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<br />UNIFtiRM CoycNANT$. Bo(rower :rnJ LcnJer COyemint amt agrl'r a5 follOWS: <br />1. PaYmcnl of Principal and Interest. Borrower shall promptly p:ry when Jac the principal of anJ interest on the <br />iodehtedness eviJeneeJ by the Nute, prepayment and Iatr charges as provide) in the Note, and the principal of anJ interest <br />- un any Future AJs•ancrs secure) by this DeeJ of TnL't. <br />2. Funds for Taxes and Lisurance. Subject to applicable law or to a written waiver by Lender, Borrower shall pay <br />to Leruler on the daY monthly installments u( principal :mJ interest are payable under the Note, until the Note is pail in full. <br />u sum (herein "Funds") equal to one-twelfth of the yearly taxes ;mJ assessments which may attain priority over this <br />Ueed of Trust, :md ground rents on the Property, i(any, plus onrtwelfth of yearly premium installments For hazard insurance. <br />plus one-Twelfth of yearly premium installmcntt for mortgage insurance, if ;my, all as reasonahly estinmted initially anJ from <br />time to time by Lender on the fsasis of assessments and bills anJ « nsunuble estimates thereat. <br />'T'he Funds shall be held in ;m instimtioa the deposhs ur accouNs of which arc insure) or guarantee) by a FeJerni or <br />state agency [including Lender if Lender is such ;m institution). Lenilcr shall apply ;he Punts its pay said rases, assessments. <br />insunnee premiums ;mJ ground rents. Lender may not charge for su holding ant applying the Funds, analyzing said account <br />or verifying ant compiling sail assessments ant bills, unless Lender pays Borrower interest un rhr Funds anD applicable law <br />permits Lender to make such a charge. Borrower and Linder may agree in writing at the tirite of execution oC this <br />DeeJ of Trust that interest on the Funds shall be pmd to Borrower, ant unless such agreement is made or applicable law <br />requires such interest to be pail. Linder shall nut be reyuireJ to pay Harrower :uq• interest or rvnings on the Funds. Lender <br />shall give m Horrowcr, without charge, an unuual accouming of the Funds showwg credits auJ Jehits to the Funds and the <br />purpose for which each Debit to the Ponds was male. The Funds are pledge) as additional security for the sums secured <br />by this DecJ of Trust. <br />if the amount ut the Funds hciil by Lendrr, togzthur with the (uuuc monthly installments of Fundy payahle prior to <br />` the Jue Dates of mxcs, assessments, insurance premiums nnJ gnumJ rents, shall cxrecJ the amount reyuircJ to pay Sind taxes. <br />asse»ntenls, insurance premiums ant groan) rents ^s Ihcy tall dui, such excess shot) be, :d Horrower's option, either <br />promptly repaid to Harrower ur credited to finrrower on nmmhly installments of Funds, If the amount of the Funds <br />held by Lender sh:Jf not hit sutlicicn[ In pny Ia.xzs, asxessmenis, insurmer premiums and ground rents as they fall due. <br />Borrower shall pay to Lender any amount necessary m male up, the Jetie;eney within 30 JaYS from the date notice is nwilrJ <br />by Lender to Burrower requesting payment thereof. _~_ <br />Upon payment in full of all sums Seca«d by This Ucal of I rust Lcndcr sh:dl promptly rcfunJ w Horrowcr any FunJ+ <br />held by Lcndcr. I( under paragraph I8 hereof the Property i+ soW ur Ihz.Pnsperty is otherwise acyuireJ by Lcndcr. LcnJer <br />shall apply, no later than imntedialely prior to rim sale nl the. Progeny or in nryuisuwn by LenJzr, any Funds hrW by <br />Lcndcr at the lime of application as a credit against the sums secured 6y this Dced of 'Feast. <br />3. Application uF Payments. Unless applirihlr law proviJe+ otherwise, all payntenu received by LcnJer under the <br />Note ant paragraphs 1 and Z hereof shall he applicJ hY Ixnderlint m payntcm of amounts payable to LcnJer by Borrower <br />under paragraph 2 hereoG, then to interest payable un the Note, Ihcn to Ihr pnncgrd ut the Note, and then to imerest ant <br />principal on any Future AJvances. <br />4. Charger; Liens. Borrower shall pay all iasr+, a+sesurenl+ :uul uthrr charges. tines ;mJ unpovlions attributable w <br />the Property which may attain a priority over ihs DceJ of Trust, ant kascholJ puyntents or ground renh, if any, in the <br />manner provide) under paragraph 2 hereof or, if nut paid in such nwnner, by Borrower making p:ryment, when Jue, Directly <br />to the payee thereof. Borrower shall promptly Cornish to Laukr all nuucc+ uF amuu nCS due under this paragraph, :utJ in the <br />event Burrower shall make paymrm Directly, Boreuwrr shall promptly tarnish to LcnJer rece;pts eviJencmg such payments. <br />Borrower shall promptly discharge any lien which has priority over the Ueed ul 1 nut: prov;JeJ. That Harrower shall not be <br />require) to discharge any such lien so long as Honnwer shall agree iu writing m the payment of the obhgauon seeurnJ by <br />such lien m a manner aceeputhlc to Lender, ur shall m gout fauh contest Stich lien hy, ur DelenJ enturermntt ul' such hen ;o. <br />legal ``srcneedings which operate to prevem the enlorcement of the lien or lurfeiu;rc of the Property or any part themof. <br />5. Hazard Insurance. Borrower shall keep the improvements now csrsung ur hereafter erccteJ on the Property insure) <br />against loss by fire, hazards included within the term "extendeJ coverage", ant such other hatarJs as LenJCr stay require <br />ant m x;ch amounts and fur such periods :u Lender may rcyui«: pmnJed, that Lender shall nut require That the unwunt of <br />such ~overagc e.xeaJ that amount of coverage require) ux pny the sums urured by this DeeJ a[ Trust. <br />The insurance carrier providing the insuruur shall Ise chosen by Horrowcr sublert to approval by Lendrr, pnsvideJ <br />that such approval shall nut he unreasunahly withheld. All premiums tin insurance Ixslieies shall M pu;J in the manntt <br />yruvidrd urdzr paragraph 2 hetrot or. tf not paid iii such manner, by Borrower staking payment, when Jue, directly to the <br />insurance carnet. <br />ur ncr pohc:za and rzrerwah tfizrrof shall he in h}rm a crptabtz to tzndzr and shalt m,:iudz :; standard mnrtgagt° <br />dausr ia~fsvnr of auJ in torn .r ecputhle to i-cuDcr. L.rnJcr shall huvz thynght to hull the pnlieics and renewals thereat. <br />ant Borruwxr snail prunaptly (unsish to LrnDzr all renewal ;wticc<. ant all', rree+pta „f pa;D prsminms_ in the event of iris. <br />Horruwer shall gave prompt nuucc m the usuruncc earner auJ LcnJer. bender ;nay nmAz pnxal of ksss d nut ntadc pnunpdy <br />_ - - by Horruwer_ <br />Unless Lendrr unJ Borrower uJterwix agree m writing, utsuranee pn,:eeils shot) Ix applreJ w wsturetimt or repine .d <br />the Pr~pertY danwgeJ, provide) arch testur:urun ur repan ;+ rantanucally Irmdsk .utJ the +ecurny of Thu DeeJ of Trust ;+ <br />not thereby unpaueJ. If such rratorapun ur «p:ur is our ecunonucully fc;rarhie ui l rhz securely u[ Ih;+ Ucrd ul 7-nut would <br />tse rmpaued. the ursurntce pusrecds +hall lx appheJ to the sumo acru«J by the UzrJ of 1'n;st, wuh the evicess, d any, gnat <br />Io Horruwer. if ;hr Property o uhundnnrd Hy Bwruwer, ur if Burrow er f.uh w «sponJ m LcnJer wuhm 3H Jay+ trust Ihr <br />Dale nuucc n rnadzd by Linder to Burnswzr rh:u the uuurancr earner uders to settle a clmm for mauancc benefit+. I,enJer <br />is aulhunzeJ W .:ollect and apply the msunutcr pruceeJs ul Leader's opliun etdwr to walur;n;nn ur repu;r ut the Pmpeny <br />ur to the sum, xcu«D by this DrrJ of Tntst. <br />Unless Lrudu and Huvuwer athzrwisc agree tit wnung, day such apphcauou tit proceeJs w pons pal shall nut extend <br />or Isoary><ntr rhr Juc Jute of the monthly mob-iihnrnrs relrrreJ nr ;n pungnrphs i .;nJ ? hceeat ur change the amount .et <br />such mstalfmznis. !( uuJzr paragraph Iri hereut the Progeny i+ acyuucd by Lender, all ;fight, title and nurwst ul &nruwrt <br />m tmJ to any mouruncz Ixsircacs ant ;n :,nJ Io the pus~ceds Ihete.H tCetllUng Irum Jamagr to Ihz Prop<•ny prmr to the sale <br />ur' uai!uemon shall pace us ).coda !u tler rslcnt su the sums secure) Isy ihts DeeJ nl IYwt unmctbately pour to such sale nr <br />xyunwou <br />6. Nreserx altos aqd Afakr/rnalN'C of Pruprrly; Lrasrhulds; t'undonthrimm; 1`lanned Unit 1)evrlupmeots. Horrowcr <br />•d;all Accp the I'n, pcny m guuJ mpau ,uul +haH nut ununut s .n;r u; prnuu unp.urnn'm , drtrnurauon ul the Property <br />and vhali comply with the pruv;sttms of any lease rf th;s UzrJ a('1 nut n on n IrasrhulJ. It du, Urcd of"Dust is tin n amt m a <br />condominium ur .; planned win Jovrlupo;m;t, Ilan uwur shill Ix•,dunu aII ul Hutruwnr', uhhguornts under the drelardum <br />ur eovmiuuts ereatwg tit govznnng lhr coudununmm ur plauneJ unit clzyeiupmzat, the 6y-htw, .nut «guluaum of rhr <br />conJmninimu ur punned nun devrktlrnrm. ant eunsw emu documeai+ [i n eondonuuium tit pluuneJ un;t deeelupnuvu <br />nJrr ;+ cxczutcd by Horrowcr and rrcnr Jet together wait the Uerd ul 1 um, ;hc cavenanu and agreements of u;ch rider <br />shall be meorpurutcJ uu.u auJ shall amen) and supplement rite awruants ant ag«murnls ul th;s Eked .d trust .n d' rhr uJCr <br />- - .were a part [terxof~ <br />7. Prnfrrftua of Ixrulrrk tirrurity. If Burrower I,uls w prrlarin lira eu+-ruarus -find agt eemnnts conuuncJ ;n thts <br />T)zeJ ui Trust, ur if any serum ur pnscedtug is rumntencrd which ma;rttally atflcis I-cnJnr's ime«sr m rbr f°m~ny, <br />includtng, but cwt hnutrJ to, eminent Junraui, a»utvenzy, cudc znlureemUUt, of ;u raogensenis at pro: reJrng..o+ulvwg a <br />bankrupt ur deeedcot, thin (-.ender at L~ndcr's optmn, uprnt nul;cc to ![wtowcr, ina4 tuaAr stirh appraranzrs_ .L.hursr su.b <br />sums unJ take such ucuun as is ncceaary as prutzct Leudzr'x urtrresl, mrludwg_ hm nut IuntlcJ to, duhuurmmu at <br />reasunabin auornny's tern anD cntry~ upon the I'roprrq• m make np;un It ).ender «ywrvvf oacngugr mamuur as a <br />condition of ntakutg the loan secured by this I)zed of 'Lout, Horrowcr ,fail pay the p«nuums rvquucD at n+nunum such <br />mzurancc in etiect asst such time its the reyuircmnnt for such insururrcc trrrnrnatzs m aceotdaucz with Hurrawrr's :!ml <br />LruJcr's wnurn agrremrnl or appbcaGic law. Horruwer shall }say the antoc;ui tit .di urungayz ,inui;nKe ptamnants m ihz <br />massy provtdcJ unJcr paragntph 2 hcreo[. <br />Any amounts JishurseJ h4 I ctsDrr pursuant to this garages Ph 7, wuh uur«st hrrc,tn ,half hccunm nJilwor+al <br />indebtedness of lksrrower secured by this Deed u! Trust. l.lnlrss Horruwer and I ender agree to other trans ul ptrvntenL such <br />antounis shat! be payahle ti}xin n4uee from Lcndcr to Horrowcr myuesling }saynicnt thcrzef, amt shag liar nrierost Irum ;he <br />• dale of dixbursrment at the rate pugablc from lino to time tin oulxtunJmg prntnipai under dm Nair unlnsx payment of iotcrest <br />at such talc wuulD txs uatBUry to uppbcablc Icw, in whirl cvmu +uzh untnunn +hall Ina; uxicrmi ..t the highe,t talc <br />permissible under uppiicabiz law. Nothing containrD in this purugrapk 7 ah;Ji rrquur Lender its mzur any expense ur take <br />any action lzrettnder. <br />tt. lns~rlksu. Linder may rnakc: ur cause to Iw murk: reasonublr rinses upon .:rid mspceuuns of lhr Prnprrty, pn,vidcJ <br />that !-ender Shull gn•e Horruwer uuticz pnue to any such inspecuun sprcilyuig reasonuhlr cause therefor ;e1:ucJ to LcnJcr's <br />intrust fit tyrt Plor>rrt Y. <br />