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4. Coadeasaatiua. 71;c prccuds of any awed or claim for damages, Jir<st or crrnsegtxnuaL in Connrwteon with any <br />candemnatien or other Lahiug of the Properly, or part tlsueof, ar for rnrtveywree in tips ut condemmlion, art hrreky asaignpt <br />and shal3 >x raid ;n Isarkr. <br />1n the even: of a too? taking of the Property, the prxeeas shad he applied to rf•-sums secured by ihi> Decd of True, <br />with the excess, if any, paid to $orraver. In the event of a partial taking of the Property, uakss Borrower aril lender <br />otherwise agree in writing, there shalt hx applied to tM sums ucured by this (h~cJ of Ttist stub proportion pf the proceeds <br />as is ryual to that proportion which the amount of the sums sour tl by this tired ref Trust immedi;dety prior to the date pt <br />taking bras to the Pa,r market value ut the Properly unmcdtatety prior m [tu Jate of tah;ng, with the echoes of the prascteds <br />paid to Borrower. <br />If the Property is abandoned by Borrowrr, or 9f, after naive by Lender to Borrower thrt the coeldemnor oilers to make <br />an awarJ or xtete a claim for damagex, borrower faits to responc! to Lender wnhin 3t1 days afar the date such novice is <br />mailed, Lender is authonzed to iutlcxt and apply the prxctds, at fender's option, either to restora[ion au repair of the <br />Property or to the sums secured by this DeeJ of True. <br />Wuess Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any such applicatiuu of prxeeds to principal shalt na extend <br />or postpone the dot date of the monthly instalments refurrA to in paragraphs t and 2 hereof or change the amount of <br />such installmenm. <br />t8. Borrorrr NoE Rcfeasad. Extension of leer time for paymcae or modification of amortization of the sums secured <br />by this Deed of Trust granted by Lender to any sent -essor hs interest of Borrower shall not ocerate ro release, in any manner, <br />the liability of the orginal Borrower and Borrower's sus;ccssors rn imertst. I.enJer shah not he eeyuired to commence <br />prxeedrngs against such we.-essor ur refuse to extenA time fur payment or otherwise modify anrortezrtion of the wars <br />secured by this Dred of Tntst by reazon o[ any dcmaad made by the original Borrower and borrower's succesmn in enteral. <br />I L Forbearvstt 6y fender Nat a Wainer. Any forbearance by lender in exercising any right or-remedy hereunder, ur <br />otherwise afforded by applicable law, shat) nut tx a waiver of or nredude the exercise of auy such rinht os rtrtredy. <br />The prxu moment of insurance cr itse paymim u( axes or other hens pr charges by lender shat! trot be a waiver of Isntier's <br />right to acceterme the maturity of the indehteJness secured by this Deed of Trust. <br />I2. Hernedies Cumulattvt. All remedies provrJeJ in this UecJ of l?use are Distinct enJ cuRrulalive to any other right <br />or remedy under elite ^sed of Trust or afforded by law ur eyuuy, auJ may Fx ezercaeJ concurrently, indrpenJenely or <br />SUCCasirely. <br />13. Suceasors and Assigns Bi-pld; Joint and Several Liability; Captiom. Tht cpvrnanls and agrecmenfs herein. <br />cuni~ainrd ahaa bind, and the rights hereunder shall assure ar. the respective xuxt^ams and assigns of Lender :enJ Borrowu, <br />subfect to the provisions of paragraph 17 herein. .'ell vcnuuls m:d agrocn)a'n is of Borrowrr shall Pa joint and uveral. <br />Che captoons enJ hcuJsngs p[ the paragraphu of Ihts DccJ vi "Crust arc tpr cp nvemence only and arc nor ;u t><• used to <br />interpret or define the provisions hereof. <br />31. Notice. Except for any notice rtyuued under appliralrtc law m ht given m anndeer manner, (at any notice to <br />Borrower provided for in this Deed of Trent shalt be grven by reading such nnuce try cenBicJ mail aJdresuJ to Borrower at <br />the Property Address or ae such other address as Borrowrr may dtargnare by notice to Lender as proviJcJ herein, and <br />!b) any notice to Lender shall bt grven by certified malt, return receipt reyuested, ai Lruder's address stated herein or to <br />such other address as Lender tttay dessgnate by notice tp Bosrower as provided herein. .4ny notice provided for in this <br />Urea of Truer shalt 6e Deemed to have beer. grven m Barr.+wcr or I enter worn grven in the manner dcsignateJ herein. <br />15. Uniform Uted of Truer; Govrrnirsg Law; Strtrability. l hr+ loon u[ c!crJ :~1 tout combines uniform cuvcnants for <br />nsuunai mr and pomumlorm covcnan:s wuh bottled vanarons by 7unsdmuun o.+ Nnsntute a umiunn xcurity uutruntem <br />covering real property. This Deed of Trust shall hi govenmd by the law .rt the ;,u:uha:un m which rte Properly is k><ateJ. <br />7n the event that any prons:on or clause of rho Drrd of 'I-rust ur the fvutc a.u dl.ns wdh applicable law, such conflict shall <br />opt alfrct alhrr ~yrovistons pf this Decd of "77ust or .he Nott whmh e..u to g:vcn etlcct washout [he wnlhding provision. <br />and m the end mr provisions of [he Deed u( Trust and the Natr ere undone) to r>L severahte. <br />Sar=ssser's Uryry. Borrower shsi7 br 2ur nrsnid a canturmed copy et rhr Nutc :rod ut tEtix Drrd of Trust :u itR lime <br />Of execution pr litter rCiprdallOn hefrOf. <br />L7. Transfer of :rte Pm~rty; Aswmptkon. IC all nr any part of rhr Properly nr an interest therein is said ar transferreJ <br />by Burrcwer without Lenderi pour wnuen wnsem, exduai:ng [a! the arsnurs of true ur encumfsrnnct suburdinatc to <br />this DccJ of Trust, ; bj the creation of a pumitasc moony x only mLL•rect (ar huuseho:d :rpph::ncrs. iii a Iranslcr by Jcvnr, <br />.6^scep: nr by rperatian of taw upon [ht death of a loan ten:mt o: <br />' lender may, .,t 1 coder-s uptrun, uc,1,3:e .:!: tNe-wreb+eevrxd-fey~~th+stJCetf2N-{rust ru hr <br />unnrrdialrly dot enJ payable. lender shalt have warvcJ such uphun to actr:crMO~ifr prrmN rBTttttlp ta}~[ir nafe:, t-_ueJ.•r <br />a J e t;irs;;r. is a ;ca; the prupr: ty is t., Ys su,J - - -sferreJ lurch ugrrrnttnt ir.=wriui~t®at t~C - redi(;~~t syah prnun <br />can tactery to LruJer enJ that the interest payabl ,n the sums .~ srrJ hy,tEris-t~d=e~lrnsi-.f!-lire-al-sr~h ra{e as <br />Lender shat! request. [f Isndes line waived the option w proviJrd in elite paryrnph-t-9; mrdtfttnrrower's successor <br />in interest has executed a written assumpnun agrrrmcut uaceptrd m wrung by Lender, Lender shall ccla a.e Burrower from <br />all obligations under this IJeed of Truer and rhr Note. <br />If Lender exercises such option to acceterum. Lender shall neat Borrower notice n( accderauon .: ord:uae u•nh <br />paragraph 14 hereof. Such nutlet shall provide a penoJ of nut less than 3t) Jays !roar the doer the nobar ! adeJ wuhu: <br />which Burrower may pay the sums declared dun. 11 Burrower la:is Ip pay such sung pnm w the ex prrsnon of such prnnJ. <br />Lrnder ntay, wuhout further notice or demon) tin Borrower. nnuxe any re.mrJres Ix:rnuucJ by paragraph ! H hrrruL <br />PtoN-U NrfnaM COVENANTS. BprrpWCr and LWSdef further CuvCtrant enJ ague as follows' <br />t8. Accetcralion; Remedies. Except as provided in paragrrph 17 hereof, upon ltuuuwers br xh pt any c rnmrl or <br />atfrtement of L'urruwer in this I}erA of Trust, induJing slit of senuurs ra pa} »hru dua• any wars secured 6y rt Isis Ueerl <br />of 9'rusl, l.endrr prior au acaxleratfmr shat! nsad nuticr tp Burrower as pruriJ<J in parsrgrap6 t4 hereuJ specify ire: tl) the <br />breach; l2) the action required tp cure such breach; U) a Jme, nut I ^ss than 3t! days from IAe Date the nutica• i. nraiird ur <br />Borrowrr, 6y which such hrracP, muse 6e cured; end 14) that failurr to core sure brradt tin pr L•r[urr dn• date +prrilicd <br />fn the notice may result in acerler;Aipn pi Ihr wnu secure) 6y this Ike) of Irml enJ wle of the Property. Ihr notice <br />shall Eurrher inform Borrower of the right m rrinslatt afar ucrela•raliuu and the nClrl Iu brink a amur action to a»crt <br />the nun-existence of • default or any ether defrost of $urtuwrr Ip uccrlrrulims mul sale. tf the breads is nut rura•A <br />or or P,rtort thx daft sptcihed in tht notice, Lrnder of Lender's opiipn nosy Aeclnre aft of tfrr anon secure) hr this prrJ <br />of 'I rust to Ire isnmavtituety due and puyabtr w{/hput funhu demand cad may insuYe the power of colt enJ m+y Duerr n•mrJres <br />pernsiltrd by applicuhle Inw, Lrnder shalt be rntitted ur collect all reawnable cosh enJ expenses uxurrxJ in punwug mr <br />remrJics prurideJ in this paragruyh lg, inetuding, but nut IimileJ to, rruwuable country's frcx. <br />IE the yower of sale is imoksd, Truster slmll rnunl a notice of Aelaull in rash county in whh~h the Properly pr spine <br />part Ihtrepf Is 6ucaled and shalt mad capia tit ,uch nuticr in Ihr manarr prescribed b) upplicaWe law tp Burin»er oval to the <br />pth=: rer*_-•_sps n":~•:.f~:_ by asyt I,w. ester the :np.~ of ssch titer as assay !va reziuirsd by apptic•aWe :a.s. ~Iru.sze shuB <br />glut public notice of safe to Ihr prreons and m flit manner preveribeJ fry apylic•able law. ~frwlre, »ithuut drumnd u <br />Barrawrr, sholf sed the Prapr:ty ai pa:dic auctipn iu the h{gtsrsi 6iUJer ui Ihr firer enJ place and uodrr Elie rcrrrrv Jv,rgnateti <br />in Itte notice u€ sate in pee or more paredr amt in such prdrr as 'Crustee may drunuinr. "Prusler may puslyorsr ,.,lc ul all <br />rK any parcel ref Ibc Property by public anrtnum'ement at the time cat plant of auy previously xhxduleA sole. tender pr <br />Lender's Aasignce orgy parchxsc iht PruprnY at any sale. <br />Upaa receipt of payrrseni of /hs price bid, Trmlce shill de4ver to the purckaser 'I'rusteeS deed conveying Ihr Properly <br />sold. Tht recitals in the 'Crastee's drrd shat[ tee prima (weir rviJenrr of the truth tit the Hutcmrnh made tha•rruc. Crwuc <br />chats apply the yspceeds of the sax in the Falbwi)ry urdrr: (a) to aB rrarunaWr rusts and expenses ul the sale, inrlusling, but <br />out Ihnittd tp, Truster'!: fees of oat inure Fhan Z/ - Of 1 `!~~ of Ihr gross sate prier, raawnatslz aoprncy's tee. enJ rusts of <br />lifle evitknce; Eby In aB sums secured by Ibis t?,red ut 'toot; and (al the excess, if any, to 16e pawn ur persmss legally rnlifltJ <br />iMrNO. <br />l4, Berrpwtr's Right fo Iteipstale. NolwalhstanJmg f.enJer's acccleruuou ui the coons xcurrJ hY this I tc.J UI I ruse. <br />Borrower shall been- the right to hour any pruceedrttgs begun by l.cndrr m col once Ihr IhcJ u( inrst ,i ,~ r urJ ar <br />any time pour tti the eorher w pccuf u(tri Bu• fifth clay btture d)t salt of the Pruhiny pursuam to the poavrc ,:; •.de a,nv.uneJ <br />in this Drrd of "I7ust ur (i0 entry of u jodgtnent color. ing this U2cJ of -'r nut d: (at Uorntwar pars Le::Jer di! . .. ,. h:Jr w. <br />be ttlcn Juc umkr this L~xrJ of 'i7nsh•StsrNote and»iwg.i-uturr-Advnnca--st .rn1, hat n eaL <br />(B) Borrowrr suns alt !+r_•aehrs of any uthrr ravcn.:nt+ ur agrcimrnts rd Burn:wu nvnmcJ :n~1t ir:sa Ucrd .d 1 nrv. <br />fe) $urruwrr pays al! roasunahtr exnxarsrs r:curred by LrliJt'C aril Truster et eu a rg rhr : roam. end .. cnrenn .d <br />$orruwcr cunramcJ in this UccJ eel Crust nrnd r enforcing Ixudar'+ cut) "f\rrenraJms ,us pr..ud:J :r, i~.~~:.,graph !8 <br />htrF„f ;clue - emu] npi bmttcd ta+, rrawnabi~ atturnrY's ~ers.:u:J (Jf B .des s rrh scumn a cnJr+ „ ~, ,. ,,. ~ ,ia <br />ley:n:e stn _....,,. ,..^,at the !..., ... ,.ro +-+ew of ~t7ust, t.,.nJer'a nnursf tin attic ri nrpcr:y .enJ Burr u~»c(, , . n n i„ p.n <br />