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80-- OG4652 <br />together with all rights, interests, casements, hereditaments and appuxtcnancts thereunto belonging, the rents, issues, and <br />profits thereof and revenues and income therefrom, all improvements and personal property now or later attached thereon or <br />reasonably necessary to the use thereof, including, but not limited to, ranges, refrigerators, clothes washers, clothes dryers, <br />or carpeting purchased or i"ma¢ced N whole ar in part with loan funds, all wateq water rights, and water ztock pertaining <br />thereto, a¢d all pa~menu at any rime awing to Borrower by irtue of any sale, lease, rranste:, conveyance, ar condemnation <br />of~,any parC thctnoi or incereat therein-all of which are herein called "the propcr[y"; <br />Tt~ HAYE AND T[) Hc?LD the proF'ert} unto the Government and its assigns iortver in lee simpie. <br />BURROWER for borrower's self, Borrower's heirs, execumrs, administrators, successors and assigns WARRANTS THE <br />TITLE to zhe property to iht Government a sins[ all lawful claims :md demands wha[soever except any liens, encumbrances, <br />easements, reservations, or conveyances specified hereinabove, and COVENANTS AND AGREES as follows: <br />(1) fo pay promptly when due any indebtedness to the Government hereby secured and to indemnify and save harm- <br />less the Government against any loss under its insurance of payment of the note by reason of any default by Borrower. <br />At all times when the note is held by an insured holder, Borrower shall continue to make payments on the note to the Govern- <br />menq as collection agrnt for the holder. <br />(2) To pay to the Government such fees and other charges as may now or hereafter be requved by regulations of the <br />Fumera Home Adminis[ration. <br />(3) If required by the Government, to make additional monthly kaymencs of 1J12 of the estimated annual taxes, <br />assessments, insurance premiums and othec charges upac [he mortgaged premises. <br />(4} Whether or not the note is insumd by the Government, the Government may at any time pay any other amounts <br />required herein to be paid by Barrows: and not paid by Bozrower when due, as well as any cos[s and expenses for the per <br />nervation, procec[ion, ar enforcement of this lien, as advances for the account of Borrower. All such advances shall bear <br />inttrnst at the rate borne by the note which has the highest inceresc rate. <br />(5) All advances by the Government as described in this instrmnent, with interest, shall be immediately due and payable <br />by Borrower to the Government withou[ demand a[ the place designaced in the laces[ note and shall be secured hereby. No <br />such advance by the Government shall relieve Borrower from brtaeh of Borrower's urvenant to pa}'. Such advances, with <br />interest., shall be repaid from the line available collections received from Borrower. O[herwisc, uuy payment i :ule by <br />Borrower may be applied au the note or .my indebtedness to dte Government secured hen•by in am order the Government <br />determines. <br />' •i:r; <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />