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$a-- Ut~4652 <br />(6) To use the loan evidenced by the note solely for purposes authorized by the Government. <br />(7) To pay when due all razes, liens, judgments, encumbrances, and assessments lawfully ac[aching [o or assesxd <br />against the property, including all charges and assessments in connection with water, water rigJsts, and water stock <br />pertaining to or reasonably necessary to the use of [he real property described above, and all taxes and asussments levied <br />upon this mortgage or the note or any indebtedness hereby secured or against any legal holaer hereof or of the note or of <br />said indebtedness under the laws of Nebraska, and promptly deliver co the Government without demand receipts evidencing <br />such payments. <br />($) To keep the property insured as required by and under insurance policies approved by the Government and, a[ its <br />request, to deliver such policies to the Govemment. <br />(9) To maintain improvements in good repair and make repaus required by the Government: opeca[e the property in a <br />good and husbandmanlike manner; comply with such faun conservation practices and farm and home management plans as <br />the Government from time [o time may p escribe; and not to abandon the property, or cause or permit waste, lessening or <br />impairmgne~aE•the~seearity'covertd ketch}', ~r, without the written consent of the Gm•ernment, cu[ remove, or lease any <br />timber`-, gavel; oil, gas, coal, oc other minerals except as may be necessary for ordinary domestic purposes. <br />{SO)-,'To comply with all laws, ordinances, and regulations affecting the property. <br />{1l) To pay or reimburse the Government for expenses reasonably necessary or incidental to the protecrion of the lien <br />and priority hereof and to the enforcement of or the compliance with cite provisions hereof and of the note and any supple- <br />mentary agreement (whether before or after default), including but not limited to costs of evidence of title to and survey of <br />the property, costs of recording this and ocher instruments, attorneys' fees, trustees' fees, court costs, and expenses of <br />advertising, selling, and conveying the property. <br />(12) Neither [he property nor any portion thereof ~or interest therein shall be leased, assigned, sold, transfeaed, or <br />encumbered, voluntarily oz otherwise, without the written consent of the Government. The Government shall have the sole <br />and esdusive rights as mortgagee hereunder, including Hut nor limited to the power m grant consents, patttal releases, <br />subordinations, and satisfaction, and no insured holder shall.have any right, title or interest in or to the lien or any benefits <br />hereof. <br />(13) At all reasonable times the Government and its agents may inspect the propert}' to ascettain whether the covenants <br />and agreements contained herein or in any supplementary agreement are being performed. <br />(141 The Government may (a) extend or defer the maturity of, and renew and reschedule the payments on, the debt <br />evidenced toy the note or any indebtedness to the Government secured by this instrument, (b) release any parry who is <br />-liable under the note or for the debt from liability w the Government, (c) release pottions of the property and subordinate <br />its lien, and id) waive any ocher of iu rights under this instrument. Any and all this can and will be done without affecting <br />the lien or the priority of this instrument or Borrower's u any other party's liability- ro the Government for payment of the <br />note or debt scented by this instrument unless the Government says otherwise in writing. HOWEVER, any forbearance by <br />[he Government-whether once or often-in exercising an,- right or remedy under this instrument, or otherwise afforded by <br />applicable law, shall not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any such right or remedy. <br />(151 ]f at any time i[ shall appear to the Government drat Horrower may be able to obtain a loan from a production <br />credit association, a Federal ]and bank, or other responsible cooperative or private credit source, at reasonable rates and terms <br />for loans for similar purposes and periods of time, Horrower will, upon the Governments request, apple for and accept such <br />loan in sufficient amount io pay the note and :m }• indebtedness secured hereby .uui m pay for any stuck necessary to be <br />purchased in a cooperative (ending agenn~ in connection wilt such loan. <br />i16} Default hereunder shall ronstitute dr[aul[ under any other :eat estate, or under any personal property or odrr.. <br />security instrument Feld or insured by the Govermnent and executed or assumed by Horrower, and default under any such <br />other Severity instrument shill constitute default hereunder. <br />x171 SHOULD DEFAULT occur in [he per&rmtance or discharge of any obligation in dtis instrument ur secured by this <br />instrument, or should the patties named as Horrower die or he declared an incompetent, ur should any one of the aarties <br />nursed. a4 korrower be :'edared a bankrupt, or :m ms'uieent ur :Hake an ;tssignmenr ter the I:~cncfit of cred!tors, dre Govern- <br />ntent, at its option, wick ur without notice, may: !al declare the: entire ?,;mount unpaid under the Here and :my indcL+tedness <br />na eke Government hereby second immedia[eip due and payable, :b;i for the account of iSorrowcr incur and pay reasonable <br />expenses fur repair ar rnaintenanec of and take possession •~f, a irate er rent the prapertt~. ;,ci upon application by it and <br />peoduetion of this instrument, without ocher evtdence and without notice of hearing u1 said applizuiun, have a receiver <br />appointed !or the property, with the usual powers of receivers in like cases. ~ d! foreclose this instrument as provided herein <br />or by law, and (ej enforce any and all other righ [s and remedies provided herein or by present ur future I:nv. <br />?1$j The proceeds of foreclosure sale shall be applied in the following order to the payment ul: ~al costs ;md expenses <br />incident to enforcing or complying with the provisions hereof, (b) ary prior liens reyuired by law or a competent tour[ to <br />be so paid. (c) the debt evidenced by the note and all indebtedness to the Government secured hereby, (d; inferior liens <br />of record requtred by law or a conpetent court to be so paid, fe) at the Govenunmu's option, any uthe•r indebtedness of <br />Borrowsr owing to or insured by the Government. and ? f; any balance to Horrower. At fureclusum ur udror sale of :dl or any <br />part of the Property, the Government and its agents may hid and purchase as a stranger and nary pay dre Govenunent's.sharc• <br />of the pure rase price by crediting such amount on any delis of Horrower owing to or insured L+y the Government, in du• <br />order prescribed above. <br />(19) Borrower agrees that the Government will no[ ba• bound by any present or future Sta[c foxy, raj providing fur <br />valuation, appraisal, homestead or exemvtion of the property, (b) pruhibi[ing main tcrru¢c of .m .union far a deficiency <br />judgment or limiting the amount thereof or the time wi[hur which such anion must be brought, (c) rescribiog any other <br />statute of limitations, (d) allowing any right of redemption or posscssiuu following any foreclosure sale, ur lei limiting the <br />conditions which the Government Wray by regulation impose, including the interest rate it maY dtarge, as a condition u( <br />approving a transfer of the property to a new Horrower, fSOrrower expressly waives dre benefit of any such State laws. <br />Borrower hereby relinyuidres, waives, and conveys all rights, inchoate or consumm;:re, ul descent, dower, and curtesy. <br /> <br />l_ <br />