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8U- uG4875 <br />(6j To use the loan evidenced by the note solely for purposes authorized by the Government. <br />(7) To pay when due all taxes, liens, judgnenu, encumbrances, and assessments lawfully attaching to or assessed <br />against the property, including all charges and assessments in connection with water, water rights, and water stock <br />pertaining to or reuonably necessary to the use of the real property described above, and all taxes and uussments levied <br />upon this mortgage or the note or any indebtedness hereby secured or against any legal holder hereof or of [he note or of <br />said indebtedness under the laws of Nebruka, and promptly deliver to the Government without demand receipts evidencing <br />such payments. <br />{g) To keep the property insured u requved by and under insurante policies approved by the Government and, at its <br />request, to deliver such policies to [he Government. <br />(9) To maintain improvements in good repair and make repaus requved by the Government; operate the property in a <br />good and husbandmanlike manner: comply with such farm conservation practi¢s aaJ Earm and home management plain as <br />the Gover y~;~hF scribe; and not [o abandon the propp rty, or cause or permit waste, lessening or <br />hnpairme a tit b ~ °H~~ oq without the written consent of the Government, tut remove, of lease any <br />timber, gr vel ,' R Yppsr s except as may be netesury for ordinary domestic purposes, <br />(10) To comp y wet aCiri"isYtNttan es, and regulations affecting rhr property. <br />(11) To pay or reimburse the Government for expenus reasonably necessary or incidental to the protection of the lien <br />and ptioricy hereof and to the enforcement of or the compliance with cite provisions Lereof and of the note and any supple- <br />mentary agreement (whether before or after defaultl, including but not limited to costs of evidence of title to and survey of <br />,the property, coos of recording this and other instruments, attorneys' fees, trustees' fees, Court cosec, and expenses ok <br />advertising, u1Gng, and conveying the property. <br />(12) Neither the pproperty nor any portion thereof or interest therein shall be leased, assigned, sold, traaafeaad, or <br />wcwnbercd, vulmurily or otherwise, without the written consent of the Govcrttment. The Government shall have the sale <br />anti exclusive riglus as mortgagee Lercun.ier, inducting but not limiced to the power to grant consents, partial releases, <br />subordinations, and utisfaction, and no insured holder shall have any right, title or interest in or to the Gen or any benefits <br />hereof. <br />(13) At all reasonable times the Government and its agents may inspect the property to utertain whether the ctrvenann <br />and agreemen[s contained herein or m am~ supplcmrnun~ agreement are being performed. <br />(14) The Government may !a} ex[end or defer the maturity of, and renew and reschedule the payments on, the debt <br />evidenced 6y the note or ass indebtedness m the Government secured 6y this instrwnent, (61 releue anv puty who is <br />liable under [hc note or foe the debt from liabili[y to dre Government. ;cj release portions of the property and subordinate <br />its lien, and ~,J'~ waive mty other of its rich is under this instrument. Any and all this can and will be done without affecting <br />the lien ur the priority of [his inatrumrnt or Burrowrr's ur any odicr party's Iiahility to the Government for payment of the <br />note or debt secured by this instrument unless the Government says otherwise in writing. HUW EV ER, any torbeuance by <br />the Government-whether once a --m exercising any right or remedy under this instrumen[, ar otherwise afforded by <br />applicable law, shall not be a waiver ot~or preclude rhr exercise uf:my suds right or remeah~. <br />(15' If at anv time it shall appear to [he Government that Butruwer may be able m obtain a loan from a praxluction <br />credi[ association, a Federal land bank, or other responsible cooperative or private credit source, at reasonable rates and terms <br />for loans for similar purposes and periaxis of tune, Bormavrr will upon rhr Gco~ernmrnt's rrqurs[, ..pph• for and accept such <br />loan in suffinrstt amount w pay rhr note and :urv indebtedness aecured 6erebv and to pay tot anv stock necessary to be <br />purchased in a cooperative lending agency in connection with such loan, <br />Its; i)e faun hereunder shall amstimce de6uh unaicr .cry other real rsta[r, ,rc under ,tin prrsonai proprrtp or other, <br />srzunty instrument held or insured by [hr C.uvernmrnt and raecu[ed or assumed by Burrower, and drfaul[ under any such <br />other ucurin~ instrument shall con>tintte default herruuder. <br />17`- BHPl7Lfi t)EFAL1I.T occur in the pedormanae ur duclsae •e of anv ubiigatimt in this ntsaumrnt tit arcun•d by [iris <br />mstramrnt, nr should rhr parses named as Borrower die ur be dec~arrd art intum prtrnt, ur shoo!) anv tiny of rhr parties <br />namsd u Borrower br declared a bankrupt, or an mwlvent ur male an .tsaignmrm for the i+rne ht or :rrditora. tirc tArvcnr <br />meat, n its option, with ur without nutizr, may: ~ a~ declare rhr entire amount w+paiJ under rhr note anJ any indebtcdnsss <br />to [he Government hereby uznrral immediately due and payable, ~ b~ Gn rhr ac+nmt of Borrower incur .md pay rraaunablr <br />rxpcns s for repair ur maintenance of and take pnssesxiun ~, P, operate or rent ehe prupeety, optic application bv- it a ,. <br />production of this instrument, without odwr evidence and without nutter of hearing of aaui applicmon, have a receiver <br />appointed for the property, with rhr ustul powers of receivers m like causx, ~.1'~ furrclox• this invtnunnrt as pruvulyd hereto <br />ur by law, anJ (ei enforce auy and all other nghts anJ remrJirs provide) herein ur by present or Euturr law. <br />r 18) The pnxeeds of foreclosure salt shall be applied in the following urdn to rhr payment „t: cuata and rxpenaea <br />incident to enforcing or tompplying wuh the provisions hereof, ;bl any prior liens rryuircJ ~by law or a+cutn etcm auuu to <br />be w paid, trl the deb[ evidencsd by the note and all indebtedness to the Government secure) hereby. -alt mtenur liens <br />of record requved 6y law ar a aurnprtent court to he su paid, ~el at the Government's option, any other mdrb[ednexs tit <br />Borrower acting to or inured by the Government, and ! 1~ any balance to Burrower, At hxecluaun• ~+r ..thee .Jc of alt ur am <br />put of the Qprroperty, the Government and its agents may bid anddrurchue as a stranger and may pay the Guvtaunentl share <br />of the purtluu price by crc~ iting such unount on any Jebts of Borrower owing to or insured by the Goonnmrm. ~n Arc <br />order prcurihed above. <br />. 19) Bmruws[ agrees that rhr Government will not br LuwrJ by auy present or hnura• Starr taw, a. pi ocrciuig tu, <br />valuation, appraisal, humesteaJ tic <xnnption of der property, (bi pruhrbiung mauucuamr .,t an aaum wt a Je tiucmt <br />ptdgnrent ur liminng rhr amount thersul ur the ttme wrthtn whrch such xawn muu br brought, 'a; eprrs<nbm~t ass ~,thrr <br />uatuts of limitatxans, ldj allowing any right al rcJentperrnt ,.r puscesdun f,-,Ilowurg any ~orrdusurr cafe, „i r Imutmg ekes <br />condittou which the Government maY by tegulatiun unpa+se, including rhr urtcrest tact rt utat~ cbargc, as a ~uo.lrtwn tit <br />appwvrng a transfar of rhr property w a ucw Burrower. Burn.war rxprrasly wuvrs rhr brnrtrt .,( cut w.h titatr law.. <br />Borrower hereby rrlinyuiahrr, warvea anJ conveys aG tights, inchoate or amswnmata „t descent, dower, and zurtesy <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />