$0-~ i~0~8~4
<br />4. Candemnatian. The proceeds of any award or claim for Jumagts, direct or consequential, in connexion with any
<br />condemaation or other taking of the Property, or pan thereof, or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned '
<br />and khall be paid to Lander.
<br />In the event of a total taking of She Property, the proceeds shall he applied to the sums secured by this Dred of Trust,
<br />with the excess, if any, paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial taking of the Property, unless Bortower and Lender
<br />- otherwise agree in writing, there shall he applied to She sums secured by this Detd of Trust such proportion of the proceeds
<br />as is equal to that proportion which the amount of the sums secured by this Uued of Trust immediately prior to the date of
<br />taking bears to the f8ir market value of the Property immediately prior to the date of taking, with the balance of the proceeds .
<br />paid to Borrower.
<br />If the Property is abandoned by Horrower, or if, after notice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor offers to make.
<br />an award or settle a claim for damages, Borrower (ails to respantJ to LenJer within 30 Jays after the Jate such notice is
<br />mailed, Lender is authorized to collect and apply the pra:eeds, at Lender's optwn, either to resmration or repair of the
<br />Property or to the sums secured by this DeeJ of 'T'rust. '
<br />Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agrcc in writing, any such application of proceeds to principal shall nut extend _
<br />or postpone the Juc data u( the monthly installments referreJ to in paragraphs I and 2 hereof or change the amount of
<br />such installments.
<br />10. Borrower Nut Released. 8xtensiun of the time for payment or moJi&ution of amortization of the sums secured
<br />by this Decd of Trust granted by LenJer w any successor in interest of &trrowtr shall not ope:ratt to release, in any manner,
<br />the liability of the original Burrower and Borrower's wccessurs in interest. Lender shall nut lx required to commence
<br />proceedings against such successor or refuse So extend ume for payment ur utherwix modify amortization of the sums ~ •
<br />secured by this DceJ of Trust by reason of nay JxnanJ male by the original liorrower and Borrower's successors in interest. ~ ~•
<br />f i. Forbearance by Lender Nul a 1Vaiver. Any forbearance by Lender m tzercivng any right ur remedy hereunder, or
<br />aherwise afforded by applicable law, shall not bea waiver of ur preduJe the exercise of any such right or remedy. ~ ,
<br />- Tire procurement o[ insurance or the payment of fazes ur'uther liens or charges 6y Lender shall nor ba a waiver of Lender i. -
<br />right to accelerate d,c maturity of the indchttdness srcurgai'hy this DecJ of Trust.
<br />!2. RrmeJies Cumulative. All remedies prov uled~in~thrs Dred of Trust are Jisunet anJ cumulutivr to any other right
<br />- ur remedy under this DceJ of Trust or aS7orJeal by lay or equity, and may ne tzerciseJ wncurrently, independently or
<br />successively. 1
<br />13. Suceessars and Assigru Bourrp; Joint and Severn) Liability; d'aptions. The covenants and agreemenu herein
<br />contained shall bin), and the righu heretutder shalt inure to, the re,pccuve xucccswrc anJ assigns of Lender and Borrower, i~
<br />subject w the provisions of paragraph I7 hereol. All covrnaws anJ agreements of Borrower shad be Leine and several. i,
<br />The captions and headings of She paragraphs of thi> Decd of Treat are fur convenience only and are not So Fee used to I
<br />interpret ar define the provisioRr hereof. 'i
<br />14. Notice. Except far any notice icy uu cd under applcahle Ida to he given m another manner, la! any ~nolice Ia '~,
<br />Borrower provided for in this Deed of T7ust shall be given by moiling mah notice by eertifieJ mail addressed to Borrower at ~~
<br />the Property Address or at such other aJJress as 8orntwcr may Jesrgnatc by nonce to Lcndcr as provtdcJ herein, anJ
<br />(b) any notice to Lender shall be given by cerlilirJ mail, return receipt reyue~leai, to Lender's uJJrcss state) herein or to
<br />such other sddress as Lender nmy designate by noua:e ro Burrower as proviJeJ herein Any nonce pronJed form this
<br />[)eeJ of Trust shall be JeemeJ to have been given to Horrower or LenJer when given in the manner designate) hcrem.
<br />15. Uniform Ueed of Trust; d:uvrrning L.aw; Srverabilily. Thin form of JecJ of treat cumnrnra unrlurm Covcn:mFS fur
<br />national use and non-uniform covtnaors wrlh IimireJ variauans by lunsdicnun w cnmulute a untfurm seau'rty msinrmem
<br />covering real property. Thu Dred ul Trust shall he .gor.:rntJ by Ihalaw of the wruJtnnm m which the Nrtperty a Ixaud
<br />in the even[ Shat any provision or clause of Thu UteJ ul Tfual ur Ifle NWC wnliicu wuh apphcahle law, auah cmtlbct shall
<br />not aifrcr other previsions oC Ihrs DreJ of TYusl or the ~Nute which Yap he given •Ileet without the cunlticung provuron.
<br />and io this enJ the provisions ui the Dred of Trust :mJ the Nole ate )adored nt nt atveruble.
<br />16, Borrower's Cooy. Borrower shall he IurnuhcJ a cnn(onncd copy of etas Note ,cod of tws Der) of 'Grua al the rime
<br />of rxrcuuun or after recordohon hereof.
<br />17. Tnnsfu of /he Property; Assumption. if all ur any pan of the Prgpcnv ar ,m interest Theron rs sold or irmts(trred
<br />by Harrower wuhout l.ender'a poor wnuen cunarni, enduJntg tai the creauun ul a ben ur cnnmthrance aubordmatr to
<br />:ht= DceJ of Trust, (hl Shc crranun ui a purchuar mane} sccurtty intrrat for lunuchold apphancp, Ik t a transfer Uy Jrviae.
<br />c1rSGrni ttY i,}` nperaliatrt trf law n;ktti Jtt Jealn Uf :1 lulnl tenant UI
<br />_-. __........ .. _° _.. _ .. _. ... .~ .~ i,caaiot maY. of t endcr~s u~tiutt, sltdatc oil the aunt, ae.ureJ i,Y tin, DcrJ uC Trust to ix
<br />nnnteJwmiy der and payable. Linder shall have wao•cd welt option lu uceelcrdle ri, prior w the +ulr ur 1ramCer, I rnJer
<br />h +, e. ,
<br />anJ t : pYrs s wham fhr Property is w hr aulJ ur tr;utsterreJ r ash agreement m wrrtlrtg that J;t of ,uch I~r;.+u
<br />aan~raokerP tto 1.4ndcr and chat Iho uuerest payable nn the sums secure) h} Thu DmJ tit Ffust sfrall4t!r di such rats a,
<br />lscnder ahali request. i! LenJer has waived the option to aecclrrore provrJcJ in Ihr, p:uagrtph 17, ,,ud rf &trmutt) aareasot
<br />m mrcrcv has execute) a wnrten :usumpowt ugrcentum dacrpttJ m wrung by Candor, Lcndcr shall relcanc Harrower from
<br />.ell unhgations unJrr Thu Uce,l ul 'T'rust unJ the Nate -
<br />If Lender extrxses such upuun to acca•IC rote. I rudU shall loud Ban n,wct nuuce or accrlcrtuon m accordance with
<br />paragraph 14 heteui Such nuuae shall pruvutr a Ix:runl of not Icsa than Vu d.r)s Irom the dale Ihr uuuec ra ntdded wuhut
<br />which Horrower ntny pay the suuu dtdmrJ Jste. II Hon uwx Luh lu pa} such sum, phut to the r-sptr.a um u( such ltrnoJ.
<br />Lender ntay, wuhout further uuuce ur JemanJ tin ikn newer, invoke uo) rcntrdru, penuntoJ It} paragraph IS hereof.
<br />Nuttd!rtuarant ('ovttvehrs Horrower ant 1 enter Lauber eovennnl .cod agree us follows.
<br />IM. Acarlrratiun; Rrwrdirs. !•:xcrpt as yruvialyd its yuragrayh 17 herru[, uywn Burmwrr's breach of any cuvrnan! or
<br />agmrmoH of Burruwcr fn ihi+ t)rrd uC 'trust, including the covenants is pay when Juc any sums secured by this Urrd
<br />of "Feast, l.endrr yr#ur ur arca•Irralnxn shall mail nuticr lu Uurwwrr ax ynrv lard in paragraph IJ hrreat eprclty#ng: 111 du
<br />breach; (t) rhr anion reyuirrA /o cure such breath; Lil a dart, out hss than ]0 days (roue rhr dale Ihr nuticr L, maOeJ a)
<br />Ltarruwrr, by which >ucn Arrafh :eras! L. cured; and (a) rho! tailtrrr ra vurr sna•!r bxraa•!e rhr r:r br[urr rhr Jalr vpea•ibrJ
<br />in Ihr natter may rrauh in aca•eirratiun u[ Ihr ,miss srfured h) tbh Ua•rd of Trust and gale of Iltr Proyrrly. The nuticr
<br />shall (urlhrr inform Boxrnwrr of Ihr right ru rrinnlutt• afro accrlrratlon wed Ihr right pt bring a cuun action to asarn
<br />the nan•rzl+tenrr of a drluulf ur um other defense of Norruwrr lu tic relrraUon ant lair, tt rhr hrracb Is not curod
<br />r ur ix bur fhr Jatr ,yrrit#eni iu the ~uulifr, Lender of i,rndrr'v opuua may drrlurr ail of rhr ,nun a•vurrJ by rids UerJ
<br />ot'fruH to err iunardrwcly der utut payable without turihrr Jemwul auJ way iuaukv Itu• power of sate and ua) Wher rrnitdies
<br />yrnniurd b) ayylicabir law. Lrndrr ,hall 6c emitted In ruilrrr all maa.nrnhlr cusU and rxyrnsrv incurred hr punaing the
<br />remrilin pruviArd in flds yaragraplr IN, iuclwlbtK, Iml out limited lie, rxuarnaWr ullwnry's Crrs.
<br />1( fhr power rd ,ale is iawkrrl, ! outer shaft record a nuticr ul drtaud In each fuunty In which the Proyrrly nr wine
<br />yatl thrreat is lufairJ and >buli rnaii caplra of sorb untira• in file araunrr yrrafribrd ir,y ayylicablr law nr Burrower wed to Ihr
<br />-urnur yrrsans lrersctHrcd bs ayyi#eanir taw. Afar rhr iuysr ur .urh finer as rwry in rryuirrx# ny aypiieab#o iav:, 7'rusrrx snail
<br />girt yuWio tu:tire of sate to tier yrrnans and In rhr nraunrr pea,. xibrJ by ayplifalAe taw. i'ruartr, without xlvmawl art
<br />Borrower, shall veil Ihr Prayrrty at puhllf ur+ciirm W fhr hlghe,t bidder at lire iiwr and yrlucr untl under iltr Irxnia drsty[ryareu
<br />in the nuticr nl suer #u our ur nwrr pwrrls and in such urArr as 1'nrnlrr uruy Avlrrarhrr. 'irmter uiay yustp„ar vala of alt
<br />ur any parcel tit Ihr Proyrny ny puWif annewn'rwrnl al 1ha Hint aiul yiacr u1 an) prevluuslY ulradulrA sa#r. I.rnattr ur
<br />L.rsAer's Arvigurr may parrbn r /ht Property nl any snit.
<br />Upon rrfript aF paynrcm of rhr price bld, 't'rustee shalt de0rrr to fhr purchaser '1'rusrrn's deed convey ing the Pruprny
<br />srAd. 't'he rrrirals lu Ihr 'fru+ire's drrd shall hr pxima Caclr rsidrner u[ rhr truth u[ Ihr sWlcutrnls wxAu thurr(n. 't'rustee
<br />shalt apylY ibr yrucerds tit fire >ale in fhr iuiiowi~ryy,+ unlrr. ((u) to uII rra,anubir co,is apd rzprn+irs aC for wlx, including, but
<br />not limited so, -Crmtre`s Errs o[ nut nmrc Than 1J G Of 1 `5~ of Thu grass wit prier, rrauruable ultornuy's fCC! unJ fasts of
<br />Ii11C rrWntcr; (by lu all sums srcurrA by this 1?rrJ of 't'out; and la•) fhr a'CfCS+, if ally. /U ri1C prrsun ur prrsuns [fKYiiy Cn1i11C4i
<br />Ihrrrto.
<br />19. $unuwrr'a RiKlrt fa Rriostair. Nufuuhst:uuiing 1 ender', accclrnuum of the +unu +cau ttl by Ihrs Urrd of T7oa.
<br />liurrowrr ahaii hove the nghl u. have any pnra ccdmg, tngun by Ltndri to +•nl era: Ihr, Utrd of Trrnl Jueanunued al
<br />mty woe poor ro Thu car her to +a:cw of 0) the lillh Jay before the sale ul fhr 1'r.+prny pis nu;uu to Ihr putt rr of vale eont.unrd
<br />In ibis DceJ ul Trust or Ini entry o(o prJgmcnt enim'cwg This UacJ nl l~t usl rl Lrl 8orrowcr pay, Leader all sums which would
<br />tx then due under Ihix UeeJ of '11us1, nc~ Nulc unJ nuirs ucurmg Future :\Jv:umc,. a any, hod nn accrlmalum ue:cw rcJ.
<br />[hl Hurrowrr .urea all brcache, ul any uthrr cuven:uris or agremnrnl, of Hunuwer cunfaineJ m thra Dred of -fat+r.
<br />ht Huxratwcr poy, au rc:n~anahle rspenaes r vtred by (ender and l7u,in• w c~lurcmg the cocrnunr, ant ogxrcmcnt> of
<br />Horrower conl:uncd iu Iha Lyred ul 'I-runt and w enforcing Lender's ant (taxer', remaJres as pnxndtd m puragngth IB
<br />hereof, inchrding, hu1 nor IuuneJ ro. reownohle :nwntey's #ers, and Pb Bol rower rakes xrcn acuun os LenJer maY reuuurahiy
<br />reywrt lu oswue that rhr hoe tit ttrt> I]rrJ ul lynx, Lrndrr', utterrsi m fhr i'ruprrl} uuJ Hornturr's uhligauun m pa}'
<br />