8~..' OU~~By~
<br />UNIFORM COV LNANTS. BorroWrr anJ 1_tnJer lOVCrta«t and agree as fUBUWa:
<br />1. Paymxnt of Principal and btlerpt. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the principal of anJ interest un the
<br />indebtedness eviJrnccd by the Nole, prepaymem and I;ue charges as pmvidrJ in the Note, and the principal oC anJ interest
<br />un any Future AJvaneex secure) by the Decd u('inrsl.
<br />2. Funds for Taxes and L?surance. Subject to applitahle law or to a written waiver by Lender, Borrower shall pay
<br />In Lender nn the day monthly installments n( principal and interest arc payable under the Note, until the Note is pail in full.
<br />a sum (herein "Funds'") equal to one-Iweit)h of the yearly [uses and assessments which may a«ain priority over this
<br />Ueed of Trust, and ground rents un the Property, it any, plus one-twelfth of yearly premwm installments (or hazard insurance,
<br />plus one-twelfth of yearly premium installments for mortgage insurance, it any, all as rcasona6ly estimated initially and from
<br />ume h+ time by Lender on the basis of assessments xnd bdis anJ rcasunable estim:ues thereat.
<br />Tht Funds shall be held in an instituion the deposits or accounts of which arc insure) or guarnnteeJ by a Federal ur
<br />state agency (including l.tnder if Lender is such un institution). LenJer shall apply the Funds In pay said taxes, assessmenn,
<br />Insurance premiums anJ groan) rents. Lender may not charge for w holding ;md applying the Funds, analyzing said account
<br />car verifying and compiling Bald assessments anJ bills, unless LrnJcr pays Borrower interest un the Funds and applicable law
<br />permits l.rnder to make such a charge. Borruwrr and Lender may agree iu writing al Ihr tithe of execmion of this
<br />DtrJ of Trust that interest on the Funds shall be pa+d to Burrower, and unkxs such agreement is made or applicable law
<br />regwres such interest m he pail. Lender shall not bt required lu pay Burrower :uty inmrosl or r::rnings on the Funds. Lender
<br />shall give «, Borrower, without charge, nn annual accoumiug ut Ihr Funds showing creJits anJ debits to the Funds and the
<br />purpose for which each debit to the Funds was made. The Funds arc pledge) us uJditional security for the sumo secured
<br />by this DceJ of Trust.
<br />if the amount of the Ponds hell by Lender, logtthrr with the [wore monthly installments u( Funds payable prior u+
<br />the due Dates of saxes, assessments, insurance premiums anJ ground rents, shall exceed the amount required to pay said trues.
<br />assessments, insurance premiums anJ groan) rents as Ihcy tall Jut, xu•h excess sh:Jl he, at Borrower's option, tither
<br />promptly repot) to Aorrowtr m' credited m Burrower un monthly installnttnts ul FuuJs. If the anmunt of the Funds
<br />hrlJ by Lender shall not he su0iciem In p:ry lases, assessments, insurance prtmiunn and ground rents as they foil dot.
<br />Burrower shall pay m LenJer an}• amount ncccssary «? make up the deficiency within 30 Jays (ram the )ale mice is ensile) -
<br />by [.ender to Borrower rcyues[ing payment thereof. -
<br />Upun payment in IuII u( all sums secure) by this Decd of Trust, Lender shall promptly refwtJ to Burrower any Fund+
<br />held by Lender. if under paragraph IK hereol Ihr Property n su1J or the Prtq?crp~ Is otherwise acquired by LenJer. Lender
<br />sh:di apply, nu later than imntndiately prate to the salt of the Property or it, aapuisrtwn by LenJer, any Funds hcW by
<br />tender at the ume of application os a credit against the unu, secure) by Ihls DecJ ul Trtut.
<br />3. Application of Payments. Unless appliruhlr I:nv prov:de+ othrrwuc, all paymcnu recces[) by" Lender under the
<br />Note :mJ partgr.?phs 1 :uul 2 hrreu( shall he apphcd by IsnJtr first m paymm~l of :unounu payable to LenJer by &umwtr
<br />under paragraph ?hereof, then to interest payable un the Nutt, Ihau to the pruu'Ipal ul the Note, anti then lu interest and
<br />princ:pal on any' Future Advances.
<br />4. CharRrs; [.ien+'. Borrower shall pay all ease+. a+sessmrnn anJ other aharge.+, linen anJ unpusuiuns aurihutable to
<br />the Properly which may attain a priority over Ihls DecJ of Trust, anJ leasehold payments or ground rents, if any, in the
<br />manner provide) under paragraph 2 hereut nr i( raw pail in such umnurr, by Borruwrr making payment, when due, directly
<br />to the payee Ihcreuf. Borruwrr shalt promptly furnish to LenJer :JI nutter, u( amuuuts Joe under Ihu paragraph, and in the
<br />event Bnrrowtr shall make payment dueclty, Borrower shall promptly tunnsh to Lender receipts CviJencmg such payments.
<br />Burrower shall promptly discharge any lien which has prority over Ihu UceJ ui 1 nlst; prtrvlJeJ, that Borrower shall not t+t
<br />required to Jix'harge :my >uch lien so long as Borrower shall agree io writing a+ the payntrm of the uhhg:uwn secure) by
<br />such hen in a manner aceeptablr to Lender, or shall m good fauh roosts[ sorb lien hy, ur defenJ uUorcrment ul such hen nt.
<br />Irgal pnxeedings which uperale w prevent the enforcement of the lien ur lorltiturc ul the Property ur any part thtrcof.
<br />5 Hazard lasuraucs. Borrower shall keep Ihr intproventtnts now cxisung or hereafter trectrJ un tha Ptoptrty insured
<br />agaunt lass by fire, husarJs included within the tenu "extended coverage", and such other ha4arda as Le«der ntay require
<br />and m such amounts and fur such ptriuds os LenJer may require: pmvulcd. that Ltndcr shall nut require that the umuum at
<br />such coverage aacttd that amount of [overage reyuurJ Io pay the anon unlmd by thn Dtcd of -i-ruse.
<br />7 ht insurance earner providing the insurance shall Ix chosen by Borrower subject n+ approval by 1-cnJtr; pruwdtd,
<br />that sash approval shag not bt unreasonably withheld. Ali premiuau on insurance Ix?hrirs shall hr paid in the mannsr
<br />provided under paragraph ?hereof or, tt nut pard in such manner, by Borrower nntk+ng payment, when Jur, directly to the
<br />truurance asrcisr.
<br />3tj :rs::rq:;;•r tusk its anJ rentw~tl; :htmal shall Lw rn loot[ :ecccptahlu m I ender and eh:d! meta)[ .? siardzrd rnortgagr
<br />- st n? taunt rat and in Conn ucctptubit «> Lender. Lcndrr shall have Ott ughl w hold the pcliclt+ and renew ass [htreot.
<br />attdi Bur:awr: st•.ufl pr.:mply furnish ro lxnder .dl renewal nouces and all :czc-qus ul nuns prrnuums. hI the event of loss.
<br />Borruwrr shall g+vc prompt nuuct m the uuuranct ca rnm~ anJ LenJer. Ltndcr ntuY «tal.c proof ui loss d out mutt prt?rnptiY
<br />by Borrower.
<br />Unless Lender :urJ Burn,wcr utherwur age ct w wrung, unurance pn?eeals ,hall hs^ apphrJ lu revura«un or repau of
<br />die Isroprny dantugeJ, proviJeJ umh maturation ur repau I, rtaunnn:cally Ir:uthir .Ind the ,ecunty ai lhn DecJ ul "Trust u
<br />not thereby unpmreJ. If ,uch rrstorautnt ur rrp;ur a ram camunucaliy Icuslblt oI II Ihr ,ecunly of IN, Used ul Tnnt watts)
<br />br ImpaurJ, the uuuranct pruateJs shall 6e appheJ lu Ihr aunn secure) t+y Ihu UtcJ ul' 77uat, wnh Ihr rxaes+. d any, { drJ
<br />Io Borruwrr. if Ihr Properly +s abunJontJ by Bouawcr, ur d Burruwcr fads m Itspond In LenJer wuhm 10 Jays bunt Iha•
<br />Date nonce n mailed by 1-ender to Burrower Ihu[ the mauranct earner offers to seRlt a cluun lur uuurunce henefih, 1-ender
<br />:: uuthunuJ to collect and apply iht msurana:e proceeds at Lender's option tuber to reswruwn ur repau of Ihr Property
<br />ur w the sum, >euueJ by this Utrd of 'i'ota[.
<br />Unltsx Lender unJ linrrowsr ulhrrwisc ogres m wrung, unY such apphcauou ul proceeds to pnrtclpal ,hull ram extend
<br />ur {xntyxn?e the Juc Jate at +~ ntunti?ly uestallnttula rctet red lu w Iwragr,?phs I .uul '_ hereof or change the umuum tit
<br />such mstallnuuls. IC under paragraph IN herein the 1'rupcl ty n au{u:red by Lt «Jsr, all Iighh till[ unJ Inte~tu of kAtrrowtr
<br />m and to :mt utaw once Ix?bcrrs anal m anJ to the pnxxeJs ihctcul tts?dting Irum dautage to the Prr+prnY Pnnr «, Ihr s:dr
<br />ur acyunnwn sh:di pass Io Lender to the extent ul the sums sec ureJ by Ihu DecJ tit I nest unotsJlatrlY Pt Wr Iu such salt oI
<br />ucyuiswon
<br />ti. Prtsrn a«nn and Ma{atenam•s of Pmpsrly; lsusrhaldx; Cuudunriufunn; Planurd Dail Orvtlupnrrnts. Borruwrr
<br />,6x11 krup the I'r,ipenY m Soul rcln.m .utJ +6;Ji raw aonunn ..u:r ,n prune uupuunmut dctcnorauun ul Ihr I'ruprlty
<br />:ntJ shall comply wnh the pruvlsrans rat any lease rf Ihla Deed uf'I lust n tin a le.r chat). h this [)rtJ of Trust n m? a unu m ,.
<br />cnndonunium ..r a Idauna°d unu dtvri+,pnttnt- Buntrwtr shalt ImeJUnn all ul Burrnwrr~s ohhgaur+ns under the Jsclor«unr
<br />ur arovtnants crratmK ur guvtrnulg the ,andwnuuum ur pluaurJ unu JrrNup+neuL Ihr bylaws and regulatloo, tit Ihr•
<br />cunJontinium ur plunneJ amt Jevtlapntcnl, anJ canNJUem J+?iumtuh If a amdonununn uI planurtl and Jevrk+pmcw
<br />rrJer n cxctuWd by Borruwrr anJ itcor JcJ logtthet wuh the DecJ ul I nnl, the nwenunta ,end aKleemrnta of >uch odes
<br />shall I+c utcarpnnurd into and shall untrod .end auppltntcul the iovtaaun •uul agtccmcnis of Ihu Deed of lu,t s .C the uJcr
<br />LL'art ~ pa•~: harts
<br />7. Psotecgi+n .rf 1~nrkr`.' !:nsadly. if Burruwcr Lull to pct lust? the cuvmuuus not agtcnntnta ?omuutrJ m thi+
<br />I)eeJ of "feast, nr H any scans ur prucr-edmg r eummendtd which nr^ntn,dly :)lees, l.endcro rntcrest ua rho I°rrxnc~rt).
<br />including. but oat boated tu, tnuumu Jammu, mautvcncy, cuts[ tn«,rtuttn6 ur arrunycncenls +tt procerJn?gs tits ulvmg .+
<br />t?ankntpt ur Jrcrdent, t!Irn LnlJer at LcnJSr's upllou, upon uulicr lu 1lnn owt4 may make such aplwarancca Jlabunt such
<br />sums anJ fake aueh a.a?un ^s Is ncccssary wpr~te~t -Lcodrr', mtrttat, mrhulurK. but nut binned w. drabursrmenl ui
<br />reasuna6ta mturntyi tree and entry upon Ihs Property to ntukr rc P•Jr, « Ixnder IeyuuaW !uuugugt uuuruucra
<br />condition of making Ihr loon acturrJ by this Drrd tit Prust, Bm rtrwcl shall pay the, premnu»x rtyuircJ to mmntau? such
<br />usxuram:s In eBtct amt! such hl:w as Ihr rtyuirtttxnt for such insw once ternunutcx m accordaucc wuh Bnrn?wer> anJ
<br />Lender`s wnutn ageermrnt ur apphcabiu law. Uutrowtr shots pay Ihd amount ,+t .Its m ulgagc nrourancr prenuuttu m the
<br />manner provide) under paragraph 2 hereof.
<br />Any amounts Jlshursed by 1 ender pursuant W this paragraph 7, +vnh uuertsl IhrnNU, ,hail h.•eomr adJWUnaI
<br />inJrbcedness of Burruwcr secure) by thn DeeJ of Trust. t Inlcss Bnrrowtr :out i.cndrr agree t.a other trans tit pavmsaL +uch
<br />amounts shall he payable u}xxn nouct from Lsnder m Borrower rcyuesting pugnttm thtrcof. :wJ shalt bar rnturrst [nun the
<br />dais of dishursrmrnt at the ra:e payable Irom elms to tint[ tin outatandatg pinegxd under rhr Note unless paytttem of iUirrcst
<br />at such rate watts) be a?ntraq~ ur apphcabB? law, in which cvem nth umouun +hall t+a•nr mterru ..t for h+ghcnt rule
<br />permissible utultr applicable law. Nathutg aa~nlnineJ in this paragraph 7 shall reyurre Lender ro ux:ur a«y ezpsnsc or take
<br />any'-""uu?? hrrrurdcr.
<br />S, IaxpsNNOa. L.tndrr may make or cause m he mutt rtaaouahle entrees ulwn anJ uaspteuuns of the YrolxrtY', Ilrnvuied
<br />That Lender shall gtvc Burruwcr notice poor to any ouch insptcuan specie Y'+r'K reuxatahlc rmsr Ihcrrtor lessee) to I cndv'.
<br />toter ~t ra the Pra~nv.
<br />