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<br />5. No worn out or discarded automobiles, machinery or carts thereof shall be <br />stored on any lot in the addition, and no portion thereof shall be used for automobiles, <br />junk piles or the storage of any kind of junk or waste materials. <br />7. Certain easements are established for installation and maintenance of utilities, <br />such easements being clearly marked on the recorded plat of said subdivision. Service <br />lines-for individual residences for all public utility services which are available to <br />a Tot from an underground source shall be kept underground. Exposed television aerials <br />shall hot be used, and no radio aerial or apparatus shall be visible on the outside of <br />any building. <br />8. All public sidewalks shall be curb sidewalks and the acceptance of a deed of <br />conveyance by any purchaser or purchasers of any lot or lots shall be and amount to and <br />be construed as consent thereto, and approval of such curb sidewalks, and said purchaser <br />ar purchasers agree to construct all sidewalks required by the City ofi Grand Island, <br />when a residence is constructed on said lot. <br />4 No fence, side, rear or front, shall be constructed of barbed wire, or woven <br />wire (not chain link), or creosote treated posts above ground, or any unsightly material. <br />10. A11 buildings shall be placed back from the center of the front line of the lot <br />a distance of at least Twenty-five (25) feet, excepting lots fronting on a col-de-sac <br />where the minimum set back shall be twenty-five (25) feet. Any dwelling shall have a <br />minimum side yard of Ten (10} feet from the property line. A71 such measurements shall <br />be computed from the foundation of the structure. <br />11. All construction and building shall he so performed that it will comply with <br />requirements of the building codes and ordinances of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. <br />12'. These covenants, restrictions and conditions are to run vaith the land and shall <br />be binding on all persons and parties claiming ownership of said lots until January 1, <br />2000, at which time said covenants, etc. shall be automatically extended for successive <br />periods of ten (10) years, unless changed or modified by a vote of a majority of the then <br />owners of the lots in said subdivision. <br />13. Each lot will have no more than one dwelling thereon and such dwellings will <br />meet the following minimum square feet requirements which minimum square feet shall not <br />include garages or open porches: <br />A. Any two story d:ve':ling erected on any lot in said subdivision <br />shall have a minimum of 400 square feet on the ground floor, <br />B. Any one story dwelling erected in said subdivision shall have <br />a minimum square footage of 1300 square feet on the ground <br />floor. <br />C. Any split level or split foyer type dwelling shall have a <br />minimum of 1100 square feet above ground level and the finish- <br />ed sub-basement of said dwelling shall not be included in com- <br />puting 1100 square feet. <br />14. The owner of each lot shalt keep the shrubs, vegetation, and grass thereon <br />cut to a reasonable height and shall mow or cut all v~eeds and grass on said lot not less <br />than three times during the growing season, before constructing their residence. <br />15. With respect to "Brentwood Lake": <br />A. The owner of any lakeside lot in said subdivision agrees to use said <br />adjoining lake in such a manner as not to interfere with the use of <br />the same by any other and in such manner as to create no nuisance. <br />annoyance ar unlawful disturbance. The owners of lakeside lots shall <br />be responsible for the conduct and safety of his, her or their guests. <br />B. Each lot owner and occupant of Brentwood Third Subdivision acknowledges that <br />said lake is potentially dangerous and there shall be no liability of <br />any kind upon the ovmers and subdividers of said subdivision and lake, <br />or to adjacent property owners, or Brentwood Lake Tnc., for any accident <br />injury, loss or damage occurring to any person or persons in connection <br />with said lake, and the use of said lake by any lot owner, his, her, or <br />their guest, shall be at the sole risk of said owner and quests thereof. <br />C. The use of said Brentwood Lake shall be restricted to owners of lots <br />adjacent to and fronting on said lake and their guests. All other lot <br />ewners in said subdivision shall have no right of access to said lake <br />or any privileges in regard to boating, fishing, or any other use of <br />any nature whatsoever in regard to said lake and said lake is strictly <br />for the exclusive use of owners of lots which have actual frontage on <br />said lake. <br />
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