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r J <br />~ :.~~;;; <br />(bj To use the leer. evidenced by the note solely for purposes authorized by the Government. <br />(~) To pay when due all 'axes, liens, judgmenu, encumbrances, and assessments lawfully attaching co oz assessed <br />against the property, including all charges and assessments in cannectian with wateq water rights, and water stock - -_ <br />pertaining to or reasonably necessary to the use of the real property described about, and all razes and assessments levied _ - <br />vpon this martgagt or the note or any indebtedness hereby secured oe against any tegal holder hereof or of the note-or o£ - - <br />said indebtedness under the laws of Nebraska, and promptly deliver to the Government without demand receipts evidencing <br />such paymenu. - _ -~~_ <br />~8) To keep the property insured as :equfred by and undei insurance policies approved by the Government and, at its <br />request, to deliver such policies to the Government. - <br />9j To maimain hnprovemtnes in good repair and make repairs required by the Government; operate the property in a <br />goo and husbandmanlike manner comply with such farm conservation prattlers and farm and home management pIatu as. - - <br />the Government front :imt to time may prescribe: and not to abandon the property, or cause or permit waste, lessening of - - <br />impairrnent oft ~ thane the evriuen consent of the Government, cut ramor, or leasaany - <br />timber, gravel, o' g ~ ~X ~t as may bC necessary for ardinar}• domesric purposes. <br />~~ ~ <br />! IO) To cot lv ti2~ ami.,regulations affecting the property. - <br />~] 1} To pay or eetm arse t e ,avernnicnt ~1•or expenses reasonably necessary or incidental to the prouttion of the lien - - - <br />and priority heteef and to tilt tnfarccment oY or the compliance with fire previsions lareaf amt o: the voce and any supple- - - <br />mentary- agreement (.whether before or after default?, including but not limited to costs aE evidence of rifle to and sutvev of <br />the property, costs of recording this :utd other ins*_rrments, attorneys' lees, trustees' fors, court costs; and expenses of <br />advcrtisittg, selling, and conveying the property. <br />(22) Neither the propem nor any portion therm{ ar interest therein shall be teased, assigned, sold. transferred, or - <br />eneumbered, voluntarily or otherwise, without the written consent of the Gavtrmncat. The Government shall have the sole <br />ann. extrusive rights as mortgagee '•r.revnsCr, including but oat limited to *.he power tc grant censenrs, partial releases, -_ _ <br />subordinations, and >atisfaction, and na insured holder shall 6avc ant ri;;ht, title or nacres; in or to the lien or any benefits <br />IretCa{. <br />t 131 At ail reasonable times the G:rvtrnment and its aGenu ma4 msptct the proprrty ro ascertain whether flea covenants <br />and agretm cots Contained itetein yr :n ant' sn9nletnenT:trv azcement are hctrt2 p.fl arnte,t. <br />tlh} The Gaverrmenr m:+v ai r•+:tend krr deter the macunrv renew and reschcduie tot payments an„ the debt <br />+xideneed by d,c note '. +nv mdebtedaess + the C..,re rnment .c... w is .srrument. 6; release :u{y party who is <br />liable under the ca.e +r for tkc .iebt !, ..abi!it_ die (:avernmenr ~ of ssc c eraovs a.t the prapem- and subordinate <br />n:a <br />its lie, n, and : d-~ warvetanv other a ,:; rrJt is ender ,i;s :ustnrmer.r :?;, •. ,¢ke..,ll :4;ts c.n and :veil b? done n-ichaut affecting <br />the hCr. „ the tx-:ono +i -- r .. - .~._. cnc , r ('.;.rr - ..., ,cr uabdit .u- Gn.-errtncnt f ;acment of the <br />note or debt secu:fd be *hu tnsrrtrmer.r '..n less -F [ .ernsn. ~tl - t: ,nq. fit Y64'f"ti E'R, .+av ,i,arbearante by <br />the l,ovcvnment-whuher o.. c ..+ ~~aer:-.n : ;ctsr:~ gin. q;ia c., ..n.r.iv ~~ ..u.. r..menr. ~ r :ahcncttt• a:forded 6y <br />applicable law, ;heel not be a .,. r of a,r prrctude thf rse¢tse nt .:n, ..,ch r; he .:. rrmedr <br />;1~~. li ,t env same : sha{isapp:-at r rhf c,,,ar. -., , ,- ~ n.u ~. rr aitlc :+. ~btau: , ,.,, tram a prado.cuotr <br />r n ~•ntvu r,t - :rc '- ut <br />credit associafian, a Federal lane bane. ~ a :,then responsible e ~ rarivv .> .vatc Credit s rase. at se;tscukvble rates .rod terms <br />tar lo:ms Fe,~ s:mdar p a.t .er ~.ds :,i rune IiO,'[00. ill. •<per. ~ .,.,_, t~..equc sr, ,eppl: n,r .nd xcept such <br />loan m suitinen. ,.mr.vr V t , i.a ~•he yore ..a.: ~.; ndcbt ec k...a . . r., . .-.o - ~ . .:. .. r.... .. r.ur. t~c <br />r c <br />>2Cn'?ft i::5..rnme e3d ~ ezr. ?4 t (.. _.-c. ., ..-.....• . ~ ..., ,a. :. r. ,,.r ,,. .t. ..+~i, ri... a..} ...t.. <br />either ne aunty nutrurrc nt sl+>il,c tutu ace .ie r,e it i, <br />t <br />}.` Cxtti;'1_:. T?t_F~t _ . _, .,. -_~..,-ri.t ~ - _ -'- _ '__. - ~,, '~,.,_ :.::. <br />name! ;;r Eicau :er :.v ;".c=,...c~; a :-.,..... .- , ~..,: r. . _ ~.: _r:, . ~::,, r .:: .. ._,., <br />_ ,F _ „L r_4 _ _ <br />to rh, c vc r.trnem tx rcu: c..:rl t : :a m..,<-, k . ..+ _. - -.., t.: , ~ t ti, nk -.i. : r . ,er-. <br />_ f fs-~ €~t ._ 4 .r -,ems -- - i. .. u rakr ,. ... .,,+. r „ .t,i I ~ ..., <br />~~+. <br />4ltVd UEt ItSSY i.f tit+;• t31at14111ant .'tt ik.,ut -.,,,r .4 a+ ,... lt-1.1;...~ ~ -.:il "i e.t ..i•., .::. ~.i ~..~.. +le - skr <br />.ppmnecd ! r the frt=pct ty. '-v+d.: _ r [ --,. :vf+, .: _x. ....:. . r6,. .. -.,, ,. _, i- ~o,~E r~ ..:, <br />.or by iuw, and 'r.- l ni<sn f .+u, .+mi T., , t' :i;l+ta .:,~ ,.::tan - f - ~nL•,f r . ..: ; :.a,~;r , __ ..,w <br />fF4) -i'he l+n>recds ~.t axe+,h::n. ,ale ,hall :,r , p;,ia•ai :. ,. n4;o.v:an: ~.nict :., :_r :~.~.:_~,i~. ,,,:,i ~ ,pr,.., <br />ulddttx to eni r'tr,}t c t;.', raK w~n Y: r'.te i wt~k - .: .. : = e.. "i .n .. •i,v _ , ,.n:pc trot : - t r: <br />be su Patel, ', c} the debt cry: inrvced by tit ~ :.ore .aid .,,a ~ t3aL teainx si .., t. ., a +:_-,. e. u,. t,l r a,a,,, n, c , . +,t r., <br />of ;rc!ud requu'cd by law , .rsnpctcnt . ,.:.r .~, ~. .+ „i,', r ,.. rhr i..+leru:, .n, . ., ~. .;. : ,~,ar:atrsu.~s, ,:: <br />FSortvwer nxdnY to of :acute:; t~: ~•ne < rt +.. , +tan. ~ - :--"._: ~ ~. , ., .. ...r!I ~, :. <br />p?R o1 the urapert}•, the : wren t - t = -gent x t t t r t t, a tat t v c,t : m t are <br />of rlYt pue: f.x~ prr4e ~•} v__ +.tcg :,:-. as.~art r...rp _o , h,:._ .r -» k.a . v a ,,.~ . u-,.. ,,: - . . <br />„t,lr•r p,~ ri4',c,l ab,~ve. <br />,10} klor+.uwer .p~rrz th.,t ti+e c::,.a nurcut wttl nut :r :.>>,an+l c=y i, -. _,~+_ ,:,,tc :a.v. ~ ~rdmh t : <br />val+extilin, appfu>.el, hmtat>tcsd . c: n+ia:r~n ,~, ...c im+p+;+ts, b: p+a:luluunµ u:.« ..... ........ ....a, r,.::, 1:,: aelsctcn.y <br />7:Stii~QniCi3: LtF Ii: i.. i,=c, ni;...;< ,lE.e .! .._ ...c ;{n. .... e...3 ~.,.... .~ ... ,. ,., .•ti: <br />sz-_.€~t_.,# eLnii t + sl+~au _:i :: t, +ro .r ra.a3 +ptt-,r, ; .,. r r-l. : ,ny, ,~„ <br />ccata€itias wlt n.Ir the {,s-r .+., .t. y ._~,+_:ats..u> iir,p» .=,n.,y ..<+<, xe_ .~ :. <J .. ;ut, ~ : <br />apptovtn~ a fret+siet .as to r.3psrty •:.. .~w~ tiorrc.-wcr ! . a, : sF ,ta>-v . ,~1.. hr ..-n<t,• „ : -;tas,° !a.r, <br />}}a{r(twet 1lftcby .elk?:.y:l.<,It .. <. <lat., -.k.. „ t4Y tai !tit .. ..._1' x„ .. -,>t,.. .la.a4.l _.a !, a.:.} ~i+e_..t. <br /> <br />