SQ-. CsG48`7~
<br />together with all rights, interests, uscments, hereditaments and appurttnantts [hereunto belonging, the yenta, isaun, and
<br />profits thereof and revenues and income therefrom, all improvements and personal property now ur later attached thereto or
<br />reasonably necessary to the use thereof, including, but not limited to, ranges, refrigerators, clothes washer, clothes dryer,
<br />tar cupeting purchued or financed N whok or in put with loan funds, al! water, water rights. and water stock pn~aining
<br />thereto, and aU pa menea a any time owing to Borrower by virtue of any sale, lease, transfer, conveyance, nr condemnation
<br />of any put [htreofYw intern[ therein-all of which ue herein calltd "thy property":
<br />TO HAVE AND TO HULD the property unto the Government and i[s aashpts forever in fee simple.
<br />BORROWER for Borrower's self, Nnrrnwrr's heirs, en•cumrs. adnunisvanxs. sata<suns and assign. WARRANTS THE
<br />TITLE to rhr preptrty to the C:overnmtn[ against all lawful claims and demands whatsoever eau•pr anp liens, rncumbnntes,
<br />rasemtnts, rrservaticns, ar conveyance: specified hr:eumbave, and (:UVENANTS AND AGREES as follows:
<br />(Ij Ta par promptly when dui any end<htednesa to the Gnrrrnment hereby secured and to indemnify and ssvr hum
<br />lea the Government agptnt[ any loss under its imm~ncs of payment of the note by reason of snv default by Bornxwrr.
<br />At all times when the Wort is held byy~an insured holder, Borrower shall arntinu< [n make pavmems on th< note ro the Guvens-
<br />~Rr, a3 COl(EC€iGq agesf fM the ltO~tf,
<br />f2) To pay [o the C,overnmene such tees and other :huge as may now or hereatttr be reyutred by regulations .d the
<br />Farmer Home Adttrinistratim.
<br />(3) If regttved 6y [hr Government, to make additional rnunthly pavmcnts ~r( l71? .~f the estima[ed annual rases,
<br />asaesaments, insurance premiums and other charges upon the mortgaged premises.
<br />(4) Whether or not she note is insured by the Govrrnmtnt. the Governmen[ may a[ anv time pav anv other amounts
<br />rrquued herein to be paid by Barrowtr and not paid by Harrower when due, as wrU•as anv costs and eapenses tot rhr pry
<br />nervation, protectirm, or rnforctmem of this lien, as advan<m for rhr xawnt of fksrrawrr. All such .drancrs shall brat
<br />intrrnt at the rate borne by tht note which Las rhr highest intrrcst rate.
<br />(5) All advsncn by [he Government ax described in this imuumenr, wmh interru, shall be immedutely due and parable
<br />by Borrower to rhr Government without demand a the place dnignated m the lauu note and shall 6e ucurrd herrbr. No
<br />xach advance by ;ht Government shall rdieve Ikarrower Einm breach of Borrower's covenant ns pay. tiurh .dram ra, wrth
<br />Interco, shall be repod from rhr first avadablr urUecttons receivs•al horn Havrswer. thherwtsr. ,nv pavrnrnr Wady hr
<br />Borrower may b< appli<d .m the note .,r my nulrbu•ducas as rhr Governnent ,.cured hen•hy ut .acv order rhr t6,rcrumcor
<br />determines.
<br />t~
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