<br />FOR
<br />WHEREAS, Brentwood Development Company of Grand Island, is the owner of all lots
<br />in "Brentwood Third Subdivision", a subdivision contained upon a part of the Northwest
<br />Quarter I, NW ;) and a part of the Southwest Quarter (S?d',) in Section Twenty-Nine (29), all
<br />in Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9), !lest of the 5th P.M., in Hall County,
<br />Nebraska, all as more specifically described in the plat of said subdivision as the same
<br />is recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska; and
<br />WHEREAS, it is the desire of the aforesaid owner of said subdivision to improve
<br />"Brentwood Third Subdivision" by encouraging the sale of lots and the construction of
<br />modern and desirable dwelling houses:
<br />NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration thereof, and of the mutual benefits to be derived
<br />by the owner of said subdivision, and any purchaser or purchasers, their heirs, divisees,
<br />personal representatives, and assigns, the owner stipulates and agrees that any and all
<br />lots in said subdivision sold, transferred and conveyed, shall be and are subject to the
<br />following protective covenants, restrictions, and conditions, all of which shall run with
<br />the land, as follows:
<br />1. Except fnr Lots Twenty-eight through Thirty-eight inclusive, and Lots Ten
<br />through Seventeen inclusive, which are designated as multi-family residential lots and
<br />which lots shall not be included in or affected by_ those restrictive covenants, restric-
<br />tions and conditions, set forth in ,paragraphs 1, 2, 10 and 13. All other restrictive
<br />covenants, restrictions and conditions on this agreement shall also pertain to the lots
<br />d~ccrib~d and set forth in this paragraph. All lots in the subdivision shall be known and
<br />described as residential bts. No apartment house, duplex or triplex shall be built on any
<br />lot, nor shall any basement house be built on any lot. No structure shall be erected,
<br />altered, placed or permitted to r-emain on any lot other than one dwelling and a private
<br />garage for not more than three cars. No dwelling shall be erected for occupancy for more
<br />than one family. No commercial or business enterprise shall be conducted or operated in
<br />said addition. No lot or lots shall be divided or sprit to create smaller building areas,
<br />but lots may be combined or combined and divided, to establish larger building areas. The
<br />lot line between lots two and three may be altered and changed as agreed upon between the
<br />owners of said lots two and three.
<br />2. All garages must accamodate at least t,vo cars and must be attached directly to
<br />the dwelling or connected thereto by breezeway or similar structure. Any out building
<br />shall be of the same quality and material of construction as the outside finish and roof
<br />of the residential structure and shall not he larger than 50 square feet of floor space,
<br />with the exception of bath houses built with swimming pools. No building shall be con-
<br />structed of unsightly materials, boxes or similar lumber.
<br />3. No out buildings of any nature whatsoever, excepting bath houses built with
<br />swimming pools shall be constructed on any lakeside lots. No building or dwelling house
<br />Shrill be moved into said subdivision and placed upon a lot. No trailer, ten, garage,
<br />snack or other unsightly out building shall be used in said subdivision as a dwelling
<br />at any time, nor shall any structure of a temporary character be used as a residence.
<br />No residential dwellings consturcted in said subdivision shall have an exterior finish
<br />consisting of either fiberglass, steel, acrylic, or plastic material; this restriction
<br />does not preclude aluminum siding and the same is not prohibited. No barns, chicken
<br />houses, house trailers, consnercial work or sales shops, or other buildings for the care
<br />and housing of fowl, rabbits or livestock shall be placed, maintained, or used on any lot,
<br />nor shall any fowl, rabbits or animals other than household pets be kept upon any lot and
<br />household pets shalt not be kept, bred or maintained for any commercial purpose.
<br />4. P!o sod, earth, sand, gravel or trees shall be removed to the injury of the
<br />value of or appearance of any lot, and no unused building materials, junk or rubbish
<br />shall be left exposed on any tot except during actual building operations. No sign of
<br />any kind shall be displayed to the public view on any lot, excepting a subdivision sign
<br />and signs advertising the property for sale, or signs used by a builder to advertise the
<br />property during the construction and sales period.
<br />5. No campers, trailers, motor or mobile homes, boats, recreational vehicles or
<br />trucks larger than a %z ton pickup truck shall be parked on any- lot, driveway, or on the
<br />street front of or on the side of any lot. Any of the above mentioned vehicles may be
<br />stored insideā¢of garages, but shall not be parked outside dwellings, excepting for loading
<br />and unloading, which shall not exceed a four hour period of time.
<br />