~ -
<br />USrr?A-FmIIA Position s
<br />Form FtnHA 427-1 (VB
<br />TH[S MORTGAGE is made and enteied into bp -....K0TII1~$h-i_:S~h~~,_,'1-~5~ $-~jx~-~,-_-~~jg,~,l;~
<br />residipg -in _..._..--__.__.._~.1..__.._...__---.-.-_---.-----.--°--..--._._ Cotmty, Nebraska, whose post office address is
<br />..~QLtY.~>.'iL1a-.~DX.g,Q~..~.C~d-..-.._-_-__-_.._.._.-.-__-_-___________._____.________-_.__.____.__._-_._-... Nebraska __..._.(1$$10,
<br />herein~cailed-"Borrower," and: -
<br />WHEREAS Borrower is indebted to the United States of America, acting through the Farmers Home Administration,
<br />United States Deputment nF Agcicniture,-heron called the "Cocernmenc;' as evidenced by one or more pmmiasory'noteSs}
<br />or zssumpxion agetmentjs), hetein called "Hate." which has been esecss[ed by Borrower, is parable to the order of the
<br />Government, authorizes acceleration of the entire indebtedness at 1te option of tlTe Government nROn any defaule by
<br />BtlROWCF, and 15 descnbed as E6I14WS:
<br />:9 nnual Rrue Due Date of Final
<br />Date of Instrument I}ixcipal Amount o) Interest Insralintent
<br />3uly 3, 1984 $14~,2flfl.f1© 115 January 1, 2D1I
<br />(IE the interest rue is Vess [}JZn ".~ 4x farm ownership or opcraung lOalt. S! .ruurd by this instrument. then the
<br />rate may be chany-,ed zs pravis6eii ire the Hate.;
<br />And the note rvidcnces a loan rr €3orrowcr. and chc tk?vc:nmer.t, at anv tour, may ,JSU}m the note anti insure the pay
<br />Sn~nt .(,eye( I-u_*iua~t ~ t!as C;_„~yc_St~i Fa:r., txr# ka t ?;zp _._ _s,__. - F L 4' _,! r,r N_ +ttt a= .. 1Q~4 r. r -J.+r'
<br />uthet stiitiJtt adminisceted t v tie€~ Farmers }t:,rHt e1e}ttJTniatra tr.ett.
<br />And it i§ Ihr ptirltnbe Jot{ IFFYCnt Jt [ti 13 tit YttnnlCat that, .niivltJi( <,tt: <^r ±t!;nks, ai :ili tt;Sit'v wt;eri lift nufC 5 he(C1 ITT' :hu'
<br />fv{tYeil4tSTe Ht, rsr !H the tYrHt F?tY t_ YCt =t11f`[ii ".~S- ll. ai of;1., .!asL Tl 'A-i[b.,rte r.,.rt.~!' r C {) !ti !i!4[r•f Y?irf,F
<br />z12isE . -.ur= -urn=ne , 1 T. _ ! h •: •k ,: E E i s< „ i f „~ - , t _,atl _>., ..,,.
<br />of tlTC note ~r attai,tJ 'v .h_ ua. [ e ..,eH:.r_ ..foe ae. L:.t ai i .. a-, , ,n,- > ~ Sat -.al: ' _n . ..r... !,.es 'a.,
<br />ellld tl1LS lStitrLLJRtn[ :iISV ;eC'ufe5 the frt.iptiltt etS Jn4' if![Cri'?t ;.. r.:5, r=~ ..,.. s.Y t~.f :(f. !f.a. -~t ,, tF:ECrt '. ~'. fl: e' 15irr Yr:fVrr t:'.:
<br />a
<br />tits bra-tis;7'--NSx ~=#?-:~.3_e 2rT -_ _-~-- yI.',-`~~;a_
<br />the event the t.:overnmenr s;xouSd asTr,n .nls err, ..tncnt wttn~tt:!-!!, ,.r r!.a. h, r.. ~'n:cnt ,~ .r r,. .,..:r ,ref c•:
<br />paynCetlt rJt ti:C t1ntC :end illy re1:CW alz artd C tcflSS:ItIx tit C?r,et -, rei .!!1•: ~ - !..rnt~ .r~!tlatncal t(!t'!tn!. !! u.t l(Ir t .v.s,..fr
<br />tat the paj'mcnt of z e tnsutauee rl natl:rr ehJrta'. ,'~ at z31 Surse, s't!rn ~~ ,._ hrul b; .. r! m _- ,.., ,(,h~r, tr. ,. a~rr },et
<br />J r ,. nrr r~ - ~-
<br />tonnaHZ ud t~S1trOK•eT3 akT'CCftTCtfl iltrtm f<) lC+i'lcm aiEy anU 3aty' ii.ttJn iCtn t.!c{l~•-rva:; x!tTtc nt anJ:t!Sf r•.v- ~: ,rx! ,cs .1. [a(t~ti
<br />contract hy- mason u! zny :fe(~auSt ias ilarrt3+YCr. anal r„ Sn a rurut and z. a~i; xames t cur tkre p•a.-mpt .vreat o. sit
<br />at3Yai1itt4 attit e4}-na:tteJ[E3 SaavY =+} t..f ~, =a~ -. *§:S:s t.....__ -v f ..-_.. t. . (+[_ .... - .ear;'
<br />corcxtan[ and aKreeutcnt of 33arm: fYrr atutauir,i •hcrein , c t anc ei pk iocntan~ a.;;re uu•; t. t, ,.vc t!em'trv ;,rant,
<br />bartzzhi, sell, cenory utd atsl~:u, wuix ~;eacra; ~.v-rantY. :arft~: ti,: t;,:~-a~ns-:f; rh_ L,i~s~tllE pt~(:r:t~ fuf:atai u': dte Stacc ~a
<br />NebraSSra, ia:uutyrJezj o} . _...___... _i~_......_ __ ..__
<br />~Y li'~3 ~, =iii t3E ".}i4 na""w'h`:~L y~~ -~ i.s°*it«:~a, a-•c~L'_, ,.cVeiiL2~i1 (E''i, i~."Y,~.aiii}; i`'c'ii
<br />(lfl) 'i~trt}t, ~+ange Ten {10), i4ast ot~t2ie 6th i'.~i„ iialltti:c~wtty, :~:eUrasiut,
<br />'I?t~t ~rtheasf t~:~rt~r ai t~i~ .€-tht~at ~'~~~rt**~r ; ~.~ rI~1, €~t`.it~r ,,,:t'rt2~ (?0;, ~cT;~j-
<br />shk;~ 'fen (il) ~tTrt}t, f:an~e I`en [Iit;, Erc~;t r3i t:u ~ttt [~.~! hall I~vtutty, tcisr`as!ct,
<br />'tixe Sat-it.~r Ifsl~ c~~" Lh~ ~artnnv>~st 4:rttrtz°ter ~SE~~ti`~,T, `,action 4itt~t~n (t5}: "iawz-~4hifT "IS~n
<br />~lfl~ .~ix-th, iianRt3 Ttrt (TO), k'~t tf the 6t1~ i'.:~;., halt C'ousatt^, ~tbras;~rt, ylt1.
<br />t'mHA :~-' t NB t. as' 4 t9B
<br />~ 4 t
<br />~..,.. ~ i
<br />