~Q-- ;°
<br />ibj To use the loan evidenced by the note solely fo: purposes authatized bg the Gouernment.
<br />(7) To pay when due all taxes, liens, judgments, encumbrances, and assessments lawfully attaching to ar messed
<br />against tlic property, inchrding all charges and assessments in connactiotr with water, water: rights, and water stock
<br />p¢rtaining to or reasonably necessary to the use of the real proptrty descri'aed above, and all taxis and assessments levied
<br />upon. this mor[gagt or the note or anytndeiitedness herebyy secured ar against any legal ho3der?rercof or of the note or:of
<br />said indebtedness under the laws of Nebraska, and gramptly deliver to the Government without demand receipts_evidcnci'r+v
<br />such payments.
<br />(8) Ta keep t[ie praptxty insured as requred by and under insurance politics approved by the Govtrrimenr-arsd~-elite
<br />request, to deliver such policies to the Government. - -
<br />t9) To maintain irnptovements in good repair zrd makt rtpairs required by the Government; ogtrate thsproperty iaa
<br />gno[~ and husbandmanlike manntr: campiy with such fazm constrvation practices and farm and-home managcmeirt-plans as
<br />the Gwemmtatf¢ora,t}gyg Eo~time_m~ay rescribt; and not to abandon the property, or cauxe of ptrmitx~asie; iesstningcrc_
<br />itrrpairrtrent o t.,rSeedtlilC cavare without the written consent o't the Government, cut rtmove, or least a»}%-
<br />timber, gravel it }~,hgal''bMrintiep¢4s't~i cept zs may be necessary far ordinary domestic purposes. - -
<br />(i0) To -`sle.aI1 L't~'s; ordinances; d regvlacions afftcring the property. -
<br />(I]) To pay or reimburse thz Gavecnenent for ezpenscs reasonably necessary or incidental to the prritectioa:of the lien
<br />and ptiarizy hereof aad to the enforcement of or the compiiancc with the provisions hereof anti of the Wort and-airy suppk-
<br />mentary agreement (whether before or after default), including but not limittd-to costs of evidence of title to and svstrey of
<br />die progeny, costs of recording tale and other instruments, artarneys' fees, trustees' fete, court tom, and expenses o[
<br />`advertising, sealing, aad.conveying cat progeny.
<br />(12j Ncithcr [he property nor any portion thereof or interest therein shat 6e leased, assigned, sold,.ttattsferred, or
<br />encumbered, voluntarily ar otherwise, w7thout the written consent of the Gavernmen[. The Government shall have thrsole
<br />anu txclusive rights as mortgagee ?iereu n.icr, including irut ant limited to the power to grznt rnnsents, partial releases,
<br />subardinations, and satisfaction, and no insured holder shall have any right, title or intertst in ~:r to tht lien-or atiy benefits-
<br />hereof.
<br />(13) At ail n_asanabie tsmcs the Govcnmtni and its agents may ins~rcct tht proptrty to aseercain wltethet-the-covenants
<br />and agreements contained heron o: in any suppltmmentar :~ agreement are nerng ptrtornred,
<br />;14) The Government may zj tx:trd ar defer the maturity cf, anti rentx" and reschedule tke payments-on,.dic debt
<br />tvideneed by the note rn at,y indebtedness ; , the ~'r, -ernmen: <ecneer? 6v :; is irsrrument, (6' rclzase ar.} patty who is
<br />lidblC under tht note or for tf,c dtbt i"xom Iiabihrj t^ the. Grrvernmrnt. c' release pnrtinas of the proptrty and subordinate
<br />its lien, and (dj waive ary other of its rights under dris inztrumerr- an•~ and .dl this cart end will be done without affecting
<br />t}a lier, or the priority ai this insintment nr H+>m:wer's nr urv nthcr p.<r~g'. Gabiliiy eo the Govtrnment far payment of the
<br />note or debt secured 6v this inst^~mert unless t}re i:u.~eru^.rre ca _. -,. e in .e"citing. HQt4'EVEI;, arty forbearance by
<br />the Government-whcthz: once ar ofttn-ir. cxarcisnng a::v n~,ht =~c remrF~i+.. -;ndex tits rasenrnrcnt ar uthcrarise affardcd by
<br />applicaalt law, shall not be : wairer ai<- creciude t.,F .....: ise .,. a.=. ,..,. ~. - ..,r -..,,c.?+°
<br />tlSi if at atn~ tin, z it shall appeax'ta the G<nrnr:racnt ;'a,t L1aruwsr~tnay i,e able to obtain s ?azn from a produetian
<br />credit association, a Federal Land hark, ar oilier rrsc<:nsiL*i-_ ccoperattvr ::r ^,; ivat;: rrc iii source, at ress<>rable riles and ienns
<br />for loans for sunilar purposes and periods of recce, i3.-.-crow. r vvi. upor, ; ,_ ;;=,a•rrrt ; request, apply for and zccept such
<br />loan in sufficient amount to pay tht Hutt anti arty indebtednes> +e<u. r<i l,c:ces~ .~~ .~„ e.+v cur any stock necessary ro he
<br />purchased in a couperativt lending agency in cnnnecnon wish .;_ch 1^arr.
<br />(161 Deiauit hereunder shall Const ita to :trio uit under arty other real csr tr, <v +mder arty persona? property ur utirtr,
<br />security instrument held ur insured by the f:o rtnmenr .;s;d rccu~tr ~ ';z as.; »d by Sorruwer, and default under any such
<br />oilier security instrumtnt shall cons[itute default i:crruadrr.
<br />nargc ,_: a: v .
<br />`. k i SHpL2D DEFAULT %xarr in the pcromaatur ,~a ,clip-artun ;!. rit!s !n trumrnt •~r secured by riris
<br />instrument, or should the parties narsred as t3ottewrr die =+r ire ,:ec?erred .gin intnmpetrnt, ~~r ~Irould any eat of the t~urtic~
<br />namr-d as L4ereuwer be dcdatrd a bankrupt, or an ,n~uircr.t !_, uraFr eu :r>«mt•.n< 6;r cite bene!it o! crcdaura, rite Gurc ru~
<br />meat, at its option, with ur without natrce, inapt ia. - - - -.,nt unpai - -e the nave and .rny indebttdness
<br />Cu tltt Gaveennte nt ht ezhv Secured relic [eI<, 1-. rd~_ _,. _ _ _ ~ - `;.~. ~-t.~ _ ,av rra~,naetr
<br />expenses for repair or rn t t - .c. -t r,d rye p .e-s~o.s , t e .ae; - ..-. , i t.rty, !t,,r.:,i t ..:.turn uy it acrd
<br />agpornredator the~oroputvcwitlr th ual c sot re - hke d. t r L+sc rite n.-[- ,e^ - p uv.dcd ! rem
<br /><x by law, acid iel rttorce aay and all ati+er rtgh:s an.i r<nt e<iic> F.r e.i,ieJ htr<-in <xr ..v 7,r<-Se~~t <. iu!~}rr !.,w.
<br />{t8? "Cho proceeds elf Eartclasurc sale. stall be applied in th:. tollawirt; order tc :hr paY'mrnt .,t: ~:,, tests and aspcnses
<br />incidem [o enforcing ar conypp?vin}; wits: die provisiarrs hereof, iirj any prig: liens rryui;ed by law or a amnpvttnt wort to
<br />6e so paid, (cl the debt eyir3cnctd by tht nave and all nrdebtedrrcrs to the Guvtrnmoat sra,rd Preraby, id; iu#arior liens
<br />of rteord required by hew err a competent cautt [u be so paid, ~e; at the Guvetumeo is ept!an" .ore other mdr. bcedness of
<br />Hoxrawtr owing to nr insured by tae Gavernntttet, and ti; env balance to p+arruwer- At tere<lusare ...r ,nhrr s.dc ui all ar env
<br />pxrt of the property, zht Government and its agents may bid and purchase as a stranger ant! may guy the t4ovenunent'ssharc
<br />of the pur-base pru:e by cre.:ititrg such amount on aay debts ui Rorrcwrt owing tc! or ir!su re<i icy thr C: uvernmeut, irr tLc
<br />order-prescribed above.
<br />(I9} &ocrowat agues that z6x Govtrnment w"tL1 not be bound by mty present or future Staee la+v, la, peuvidiny for
<br />valuation, appraisal, homestead or exemption oC the property, {h) prohibiting maurtetrance <~i au ectiun Cur ., deficiency
<br />judgment or limiting tits amount tireteai ur the tirue within which such aaiun must 'ire brought, ct ({-`rtscrfbmg any other
<br />staPtta of tun ita[ions, (d) allowing any cigar of tedtmptian or pussassion follawurg cup imeciusurc sale, ur ;rl limiting rbr
<br />conditions wldclr [}te Government rn ay by regsdatian unpose. inchrding dry rnterrst rate it may ,;barge, .m a c,onditipn et
<br />approving a transfer of tF.e proptrty *.r a r.cw iiaerower. [3turuwtr etprrss!y watw.: tiro .>c ncrit i,[ any ..!,.h titate Lrrvs.
<br />Horzower btreby relinquishes, wan, e.,, and cc nveys cif ughta, vschoate ,n <cn!auunn.,te, ,=f descent dower. and curttsy.
<br />7~
<br />
<br />