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~ - ~~:~ <br />LIYIPURM Covtatvnr[rs. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as (allows: <br />1. Payment of Principal and FntiresY. Borrower Shall promptly pay when due the principal Of and intcresi on the <br />mdehtedness evidenced by the Nate, prepayment and late charges as provided in the Note, and the principal of and interest <br />an ¢nv Funtrr Advances secured by this Deed of Trust. <br />2. Fonds for Taxes and Insurance. Subiect to applicable law or to a uri[ten waiver by Lender, Borrower shalt pay <br />to I_endcr nn the day monthly installments of principal and interest are payable urdzr the Note, until the Note is paid in full- <br />s sum (herein "Funds") equal to one-[welfth of the yearly taxes- and assessments which may attain priority aver frets <br />Dead of Trust, and ground rents on the Property, if any, plus one-twelfth of yearly premium installments for hazard insurance. <br />plus cne-twelfth of yearly premium installments far mortga¢c insurance, if any, all as reasonably estimated initially and from <br />[tine to time by Lender on the basis of assessments and bflis and reasonable estimates thereof. <br />The.Funds steal: be held in an institution the deposits or accounts of which are Insured or guarantied by a Federal or <br />state agency (including Lender if Lender is such an institutionl. Lender shalt apply the Funds to pay said razes, assessments. <br />insurance premiums and ground rents. Lender may no[ charge for so holding and appl}•ing tfie Funds, analyzing said account <br />or verifying and compiling said assessments and bills, unless Lender pays Borrower interest nn the--.Ftmds and applicable law <br />permits Linder to make such a charge. Borrower and Lender may agree in writing at [he time of execmion e€ this <br />Decd of Trust that interest nn the Funds shall be paid to Borrower, and unless such agreement is made or applicable law <br />requires such toreros! to be paid, Lender shall oat be required to pay Bormwer any mtirest er earnings nn the Funds. Sender <br />shall give to Barrnwer, without charge, an annual accounting of the Funds show4ng credits and debits to the Funds and the <br />purpose for which each debit to the Funds was made. The Funds arc pledged as additional security for. the. sums secured <br />by this DecJ of Trust. <br />If the amount of the Funds held by Linder, together with the fitturc mamhlp installments of Funds payable prior to <br />the due dates of taxes. assessments, insurance premiums and ground rents, shall exceed the amount required to pay said taxes. <br />assessmems, insurance premiums and ground rents as they fall due, such excess sh:dl he, al Borrowers option, either <br />promptly repaid to Borrower or credited In Borrower nn monthly installments of Funds. [f the amount of the Funds <br />held h Linder shall not tx sutlicient to pay taxes, assessments. insurance premiums and ground rents-as the}• fall dui. <br />Borrower shall pay to I-ender any amount necessary+ m make up the deficiency within 30 days from the date native is mailed <br />by [.ender to 9orrower requesting payment thereof. <br />Upon payment in full of all sums securzd h}• this i?ezJ of Trust. C ender shall promptly refund to Borroscr any Funds <br />herd by Lrnder. If under paragraph 18 hercot the Properly is sold ur the Property is otherwise acyuired by [.ender. Lender <br />shall apply. no later than immediately prior to the sale of the Property or its acyuisiuan t:y Lender, any Fonds held by <br />Lender at the trine of application :ts a credit against the sums secured by this Ikzd of Trust. <br />3. Application of Paymems_ Unless applicable law provrdcs otherwise, al] payments recelveJ by Lender under chi <br />Note anJ paraeraphs l and 2 hereof shall be applied by Lender first in paymutr of amounts payable to Lender by Borrower <br />under paragraph ? hereof, thin to interest pa}•able on the Note, then to the principal of the Note. and thin [n interest and <br />principal on anv Future .Advances. <br />J. Charles: Lieres- Borrower shall pa}• all rases, assessments and other charges. noes and nnposuions aarihutablc to <br />the Property which may attain a priority over this Dted of Tnrst, and leasehold payments nr ground rents. if any, '~ ffie <br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof nr, if not naid in such manner, by Borrower making payment. when due, directly <br />to the payee thereat. Borrower shall promptly furnish ro Lzntler :dl nohces of amounts ::vi under thts paragraph, and in the <br />went Bormwer shat! make paymim dtrectly. Borrower shall promptly furalsh to I ender rccmpts cvidznamt such pavments. <br />Borrower shah promptly discharge any tics uhtch has pnoriry over t)ue Died of frost, pm:uicd, that !?orn+wer shalt not he <br />requred to discharge any such lien sn fang ;n Borrower shah agree m writing to the payment of the ahitg;mon secured by <br />such itch m a manner acreptahli to i,cnder, or shall in gauJ both contest such hen h}•, or Jetend intnrcemad n( such Iron m <br />legal pr^'cedin;, uh!ch i,pe~te 'o precool tttc entorciment of ti:e hcu or forfeiture nt the Property ur any' part thereof. <br />5. Hazard insuraace. k3otrower sh;:il keep Hti improvemca[s now exaung or hereafter erected .,n the Property insured <br />against loss t+v fire, harnrds included within chi term "extrndcJ covc•ragc', anJ such other 1 ender may « yuue <br />and sn such ameuntx anti far such C+Cr,adc as LenJzr may rzy:un^: rrcvrdzJ, that S_cn it .hall not reyutre that the smaunt nt <br />.xsgh •'otie7ae<• ec-cod that amount of coveragz rcurnred i, par' the sums set u:cd by this l~ccd at -I rnsr <br />'Ihe msnranec catrizr pow tiling the utsur.+nre shall hi :boson by Bormwer su hli.t to appra4:+l by Lender: prnvrdcd. <br />that such approval shall net tsc unrzssonahl}• wtthhcld. :itt premium+~ an inaurancc pc+hciis shall hi paid in the many-ar <br />provided under paragraph ~ hercot er, a nut patJ tit such nlannzr, t?}' Bormwer making payment, when due, dtrectly to the <br />ill5t[rarlLi ~atTiif. <br />Ali t=a,urance poh.izs and renewals iherzc-i ~bali he rn t,,:m ncccptahlc t., t c:tJer and ,hail ;rciude a standard mo;tt'age <br />-iausr ie fav<rr csf a.^.d u2 faro, ac~zp{ah!c t„ 1_cndir. t.endcr shall have chi right rs+ n+:!.i rhz puiic-c~, and tenr~w ais rncrcor. <br />ess9 .hell v rntiv furnish m L~wdzr all r< wal notices anJ ill rcemots u( nanl nrenuuun. In tlt: ,.: nt ul I~~s+. <br />'d.,rre.s- r sh r give ~trnm~tt nonce tr the m v anc.e earner amt l ih i- r [ ecnJer t t-r, ma~kr p: t~*f :;€ s - n~~:::- ~ r.+m ptlt <br />,,.v H, -c,w== <br />1!•oless I ruder and 6orruwer othcrwts:: agree in wrrung, insurance proceeds .trau i,r apphoJ to rester:own ur repau ,+l <br />dtc Property damaged, provuicd such resuxution ar rcpmr r. zeanonu; oily teasihlc end me sa outs of tt:rs Ueed of i rust is <br />not ihzrehv impaueJ. !! nu•h riskxaUUn or report is not ca,nomta[ly tcasrhlc ns .l rtre •r. t;:J} of this E1ccJ ,•i t n;.t :. ,ulJ <br />b.• mtpatreJ. tha naurutce pnece'LtLs shall lie appiseJ to the sum..ccured hp this I)a•cJ tit ! nrst, ,urh the r - , d a , cent <br />r., liotr o~u•t ll the Property y abunJuncd by Bur n.,wcr, or d li.n mucr tad, to rey„nS u, I ender ,+nhm s+u t~ro.n nn- <br />eiatz r:.~-u, c, r. rrtadni by I eadzr to Borrower that chi utsurnnce r.vr rer utlers h+ softie ., .. inn h,r ,nv, .,.. ,,, nth:, .,,,ice <br />r. awtlr,,r acd w cuHc.r and epplp thz insw once prus:ieds at 1 enders t,puon cnncr +o ~..,or.d:•.a „r .e7+.n; ,.. :,;: Pr,q;cw, <br />or to :ha :ants securzd by this DeeJ of 'frost. <br />l'nirss 1 ender an<i H(=tfPw$r uthr:wsz agree tit wrung, a Hoch,a , n¢•.h to pr u.4;t.,,i s :nit . nd <br />ua ro,tp.ntu the dui Jate of rhz monthly mstalftnznts rctcrrzd tto tit paragraph, 7 .,nd hcrsvt , ; , Barrt,*z` the .utrnanr , . <br />wci; ,n,talimetas If under paragraph I s trarco; die Prupcrt} ;cya+ted h} (ender- :1t ; r,hL tide ^a;lJ :.rtr. cst .,t Ei;`r,..k+r <br />.n .,nJ t„ :ors uuat inter pofraes and •n and ae tilt proceeds !hercot rcxdhng in,ni d:rn:.rgz~a• the- P*~,txrn poor to ,r ...m <br />rr .=c,i,,,. a .: - ar ; ., ,;. ~-~vd.,r tc, tha ~ ^ trr„ .. th< .c-cn; ea n4 ds ;,..... , l r, „ - ..,, z....,. .., .._. __, r <br />.r~ym~ll,t,rl. <br />6• Pre,rn orlon and Siaintrnanre of Properly; LrasrAnhM; Cnudanriaunu.; FGnurJ tnu tlr..!•,tunr;,t+. N,- ~-,~ <br />~tt±l it1~ l 4 ,,,.1.4 4 tit Ei.< l Car i_ ~,I ~n4 Icase ,f (hr1 l1l'eti „I t ri!>_ is .c Ya •;.~ I>v~vc' „:~ ~.. ~ ..,~. .. <br />aettdon;m+uia ,-€ planned utut Jcveto}'-moot. Harrower ah.ll! IN Norm a!t el4 th-,rno,ct -rgats s-a_r '. --__~~• <br />or awirsanh i7:'.etnig er :atctlnhg the <nr:d~•mumm~ or pfannnl torn Jcsitnhmetet. thz 's Fa-v., ..n,t ---,iet:ons ~.• tort <br />cnndunainiuut s t+ladueJ rout Jcstanptnc,u. -lnd conatdueul dnc¢ulenss. II a . °,•f=n:rnn ul -•, l,l tilt -i -... dc, <.,gvnr:,r <br />t ~,dct ~.. ss<austii hq l,nn nwt_t :utd re'tol ds'+! tr r, tit her unh ii:n Ihcd rt Inrr ila .»--. ,..;r.., „4 ;.. ,:,. t. ., . <br />~h,.:rf t.. _ ,,,-,,.,~i -r a .,,--~.-d __ t_ rrplr<:-:e:nt rl<e <. ct...t P, .:n.r _ ,.tit. , . ;r,,. t is ! + r, :1 t!~r „ .. <br />WL'ti :t alit Ili7ea[. <br />7 •Prstcctl.a rf L,rad: r`s ~.-surety. It B~r:nw-er !a:!s to l-_ri m rl _ a.. -.! __.. ,. .,, -!, <br />C~.ed tit Trust, or if ar7v action at pna`twtdNtg ~., ..t'nnntenecd , hrch nulte+,alh -,1<s,. t uldu. ~t,. .-.r n< I r-,t,ur.~ <br />tnituding, hw trot hatitt~ to, im;tlem Jwnam, unulecnc}, c<,Se etunremnint. ,~r .u r.m;,•suris5rs or p _, .-cdn,f:~ ~~ ,,;vn< a <br />bankrupt or Decedent. then L,Gldir at f-indel~s option, upon nourc to Bormwer, n,a} rr,kr ,u~.h ..plx n... ,t;J,u, <<; , ., h <br />tutus and take such action :as rs necessary u, protect t.enJer~s mlitz+t, mdadnlg, ~r~ut ma hmnc,i .., •.,+, o.,t .,t <br />riasornahlc athtrniy~ Iles and entry upon the Property u, •aakc repaus It Lcnuai rryuuc,i nmuga}c ,•~,m•~. ., <br />toutfitian ct making the luau 5et:urcd by this Deed of Trust, Harrower shall pay the ptenr,uut, rryu,;,,.1 t„ _, ,u ~:t., ~: ~- ~, h <br />,nsutance m effect until such ume ns lire requuemznl [ar .uch msu7ancc termm:acs a c,•rDancr «.,,, ,,.. r. ~. :: . <br />Lender's Sunoco ;lgrccment ar aplaiiiaiile law. Harrower shall pay the ant.,uat ul as nwntgagc ~n,u: an,~ prcn,~um~, ,;~ rt,r <br />manner pravsJiJ under paragraph ^_ hereof. <br />Any arnounts disbutscct by Lender puruant to this paragraph 7, svnh ,utcrest there.,, . ~!I ~ .,,.. ~- , <br />nulcht¢Jness of Harrower scartcnl by ihrs Deed of Trust. Unless Bouow.a :uai i ender a4rec t:, .ttrrrrlrrm.~„1 has~•.u,u .,~~b <br />anwxmts shall hr. payable afxm notice from Linder to Bun~uwcr nnluesting teayincna there„!..~nJ r4.u ..=tctca i~..~n ~h, <br />date nt distuirse:mint :rt the rate payable fn'rm time Ire time on uw[suutd mg prutcgsal unJcr thin V,a< rnura t+a};,trot .d n .,. , .r <br />at sn¢h ride wmrh! hr: a*nuary to apphrablt law. in whach cvvat .web amounts ,hall !~ ~uterc=~ ~, •.e h,ghrsr ~~., n• <br />fwnuissihle under al~+itcabie low, Nothing crn[taincd in this paragra lrh ? s:ea0 rryura tender u~ incur any rstx n.a •,r t.+Ac <br />any action hetiunder. <br />u yew„ r • nor tn;, -- "ku .. -= t:' sk„ made rE~e~ - nhle . ncv ume•?z .:s? -- --, t+. ss tit tt,,, Pr , t4 ,. ,.: d <br />i C> ?. k t1V g ,. tt,.r+r?wera tu,t,r~i pr r d, acs; n _l spsrt~ n .i.~<d r_ a f t<a.. ua1 ,< , wsr th, rrt,~, .., v-1 , o.•, <br />interest rn the Prwierty. <br />