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_ # <br />~:.~-~4~.r.r <br />distance of 543.5-Feet; thence-East orr-a tine parallel to the North-side of said. <br />South Half of the Ne,rthsaest Quarter {S ~tdW4} a distance of 4g5 Feet; thence North <br />on a line parallel to the East line of-said public road located on thee--West side <br />of Section Twenty-three ([3} a distance of 543<5 Feet to;-the-North boundary line <br />of-said South-Half of the Northwest Quarter {S~1G4};- thence lest a distance or <br />495 Feet to-the point af-beginning, captaining 7.31- acres, a little more or less. <br />together with a!1 igitts, interests, eaxmcnts, heredicamtnts and appurteranccs ihezcunto brlcngutg, thr teats, issues, and <br />pro€sts thereof and revenurs and }regime therefrom, a1? improvements and persam} property now or Inter attached thereto or <br />reasonable ncetssarv to the use thereof, including, but not limiced to, raze is, refrigcratcrs, clotVtes washers. clothts drycn, <br />of CatpttLt[~ pure ftasad er !~aanc<.i in whnis •i• n cart :F~:h iu;;da. ;>~ k-ase:. •~at.r riF?;ts. aad ::aezr stark pp~~m;niag <br />thereto. aaa all payments at aay time owing to aorz3wtz bt virtue of anv save, teasr,, transfer. coozvevanee, or caaticmnari~a <br />of aay part thereat or ia[trctt thcrein~aii at witicit arc }rerrin called "the t~rropert Y'": <br />Tt) HAVE A.NI`i TO f-}QL,[) tltc proprrit untn the f;.~verryment and i;s assi-ens forever in fee aim, Ir. <br />B()RRgW ER for Sunnwer's salt. 8onawtr's heirs. cvrcut.:~a, ..,f+a~~n~strat~.~r+.. su~tt,sv.s and aear~ua IUARR:INT$ THE <br />TITL-!_ u> the• csrr:s t-s t'.r ,z{~E=: r -t -~ .. , _! _ ..rr,} dcrrard- .,--n,~ts,~~-sE r. c>'pe any 1iYr:, =rrcutttbran<es, <br />ea ..cries, rrSrr}'ari6rtx, Or 4:)n-'CS ant.-. #_ - •i l'~i- - d.e t,ec 11Q (-[)'f ~.w Axl it ,1~4t. AC.ttFES i< #r,St.,a.. <br />scm+ Ta pay pt,tnpr.'_y -alien fav rndebt;r.rncss t;; =,ht f;overnmrnt :ctrl;y srcurrd and to indettmity and save harr+t- <br />Its 6 _ C ~.~x 9 rie ` . }` - ~- - - - _w~iae_ e, it Ey ai...p.~..~. <br />At ll norms when dt- note is he}ri by an itssured hinder- Ciir ~ ~sr slta}1 c- c _ _ ~ s>3s..:+avrm' _ z. _h_ na~te to the 5 ovrm- <br />meit. xs ttilleeti~n ~ cnt for the ?:older. r . - - - - <br />k2) 7'u pay to the <;overnment such (tes and other 4hxrpts .,n +na?~ n.,.v „r ltcrrafto h._ rryurrr:l by rrgulntioru uE the <br />Fsrtaera Honte Administration. - <br />(3) If reyuized by the Govrrmrttnt, to make additiuna! n+ont}dy pay nsen45 .~f 1112 „l the estin+a[td an nuai tats, <br />awcssmenks, insurance premiums and other chuFrs upon thr rnu: tgaKed premixes. <br />k'1) Wheehtr ar pat the noee is iasnred 6v thr Gos<~rnntrnt, thr {:overnnttne tna}• a. ,+ny time pay any other anxnutts <br />rr~u;red herein eo be paid vs &,rrn,wrr and uo[ paid by harrower :vhcu .}uc, as well +s .iuy .ants nr:d ex,pmtsrs &rr the pra- <br />servatian, protection, ~ rn~orerment of tftts Iron, as advances f'ar ehc aEwunr of tioetuwrr. Alt sut.6 advances .ha}n bear <br />in€crest at the ratz harm L*y ehr nutr which has the ht};ha5t intrres: rate. <br />- ; (5). AU.advancec by the C; aver rtnrnt as dtseribed iu this instrument, u~at}t interczt, shaif he irnrne<itately due and payabVe <br />6y $ortowsr io the Gnvtrnment without drrnand at [hr place desit;aatcd in tier Letest pate and shall be secured hetebv. do <br />such advance by the Gctvtrntnent a'.sa11 tell: vc Elonnwer fru~n hreaxh f+f ti.rtraw. is c,~ve,.: at to pay crh, wtth <br />itxtt¢sr, sha}1 ba erpaid from the first avaiiablr a,ileceioas n~u•n~rd tio:n B.n~r~wtt. Ptirerwi,t, any pavweni made by <br />Lkrtrctwer mag be applied ou the note nr .uey mdnbtrdurs t„ the Gueanunant ,u+urcd hen:bs u+ ens ,.der the t~ovctumcni <br />dekcnnints. <br />a <br /> <br />