<br />1
<br />$0-- OG4652
<br />USDA-FmHA Position s
<br />Form FmHA-427-1 NB
<br />THIS MORTGAGE is made. and entered into by _~;t:_~ING aIh3 JQ11N- ~~-_1Gi .
<br />and_wiEe~ each in his-airs .hex'-orm right and as spouse of the ot1>ler.
<br />residing in .__.-._~..--------.----.----.-- ..°'-...-...-..._-'-'.'-."°. County, Nebraska, whose pos*_ office address is
<br />.__..__.-T~~Z..~~.~.~.------------------------------__.-------------- --Ate---------------• Nebraska ---68$10_
<br />herein called-"Borrower," and:
<br />WHEREAS Borrower is indebted to the United States of America, acting through the Farmer Home Administration,
<br />United States Department of Apiculture, herein called the "Govemment," as evidenced by oae or more promissory note(s)
<br />or assumption agreement(s), herein called "note," which has been executed by Borrower, is payable to the order of the
<br />Government, authorizes acceleration of the entire indebtedness at the option of the Government upon any default by
<br />Borrower, and is described as follows:
<br />Anmaal-Race Due Date aj Fina!
<br />Date of Instn+ment Principal Amount ~ ~ q' 'Interest Instalhvtert[
<br />August 2a; 1980: $29,000:00 Il'.58 Atz7u3t 27, 2,013
<br />(If the interest rate is less than --.._.......-'y for farm ownership or opera[ing loan(s) secured by this instrument, then the
<br />rate may be changed as provided in the note.)
<br />And the note evidences a loan to Borrower, and the Government, at any time, may assign the note and insure the pay-
<br />ment thereof pursuant to the Consolidated Farm and Rural I7evelupment Act, or Tide V of the Housing Act of 1949 or any
<br />other statute administered by the Farmers Home Administration:
<br />And i[ is the purpose and intent of this instrument that, among n[her things. at all times when the Hate is held by the
<br />Government, or in the event the Guvernmen[~should assign this instrument without insurance of the note, this instrument
<br />shall secure payment of [hc note; bur when the no[e is held by an insured holder, dtis instrument shall not secure paymen[
<br />of the [rote or xtcach to the debt evidenced thereby, but as to the note .md such debt shall ronsdrure an indemnity mortgage
<br />[o secure the C,ovrrnment against loss wader its insurance contract by rea<o^ of any default by Eorrower:
<br />Atui this instrument also secures the recapture of any internist credit or snbstdy which may Ee granted m the orrower by
<br />the Governmen[ pursuant to 42 U.S.C. ~1440a.
<br />NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of rite loanisi .end (a4 at ail rimes when the wore is held by the Gwrermncnt, ur in
<br />the event the Goveznmen[ should assign this instrument without insurance of the payment of rite nom, :o ~ecurr prompt
<br />eayment of the note and any renewals and extensions thereof and any agreements contaurcd thereur, incimiing anr~ provision
<br />for the payment of an insurance or other charge, tbj at all tunes when the note is held by an tnsurel holler, to secure per
<br />formanee of Borrower's agreemen[ herein to indemnify and save harmless the Government agains[ loss tinder its insurance
<br />contract by reuon of any defaul[ by Borrower, and (c) in any event and at all times [o secure the pranrpt payment of all
<br />advances and expenditures mxue by the Government, with inteast. as hereinafter describesi, :m.i tier prriurmancr ,~i rrerv
<br />covenant and agreement of Borrower contained herein or in any supplementary agreement, Burrower dace hereby gram,
<br />bargain, sell, convey and assign, with general warranty, unto the Government the following property situaced in the State „t
<br />Nebraska, County(ies) of ................
<br />11rts Nine (9) and Tort (10) a~td the West Thirty Feet (N1.30') of Int
<br />Eleven (11), in Block Eleven (11), in First Addition to Vx~od River,
<br />Hall County. Nebraska.
<br />FmHA 4271 NB iRev. 5.15-79!
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