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`~~- ~J~l~1~0 <br />Urvtrua~r Covr=vn!:; s. Borrower and Ler.Jer coverunt ar•A sg:x as follows: <br />7. Paymcat of Privcipa7 •rnd Ivtern4 Borrower shall promptly pay when Jur the principal of and inerre,t un the <br />mdrhtrdncss evidrncrd by the Nutr, prepayment mrJ late charges as pravrdeJ in the Nate, and flit princrpal of and interest <br />un any Putun• AJ+:uxcs uaurJ Uv :lies lh:rd at frost. <br />2. hotels for 7'aasa sad iusuratue. Subject to applirabk Saw or to a wriuen waiver by tinder, Burrower shall pay <br />io 1"enJ,:r on the Jay monthly inslalltrrtnB of pnncnpa; and inteRSt are payrblc under flit Notr, until the NWe is paW in full, <br />a sum (herern "Paoli') squat to one-twelfth of the yeary tries and assessments whrch may attain priority over this <br />Deed at Trust, and ground rents on flies Property, d any, plus of yearly premium instaflrtssn[s fur hazard inwrrnce. <br />plus one-tusllth of yearly pmmium installments tar nwngage insurance, i( any, aB a, ravsanabdy esitmatrtl innraBy acrd frmn <br />time to time by Lender on the basis of assrsxments and bdk enJ reasotrabtc estimates thereof. <br />The Funds shall be held ir. an msti[ution tL•c Js}xnita ur accutmts of which arc insure) or guarantrcJ by a FeJrrat or <br />state agsxy ltncluding Lends: d Lender is such an inuituuun}. Lender shall apply the Funds m pay sail taxes, asxxnxms. <br />insurance premiums and ground rents. Lender may not charge for w balding and applying the Funds, artalynng sa;J account <br />or verifying and compiling card assessments aaJ bills, unless Lrntkr pays Burrower interest an firs Fnttds oral apptusble law <br />permits Lendsr lu make such a charge. Borrower and l.cndrr may agree in writing r[ the tutu: of cAelution u[ this <br />Deed of Trust [hat interest ur. the Pursds shalt be paid to Burrower, and unless such agrcement is made ur appltrable law <br />requires such interest so 6e paiJ, Lender shall not M. reywred to pay Burrowrr any ,ntrrc,t or earnings on the Fund,. Lender <br />shall give to Harrower, without charge, an annual accounting u! the Funds showing credits and dsbus to the Funds and the. <br />purpose for which each debit to ttu t•'unds was mach. The Funds arc pledged as addttiunal srmurity fot the srttns secured <br />by the Dee) of Trust. <br />If the amount of the Funds held by Lender, together with flit future monthly installments of Funds payable -prior to <br />the due dates of taxes, assessments, insurance premuuns anJ groan) rents, shalt exceed olio amount required to pay said [axes. <br />a55Caa:nentS, ImL'fanCY premiam5 and ground ernes as tiny tall due, wch excess hall bc. at Borrower's uptwn, either <br />promptly mpaiJ w Borrower or credited to Burrowrr ort momhty instalhmnts u( chorale. It the amount u! the Funds <br />held by Lender shall not he sufliciem to pay taxes, asses,mentx. insurance premiums and ground rents aS they fall due. <br />Burruwsr shall pay to Lender any amaum necessary to rna4e up the drficwncy wnhm 30 days from the dads notice a malted - <br />by Lendsr to Borrower rsq::tsuog payment thereof. <br />Upon paymenC in (u!1 of all sums scourN by Ihrs LheJ of "f rust, Lender shall promptly refund to Rurmwer any Funds <br />held by l.rnder. It under paragraph 18 hereof :hr Proprny ~+ sold w tttr Prupcr ty rs othcrw we acyuireJ by l.endrq t ender <br />shall aPPlY• no later [ban immedrately poor ~o the sale ul the Property ur io a ~yuisrnun by Lender. any Funds hsW by <br />Lendsr at the tiros of apphwtion as a credit aga.usr the wins secured by [his llceJ u( Trust. <br />3. Appiicaliun of Pnymeats. Unless upplicauic Law provrdrs otherwise, all paymm~ls received by [.ender under the <br />Note anJ paragraphs !and 2 hereof shall be applied by E.eadcr first in payment of autounu payable to i.enJer by BO(roWC( <br />under paragraph Z hereof, tkren to interest payable on Jtc Nute, then to the pnncrpal u! the Note, and then to inerest and <br />principal on racy Future Advances. <br />4. Charges; Liens. Burrower shall pay all foie,, assesvnems anJ other charges. fines and impositions auributabie to <br />[he Property which. may attain a prion[y over this Deed u( Trust, and IeaseholJ payments or ground reins, if any, !n the <br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof ar, ii not paiJ m such manner, by Burrower making payment, when dos, directly <br />to flit payee thereof. Borrower shall promptly brooch w LcnJer ail notices ..I amounts Jue under this paragraph, and in the <br />rveat Borrower shall make payment J;rudy, Burrowrr shall promptly furnu : w f.enJer recmpts eviJCncmg such paymems. <br />Borrower shat! promptly discharge any lien which has pnunty over this Lhed of 7 rust: provided, that Burrower shall nut he <br />rcyuued w uischarge any such Iicn so lung as tiara ewer ,hall agree in writing to the puymem of flit obiigatiun secured by <br />such Ern rn a manner arceptable to LmtJrr, ur .hall ar guuJ forth comes[ such hen hy, ur JCtenJ enforcement of such hen in, <br />Icaai proceedings whrch operate to prevent flit enlurcement of the hen or fartedurr of the Property or any part Ihcreu(. <br />5. 7-iazard insttranse. Borrower shall keep flit mtpruvemrnts now existing or hereaCicr erecteJ on the i'roprrty insured <br />agarnst loss by 5re, hazards urcluJeJ wnhm the term 'carndul adverage'", and wch usher hazarJs us Lender may rcymre <br />rand in such amowHS and (ar such pencils as LcnJer ma}• reywrc, prov:deJ, that Lender shall nut reyuvc that the amount of <br />srtch coverage rxeeeJ that amaum of coverage reyurred t., pav the Sums secunJ by' this Drrd ut 1 rust. <br />~1 he insurance earner providing the insuraa.u chaii be chosen by Burrowrr sub{cn to approval by tender: provrdeJ. <br />that such agprav;a! shall not be unreasonably wuhhetd. Atl premrunis on mwr;mce ixdicirs shall t>C paid in the manner <br />pn.vided under paragraph 2 hereof m, if not paid in such manner, by Borrower peaking payment, when dos, Juectiy to the <br />:ALL:anCC'~ST.Er. <br />,Ail msuranes poicdes and renewals thereof shall be m larm acceptable to LenJcr and shall occlude a standard mortgage <br />cEause in favor of and .n (arm aucep:ai;!e ru lender. Lender ahall have the ngfu to }xziJ the pulwies and renew-ais thereof. <br />and Borrower shall promptly furnish nr Lender all renewal nuuce, and ail rccuprs of paid premiums. !n the even of tins, <br />Borrower shall give prompt nuuce to the uuuranre earner anJ LcnJer. Lender may maks proof ul Less it raw mule promptly <br />by Borrower. <br />Unless Lender and Burrower otherwise agree to writing, insurance proceeds ,hall be applied to roturatinu or rcpau of <br />the Properly damaged, provide) wch rostoratmn ur mpau n rcanom~cally Icusibk surd the seuuny of this UeeJ o! Trust i, <br />not thrrebY ur.PaurJ. If such ruturauon ur repair rs nut ecnuumically Icasible ur it the +en:nty u( this Uttai of Il u,t woad) <br />be impaired, the imuranee pro<:eeJs s.".aI! be appheJ to the sane, ,reared by flits tired of 1'nisL wnh the r,ar,s..t any, paiJ <br />to Borrowsr. If the Property is abundaneJ by Hui rower, ur a Burrower lads to respond m Lsnder wnhm .iB J.ry, Irum flit <br />dots nosier is tootle) 6y Lender to Burrower :hat :he uaurancc cu race utters W senlr a claim !or tmmunce benrlits. Lender <br />is authurizeJ m collect and apply the insurance proceeds at Lender's option either to res~urauon ur rrpan ul the I'n,prny <br />or to thr sums scored by this 1Xed of Trust. <br />Unless Lsniler and Oorruwer mherwise agree in writing, any such apphcauon of proceeds to principal shall nut rstritd <br />or postpone the dos date of the mm~thly installments referred to m paragraphs I anJ ? hereof or change der amaum of <br />such insmitments. if under paragraph 1g boreal the Property r, aryuurJ by Lender, all right, title and nucre,t of Bar rower <br />in anJ to any insuance politics anJ m anJ w the procecJs thereat resulting Irum Jawagc lu the Property poor to the sale <br />or acquisition shall pass to Lsnder to the extent u! the won crewed by this Dec) of Trmt unmedcuely pour to such sale m <br />acquisition. <br />S. Preservation and Nlsintenarrce of Property; LruscholJs; Coodominiums; Planned Unit Dsrelopmcnts. Borrowsr <br />sha0 keep the Property :n good repair anJ shall nut unnmu .. as[r ur pit rain mep.uuncm ui Jc(enar:own of the Proputy <br />and shall comply with the pruvisians of any lease if this iXeJ of Trust a un a Ie:nrholJ. it this DeeJ of Trust a un a amt m .~ <br />condominium or n planneJ un;t development, Borrower shall perlorm all ui Borrower's ubiigauans under the Jeclaru~.,~~ <br />ur covenants creating or govennng flit cundamnuum ur planneJ unn Jevelupmwn, the 6y-laws anJ regulauwe, of the <br />condominium or planned unit deveopmeut. and runsutucnt dacumcnu. B a cundumintum ur planned unn Jevclupmcm <br />rider is executed by Borrowsr and recurJrJ together wnh this Used of Trust, flit cuvrnatus avd agreements of ,arh rider <br />shall be incorpcrateJ into oral shall amend and suppisment the covenants and agreentenls of this OesJ of "feint as if the ndrr <br />were a part hereof. <br />7. Prat¢stion of Leader's Security. If Borrowsr faits w pcrhvm the covenants and agreements roman„aJ in this <br />Deed of Truce, ar it any action or proceeding is cmnormtced which materially affects LenJcr"s micreat m ihr Pro {arty, <br />including, true not limited to, eminent domain, insolvcm;y, wde enlurcement, or arrangements or proceeJmg, uwolvutg a <br />bankrupt or decedent, [hen Lender at Lender's option, upon nonce to Burruweq may make such appcarancr+, J~shunr +uch <br />sums oral take such action as is necessary to protest LenJeri merest, incNJntg, but not IunitcJ to, J:ahunrmem of <br />reasonable auorney's fees and entry upon the Propsrt}• to make « pain. If LenJcr reyuircJ nwngagc m+wan.c as a <br />condition of makutg the loan secutnd by this Geed of 'trust, Borrower shall pay the premium, rcywrcJ to m;unt:un ,uch <br />tmurance in effect omit such time as the royuirement for such inwrunce ternunutn m acmrJmmr with liorrower•s anJ <br />tender's written agresmevt or aptNieabis law. Borrower shalt pay the amount of all mortgage insurance prrnuunu m the <br />manner providsd under paragraph 2 hereof. <br />Any amounts disbursed 6y Lendsr pursuant to this paragraph 7, with intercat therms, shall Ixumm addumn:d <br />indsbtsdness of Borrower sexured by this [bed of Trust. Unless Borrower and LenJcr agree to other tram ut p:rvnu•m. such <br />amounts shall be payable upon notice from Lender m Borrower requesting payment thereof, and shall hear unerest Irum slit <br />date o[ disbursement at the rate payable from time to time on outstanJ;ng principal under flit Nom unless pay um„: rat interest <br />at such rate would be contrary to applicable law, in whrch event such a(uounts shag ire;u rote rrx at flit Inghe,t rate <br />pertvissiUic under appdicabis law. Nothing eoniaived in this paragraph 7 shall nyuite LcnJer to incur nny expense ur take <br />any action hereunder. <br />g, insptetltta. Lendsr may maxs ur Cause to 6e roads reasonable entries u(+un anJ urs(xchuvs of the Pngrerty, pnwiJcil <br />that Lender shall give Borrower nottcv prior to any ouch uapeetion apscitying reasonable cause thereon rcl:drJ to LrnJrr's <br />mterwt in the Procenv. <br />