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<br />ORDINANCE N0. 6526 {Cont'd} <br />left thirty degrees no minutes (30° 00') and running northeasterly along the <br />southeasterly line of the Repla[ of Riverside Acres, a distance of two <br />hundred twenty-nine (224) feet; thence deflecting right forty-six degrees <br />£our minutes (46° 04') and running East to the West line of the East Half of <br />the East Half (EE';) of Section Twenty-eight (28); thence running C:arth on <br />the West line of [he Ease Half of the East Half (ESE ,) of Section Twency- <br />eight (28), a distance of seven and six tenths (7.6). feet to the Southwest <br />corner of R. W. Rasmussen Subdivision; thence deflecting right eighty-four <br />degrees seven minutes (840 07'), and running easterly a distance of eighty- <br />three and seventy-four hundredths (53.74) feet; [hence deflecting left <br />eleven degrees seven minutes (ll0 O7') and running northeasterly a distance <br />. of one hundred twenty-six and eighteen hundredths (125.13) feet; thence <br />deflecting right ehi'rcy-eight degrees fifty-eight minutes thirty seconds <br />(38° SS' 30") and running southeasterly a distance of one hundred fifty- <br />nine and sixty-five hundredths (159.65) feet; thence deflecting left <br />twenty-five degrees no minutes forty seconds (25° 00' 40") and running <br />easterly a distance of one hundred sixty-nine and one tenth (169.1) feet <br />to the Southwest Corner of American Legion Addition co the City of Grand <br />Island, Nebraska; thence deflecting Left twenty-nine degrees fifty-six <br />minutes fifty seconds (290 56' S0") and runn ing Nc r[hcast a distance of <br />£if ty-six and sixty-five one-hundredths (56.65) feet; thence deflecting <br />right twenty-five degrees twenty-nine minutes fifty seconds (25° 29' S0") <br />and running Northeast a distance of two hundred eighty-three and seven <br />tenths (283.7) feet; thence deflecting left ten degrees, thirty-four .^..inutes <br />ten seconds (10° 34' 10") and running Northeast a distance of fifty and <br />ninety-nine hundredths (50.99) feet to the West Line of Woed land FirsC <br />Subdivision; thence mm~in t; South on the Wes[ line of loodland Ficst <br />Subdivision a distance oF, ant thousand five hundred forty-two and twenty <br />seven hundredths (1,542.27) feet to [hc North line of Wuadland Urive; <br />thence running b'ese on the North line of Woodland Drive, also being the <br />North line of !JOOdland Second Subdivision a distance of one hundred (L00) <br />feet; [hence running South a distance of seven hundred fifty-e it;ht and <br />sixty-two hundredths (756.62) feet to ti}c northwcsteriy righ c-oP-way tine <br />of [tamada Road; chcnce running southwesterly alo nt; said ri gilt-of-wav Line <br />a distance of one hundred for rJ-two and thirty-seven hundredths (1'.2.37) <br />feet to tt~c Northeast Corner of Loc 'three (3} in b'ondl:end Seto..^.d subdivision; <br />thr_ncc rmnu n£; Wusc un ehc North line of Lots 1'hrec (3), Two (7.), and Onc <br />(1) in Woodland Second Subdivision a distance of six hundred ninety-seven <br />and four conchs (697,1,) feet; [hence running Souti} on the Wes[ tine of <br />Lot One (1) in Woodland Sucand Sul+division a distance of ore hundred <br />fif cy (15Oj feet; thence dcflec tint; right ninety de~;rcos nu minutes <br />(90o OU') and running West a distance of one hundred twenty-nine and <br />seven tenths (124.7) ices; chcnce deflecting left ninety degrees no <br />minutes (400 00') and running South a distance of iif ty-tour (St:) feet; <br />thence deflecting right eighty-two degrees nine minutes (92° 09'1 and <br />running West Sauthwesc a distance of one hundred forty-s is and four tenths <br />(146.4) fer.t to the North right-of.-way tine oY U.S. Hi;,hway t.a. 34; thence <br />runninD West on the North right-of-way line of U.S, tli};hway No. 34 to r.he <br />point o£ beginning, said trace containing 117.43 acres, more or less, all <br />as shown on the plat marked Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated <br />herein by reference. <br />.SECTION 4. Such tract of land and streets and highwaysaare hereby annexed to <br />the Clty of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska. <br />SECTION 5. Upon the taking effect of [his ordinance, the police, fire, and snow <br />removal services of such Cicy shall be furnished co the tract of land and streets and <br />highways herein annexed, and water service and sanitary sewer service will be avail- <br />able as provided by law. <br />SECTION 6. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, or phrase of this <br />ordinance or the annexation of any tract of land, street, or highway by this ordinance <br />is for any reason held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not <br />-Z- <br />