<br />4. Condemnation. The proceeds of any award nr claim for damages, diced or consequential. in connection with any
<br />sondernnatioa ar other taking of the Property, or part thereof, or fo: conveyance in lieu of cattdrmaation, are hereby assigned
<br />and sF.ali ht paid to Lender.
<br />In the event of a total taking of tY,e Property, the proceeds shalt be applied to [he r•;ms secured by this Deed of Trust.
<br />with the excess, if any, paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial taking of the Property, unless Borrower and Lender
<br />otherwise agree in writing, there shat'. 6e applied to the sums secured by this Deed of Tres[ such proportion of the proceeds
<br />as is equal to tfiai prop~rticn which the amount of the sums secured by ibis Deed of Trust immediately prior to the date of
<br />taking bears io the fair market value of the Property immediately prior to the date of taking, with the balance of the proceeds
<br />paid to Borrower. ,
<br />If the Property is abandoned by Borrower, or if, after natice by L ender to Borrawer that the condemnor offers to make
<br />an award or settle a claim for damages, Borrawer fails to respond to Lender within 30 days after the dart such notice is
<br />mailed, Linder is authorized to collect and apply the proceeds, at Lenders option, either to restoration or repair of the
<br />Property or to the sums secured by this Deed of Trust.
<br />Unless Lender and Barrower otherwise agree in writing, any such application of proceeds to principal shall not extend
<br />or postpone the due date of the monthly installments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof or change the amount of
<br />such installments.
<br />t0. Borrower Nat Released. Extension of the time for payment or modification of amortization of the sums secured
<br />by this Deed of Trust grained by Lender to coy successor in interest of Borrower shall not operate to release, in any manner,
<br />the ]iahi)ity of the original Borrawer and Borrower's successors in interest. Lender shat! not he required to commence
<br />proceedings against such successor =:r refuse to extend time for payment or otherwise modify amortization of the sums
<br />secured by this Deed of Trust by reason of any demand made by the original Borrower and Borrower's successors in inttrest-
<br />I t. Fortrearonce by Lender Not a iVafver. Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any right or remed)• hereunder, ar
<br />otherwise afforded by applicable law, shall not he a waiver of or prelude the exercise of any such right or remedy.
<br />The procuremem of insurance or the payment of taxes or other liens or charges by Lender shall not be a waiver of !.color's
<br />right to accelerate the maturty of tht indebtedness szs:ured by this Deed of Trust.
<br />12. Remedies Cumulafise. All remedies provided in this Deed of Trus*, are distinct and cumulative to anp abet right
<br />ar remedy' under this Deed of Trt>st or afforded 6y law or equity, and may lx exorcist!; concurrently, independentiv ar
<br />successively.
<br />13. Snrcessors and Assigns Bnand; Joint and Several Liatality; Captions. The covenants and agreements herein
<br />conciined shat! bind, and the :ighr hereunder shall inure to, the respective successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower.
<br />subject to the provisions of paragraph I? hereof. A(! covenants and sgreemtnts of Dorrawe: shall be joint and zeveral
<br />The captions sod fieadiagz of the paragraphs at this Dted of Trust are for cenvenieuce Doty and art not ar be used to
<br />interpret or define the provisions hereof.
<br />t4. tiotice. i:xcept for any notice reywred under applicable law to be given m another manner, ta) any notice to
<br />Borrower provided for in this Deed of Trust shall be given by mailing such notice by certified mail addressed to Borrower at
<br />tht Praprry Address ar at such ether address ss Borawer may designate by natice to Lender as provided beta n, and
<br />lb) any natice to Lender shall be given by certified mail, return receipt requested, to Lender's address stated herein or to
<br />such other address as Lender may designate by natice to Borrower as provided herein. .Any notice provided for in this
<br />Deed of Trust shall be deemed to have In:en gi.tn to Barrower er Lender whin grvzn in tfie manner designated herein
<br />15. Uniform Derd of Trust; Cowerning La»; Sewerability. (lies form of deed of toot camb+nes um)ixm covenants for
<br />nauonat me and non-uniform covenants with hrntlcd variations h~~ runsdrnian a+ eonsutute a uniform secunty instrument
<br />covtnng real prooeny. This Deed of Trust shall ht governed by tfie law of the pursdreuon in which the Property rs Inrated
<br />In the event the: any provivon a;r douse of this Heed of Trust or the No[c contiicts with applicable law, such conflict shall
<br />not affect other provisions of this Deed of Trust or the Natt which can he given etTect wnhout the cont;icting provismn.
<br />and to this end the provisions of the Deed of d'rdst and the Nate arc declared in be secerahle.
<br />:h. Borrower's Copy. Barrower seta!! bt funushed a coa(ormtd copy of the Notr and of ihts Dced of (ru,t ar the time
<br />of exccutiao ar .after rewrdauon htrcot.
<br />t7. Transfer of the Piopenr; Assumption. ff aft .u am; par of the Property or ..n imrrrst thereto rs sold or ttansfcrred
<br />ht Bc:rrowrr wulrout t_znder'z plat wtnten cc,n :ent. eselur3+ng tar .ice rreatton o .iron or encumbrance subordinsty° tr;
<br />t':rs Dccd u! `crust, tbf the crtanen nt a ):urcha+r nronev srcuntV interest fx h.:ausehold app;;ances, rc e a transfer by devn€,
<br />descent or by nperatian of ta•.~ ups n the death of :e t=•~nt tenant or '
<br />- -- -- err ..- .. " ° ' - n.. .,,-fare :,'! rhr ms =ecc.. ' t,...!.ra r~,..-a .tea Try
<br />r.:mcd:a._ts du€ and ^ac al:'c- tsrt~r r ~harl `+! ~_ s+~a!vaci~5uch=~upta+n~to a<trltra.e ~t _f •r.tr cnV •;he ,tl.:,r teat stet t er•~c:
<br />r• _; -.. r- P•.° ~ v ; •. -. - - ~ - e r - - '• t tie i-t ~~ - ...
<br />a , ,atar~ i,. t cr,.rrr .,ud t .ht :n;tr si pa.at. ~ , r th+ ,w , reed r,: r,v, J..a , I ,!,cs sha.+ , , ..n . r:r :.,
<br />-_. ~ a cetera! drd rr_
<br />mt•rav~ta utcWtd a x'r oleo nseuntplltan -rgr~mrnt acceptrs! rn Hr.unC h. t_cndrr, I ender shall ra lce,t D .r tart ,r++m
<br />.,t. „ti,rr:rr,„u, nutlet etas Dtcd t.t Trust , nd the Aotc_
<br />it Lender cvcrcncs ,ue'te optror. nr a,wir..=tr. Lender sh.rf! n.rad Uarn•wcr nonce at acaelcranon r! ,,arrdance =sdh
<br />r !aph la hrreat Such +ronce ,hail ptovrdr a ;xrn~d : t c.x !a , th:m tti daa t;nm the d:ur the noSrc;.• ~ n:ulyd e+n;:m
<br />w h.: 1, D•~rrr,wct mar r:n the mums dtclarr,l due I( Dnrroate fa:l~ n, p.n such +unn pnu , nc~ e,qurs rrr•n ~_•(, ch ;~ rnal
<br />. ceder n,.rs, aahout ranker nett ar Armand on Dar rsa»er.:,.cnkr ant rrn:r•d+c, ~-rnntird h, p-rr.:era rh ras hvrrrc(
<br />'~r.-, t -.n arx sr t-ur€?:sv es t3orrouer sn,i I Boiler tar. her . ,s'ensm :and agree a, arts.
<br />iN. lccrta•ratiun: Rrmrdir+. f?xrrpt a+ pnrided in paragraph f7 hereof, upon Dario»rr's breach ni arts eusrnant or
<br />aArrrmrw tit Uurnrn rr in this t)rrd of eras!, including the aus erwnis to pat .then due any wins ucurrd by this !)cad
<br />of tenet. Linder prior to acct#rratian vhai# mail nai)rr ru Burrower as pws)drd in paragraph 13 hereof snerif tong: ii! tfir
<br />hzraa tr. t?-) the anion rcqulrrd to a are sorb lseractr: t3! a dart, oat Icss than JO da)+ trmu the date the n,~dire i. nailed in
<br />tEuna»rr, ns rc bitfl ,urh hrrarb roust hr cured; and td) that taUurr !o cure sorb bread! an ar ixtorr :fir date sprcihrd
<br />r ilia nulirr r ,oil in au elrralnm of the ,ums +ra urcd ba rhr+ tired of tnr*t :uui wtr of the #'rr,lurYa, the autiae
<br />,rhea fanner Lrfnnu Hmmrrr ul flit nglu to reinstair after ar act: rn[faus and Ihv flcht to bnn;,~ a u7 a. unn u, a,u^n
<br />the n,+a-tarstruar u! a <irLurit ur ana athrt defrost of Dortuerr to uv. rleraliun and hale. if dn~ h•. asb :, nm ,urcd
<br />tin nr tx~loer the dale yrra ihcA mthe natice, Lentlwr w Lenriri+ option nun a}rdua- aq of the nuns ~u rued be !h\, Ikw•d
<br />of t tact t+. nr :rnr;rc ilsEe#c dear and pt~afr,'r wlrhanf ftse-her rfrmand and oast inan=e ties puxa= . -,€ >aie anr4 ens ,ef lire rruu-dies
<br />pre`taiH~4 be ay`yhrahEr to». Lenvier chest !rz :-raided ro a-uDrr1 uit rruuwrabir rnstn and rcr r : ~c enrorre~d in parsuSnir the
<br />rensrdir+ pue+idcd in Ehi+ paragraph t8, includ)ag, trot nut hm.iu•d tn, rrasanntilr ,etornry',
<br />if rhr paKrr of .air is iu+akrd, f raster ehuli msnnl a online of drtauli in oath county in •~hirn tl\€ t'raprris nr +onre
<br />purr thrrr\d is kra uteri curt shell malt ropers of sorb tootle-e in Ihr manner pre+a rihrd hu applic:?bla~ ta» F.r Uurniner unr.3 to the
<br />nt 4frr p-rs+urs prr+rritstd ht aptdicahls la». !feet the 4apxr at such t#mr as neat' hr rryuirrEl tr} upp4iruMc )uw, Iru+trr .huts
<br />- ` Fc,{sr~ rr. t3 pr^ - - - - -- pry. r.`a*s b. apirtta~. € 1 ru : rhhac:e =r,,:s;,d =.
<br />a•a:*t er, s;:nD ~Ei Ehi t'rrrpetts aE p~tzth• uurrieen 7a leer hlglrra ir{d»er at tEz: tfrsrs neat place erect undr:r for tste;is rdr±i„!eareet
<br />in;he nrNicr rr( s9tr he r:ns or nsorr parcels cad in such order as teenier neat dserrntlnv. teaser. nuc pr»tpette tale ..T ail
<br />at am ParrH a! the Praprrtr fry psetrtic anntrunrernenl aE the timr and plum ni an} prrsiausi) •, ncdulyd .air. f rndrt .,r
<br />t.rsuter's ~ngr roar purelrasr Ili: trraprrrt at ant +ak.
<br />£)~n rraripi ~f pat aural at fhi• pr~r bid, 1~rustrr shal# drflser hr ihr purchusrr I raster's tkrsf rc.n+esheg of:r F`raprrfa
<br />vrhi. "t M; rrrtfai. in the 7~rastrr', deed stroll br prima (ac it rcidenrr of the trmh nl the etalemrnts marts thrn•in. i raster
<br />stall utrpll Ihr prarrrds tit rhr sate in the Falto»i eerier. {al,.,hr all reeesonxh4e rant. mui espensrs of rhr +alr, inr nrrtirrR ban
<br />not Umi[rd ta. t rastre i frt. aI nut ewer there ~.; Q ~ of the grrr+s sale trrirc, rrasrurubfe utionn•e'+ tray ;un1 ar,siv ..f
<br />tit)r rv)drnrr; Eh! to elf sums sr'a-uteri by this !)red of Inui:~and Er) rhr cccesK, if on>, ar rhr prrwn nr peones IrMa44s vn)itte:i
<br />thrrrtn-
<br />f4. DtNraw kY~y High! Fu Hegcsfatn. ^:c+:u Anstandmg Lends r-+ cetrrahrm !lac ~..., rd Ns rh„ [).tai • . t'~ .,
<br />Boi ts,v.cr ,}tali bans rhr rsl;h€ t„ lea+c any t+:.<rrdu,gs bgun hs atarna+,ar n• sn6,r.r n=r,+Ihc~d r, Ir + .~ .~! ~ .•,
<br />any p,ra: peter rt, tire. tarirei to :;k.asr a,f 4ir the titth elan hcle.r:: tn: ,etc at the Prrpens ;+ r„ a:,i r,, rent p„'a c: r,r ,~ _ .• , -,-r
<br />s: il:,: t)erd,rt ! ruxt „: ~,:r entry ar - J,tu.:nt r.::h±r, ueg due 13;pt-d r•t Test d r.u B.,n r,*cr p:,+, I r ... r , .. ..
<br />n: th:^~r atere . ua}er :lien t3reu ,.,f trrt:zt. t::i Mute and e t _ :als (a 3d-.a , it h.,,i •, •'ril
<br />pnf Ua=r r;:~r; ..... ter.,;<k~': ,. .*rhr: r^ruxare e fl-__ ..-_. s;l• J. ~; i":- + ,~! r ~.
<br />~:s 3!_tr_ :, -_ u,tr<.E.4. ~ ,r~ _. _ d Y+ i e .Ecr ,. + t _. !s'c rn e--:.~•:. c~,k :1 ., ~:~.,r:t. .,r.v ....... ..:.. .:
<br />Hurrn«a :.t.x-tat v, !h:+ lkc! =,t t!sr+[ -nd en e.rr-rung i coda, e>d 7r,r,r -,:_lr,-. p .• . _, { ax;r~.f r:
<br />f'q=l.it: 1. „ , t\ S1.ae , 1 ter !S tla'L ([ •., trawl t Etr t2Ct + •ri ,. r. ,i r ~ r (.i.r", .r 4'<~' .~ „ .. -
<br />