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._ <br />axDUUxcE rra. 6526 (Coat' d> - <br />affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance since it is the <br />eupress-intent a£ the Mayor and-City Council to enact each section, subsection; <br />- clause,- or phrase separatelyr <br />SECTION 7. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect-from-and: after-its; - <br />- - - passage, approval, and publication within £ifieen days in one issue of the Grand <br />_ - Island Daily-Independent, without the plat, as provided by law-, and on December 1, <br />147?= <br />Enacted 13 Nav~nber 1979 <br />• o ert nz, ~yor <br />ATTEST: <br />R.L. Ratallick <br />ity er <br />