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~~ $fl--~~ DEED ~F TR~3sT <br />THIS DEED OF TRUST is [Wade this... , .... i of .. ,S~v :.:. ,-....... c ..... <br />19$x, ., among the Trustor,. , .Alan. C....8asselmazs. and.3 A.. .Biass¢lsc~xi,.:~sb~nd .5 .Slife...... . <br />each. in his.&. her. atm.sigttt. and .as_sFouse°.~hc~r oin ``~rr~orV/ar"},..,Tokui R...Bra~:meYl, .Attorr~}c . . <br />dt. ldt~t~ ..........................:...............:..:....:. (heroin °Truste~");.and the E;encficia,-y, <br />(-Sxtttt~[ci31. Savings.Ctmpdr>, .GY'c.nd .Island, . i~ .................. a corporation orgarizcd and <br />existing-under the laws of... Nei~raslta ............................... whose address is..2121. N,. h~ .'-~. <br />.Gl-s~i .Island,. ~~xdS?td .................................. . ...... (herein"Lender"). <br />i~VRROR'CR, in consideration of the indebtedness herein recited and the trust hereim~ created, irreJocably--grnnts+ - - <br />and conveys to Trustee, in t~rp st, with power of sale, the following described progerty located in<the County of: <br />......~rsra'>t- <br />.... ............ !.r~.9.4~-............, Sta[e of Nebraska: <br />Lots twenty one (21} and twenty two (22}, in Meadow Lane Fourth S1~j~vis;~rn, r.i.x?t7 <br />County nTebraska. <br />~r, f <br />which has the nddreat t;t. ....... ..~?~c-•"/~~'=~G'~... f..~..........'--".x~;`~i.~i~'4~..'^r.-ti...:..~.tx,~~ <br />~) ~surtltr ... .,:,tri <br />,`"f.'~.h°.laK'k!t +_~°,~L`•f. [itirCln-'Property ;furl rt++"i <br />;S:ue amv L:, r_ire} <br />t o<d_nrt-x ad:.t ai! tti,: mtpro+~em;:n;s nuti or hci~~,,;~~i _i.-~t,1 ,~„ tL: nhr,ii, ,~--~ -~i~ ,..--.. ~r ~~i. . t,!~. <br />apput°icna+:&ca, rcnt~ t~uh7cct#tc>s+:erer to the rights.;nd uukhatn7:r g~rca hct.v; m 1_er:dce ~~ .~-ilc~t and nppi~ ~.,.,~ <br />rentp 1. toyatlkz. ertr,cral, n:k anc! fins rrghls and pr:rttts, s. airr, aaln nghta ~+.a~,-r .pra%.~,urrl ,dl tniuec, m,r. „r <br />hcreafA:r utdaclti~cl i.: tha pr~zcrty, all u( which, utcludutt; rpias~~ntCnB and ,rJdrtmn. titarctu. +iialt he dce~u.,; ~,~ h, <br />antl ecrnaua a pni t tt the prupcrty cavued fa; this T3ccc( c=f !runt: ,vtcl ea of the lrm~t~rrtng, hrfclh, r 4 wt ,a:,t !'"";-. r n <br />{girth tca_ch~~la rate ri th7s ~3ectl of trust a on ~r lra±rhuiri ~ .ire hcrrt» i. yenta! .r, u, the _Pr•rpcrir <br />frF $EC~irRa tv l.ensicr (n} the repayment of tt;c mdcE.tcduc ss card; need hp Hat rower's nnic ciaterl . ,?it1}~ !, <br />~92i? ,... {hcretn `'Note"}, in the principal Burn o! Pax1'.v~-fivE '~housanc~ ,~c=vcnt,y-z;evr:n <br />9Ct77tlr3 (115,(T(7.907 Dvllara. wnh uricre~t thereon, pnwuhng for numthVv rmt,r".in <br />of pringtpa! and mtereat, with the balance of the endebtcdncss, d not sooner paid. r=uc aatd payut+lr r!n.7t? L.)• tea <br />.1.~~- ........................ . ............ .the pays ~c-~i of .rlt of hr°r ,arr,. reri it »itcra•,f Vixr.-„n..,~ .~ <br />in accordance herewtlh to prcHCet the security of this Decd u( Truat: and the parl'armuncr of dre eor cn.uu~ .i; ul <br />a&n-emcnts ofi Aorrawer herein contained; and {b) Ntc repayment of an} iuturr utta;»rCa'.. eai~h ;ni~rc.t t~hct, ~~~ .~ ~.Ie <br />ter$exrower by Lenel..r ptFFSUant to part~t.tph 21 ht'rco!' {herem 'f'uture Adeane«") <br />IIESFii5w5;r Ct4YCaant& [liar I~brrpwer IS l:lwfully SC11Cd It the t'4tatC hK'rvt>y t011r~Yr'rt eit:d ln1• Ilte fit,ht t~~ X1.1 r'.i :~M. <br />cunvca th, Frraptety, that the Property is uncnwathercd, uad t{uit Ilcztroacr wilt w-vnYSnt ,rnd detanil ~;r:oarallt i~~r <br />ritic is nc~ F'rspcriy aka+nst all elarms and demands. subtect to mty cleetarurcms. ; skcntrnt-, <,r r~,u~ct~~•r-, i..t,~-: ~. ., <br />s~ncduir rf eFcptic>ns te3 erry.^rage in any title insurance p+ri!cq tmurtnF i _n.i+.-r . .»teri's4 »~ tfn~ f'rr ~,k izr <br />NMP'F 3/80 <br />