Loan ;32277
<br />~}~.~~ ~ TR~.~~
<br />' 'rxu n€~n fll~ T;eusr tt ~ tft~ .............~~~~...... , .tf8y or ......ate... _ ........ .
<br />F9:8(l_. among rha Traswr;PfhT: Lam. tiAlf M~, ,2~~ .At$iTL~TBA#~..A~.. -
<br />P~A. YITF'~ ..... ..:............. .
<br />?Sfi .AftY. T.~t. AUF~}1b8 .:...............'............. (tietern "'Trtn~"). a~ ttir eQUCsoary.
<br />k'IiiST . NATTOZ•IAL .BADtK. A2~A..TRIIST. CODt1~3A1!fiL .IAt -AtiRfiRA ....:., a mtott"arS+nixd tutd
<br />_ . tmdee the taws ot. tJNI~: ScT4t1:ES. Ah'. nM~ttZCA ........., ~hoae adtiicld,4~.• •1~£~A.. .
<br />~~~s.?tt1{t4RAy.PtEBItfSSKlt...b$E3:8 . .......:........:......<hetoein°I.rndEzh.
<br />Rastaowek, in coosidentiat o[-the indebttdn,,ss huein recited aurl the tstuG hueitt existed,-~rtLwotatity:grants
<br />~Lconvays to Tr~;'in tram, with power ot.sate; the follaving-dest:ribed psoperty )u.m tkc+eounty of
<br />.........................................Stateof Nebraska:
<br />Lot dive (S), in Stock One (1), in Yates Subdivision of part saf -
<br />Lot Eleven (11), County Sttbdivisian in Se~tion,Eive (5!),i Township
<br />Nine (9) Narth, Range Nine (9) ~We~str o£'tlie 6th'~P.l+t , jT•F~i1 O~Ye
<br />Nebraska.
<br />which has the address af......309 .~Rc}.,S.tT~'~.Qt .......................... Don~..Fl}514.......... .
<br />tsoe.q Ic~trr
<br />Nebraska, , ,68832, , , , . {herein "Property Address") ;
<br />[4tau anY ZID CVaft
<br />TooarnEa with cell the improvements now or henal'tcr ertcted on the property, and cell casements. rights.
<br />uppttrtenancec, tents (subject however to the rights and authorities given herein to Lender to coltcct and apply such
<br />rents), royahies, mineral, oil and gas rights and profits, water, water rights, and water slack, and all fiztnres now or
<br />hereafter attached to the properly, all of v:hich, including replacements and additions thereto, shall bC deemed to be
<br />aced rcotain a pat~+rri the prt,p'et€y covzr~t by this )}cad of Trust; and. u!i M the for~gaing. [ugeth::r w,[h saiJ property
<br />(o[ the leasei[ald estate if dais Dead of Trust is on a leasehold) arc herein referred w as the "Property";
<br />19TQ,,SECtlat: to Lender {a) the repayment ~ the indebtedness evidenced by Borrower's note dated ~lttgtlSt..11,
<br />........... , {hernia "Nate"). iR the principal sum of. T_hiTfiy:-five .Thousand .and . ATo~100-----
<br />-°:-.(~~.5~~1~~.~)r.---rsrrv,~~.,+.Dollars, with in[eresl thereon, providing For monthly inatallmenu
<br />Of ~ittcipal attd interCiE, with the balatttx of the indebtedness, it not sooner paid, due and payable un ........... .
<br />....,~1/$C~3~~.1,..20.Y0 ...............: the payment of all other sums. with interest thereon, advanced
<br />in accordance herewith to protect the security of tfiis lkcd of Trust; and the performance of the cnvcnan[s and
<br />agreerttents o€t$arrtwverherein contained; and (b) tho :epayment of any teturc advances, with interest thereon. made
<br />to Hgrrowet by lxader gttrsuant to paragraph 21 hereof (herein "Future Advances") .
<br />- Borrower covenants that Borrowei is IawfttUy seised of the estate hereby conwycd and has the right to grant and
<br />eanver the Propene, that the Property is urtencatn§ercd, and that Borrower wiB warrant and defend generally [hc
<br />titleso.IhC Properly against all ctaims attd destartds, subject to any decarations, casements or restrictions listed m a
<br />schedule of ezecotians to coverage in any title insurattcc polxy insuring Lender`s interest in the Property.
<br />19MFF 3/84
<br />