFE AND NTANDA 1`h. WOLF'E, HLSf'3A~fL} ~ 71'I~O~~" <br />.. W.~k'E ................. . ............. (herein "Borrower"), and the Mortgagee,. THE, ,FIRST. NP~?TI~tJ~jAL <br />..OE •6Rb1117Ja •ISI,AI>TD., .GRAND .I&Lr~NA, . Ft>iBI~ASKA ........., a corporation organized and existing :'' <br />under the laws of.......~F;Bt~SKA ......................... whose address is... GRAND, ISL~I3D~.:~! . <br />..NEBRASKA ......................................................... {herein "Lender"}. <br />yVaea~s, Borrower is indebted to Lender in the pri,^.cipal sum of. .TWENTY-EIGHT ,TfiOT7SAND FIVE- <br />..13UNDRED. AND. NO1.lOt)--"-, .--------"',-Dollars, which indebtedness is evidenced by Borrower'. note <br />dated..... SEPTEMBER .23,, I38~tercin "Note"}, providing for monthly installments of princip al and interest, <br />with tht baiarsce of the indebtedness, if not sooner paid, due and payable on.. NO~k.N1$ER. ,.1,R , 20? 0, _ ; • , <br />To SecottE to Lender !a) the repayment of ttte indebtedness evidenced by the Notc, with interest thereon, the' <br />paymem of atl other sum,, with interest thereon, 3dvanccd in accordance herewith to protect the security of this. <br />h4ortgagt, and the peeform.ance of the covenants and agreements of Borrower herein contained, and (b) the repayment <br />of any future advances, with interest thereon, madz to Borrower by Lender pursuant Eo paragraph 2I hereof (herein <br />"Futtrra Advances"}, Borrawer oars hereby mortgage, grant anti convey to Lender titc foitowing describec+ property <br />located in the County of........ ATE$~A$K.~ ........................ State of Nebras}:a: <br />LOT TEN (10) IN BLOCK ONE (l.) IN ISIyAND ACRES NUMBER TWO <br />(2} CITY OF GRA2JD ISLAND, BALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />wok ft hax t;~ ads',:ss ef........ 3TJtl3 t+.'E$T 1~TH STP,E£'I' GiHAND ISf,,IiiNU <br />... i~i# ~. r:t iLriYi <br />21E:#SK±3 bBBtf.~.......{heron"Pxopcr<yAr}dress"): <br /> t-to :oc•3 <br />'z'c~~ss- wx ~`J tist~ itriprovwstanRS naw r:r hcrdal'.er e,„c~ted r~tt rite property, ,vtd ail rascntenxs, rig#t~4, <br />awrtertzntcs, rts:ts, ro~raitits, rttiotrzi, ttii and gas ris*hts ants f,sc: :~, water, watt= riyi:t~, aa',.. watu stot:i;, and a',i <br />f~;t~x~s ~w err hocsahar at>ss;atd to lit. ,~opctiy, all at w#ts;h. tncla:;,,rb ,c;rla,e:,t~,ta a,td ai;•v,t,;~;vs =ir>reta, ;hail be <br />#d'CC1a°.;tJ to e~ ait3nmaitt a pa.r? o#'iht grvpcty ezsvetcd by tn.= R,natxagc; and a!i a?'the f„=cr;,i;:f;, toy-x;h~r ~.kish tztid <br />g;4Pp~ttp ;~x thc,caszheizd c3tatc i# this R3o.t~agc zs an a Ecase^vbi i at: hc;. ~n rzic+~cd .; o; the "Pctrpcrty' <br />~iF#:r+t,r €4rrcnatkFS tJsat }~;rrra-wCr is 2a'+?:dui;y seucst .,f •thC: cES;ec !v„~rrrbt c~rsns:-gtr7 sr:-+ i:a, [hc ag.:, to at,,rit;agc. <br />grant ttnd c~nvty tbe'F'rflg~esiy, : #t'=€ i'r-gx;'tti ig anet;catror=~ ~ ,, ,,.,.. ha, f3ctu ~~-+~°. pct;; warras.t and .'etch+..: <br />~ra3Sy !be I~.~ "¢ tip ps;,-~~.•a}y Naat.... ...; stain.,; ,tau c! n:v-,.,=. -. . t„ an, ~..cta~at-> . ~a,v, ., ~, ~, _, res~,z..,. ~~s <br />'~~sv€,:7 Fn aF sxht~~:a €, cx.e_pr€t~~t;~; t~ _:, r:.*a.~ tq .E . t;atc ._.a.._ .; a, ,.~; ; . ~_ ...... .. .... .S:. . <br /> <br />