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80- GG487~ <br />USDA-FmHA Position s <br />Form FmHA 427-1 NB <br />(Rev. 5-15-79) REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE FOR NEBRASKA <br />TEAS MORTGAGE is made and entered into by _._.-.{11dylIH.E...~.E2:.3^~. nianP-1a,_~~v_hnchand <br />residing in <br />County. Nebraska, whose post office address is <br />_...._ ...................._.....__.__.._._._.__..----'----~----....._._._.__... Nebraska ...6$$$9'----, <br />.-~613LS--ff3s..'_..._._..._.._. <br />herein called "Borrower;' and: <br />WHEREAS Borrower is indebted [o the United Stales of America, acting through the Farmers Home Admirtistntion, <br />United States Departmene of Agriculture, herein called the "Gavernmen[," u evidenced by one or mom promissory note(s) <br />or aaumption agreement(s), herein called "note," which has been executed by Borrower, is payable to the order of the <br />Govnnment, authorizes acceleration of the entire indebtedness a[ the option of the Government upon any defotth by <br />Borcower, and is described as follows: <br />Anm+al Rate Due Date of Final <br />Date of Irsstrument Principal.9mount o Interest Installment <br />Septeaeber 3, 1980 $70,000.00 11$ September 3, 2010 <br />(If the interest rate is less than __....._.._.."6 for farm ownership or operating lom:,sj secured 6v this instrument, then the <br />rate may br changed as provided in -he note. i <br />And the note evidences a lose. to Borrower, and the Government, at any time, may assign the note and insure the pay- <br />ment [hereof pursuant to the Consolidated Farm +nd Rural Uevelapment Act, ur Tidr V of the Housing Act of )949 or nn• <br />other statute administered b}' the Farmers Home Administration: <br />And i[ is the purpose and intent of this instrument [ha[, among other things, at all times when the note is held by the <br />Government, ur in the event the Government should assign this instrument without insurance of tha• note, thu uutrumuu <br />shall secure payment of the note: but when the note is held by an insured holder, thu instrument shalt no[ secure payment <br />of €he note sx attach m the debt evidenced thereby. L+ut as t<, the note and such drL+r sh:di constitute an indemnity mortgage <br />to secure the Government against loss under us insurance unnnat 6y reason of any default 6v Borrower, <br />And this instrument alw secures the reupturr aE any interest credit or subsidy which may be y~anted to the Borrower by <br />the Government pursuant w 42 U.S,C. §)49f)a. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, m eansuirntrmt of [he I wsi si +ud •a, tall !irnrs what the note is held 6q the Guvernmen4 or m <br />the event the Govetnmeut should assign ttds instrument withou4r insurance of the pay mrnt ai the uotc, a, secure prompt <br />Qayment of phe note and any renewals and catcnsiuns thereof+ud auy agrrrntrnts u>nt+ined rhrrmn, ineludusg +ny provision <br />for the payment of an msurancr ur other chuge. iir; a all times when the note is held by an insured hnldm, to ucuro prr- <br />formance of Borrower's agreemrne herein to indemnity and save harmless the Government against loss under its insurance <br />eoneae[ by reason of any Jelaul[ 6y Borrower, and ic) in any even[ .nd at all timer to secure the prompt payment of al! <br />advances and ezpruditurrs u} the Government, wilt interact, as hereinafter dcsct ibe.i, ami ti,c prnonuancc .,i every <br />covenant and agreement ul Borrower contained herein ur in +ny supplementary agrremrnt. Harrower .loes hereby grant. <br />bugain, sell, convey and assign, with general wuranty, unto the Government the lollowmg property simatrd m the Starr ni <br />Nebraaka.Countviies] of ...._.._._.1{Sll .................._........_.........._...... _....._ ...---- ---------_._....... _. - __... <br />The Fast Half of the Southwest c)uarter (FJsSW1a) of Section '(twenty-eight <br />(28), Township Twelve (12) North, Range 'twelve (12), West of the bth <br />P.M., Hall County, Nebraska. <br />FmHA 427-1 NB ~ Rev. 5-15.79, <br /> <br /> <br />