The Northeast darter of the Northwest Quarter (N~~iviVt4) Section Fifteen (15},
<br />Tovmship Ten (l0) North, Range Ten (10), West of the 6th P.M., Hall County,
<br />Nebrasia.
<br />[ale` - s.1eh n-1 riahis, trteeesis, can > <: rts, h~red;e:mznis s ., appartrrranczs ehzr~ nra F zian~n4, ehz rents, issues, and
<br />orc++itrrherecrf artd rcvenr~ea end inscrme rherelrn_m, all irnprcrveni.rntx and rcrs.?nal ntt?aerty nou, .?r later attache[! ihereta ar
<br />rea:anabiy -rcr,ari~ to the u.e thereol. ,ncludin{:, but nut limin•d t r~4ea. r trrvcratcus.:-lothe3 r+^aslrers, clothes dryers,
<br />¢x ::.sxperia~, purchased .x financed in ,whale r r in part s_nrh loan tusrtls, all •.varav, aamr si,,,hrs, acs.? wat_r >, ^,k ~{~rtaietieg
<br />F f...__. __ _
<br />ai »n, {>srt thercct or +atcrra:'i o3 w6iclt arc Goren called "'!+c• •,rager~v":
<br />trc}hRL:ti't.Gt t•.r `!` rr's ,zt-. F„ c -tt.- .. ,Amtm,t ra, , t<<„.. ,u.i ,..t err ~, nt~t+,. I~t1 F.
<br />ti7 ~~~ paw prornp~rly wfran due anv~+ndeSntedncss to the t:,wrrnrncru nrrcisv :ru [[reel and to urticmrdfv anti sxva harm
<br />leas am (iovcrrrnonr aKamat anv !+~aa under tts tnsrtrance ~d pavmen[ ,d the Wane i,v reason of any .!.-taint :+v (3arruwer.
<br />1t a'ti amen when tltc Date is held br sn rasa: rd lu>ider. Burn,tsvmr +Im11 narrnec r , ,-r.rne p v utut.e on tae note to ehr t~avcrn
<br />neent. as eollstior a~;crt !ar the holder. ~ •.
<br />2? Ta oar to tns Gaverenarnt such ices and other . is ar~_> ae ma. .,.std ..e her rar[cr he res~trrti hr rzgula u,rn., of dte
<br />I'armcxs !{Dear Rdrunistra UOii.
<br />!31 II rcy uucd bs the tarvcrumrn[, , maAe .addamnni n:o.,tFtly nor um me ~„ I'1 S „i the esntmnrd .auntal rases,
<br />assessments, msura.ace nuns .,nd other .hu: ye+ „pau rhr ,, ut tiaeal Pte xnrne,
<br />A) 44'hethce is ne= [her tea€r is !!.~_. cct by rhr ! ~oaru: r::eut, the <ove:rutae:u may a. _ny- rune psy any Heber anwu::rs
<br />!e~uireti itctein to ~Lz p~e.1 in Rort e=w e, 1t~d , patd hq Y,.un~wat ,rnc;c ..t.. +, 3 ~ ..,t-, ..nd gaper-rs t.,, the ore
<br />nervation, pr+nrctiar., e entancn - thtsti,, .Js-,.nse, tut ,hs ,.u4„unr . [ t,i;crr„wee.:\ti +uth d vt-u:<+ 1 -,il he.u
<br />=r err .,
<br />:nacre=t a ttec^ rat, t,., .,_ i, ~. tt;e .............. t. '.,u, rl,;: i::;,l:e,. ;:;..:~.::.,...
<br />[Ki All advan<rn by rhr [,hurt uarc~nt as dcscrilxd to th;,a ntntru+nznt. a^rdt ,;,ten-,t, ,631[ be: tnunu<fratslY due a;ttl 1?evsbfe
<br />by Elarrower ro the Gavcrunuvt[ wttituut drmuud ,t the Itia,e dcstgn.,tcd to the L.mst n.,tv ..u,.1 shall hr ncwrcd hctcLv, tvu
<br />ac^ advarcr. h. r -ter near^t:t -,iaaa'. :: itr^et . 3: c<:w.r t.t,;+; i,:, a..^ ....s. ,..:y.r:: ,.... ,. t.~ i,.x, .,...e .,.it~a :.~., v,.; i,
<br />ntFtesE. ~,a ,epard . ,.. , +. ,,< ,,, ,> ,., r, n, R, rte, w earl rwtu, „ M-, nt ,,,ric hx
<br />Sea rower teen} b. appiice! , t. .ls_ ., .:c -. _;.s d., r:Jnc„ t.,..kec G. t., n_.- :. ,., .n,d hu.1 ¢ nt . ,der t,u t,.- - ,,.a,,.ru
<br />tj Ctc'CCtel Crr4.
<br />
<br />
<br />